a TORE YOUR FURS | PHONE 603 Our Fur Van will call. JOHN McKAY, Limited THE FUR HOUSE 4 140-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. darker Duofol Complete assortment. PENS and PENCILS See our displays. STORE LIMITED EVERY MOTHER'S SON AND DAUGHTER 'Don't Forget May 9 is Mother's Day | SHE'LL DELIGHT IN A BOX OF Mother's Day | Candy | Each cover is a permanent keepsake. Ready for mailing. $1.75 box The Rexall Store 'PHONE 519. KINGSTON OLEANERS | AND DYERS anything that ean be cleaned * 0. OOE & P. BARRETT 4 86 Are Strett, 'Phone 1226w Call and deliver. Shire Fish Saving BRING YOUR BASKET Granulated Sugar . . 10 1bs. 68¢. Island Rolls and Prints, 1b. 88¢.: Ji fl Finest Creamery, 1b. ....885c. ! ll Fancy, large Prunes. .8 lbs 20c. [i | Blue Rose Rice .... 8 lbs. 25¢c, |i 1 pound Magic Baking Powder | ll Pure Cocoa (Baker's) 2 Ibs 25¢ ll Fancy Cooking Figs. .8 lbs. 25¢, |i ll 5 1b. pail Table Syrup. ...80c. [| | Peko Blend Tea, 1b. ....62¢, | Salada, Black or Green, Ib. 78¢. | Laundry Soaps ....9 for 50c. | | 7 large Toilet Rolls .... 25¢. OUTSIDE MARKET FRUITS-- VEGETABLES {ing Dr. Craig with a | with a silver ll |in place of ll told of the value of Dr. Craig's work || PLAYERS CHARGED IN NAPANEE COURT | PICTON ] Picton, May '7.--Robert Heffer Los down from Oshawa for the re Bays s Had Game On funeral of the late Albert Conway. Street--Windshield of Auto Broken. An aftermath of a game of Rase- { ball played on the street in the vil- ll lage of Odessa, a week ago last Sat- { urday, was heard in court at Nap- | anee on Thursday, when four young | ball tossers, of Odessa, which by the way is noted for its baseball talent, were charged: with "unlawfully breaking a windshield," In an auto- mobile owned by Thomas Wood- cock, of Napanee, R.R. No. 1. A number of boys were playing ball on the street, when Mr. Woodcoc™ Grove his ear through the village, and it is alleged that the ball bounced against the windshield and smashed the glass. ' The hearing of the case created a great deal of Interest. It is stated that upwards of fifty or sixty resi- dents of Odessa went to Napanee for the trial, W. 8. Herrington, K.C.,, of Nap- anee, appeared on behalf of the ball players and U. M. Wilson, crown at- torney, conducted the prosecution. After hearing the evidence the ma- gistrate dismissed the case. VANCOUVER'S FAREWELL. il i To Dean Craig, Now Rector of St. George's, Kingston. (Canadian Churchman) The congregation of Christ Church, Vancouver, expressed its apprecia- tion of the work of Rev. W. W. Craig, D.D., and Mrs. Craig, at a farewell reception tendered them | Thursday evening, April 16th. Vari- ous organizations united in present- gold watch, suitably inseribed, and, Mrs. Craig coffee set. Sunday School teachers also presented a Bi- ble, in which they had inscribed their names. The Easter offering, of a very generous nature, was also presented to the rector. Archdeacon Heathcote, who spoke Archbishop dePencier, to the diocese. Rev. H. R. Trumpour ll | paid tribute to his teaching ability li { dered to the colleges and excellent service ren- at the meetings of the clericus. A letter was read from Principal Vance, who and to the was unable to be present. When you want that Hardwood Floor laid, enll up W. H. HUBBLE for a rea sonable price. Also all kinds of Car. penter and Jobing work, 21 PLUM ST. PHONE 1430-W, Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Campbell's Store News OUR HATS Are admired for their attrac. tive styles and excellent mater. $2.75 to 5 to $7. 50 (CAPS _ to your highest expec styles and value. 78s up Dr. A. P. Proctor, on behalf of the congregation, expressed sincere ap- preciation of the pulpit and pastoral work of Dr. Craig and referred to his high spiritual teachings. A social hour was spent, when all present were given an opportunity to meet Dr. and Mrs, Craig and mem- vs of their family, Dr. Craig lett the following Wed- nesday for iKngston, to assume the duties as rector of St. George's Ca- thedral and Dean of Ontario. { QUEEN'S ENDOWMENT | (Toronto Globe) Kingston has two great educa- tional institutions, the Royal Mili- tary College and Queen's University. The former is conducted by the Do- minfon Government, more especially for its one purpose of training men in military science. The latter is in- dependent, and for three generations it has taked a leading place in ad- vancing Canadian scholarship, in equipping zealous young men and women for work in education, the ministry, industry, and the various learned professions. Queen's his been fortunate in the calibre of its leaders, and to-day thousands of its graduates in many parts of the world remember their student days with gratitude and pride. Pressure of other burdens has made it necessary for the Ontario Government to advise the Trustees of Queen's to maké an independent appeal for an endowment fund. The university, as Principal R. Bruce Taylor says, has "existed and flour- ished by practicing the high disel- pline of doing without things." The time has come, however, when economy becomes a fault rather than a virtue, for in five years seventeen teachers above the grade of lecturer have left to better their financial positions. The many friends of Roy Sykes lare pleased to see him able to be out again after his long confinement to the house through illness. C. J. Clapp has sold his boot and || shoe business to George A. Macken- sie, of Alliston, and has bought a home in 'Toronto, where he will re- move with his family. Miss Blla Owens has returned to her home in Picton after spending the winter months 'in Toronto. Miss Ruth Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ArthureT. Wright, dt |[f Prince | I Edward County Hospital last week. ||} Demorestville, a student at Her many friends will be pleased to know that she is making a good re- || covery. Mr and Mrs. W. A. Wright and family 'motored to Brighton on Sun- day last, where they were guests of Mrs. Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs. |} W. W. Porte. Among those who graduated from Queen's University on Wednesday were John Robert Fee, son of Rev. and Mrs. W, M. Fee of St. Andrew's manse; sy; Miss Marjorie Purtelle, Bloom- field; odist parsonage here, and Miss Mary Rowland, whose mother was former | | 1¥ Miss Mamie North, Picton. Miss Marion Knight went down to || Kingston for convocation at Queen's, where she is a student. Miss Lillias Barker is home from an extended visit at Toronto, Walker- ville, Cleveland and Lewistor, N.Y. Joseph Gerald Burley, Cres- || Miss Grace Wood, who was at |} one time a daughter of the Meth-! Prince Edward County friends who | | enjoy contributions from the pen of Mrs. 1dAlla Nease, Vancouver, B.C, will be pleased to learn that she is ||| anticipating a trip east to the Press Club convention in Toronto in June, and will visit old friends in the county, Tweddell's for best values in top | coats, $18 to $25. Indians of California made a musi- cal instrument out of a string df acorns, tuned according to size, and played by causing one acorn at a time to vibrate against the teeth, Try Tweddell's for men's and young men's suits, $18 to $35. "THE HAT STORE" New Hats '--For Men. --For Ladies. --For Children. Choose To-morrow HATS FOR LADIES A visit to our Milli- nery Department al- most every day would give you a view of new styles that you have not seen before, We keep adding mew lines right along -- many of them will be seen for the first time to- morrow. We are still featuring new Hats at $2.95, $5.00, $6.50 ee ED A ILY-BRITISH WHte-- ween NEAL EARGADS THE Normandy Voiles at ~. 59¢ yard A special purchase of the popular Normandy Voiles enables us- to present a real saving to you here. All the newest creations are . shown in Flame, Peach, Geranium, Rose, Pink, Powder Blue, Nile, Navy, Black, Paddy, Fawn and many others. Regularly 75¢. yard. Saturday's s Sale Price .. 59¢. yard White Flannelette 19¢ yd. A real nice, fleecy Flannelette; full 27 inches wide and regularly 25c. cloth--gives you extra value for Saturday, at only 19¢. yard Specials from the House Furnishing Department! re Presenting Big Values at This Busy Season. Bungalow Nets 39c Fine, Lace-edge Bungalow Nets, 36 inches wide, and a good buy at'59c. a yard. Our Price Saturday . . 39¢. yard Velour Curtains Floor Oilcloths Linoleums DRAPERIES MATS TAPESTRIES RUGS Silk Hangings WINDOW SHADES -- ALL SIZES. Floor Oilcloths | Turkish Towels 55c yd. . | 45c ea. 25 splendid designs give you a : hei wide choice in this best quality Fancy Border Jacquard Towels, Dominion Floor Oilcloth. In all | giving you a choice of Gold, Or- chid, Rose or Blue borders. Big. widths up to 24 yards, at ....... 0 ......55¢c8q.yd. | valueat ....uwiwn.. .45¢. each: \ 7 [ eo ° : cr." D. A. SHAW, Limited SUCCESSORS TO NEWMAN & SHAW. KINGSTON'S CARPET WAREHOUSE BUILDING A ROAD. To Cottages at Point Grace Near The i Outlet. Outlet, May 3.--The pike fishing season is ended; many were attract- ed to the lake here from the sur- rounding vicinity while it lasted. The remains of the late Miss Deir were interred in the family plot at St. Patrick's church, near here, this morning, having been removed from the Gananoque vault. A large aum- ber from this neighborhood attended | the funeral of the late Mr,