Daily British Whig (1850), 8 May 1926, p. 9

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AR MOTHER'S DAY Thereis only one Mother in all the world for you--your own Mother! SEND HER A GREETING CARD _R.UGLOW & CO. Hard Wood Choice Body Hardwood. Soft Mixed Wood. Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son 840 NELSON STREET 'Phone 1746J, ---- -- Frigidair Avtomatiop_Betimanent Re~ Send Postcard for Tiustrated Bookjet W. C. Cannon TELEPHONE 120-w. sIBBY BLOCK, PRINCESS tT. RS PIANO TUNING Gift This delightful Wristiet adds to the reputation of Wrist } Watch dependability. Beautifully encased in white reinforced gold. Priced from $32.50 | MEN'S WATCHES From $37.50 Step in and make your gra. duation gift selection now from our wide choice of Watches, | AWRISTWATCH An Ideal Graduation | soldiers and strangers cordially Sowards Keep Coal & | dl Coal Keeps Sowards SOWARDS COAL CO. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: Mc 'S CIGAR STORE. 'Phone 811. || vice. D . ® pe MANUFACTURERS . "PRUE COTTON" .MONTREAL--TORONTO--WINNIPEG A AE THE DAILY BRIT -- TR "I was House of Church Services on Sunday ad when they said unto me, Let us go into te e Lord.""--Psalm exxii., 1. St. Prayer 11.00, Preacher, Rev, Cabon FitzGerald, M.A. Sunday School, 3.00. Bvening Prayer, 7.00. Preacher, Rev. Canon FitzGerald, M.A. 8¢t, James® Church, gor. Union and Barrie Streets, T. W. Savary, Rec- tor--8.00 Holy Communion, 11.00, Morning Prayer and Sermon. Ser, mon subject, "A Summons to Part. ners", 3.00 Sunday School. 7.00 Ev. ening Prayer and Sermon. Sermon Bubject, "Defy Thyself." 8t. George's Cathedral--<Very Rev, W. W. Craig, D.D,, dean and reetor, Rev. W. B. Kidd, M.A., M.C., curate. Filth Sundey after Eastér. Roga- tion Sunday. 8 a.m., holy commun- 11 am., morning prayer. Preacher, the dean. $ p.m., Sunday school; 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 p.m., evensong. Preacher, Rev. W. B. Kidd. St. Luke's Church, corner of Prin- j [cess and Nelson streets. Rev. J. de Pencler Wright, M.A,, B.D., rector, 811 Alfred street. Fifth Sunday af- ter Baster, Rogation Sunday. 11 a.m.; morning prayer; 2.45 p.m. Sunday School; 4 p.m. Holy Bap- tism; 7 p.m., evening prayer; Thurs- day, May 13th, Ascension Day ser- vice at 7.30 p.m. Seats free. Strang- fers and visitors cordially invited 'to attend, --- St. Andrew's Presbyterian--Rev. John W, Stephen, minister. Public worship, 11 am. and 7 p.m., con- ducted by the minister. Students, in- vited to any or all of the services. Sunday School and Bible classes, 3 p.m, Chalmers Church of the United Church of Canada--Minister, Rev. George Brown, M.A.,, B.D. Public worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conduct- ed by the minister. 3 p.m., Sunday school, special services. Address by Prof, McFadyen. Wednesday, 7,30 p.m,, midweek worship, The United Church of Canada, Calvary, the Friendly Church, cor. of Charles and Bagot streets--Min- ister, Rev. Frank Sanders. Special Mothers Day services open Bunday School in afternoon. Special music and mothers choir at evening ser A hearty welcome and-helpful message. The United Church of Canada, Sydenham etreet--Rev. W. T. G. Brown, D.D., minister. Services, 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Mothet's Day, The minister will preach. Morning sub- ject, "Mother"; evening subject, "Foundations"; fellowship class at '§§110 a.m.; Sunday school at 2.45 p.m.; Textile Company (Limited) mid-week service Wednesday, at 8 p.m. Princes Street United Church of Canada--Rev. John K. Curtis, B,A., minister. 11 a.m. subject, "Mother's Tnfluence," sermon for Mother's Day. Junior choir, under Mrs. L. M, Loney, will lead the singing. 3.45 p.m., Bible school. 7 p.m. subject, "Why We Turn to God." Women's choir will lead the singing in the evening service. Beats free and a cordial welcome. The United Church of Canada, Cooke's, Brock street--Rev. T. J, 8. Ferguson, B.A., minister. Mother's Day services morning and evéning. A mothers' choir will lead the praise. granted standard hotel licenses: W. A. Parks, Empire hotel, Arden; Karl VanLuven, Loughboro View, Battersea; L. VanLuven, VanLuven House, Battersea Hotel, «| Sydenham; C, B. Olobridge, 11 a.m., the Sunday school will wor- ship with aduits in a service of in- terest and help to all parents and children. Let no child and parent be absent. 7 p.m., "Mary the Mother of Jesus," the glory of motherhood. A cordial invitation to all. Seats free, Y Street United Church, Min- ister, W. H. Rangy, 30 Colborne street-----Worship 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Morning Subject: "Mary, the Mother of Jesus." Ladies' Chalr, "The Heavens are Telling," (Hay- dn,) "Sanctus," by Gounod, assisted by Mrs. John Evans. Evening sub- Jeet: "Light for Darkened Corners." A Mother's Day Service will be held under the auspices of the Sunday School at 3.00 p.m. Young People's Meeting, Monday, 8.00 p.m. W.C,T.U.~The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held in the Y.W.C.A. parlors, Johnson street, on Tuesday, May 11th, at 3 p.m. Bethel Congregational Church Rev. W. H., Ebersole, minister. 11 a.m. subject, "Temptation"; 3 p.m., the Bible School; 7 p.m. subject, "A Business Woman"; Monday, 8 p.m., the Y.P.S.C.E. Holiness Movement Church, cor Division Street, and Raglan Road-- Serviees 11.00 a.m., 2.30 p.m., 7.00 p.m. Rev. E. J. Bishop of Ganano- que to preach at each service. All welcome. Evangelist Chapman at the New Church, Alfred Street, --Suaday night, 7.45 city time. "The Future Home of the Christian Is it Heaven, Paradise, The World sor Where, What Kind of a Place will It Be." All invited. First Churchs-Rev, M, OC. Johnston, B.A., B.T., pastor, Morn- ing subject, "Haduring Unto the End"; 2.45 pm., 'Bible School; 7 p.m,, song service, . The Bible School orchestra will assist; evening sub- ject, 'The Power of the Cross." The ordinance of baptism will be admin- istered at the close of the evening service. -- Gospel Hall, corner of Union and Collingwood streets--11 a.m, Lord's Supper; 3 p.m., Sunday School; 6.30 p.m., song service; 7 p.m., Mr. A. G. Bentley, Toronto, . will ' preach the gospel Mr. Bentley is a very power fu! and convincing speaker. Mr. Bentley will also preach the gospel on W y "Friday evenings 8% 8, in the Tabergacle. Wednesday, 8 p.m, prayer meeting; Thursday, 2.45 p.m., Sewing Circle; Pray, 8 p.m., Bible reading and study class. Strangers and vistors welcome to all the services. ' Christian Science, First Church of Christ, Scientist, 131 Johnson street «Services at 11 am. Subject "Adam and Fallen Man". day school, 0.45 a.m. Wed- nesday, 8 p.m, testimonial meet- ing, including testimonies of healing through Christian Science. Free public reading room where the Bible and all authorized Christian Sclence literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. Open every afternoon except Sundays and holidays, from 8 to § p.m. All are cordially invited to the services and to make use of the public reading room. b Berrigan, Queen's, Kingston; J. P. Fournler, Randolph, Kingston; P. H, Brown, Royal, Kingston; C. N. Dun- ham, Trout Lake Hotel, Ompabh; Harry Sergeant, Union Hotel, Shar- bot Lake; J. M. Woodratt, y ch borne hotel, Tichborne; Mrs. J. As- selstine, Union, Verona; Allan Me- Laren, Hitchcock Hotel, Wolfe Is- land; zy Johnson, Island Hotel, Sup- | ye ISH WHIG \COMFORT DEPENDS ON GOOD DIGESTION Weak Stomachs Can be Made Strong Through the Use of Dr: Wil. Hams' Pink Pills. The sufferer from indigestion is greatly to be pittied. This trouble assumes various forms such as pain after eating, gas on the stemach, #our stomach and often vomiting after meals. The sufferer cannot get re- lief by cutting down his food to a starvation basis. That only still fur- 'ther weakens. What is needed is bet- ter digestion, not a poorer diet. And the way to get a better digestion is to so Surich the blood that the stomach will do the work nature intended. As a tonic for bullding up the blood nothing else can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. As this new blood courses through the veins strength and tone is given the stomach and the pangs of indigestion disappear. Not only this, the whole system is strengthened and new life and vim comes to the former sufferer. The value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind is proved by the experience of Mr. BE, G. Malcolm, Port Malcolm, N.8., who says: --""For several years 1 was a great sufferer from indigestion. I could not eat meat or potatoes, and often could not retain the food I did eat. Only those who have been afflicted with this trouble can realize the suffering I en- dured. I took a lot of doctors' medi- cine, but it did not give me more than temporary relief. I also took other remedies recommended, with no better results. Then I read in a newspaper the case of a woman whose symptoms were like my own, who found new health through Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills. I at once got a supply of these pills and had not taken them very long when I began continued the use of the pills, and 1 can but sum up what they did for me by saying that they made me feel like a4 new man. Every trace of the trouble 'has disappeared and I can now eat and enjoy my meals as well as any one." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Willlams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. -- RADIO | SUNDAY, MAY OTH, WEAF, New York, N.Y, (401). 10 a.m.--Holy Name Society, 8-6 p.m.~--Sunday radio service. 6-7 p.m.~--Musicale, 7.20-9.15 p.m.--Capitol Theatre. i i WEEIL Boston, Mass, (348). 6 p.m.--Jordan Marsh Company's Sparkling Diamonds, 7.20 p.m, ~ WEAF, WJZ, New York, N.Y, (454), 7 p.m.--~Hotel Pennsylvania Or chestra. 8 p.m.--Bakelite hour. 9 p.m.--Hotel Commodore concert orchestra, WGY, 10 p.m.~--Gordon Ludlow, violin~ ist. KDEA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (309). 4 p.m.~--Dr. Charles Heinroth, or- ganist. WBBM, Chicago, Il, (255). 12.30 p.m.--Noon bour of music. 4 p.m.---Matinee. HH p.m~Nutty Club. WGN, Chicago, Ill. (809). 6.46 p.m.--~Musicdl programme. 7 p.m.--~The Million Sing, 8.15 pm.--WEAVF. 11 p,m.~Musical programme. WJAZ, Chicago, Jl. (829). 3 p.m.~Spanish Garden studio. + MONDAY, MAY 10TH. WEAF, New York, N.Y. (401). 4 pm-12 midnight~~Harmony Martins. : ; WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. 6.30 p.m.--~~Dinner conce 8 p.m.~~Musicale. (461). rt. + § TL e---- JZ, New York, N.Y. (454). 7 p.m.--Hotel Commodore dinner to find relief. Thus encouraged Ili LET YOUR HOME REFLECT COMFORT And now you will be turning your thoughts towards the rejuvenation of your home. an The séarching light of the Spring sun no longer permits old, dingy farniture to pass muster, and you and your friends will wish to see new, dependable Furniture in its place. 4 easy 10 ep the home well urself hy purchasing at Phone 147 for Service. FORT K i! JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. GARRYCAFE and Everything new right up- First Olass Meals served on shortest notice. 157 PRINCESS ST. ---- NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS OPEN FROM 7 AM. TO 2 AM. ete -------------------------- Special attention to Private EDWARD LEE, Proprietor 3 'PHONE 201. ---- EVERYBODY DRINKS "SMILE" THE NEW ORANGE DRINK BOTTLED AND DISTRIBUTED BY ELDER AERATED WATER WORKS House Wiring NASA AS and Repairing All Kinds of Electric Apparatus = Satisfaction guaranteed. ' Friday evening by the pupils of the Collegiate Institute in the assembly hall. Walters' orchestra provided excellent music, John Wilson has started repairing his recently acquifed property om Dundas street, the old Harry Doyg- las property. He is moving it back several feet and raising the building and will make it into an up-to-date store, which he will occupy about the ist of July. J. H, Pitspatrick, propretor of the Paisley House on J street, is also putting In a new t on his proper- ty, which will greatly improve the appearonce. . 4% H. Derry, Kingston, spent Fri- day in Napanee, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scott, Kings- ton, spent Friday in town the guests of Mrs. 0. A. Knight, GANANOQUE RESIDENT The Late Michael O'Connor, Brother of Oharies J. 0'Con- / nor of Kingston. ------ Gananoque, May 8.=-One of Gana- rer ar a rf ir eg irr ec DEAD AT AGE OF 84 Best work at reasonable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. «2 + Thome vd Corner King and Princess Streota. rp to Seeley's Bay and spent the da with friends, y W. J. McCarney is in Broe to-day acting as a pall-bearer at funeral of the late Mrs. eG mother of Judge McGlade, Co Mre. W. T, Sampson and Miss Sampson returned last might f Toronto, where they have been the past few days. Mrs, James McMillan and Billy, returned to Ottawa 1 after a week's visit kere at the Pros vineial, X Father H. J. Farrell, ; was in on Thursday for a hours saying good-bye to some of bis Gananoque friends prior to sail for Ireland on Saturday to visit hi home for the next couply of ! I -------- isl The first plant cultivated exelus sively as a forage crop was alfalfs.

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