Daily British Whig (1850), 7 May 1926, p. 5

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EE vv $ ~ Friday, May 7, 1926, bss rs Mm CROSS-WORDPUZZLE A Severe Hiness Caused Constipation Mrs. Wm. Hill, Wapells, Sask. writes:---' Three years go I had a Yery severe lllnoss, and ever since I have suffered with eorstipation. | A few months ago a friend advised me to use NY OAR | | | | whieh I did, al not ny results, but I am pleased to say that since using them I have had rfect use of my bowels without aay rouble or a, and have never had bleeding piles since, Now, I never fail to recommend 'Laxa Liver Pills' to all my friends." Put up only by The T. Milburn €o., Limited, Toronto, Ont. DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 180 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by appointment. KINGSTON TRANSFER (0 158 WELLINGTON STREET Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip ment, Machinery, Safes, Planos, ete. | MONEY LOANED | AGAINST MORTGAGES *Phones 377. Evenings 2281. | uticura Toilet Trio GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Pp! nographs, Guns, Rifles repaired Party supplied. Saws filed, Selssors and e tools ground. ks repaired. Keys fitted to all Inds of locks. Lawn Mowers sharp. ned and repaired. We can repalr Saything that is repairable, J. M. PATRICK | | 149 Sydenham Street. "Phone 20560. | ---------- AR OWNERS ATTENTION Now is the time to insure with an "ALL RISK POLICY" Protects you for LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, COLLISION, FIRE AND THEFT Best and cheapest policy - on the Market. Let me.quote you rates. R. H. Waddell { | GEORGE E. BAKER COAL 3 Book * orders early for this Wonderful Coal. Well prepared in ales and re-screemed in Montreal. _ It 1a all pure Coal--30% more heat nd very low ash content, Expect at about middie of May. Delivery when you want it. ---- RADIO no rn Horizontal, . To recede. . Strong boxes. . Beer. . Top of a house. . Metal. . To frolic. . Servant in of horses. . Having larly notched. marg- 149. in, . Disposal. . Was seated. cards. 3. A prick 44. Corded 46. 7, an f{rregu-|48. charge Some. . Unit of . Cold wind. . To employ. . Pald publieity, . English money. . You and I, . Soldier's of food. . Tore. - Printer's measure. 9. . Age. 10. . To exist, 12. Nr. A allotment Perfora EICITIEID HIAISH AINIT Answer to Thursday's Crossword Puzzle, OE ------------------------ ENTERTAINED PEOPLE. Who Gathered at Inverary a Few Nights Ago. Sunbury, May 4.--A few of the farmers who have high land are working it but so far the weather hasn't been very favorable. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Gibson on Saturday, May 1st, a son. Congratu- lations, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Camp- bell, Mrs, M. Campbell, Mr. Jack and Miss Madeline Campbell spent Sun- day at Thomas Maxwell's, Pittsferry, Miss Mildred Toland, Battersea, spent the week-end at her home here. Thomas Ritchie has purchas- ed a car. Wilfred Coopper has pur- chased a new model Ford. Miss Amanda Gibson, who has Spent three months in the city, re- turned to her home on Wednesday. The Woman's Institute held an open meeting in the hall on Friday even- ing, when Mr. and Mrs. Sirett ad- Brick and . Farm Tile | rn . Price quotations gladly given. . Shipped anywhere sesne way 4 Pickled Tongues sreiey . External hearing. + To steal. 34. 36 38. 40. 41. 4 Undertakings. Rescued, Apportioned . . Obstruction Low wagon, Badge of valor, To color. Vertical. north-eastern . Rustics. . Preposition of place. . Digit of the hand. . Half an em. . Solitary. To endure in use. Organ of sight. | -- | | | | | | | 1 SATURDAY, MAY Sth. -- CKAC, Montreal (Eastern, 411). 7 p.m.--Safety League talk children. 7.15--Dinner-musical from" ~¥hg | | Windsor Hotel--Windsor Hotel | dance orchestra. Harold Leonard's | | | Red Jackets. | | Se -- | | CNRO, Ottawa, (Eastern, 485). | | 8 p.m.--Chateau Laurier Orches- | tra. | 9--Hays recital by Miss Mabel | | Downing of Toronto; assisting ar- | | tists; Madame Pouget and Mrs. F.| | J. Horning. "1 | 10.30--Chateau Hotel | Dance Orchestra. Laurier -- KDKA, Pittsburgh, (Eastern, 309), 8.30 p.m.--Westinghouse Band. [ WBAI, Cincinnati (Central 826). 9 p.m.--Maids of Melody. | { 12--Popular programme. | { wir, Philadelphia, (Eastern, 508.2) { | 6.05 p-m.--Benjamin Franklin | Orchestra. | 8.30--Studio programme. { 10.05--Benjamin Franklin Con-/ cert Orchestra. | oh. i 11.35--Organ recital from Ger- | . Bird similar to an|Mantown theatre. ostrich. | yam 9. Peeled | WEAF, New York, (Eastern, 492). | : Yielded | 6 toy12 p-m---Dinner music from | ' . in a | Hotel Waldorf-Astoria; Ross Gor- | man and Orchestra; Casa Lopez Op | chestra, ~y > organ of 14. Assumed before- as cloth. stream, 5. Unit. . Constellation. . Spider's home, . Knocked. . Legate or ger. 35. Scarlet. . To free. 37. Whiskers. 38. To acquire by labor. . To murder. WEKRC, Cincinnati, (326), 10 p.m.--The Virginians. 10.30--Studio features. | 11---Mouth harp and guitar solos. messen- work, 11.15--The Virginians. WGY, Schenectady (Eastern, 875.5). 6.30 p.m.--Dinner programme trom Onondaga Hotel, Syracuse. . Mineral spring. | 7.30 p.m.--Address on auto travel. 42. Kind of launder for 9.30 p.m.--Hotel Sagamore Dance | washing ores. | Orchestra. | Second note in the | ---- > | scale. | WBZ, New England (Eastern, 816). | ted. t5 Dad. 7 p.m.--Capitol Theatre Orches- Tes ana tra, Springfield. | dressed the meeting and distributed 7.45 p.m.--Repertory Theatre | bulbs and seeds to the members. Mr, | Concert Orchestra. Sirett entertained the gathering| 8.15 p.m.--Concert, with moving pictures which proved | Wick Studio. interesting and amusing as well. 9.15 p.m.-- Concert from Hotel Kimball Studio. 14. Hotel Bruns- , . IN y---- CHILD'S LEG BROKEN WRC, Washington (Eastern, 469). Ep 7 -- 1 Washi Little Vivian Amey Was Injured at| notes The Hotel Washington Selby School. | : Selby, May 6--House cleaning is | 2 oa b8 snasuncel, Swanee the order of the day around here. G. Scope u 5 Richmond and T. Edgar aré having > their houses shingled. Little Vivian aks pe to Drea re Amey had her leg broken, on Friday, | "al from Crandall's a - last, while playing at school. We WOO, Philadelphia (Eastern, 508.3), Rope for a speedy Tecovely. _ There 7.30 p.m. --Ritz-Carleton Concert was no school on Wednesday, on ac- Orehosin, Soka of Miss Frisken, being in King § DI--Organ. recital. Mr. and Mrs. F. Allen and baby RR lr by the A. and P| spent Sunday at F. Jackson's. J. | s " 3 Brady has purchased a new horse. | 2 PEAY ad Opera. Panei Mrs. Goulie spent a few days last|DY the a pera Com week in Toronto. E. Pringle and | pany. Miss C, Davis, spent Sunday, fm, 11 b.m.--Adeiphia Dance Orches- Kingston. Fa. Miss B. Rickley returned home, on . 508 Sunday, from Kingston, where she | WOO. Philadelphia (Eastern, 8). Was spending' some time with her 7-30 p.m.--Hotel Sylvania Orehes- tra. mother, who was ill in the hospital. Rev. Mr. Batstone has purchased s : 3.30 P-m--Davis Saxaphome Oc- Rew car. Mr, and Mrs. C. Genu ana | 'ette. 9 p.m.-- Ipana Hour. family of Bell Rock, called at F. L, Amey's, on Sunday. 10 p.m.--Fox Theatre Studio pro- gramme, 10.30 i Orchestra. p.m.--Hotel Ritz-Carlton Perth has a new Industry, the breeding of pure white mice. Appar- ently there is a market for them as al - shipment of several dozen was made | WOO, Philadelphia (Eastern, 508.2). Ito an outside point last week. Wo p-m.--Hotel Rits-Cariton Or- Miss Emily Baughan, sister of | Chestra. George Baughan Napanee, passed 8.15 p.m.--WOO Orchestra. Spee. away at her home In Jersey City on [ial orchestra programme, mi | phony Orchestra, 9.25 p.m.--Fox programme. 10 p.m.---Whittal Anglo Persians. 10.30 p.m.--Haotel Sylvania Or- chestra, April 29th. "Instruments of the Modern Sym- FA cr coop Theatre studio WOR, Newark (Eastern D.S.T., 405) 7.30 p.m.-- Van's Collegians, 8 p.m.--Orange Chamber Commerce programme. 8.45 p.m.--Copenhagen | tette. 9.15 Musicale. i 10 p.m Irma Zacharfus, violin- ist. 10.20 baritone, 10.35 p.m.--Ivma Zacharius, vio- linist. 10.50 p.m.----Katinka Orchestra, ---- WBZ, New England (Eastern 838.1). 7.30 p.m. Programme by group from Tufts Medical college, 8.30 p.m. --Geraldyne Isabelle Havens, soprano: and Mrs. Inez Main Momm, pianist and accompan- of Quar- p.m. -- LaForge-Berumen p.m.--Feland Gannon, WGBS, New York (Eastern DS.T., 31a), 7.30 p.m.--Royal Arcadians and William C. Pyke's Orchestra from the Arcadia Ball Room. 8.45 p.m.~Rose Stranger, cellist. 9.10 p.m.--Mark Truscott, basso. Beach Trio. - 10.10 p.m.--"Pity Youth" by the of the First Paramount . Picture School. 2 11 p.m.-- Arrowhead Inn Dance; Remove Corns is easy way You know the pain of an old corn. It aches, and yon cut it, and for a few days there is relief. Then the pain comes shooting back Cutting and plasters don't get rid of corns. But a Radox bath so softens the corns that they may be lifted out by the root with the fingers. When you dip your foot into a Radox foot bath, the dead skin (of the corn) combines with the Radox Bath Salts to form a protein salt of the actual corn itself. This dissolves in the water, and so loosens the corn, that it may be lifted out bodily, Radox does not affect the living skin --it is only the dead skin--the corn --which it dissolves. Your druggist stocks Radox Bath Salts. Half pound pink package 60 cents. Radox Bath Salts Bole Importers: Gyde & Son, Montreal "APOSTLE BEN" PITCHES TENT. Meetings Out at Mountain Grove, Mountain Grove, May 4.---Roads are drying up and the cars are be- ginning to rum once more. The Ladies' Aid tea was held at the par- sonage on Saturday evening and quite a number attended. Rev. A. Smith preached in St. John's chure on Sunday afternoon. "Apostle Ben" has pitched his tent by the P.A.P.B. hall and is hold- ing a series of meetings: 8. Stinch- comb shipped a carload of calves and pigs n Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J, Godfrey spent Sunday at F. Cox's. Miss Ethel Snider is seriously ill, Rev. Mr. Gan OMiclated at the nuptials of Miss Frances Smith and C. Whan, of Sharbot Lake, on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Beverly spent Monday at J. D. Clark's. Mr. and Mrs, & Godfrey and Mr, and Mrs. E. Godfrey visited at J. Brad. ley's recently. Mr, ana Mrs. John And Opens again, | Many of the best homes and public build- | ings of Kingston are furnished with Anglin's made-in-Kingston woodwork. A Onemay get cheaper woodwork else- where, but not better. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, Il + 5 and | Private Branch Exchange "Exclusive Agency Mason & Risch Pianos Players BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Phone 1571. ¥ Pew 4 THE MELODY SHOPPE li OPPOEITE GRAND OPERA HOUSE . Barker attended the funeral of the late George Reynolds, Verona, last week. William Cowdy is at R. Cox's. -- NOTES FROM DELTA. Nearly 6,000 Gallons of Maple Syrup Shipped From That Place. Delta, May 6,.--Word has been re- ceived of the sudden death in Brock- ville, of a former resident, Mr, Joel Copeland, who lived in Delta several | year ago. Mrs. Gilbert left to at- tend the funeral. ; Mr. Merrill Sweet, of Battersea, spent his birthday very pleasantly at the home of his son, Austin Sweet, who also celebrdtes his birthday, Mr. Sweet, Sr., is 79 years old. Nearly 6,000 gallons of maple Syrup were shipped from Delta Sta- tion during the sugar-making sea- son. This speaks well of this dis- PHONE 158, oo | triet, which is noted for its splendH output of delicious syrup. ig! Several from here attended a versary services held in Phill; ville Baptist church by Rev. Hooper, of Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerr, Elgin, spent Sunday with her me Mrs. M. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goodall Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cross, Ni Boyne, were callers on friends Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Davies tained friends to tea on Tui evening. Mrs. William Baker nursing at Clarence La Forty's, § erton, for a few days. W. Wind ry Kingston, was in Delta for a few days on business, i tee ---------- a The European cabbage but was brought to the United 8 about the time of the Civil War. 'Barnet | DEMONSTRATION SALE Ends Saturday on, you take advantage of the op ity to obtain a genuine Barnet Refrigerator for and a porcelain-topped Kitchen Table free of extra charge. You to act promptly, or the opportunity will be gone. The Demonstrator from the tory leaves Saturday. While he is will have still here, 1 Puts a Genuine Barnet Refrigerator in Yo .00 Down | Balance on Terms to C. onvenience ur Home $1.00 down Barnet fac- Customer . \

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