of women know now what range here, women are NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS il EET LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE |! The Editor Hears | Private Phone 857w. ss 0» Miss Evelyn Turner, Roseneath, is | visiting friends in Kingston. . . * Mrs. B.'J. ¥. Willams, Brockville, is spending a few days in town. . - Ld : Mrs. Carmichael, Smith's Falls, is spending a few days at the Y.W.C. A. . . * Miss Chrissie Goodwin, who spent some time in town, has returned to Montreal. . . ; Dr. and Mrs. C. €C. Armstrong and Miss Helen Armstrong have re- turned to Warkworth. * * » Miss Mary Way, R.N., Kingston, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Way, Thomasburg. » - . Mrs. W. R. Spooner, Westmount, who was the guest of Col. and Mrs. C. N. Spooner, Frontenac street, has returned to Montreal. LJ . . Mr. and Robert . Heath, ston, are returning to occupy house lately vacated by Mr. Mrs. George Osmond, Wooter. - . LJ Mr. W. R. Aylsworth, Cataraqui, has left for Lome Park Seminary, Port Credit, to attend a meeting of the board of which he is a mem- ber. King- the and Mrs. C. H. Hutchins, Montreal fs in town in Mr. and Mrs. John Nicolle's home on Barrie street. Mr. and Mrs. Nicolle will réturn from California this month. . . v Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chown, Fron- tenac street, will motor to Port Hope on Saturday for the inspection at Trinity College School where their son Alfred is one of the students. . . . Col. and Mrs. C. F.| Constantine and Miss Edith Carruthers, The Commandant's Quarters, Royal Mil- itary College, will go to Toronto for the military tournament of May 19th. . - . Senator and Mrs. 8. J. Crowe, of Vancouver, B.C., have been spend- ing the past few weeks in Winnipeg, Man., and have returned to Ottawa. They are guests at the Chateau 1 Laurier. 5 The girl graduates of Varsity are forbidden to carry bouquets of flow- ers at Convocation. Not so severe are the dons of Queen's, for roses by the hundreds were carried by the sweet girl graduates at Wednesday's oon- vocation, . . > Mrs. D. M. Miller, who was in BIRDS. "Darlings," God said to the birds, "Go now and sing, For men are weary of winter, Go and bring . Promise to empty branches." He eet them free, Winged to carry His praise Joyously. Woman's Page Editor nome 2018 | when degree convocation the town for daughter received Master of Arts, has returned to Ot- [levelled bushes trimmed are the signs of the cared-for "home. fresh paint, too, with paper' or muresco, 'clean with newly-laundried curtains new or washed chintz and rugs from which the dust has been beaten. Men may laugh as they will at women's supposed mania for but few of themr would like to live in a house that showed no signs of spring cleaning. . tawa. She was the guest of Prof. and Mrs. A. Brooker Klugh, Bagot street. . * . Mrs. Clarke and her little daugh- ter, Betty, Mr. Elton Turner and his sister, Beatrice, and Mr. H. Rob- ertson of Kingston motored to Roseneath and spent several days with Mrs. Turner. - . . The Whig will be glad to have the names of visitors in town and ae- counts of various social events for publication in the social column. Such communications should be signed and the address of the sender given. Write or telephone to the Editor of the Woman's Page, Tele- phone No' 2613. Mr. G. B. Nicholson, M.P., and Mrs. Nicholson entertained last night at a reception at the Chateau |a Laurfer. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson re- ceived their guests in the foyer and Mrz. W. B. Austin, of Chapleau, ré- ceived with them. The guests in- cluded all the members of Parlia- ment and the senators who are in town, with their wives and daugh- ters, and the evening was spent in dancing and cards in the ball room. Supper was served in the Banquet Hall and a very enjoyable evening was spent by the large number pres- ent. Mrs. Nicholson is a sister of Miss Weller, Kingston. * = . The long delayed warmth of the May sunshine made the walk or drive out King street pleasant on Thursday afternoon and Mrs. Arthur C. Neish, who received for the first time in" her charming new home, had streams of visitors. The hostess was found in the drawingroom where pink snapdragon in tall spikes of lovely blossoms were on the mantel piece and tables. The same flow- ers 'were in the room across the hall and in the sun room opening off the dining room where a beautiful view of Lake Ontario can be obtained. The tea table in the diningroom was centred with a silver basket of daffodils and here Mrs. J. Freeman Logan made tea, Mrs. John A. Me- Rae poured coffee, and Mrs, Charles A. Morrison cut the ices. The tea assistants were Mrs, Henry R. Hart, Miss Agnes Hanlon, Miss Flo Cunningham, Miss Helen Steacy, Miss Vivien McCartney, Miss Betty Murray, Miss Edith Rees, Miss Anna Mahood, Miss Anella Minnes and Miss Esther Mahood. Queen's staff was largely represented. / |for | her neatly raked lawns, the place where of {the grass refuses to grow from seed and |- That we should be getting ready "clean up week." Fresh paint, and sodded, vines And in the house, fresh wall windows and housecleaning, That Miss Delphine Fitz of Upper Darby, Pa., a student at Bryn Mawr, is tie winner of the $2,000 Carnegie 'Foundation Fellowship for the ad- vancement of teaching of the arts. 8he will study' in Spain direction of Prof. dard King whom she studied since 1920. under the Georgiana God- of Bryan Mawr, under That the Victorian Order will hold tag day as advertised on this page. The work of the Order commends itself to all nurse cares for the mother and child when she is most needed. care for any one in any condition of life, her do so and those who cannot gét as good service free of charge. thinking people. The She will those who can afford to pay Grace Clough, as a That Miss planist and téacher of the plano, will be a serious loss to Kingston. Clough has the being able to impart the knowledge she herself posfesses and her pupils are among the most promising of our young pianists, mann is both a good violinist ahd excellent teacher of the violin. large class will miss especially as there are few teachers of the violin in Kingston. Miss God-given gift of Miss Mignon Telg- Her her ,greatly, That oranges are being used more and more, and are said to contain many good and health-giving qual- ities. with its dose of iron; the good old- fashioned rhubarb, and all such fresh spring food grown in Canada, our opportunities foods and, therefore, wealthy, if not wise, A But now we will have spinach, lettuce, carrots Let us make the most of and eat these that will make us healthy, w-- \ That the Quebec Badminton jea- son has come to an end, as has the Kingston season. denoting the club championship for ladles' singles, "Was won' by. Miss Yvette Lafferty, a sister of Major Lafferty, Kingston. presented the prizes on Saturday at the last tea of the season. The Lafferty cup, General Landry : v..0. N. Don't forget V. O. N. Tag Day, Saturday, May 8th. Give generously. over hot water until thick. Ada remaining milk and cook ten mint. WOMEN'S MEETINGS } Special Local Council Meeting, On Thursday aftérnoon a special tes longer. Put halves of peaches in individual molds, pour over custard and put on ice to chill, + -------------- meeting of the Local Council of Wo- men was held at the home of the president, Mrs, Frederick Ethering- ton. The object of the meeting was to rajse funds for the counéil, and the plan decided upon was to give a motor drive to Gananoque, in about ~ AUNT HET "Since my children growed up I've got kind o' reconciled to etiquette, but I still like to sop up molasses with a biscuit." -- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Wellington. The May meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the domestic science room on Tuesday afternoon, 4th. In the absence of the president Mrs. Green was in the chair. A good deal of business was transacted, in- cluding the election of officers. Mrs. Sangar Harris was re-elected presi- dent; Mrs, Green, 1st vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Merrick Foster, 2ngl vice- president; Mrs. Dayton Murphy, sec- retary-treasurer; Miss Bessie Dor- land, district director; Mrs. W. Thomas, corresponding secretary, It was reported that ninety-nine mem- ments were served by Miss Anna Garratt and Mrs. Chislett. Probably the |most that ails the world is that there are so many peo- ple in it that just can't help it. Shampoo Powders Bad For the Hair free alkali. This dries the scalp, Uniform Superb Qualit --VWithout Penalizing Your Purse "SALADA' TEA ih Black, Natural Green } Sealed Packets Only » * - ----Never n u bers had joined the library. Refresh- || Most shampoo powders, and pre- || pared shampoos, contain too much Hi makes the hair brittle and ruins it. The best thing for stéady use is Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and greaseless, and fs better than. any- thing else you can use). PET FOUR Two or three Shiai teaspoonfuls of re Mulsified will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out eas- ily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excess ofl. The hair dries quickly and evénly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo at any drug store--it is in- ply every member of the family for months. Be sure yoyr druggist gives | you Mulsified. Beware of imitations ~--look for the name Watkins on the House Wiring and Repairing Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner King and Princess Streets. «= "Phone 04 FOR SATURDAY HOUSE DRESSES - Made from Ginghams, Prints, Broadcloths and Novelty materials, in all sizes from 34 to 51. All new de- signs and styles. Special at $1.00, $1.95 and $2.95 each. WOMEN'S SILK STOCKINGS In the new shades, Luxite make, for $1.00 a pair. UNDERWEAR FOR ALL THE two weeks tims, to have téa at the Gananoque Inn, and to make ar- rangemeonts whereby those wishing for a game of bridge or mah jongg could spend several hours at their favorite game. For those who would prefer to spend the hours in the open there is the verandah and grounds of the Inn. Tea will be served and then the party will turn homewards. It is proposed to enlist the interest of owners of cars, and already a number of motorists have consented to assist the council, Definite hours ete., will be announced later through the press. The committees in charge of the arrangements are: Cars: Mrs. Ether- ington, Mrs. I. G. Bogart, Mrs. R. J. | Diack, Mrs. J. S. Skinner, Mrs. 8. E, Revelle, Mrs. James Miller; Tickets: Mrs. Douglas Chown, Miss Davidson, Miss M. Hall; Bridge and mah jongg: Mrs. G. W. Mylks, Mrs. Et- herington, Mrs. BE. C. D. MaeCallum and Miss Going. : Mrs. Etherington served tea to the executive at the close of the busi- ness meeting. S------ Annual Meeting of Junior W. IL * The annual meeting of the Froa- tenac Junior Women's Institute was package. i, Everyw! ~ finding that the Beach Gas Range gives quicker, priv heat at less cost. . And that its all-enamelled surface is making their kitchens prettier and their tasks easier, FAMILY in the lighter weights for Summer wear--Cotton, Lisle and Silk at reason- able prices. 'W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. The Waldron Store fF They built in meadow and tres, In barn and croft, They carried the word of love Afar, aloft. They were colored like flowers, Every wing Was pointed and balanced and strong. A marvelous thing. { "Darlings," God said to the birds, "Go mow to another place. Men cease to wonder at last At any grace, Leave for a while and then, After barren days, 2 One robin shall make their young Awake to praise.' So, all the singing birds Lifted their wings to go; '| They found a path in the blue High way they know. Only the chickadees stayed To sing In the snow. «Louise Driscoll in the New York Times, - GALLAGHER'S T. 'AXI ? PHONE SERVICE 960 - ANYWHERE 25¢ "= om DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS expensive, and a few ounces will sup- - -- Brings them back : for more and more Quaker Corn Hakes induce a o » tural Hall. Reports of the various a tites for milk and 7 'Pearls for back, with evening gown. A I Ask any Beach dealer to explain the features of the Beach Gas Range to TEE a *iervie ens eriiston i E+ Maple Syrup Cake. syrap, 6 eggs, 1 cup pastry flour, 3- teaspoon cream of tartar, 1-8 tea- vanilla. fe : . is often a "fix- ard--and too The pace that kills 'ed" running race. Virtue is its own r often its only ome.