Daily British Whig (1850), 8 May 1926, p. 15

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day, May 8, 926, aE SS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - T The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place | ) | Business Services _ Help Wantee | Real Estate For Rent OUR WAY. $a BY WILLIAMS. | ----2usiness Se Che British Whig "Malo and Femato Help Wanted 85) momss 8] ou ur | = [r-- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MEN AND BOYS WANTED --To at-| SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on k: (me raINTING J. a Robinect i. a. are restricted to thelr ronise J. W. Curson's Barber 8hop.| Charles Sireet; eleotric Nght and aa. . Props iammincution. and to the Men's hair cuts, 25c. Shaves 10c. Boys'! 7 roomed house, all improvements, ie regular Dally Whig style of type. hair outs, 1c. Ladies 25c. 201 Wel- nace. Apply to H. F. Norman, 69 Pat. n { rick Street. - S - ie Financial ington Street. FRONTENAC LOAN AND RATES: tive Dally rate per or consecu Agents Wanted 4| STONE HOUSE--233 Brock Street, elec- ' . NN Minimum charge, "25 cen tric light and gas, hardwood floors, hot 2 A : MENT « CIETY -- 1 Cash water heating. Possession - May lst. ANNBODY residen nu Toles par Kae charge cy HAN OR WOMAN---vTq Sravel snd 1093 Apply to James s Reid; 264 Princess St. 7 x N _ Vice-president J. Ji Fa B sos assess sasasnee point agents. Yearly guarantee nae Satsn 5 i i 21 weekly average), and ex- ; } loan on cit, 8 suevvie pibeing 331 weokly average). ant For Rooms - 10 j " « ' reste: "Bonds B oy 3 N * a particulars write Winston Co., Toron 1 Bonita tes red Sud ie . a? har joa, $1.80; FURNISHED ROOMS--For light house- ; § balance. TTS & > AaTantosd I ei-Proof Silk "ucening all veniences; gas for \ v, Cartwright, manager, 87 C an and Memotiatn Stockings. New pair for every palr| coking: central Apply 163 Syden- / Fy ladders. Pay dail ham greet. / ' Ez 3 Storage cash, $1.00 that Famil rome 0 rregulal Mi Sage ion Seriing outcry 0 FURNISHED ROOMS---And sun STORAGK: FF furni 1 ular ho he ™W FU / \ or nit Put the or inser~ porch on bathroom floor for light Looms and spaces: Tour sus . i no ad. taken for less taan SPECIALTY SALESMEN -- Waa OWN, liousekeeplngi heat, 1 t and tele 5 i ? ad ke oo , ce City ines. e to two hu eek one. nston eet. d " n of. tour ) ords the | income, Give full particulars of your-| Seir is Queen t. "Phone $16. Ree. average Ww to melf to E. 1. cannon, Meeon "Ave. ; } : WIL ba received by Cleveland, Ohlo, Wanted To Rent 1 » Na ng BOTD'S STORAGE W. v ne nd i pala at The Brit $40 A WEEK---Taking orders for B & | \ : A i i broct building Yh 1000 ny in days fra ie iors Din Urdetwear ai SHALL HOUSE OR APARTIEENT ut o Ca 5 rae -. i eke is Anta ge Jnsertion, Porch Dresses. Your cash daily. No| Fairly central, wanted by June 1st / 4 ! . Miscellancons will then one collecting or delivering. Write B, &| Apply Box H-6, Whig Office. ! RR Zz. 7 , . i Td for more piration will E. Mfg. Co. Dept. 27, nt [SMALL FLAT--OF man apartment \ SHE) . J 2 ASHES--Cloan gut lof and sma 0 ' a times the ad, FPpeared 'and adjusts YARDS OF PROFIT ag A Ln RT ke (> . 34 Russel Bireat tons J ment made at the rate earned. ~for Men' and Women. By direct sell- ply Box K-7, Whig Office. ; Bape x Rate per. ine for. white apace 1s = ling oure/ard goods of Silks, dress goods, . b CHL RIVE Let { . AY, ys - ASHES--Removed Brom ayer Be as & line of t. curtain material, drapery fabrics, ele. | pURNISHED HOUSE-- With four or ve ) lars; St o_o ints for yearly i8Vertising you can easily make a substantial ye bedrooms, and within short distance : . A > a EE ent. ' |ing right in your own helghborhood 80d | of water, wanted during OR ne Rg : 8 Buckley Transfer, ou matey on reserve ihe right to edit district. Full or spare ime. Jaberal school session. Send particulars to ® 'Phone 291 and 2516-M. or reject all classified advertising | commission. Only ambition to g Dr. R. A. Kerr, 2951 St. Catherine St. 4 necessary. No capital nor experience Past, "Montreal. . NEN A en CAVERLY TRANSFER CO. w= a N 3 a » : Princess Street, ploughing, . required. Our selling outfit. "A Dry . y NX phone 242; ask for a wast ad. Goods Stcre at Your Door" is a sure suai FURNISHED HOUSE. --. Or Nes \ \ 2 ) Srincess Street. ploughing. h A J team-work done. Estimates ven, " -- "Sales Getter" in itself. Write at once artment, want One ur two bed- 7 i = for full details and jercitory. Teoma Gas and sleceriany, July br . 3 : - 'Phone 1807-J. minton Home Fabrics i | August 21. Preferably near Queen's. \ " Lost and Found 1 "Kool 501, 1435 Bleury St. Montreal: Reply 10.4. Harkinaor sas a Juoen's. \ y Expert Plano Tuning, Avenue, Mount Royal, Que. Player-Plano Adjusting. -= Found Sm UTOMOBILE MARKER . Found on Real Estate For Rent. ; Phone 1544. fri 7 For Sale or To Let 11a 8 ) t -- . C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED She ng Ottles. Apartments and Fiats SALES SERVICE - Murray' Ri " FOUNTAIN PEN--Found, on Friday. > J sam $7 Earl 5%. AR' T--3 rooms and bathroom, | FURNISHED COTTAGE--With slee Sa H Rr aan AR venta. Aeatod; shied or unfurnished. AN| ing porch, Fort Henry Cove. Aoply[t 2 WEN MOUTH SEES YUH STANDIN AN GES iy enise, Thurs Boday's and oh conveniences. Price reasonable. Ap-| 448 Johneton street in ox AP # NUH HIS SEAT, 10.30 a.m. Send anything to sell---come for what you ni . Owner may have same | ply ¢ Jenkins Street or 'phone 1319-J. Z eee wee. | SUMMER BUNGALOWS -- Eastview LIFES Yo Wale. Ofion APARTNENT--Io tha Weston + rooms, | "BMMER. BUNGALOWS -- Eastview . UH FEEL LIKE YORE SLUPPIN' AN Phone S310: NUH BEAT. UPHOLSTERING--ANd genera} d, No. 64, Sargent & Co.| heated; hot water all year round; gas| rooms, furnished; screened verandahs KEY---Foune Rave same by applying to| stove in kitchen. Apply Dr. Anglin, 52( and fireplaces; good view, bathing so. 8uUT vv GT WN NUNDER ORE IE. Leave ord £3 on N. Alfred Street (Sny-| Earl street or phone . kingston. "Phone 8 S\N ANY MORE'N ude Soop oid = der's) University Avenue, - APARTMENT---Sydenham Apartments, -m. MEY--Found at Kingston Mills on Sun- | Brock Street, four rooms and tiled | Se Wen tort HEFTUH STAND BACK AN GINE . Owner may ve same at the bathroom; gas ange, refrigerator, ¢ : A YOUNGER MAM "OR N: J Automobiles ig Office. hardwood floors, well heated. Apply 89 Real Estate For Sale ' | TT v Brock Street. A tease Auto al'Cak Cor re an 2 Ee as. Accessories or a Leaps bor, Like bridge | HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barrie Farms and Land iz FORD TOURING CAR~= In Tun. tae, lease outy "Bava X. Dixon, Princess Breet, cantrally ocated. with = FARNS- (100); Free Catalogue Articles For Sale. Articles For Sale Business Service Ding onder: | good re. 0 reagon- w Plotures, escriptions; a own~ umes A monn ro ~ LL Seki RS Trp Ky crimes ™ Le 0 Frofessonss 31 | Orage Kingston, Ont ¥edound, on Stephen Street. feat With owner. Odlin's Rea tate KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY CO, Sent gy have wame at 197 Stephen Business 'Places # xchange, Satervii, daipe. SUITS--At $20.00 and $25.00. Only a few | ROSEWOOD MELODEON oo; Large size) LyOY--Geo. F. and Jennie A. Chiro.| --Makers of Auto, Buggy, Bost Business Places 18( left of these bargains. Raincoats | in ¥ood shape. 'Phone or wrie. M. practors, Registered Nurse, 203 Bagot| and Cushions. Comme erciat, SUM OF MONEY--Found, on Hows 1s- | Deer OFFICES--With vault in EE 1 oP Lyyind-grout.| J; LEM, Yorke: on 15, 01.30 © Conair Bours i, Belstering. Awnings an a Tonte Wl , 3 V , i. -9 7. El road. Apply to Charles N. DESIR A ambers, corner King aod BARBER RUSINKSS-Princess Street, 15:00. Easy terme of payment Tele SET OF SURVEYORS INSTRUMENTS oaguiiaton free 347 King street. Bhons 3948. Walkem & Barristers and Solicitors 21b S8ess Kingston; established fifteen years; to Set th Clarence ecreis. Rost oi Wy TR " three oJIaIrS; well locat od poroellent ohnston Street. Walkem, nN cA, Street. VER BRACELET w ame- opportunity; easy terms. un- lost bétween' Victoria Cafe and |e once St. Kingston, Ont. ningham & Smith, Clarence Pireet, AWNINGS--Verandah Curtains. Apply WE WILL ay Pane Jor six Vor and Nothry Dablie [iof Sellci- Dnivansity Avenue. Finder please | gpp1OES--For rent, large and small Frank W. Cooke. 'Phone 436. orn Jor mouth will allow ail on.| ton Street. 'Phone 2588- Wy address and claim re- offices, in the Bibby Building. Terms | NEWSTAND AND SHOE SHINE PAR. to suit tenant upon application to R.| -LOR--Princess Street. Terms arrang- Abd heavy Clinkers. lea paid Bag terme : Srranged! gn tie CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers ay D. Sioan, Bibby's Limited. . ed. Apply Cunningham & Smith, Clar-| ASHES d f x. pu and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, oO Light Six MeLaughlin Can ILVER BAR on rm t rm. eee | €nce Street. Kspecially suite or road wor lance. i ne t Six Me i Seas pe Street 5 Jo be had for drawing APPIY] Princess Btrest. & i, B.. Cunningham, K4; eomiition, « Owner may have same at Houses to Angrove's Foundry, King and ¥ One Light Six 306 Bron Street. Houses 14| Queen Streets. WRN GER] In ortect condition. Cheap. DAY AND REVELLE--Bapristers and|| Leushlin--gooa BRICK HOUSE--116 Btephen Street, § RMY BOOTS--Good condition. Men's| PPIY 10 159 Queen Strest. Bollci $9 Ciarence Street, "King: || . Alte sll kinds of Second Hand TIR® iS Barrie Sirs be Letyeen Cata-| rooms, all improvements, good veran- | DESIRABLE BRICK RESIDENOE--No. | ARMY BOOTS Sonditien, Mana Eollctktarn, 5 Day, Adrian L Revelle.|| Automobile Parts for all makes of athracuy det no- | dah, in first class condition. Posses-| 160 University Ave. opposiie ris] used suits, 7 suit cases." Briges ver TFurntture 18a | Morigages arranged. HPhons 105. "ore. James 3 Gram, Cataraqul. = Tele-| Si at once: o® dary charged to June Douglas ATS Bar Ides) location. Brick tools. ribs ang Bhapiro, 45 Princess REvROLD Second Hand Tires, all sizes w= "pede 1 A t urpr ore, reswaence, 11 mie Teet, facing the YNO. J --Bare and - rice $4.00 $6.00, noel hl Jo Burp re Street, Antiaue and modera| tor, 81 Brick Street, Mortgesee on |] ® > Princesy Street + Sus |] Oricket fleld. pply Kingston Agen- FURNITURE t ~~ Lost, on Saturday tow' ted, 1 [1 furniture sold ht Cram- POLLITT clew Limited, 61° Clarence Sireets Tos Seal Drfil| furditure sq saat and Sought M. Cram. Ihsed on -9ty and farm property| ROSEN & r lenge. | 'Phone 1164om, Ron DUPLEX HOUSE-- 5 rooms and bathe DRILL-Frost & Wood room, heated, gos fove, faundry | tubs, DW BIIINGS- Wel! lo Jopated Norkmen:a Apply 8taftord Patterson, Cacaraqud. : = Ie Ho RIDEAU STREET h.w, floors, gral fixtures, cel- wellings, in 2 orte- HEA--Ambrose, reister and Jar, garden. verandah, front and beok| mouth: Zoply 0' King" Smythe, Ti | Be ava: Bephrator and Milken | Sollejtor. Law 'Office, corner of King Thom ew fntrance. Sarage Apply 178 Univers-| 73 Clarence ington, 'Ont,' |. JIS 8 De Javal Beparater and Tray Fuel and Feed is and rook, ver Roy Bank. Money ee een Lt venue ne 1 o loan. 'Phone z ay ROUSE rooms. slectric lignt, 3 p| PISS un Some good used engined! cowry Will deliver anthra- Wanted, Must be Ad A ly | HOUSE--2 Colborne Street, corner Syd-| bath, good garage, cent piiy locat hid Sorat br Lion Disc Har-| ite coal at $15.76. Carrying extra. we Inn, Gananoque, Ont. 7 Ssham. 8 resins, all om" Apply 188 Piles S300. Frid d MB Tr PORE, row. 4. F. Gamer t & Weood| 'Phone 3383-m. Personal 2 h he rooms. pPly noess » . or : ' MANAGERS Want. | Queen Dureor." 'Bhene tut-v 1295-J. AT Agency, 21 Brock Suivet, "Phone 886-4 DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard| HOME WANTED--A boarding home Ot sales Organization Balle and soft Wood Slabs. We handle none| for & child. Address Box L-1, Whig Attention! t and fast iling | HOUSE----311 Queen Street, near Busi-| SOLID BRICK HOUSE Ang garage, | -- SD OHIFS--The Sldsst fish and] Dut the Dest. 'Phone 2ié-w. J. C.| OM 4 ness College, § rooms, bath, hot water,| Umversity Avenue, 9 rooms, modern | ** afe in oft Ww. Redden, 260| Swain. gas, electricity, furnace. Immediate! improvements, 2 fireplaces; lar dot, | Cen vale n ¥ Hou ' A 108 5 Ladies' Hair Tarior 24 We are forced to vacate our Possession. Apply. Ju Union Street| shrubs and rose bushes. A 3 Muuiica steset ours. Si25-00. Ei $3.75 per present building and are offering west. 'Phone 304 University Avenue. 'Phone 103 am. \ deliver. . feed. ry Dey mixed $2.00. BPI Soe. Su FIRST CLASS HAIR won | for sale a large stock of FINE IDENC West end, near| HATCHING EGGS~From carefully ge- 3 Dry kagling ander ol ae. 3.7 78 Sikoe gn R --Ladies' Transfor- Us AU P fog era's Jive: | "ictorts Fark: a rosie. iw. Tur. 3. B cuNNGHAX Ita SPR ST SR pe Phen J Yi i iy fdas | USED AUX0 PARES AND nace, Ardwoo Ors, Pe , EAS, tate . A " QU oo reins" nokia electricity, verandah. Possession May Insurance and Loans tile cogkerels. toni Burgess, Bath Road hi ildiens ir_ cut tog RE Ti " Also Tools and Garage equip Railway As Association Box M'S.| 1st. 'Phobe 2515 or Box B-14, Whig 79 Clarence Street. P-O. iPhone 1507.w, GOOD HARDWOOD--$3.50 Jarier cora Hor ad ment, Office. MW Ford Toutin --mized wood | ate and $3.25 quart SEVEN ROOMED BRICK Hovss _.| TR CREAM Wagon Word Touring] oo 8.60--oft * slabs Everything must be sold. positions. . Europe, Or. FURNISHED HOUSE--In good locality, | "Charles Street, 3 piece bath. hardwood] 1534 model One shos shine 4 sbury, 8 os cord. Rough and dressed | FRENCH SALE NOW Gn from Jume ith for two niofiths (ap-| floors Sowhstairs; &ood plumbing, elec- Chestnut Street. "Phone 1130 wr' ea in kk. Clean saw-| 'Water Waviae A ON! AVING proximately). Ideal summer residence. tricity and Good garden and one 37563-J. W.| Cur) r . Nalope for lise. Wetts Apply 146 Stuart Street or phone 1a%. This x real bu Lt 8, soa MANS BIOYOLE--In good condition, fr Talbot, ot, ConotSaton By Street. italaed Tost Treatment. Spee! PALMER'S A SRSITY Eiyea a free wheel attachment. Apply 47 attentlo: ve, yelng. 188 brick ide L 8 on, also rick residence opposite "Douglas William Street, or 'phone 2759. thingies ana Re , ar Wg rr] ha So a Queen, ole" or SALVAGE Wanted 3 HOUSE--93 Earl Street, § r ooms and 3| Librar; Price a feation, als b in attic; 3 plece toilet; gas for cook-| 118 RARRIE TREES ing, ali kinds, stovew. phone Brick residence OTOR Tee30' Su oak hull with GENERAL SERVANT -- ing; electric lighting; plugs for lamps,| facing romp fleld. Price on applic n A x iw Faawity 31 and ing. we Peters & Sook, with refer-| fans, ete. Sunshine furnace. heating| tion. IKingsbor enc red x deck, 30 hp. Kermath motor, | gov Brock Toronto bm in t nee oeen. Afencies $7] Curved v bow, square stern, full equip-| gfu. 00 Phone $89. h x en evening. Mrs. | satisfactory. Garage and stables. A, o 152 University ly for key at Gilbert's Grocery, 15 THREE PTOREY CEMENT Dwi Heht, [noludin ix Jife bar Sheets [a - Por the very } : y Automobiles For Sale 2 tie St. 'Phone 254. THREE STOREY CEMENT D plckie plated fittin suitable 1 ized Sod ual e very latest In Ladies' --Corner Stuart and a ° weers. Te P. O. Box or hi TIS O Nowe' ** Tou Car a rm 'Bad Gaimite, 10| Farticuiara cn application. Mills Con| LES, " Eri be + LADIES EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE | Mire Crees Sonaition. el a Clarence ered Kingston 1 po a cord. liye 00d fr Fore 1, Whig O Cano or able. 94 Ee NOW Is the time to decorate frase se and Bagot Streets. L KINGSBURY, a APY 136 230 Princess St i "phone x W. lawns and cemetery lots wiih our { ow : and I 4 - 2085-d. A. B. . i month- | §IX ROOMED HOUSE-Electric lights, Johnson and Division Stress' Bea Comet Froducta Patrick - 192 Princess Street, Phond uJ. . overs 'Phone 730-w. Wanted To wuy 19 1 ro at Frost's City 25 May men ae . y | given. Clone: batons: lar, gard vew. - x ¢ Write now, to Phtsotor « ol sion, Sboal Ea, alve easonable. Apply 3 er i hons £5 Ses Ad Street. 299 'Q es 00 $4.200-- Solld brick, 8 rooms, modern, rowER CEMEN XER-Als0 - t; central. Ter ASHES-Or ot Il wanted at Rid y x STR i "hak | Read the Classified Page for lost and | $3,300--Double stone. rest 315 mesh je ile Holler. oes very io fonool, Sacdonaid Suet Hh Per! RRNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, ; ok found articles. Perhaps what you are|$3.000--Frame, § Tiooms, garage, mod- t. rp delivered. all branches of Insurance in old line 2 x BE Fo Ts i stunner Siam =| Beet fire ance ssa . ou ad at once. uses and flats to 5 AY Talloving and Pressing 20] 25/8-w. Res. 1121. 4 it by inserting an Rocks, R.I Reda, hite Wrandottes, i eB Save time solving Your household in eas Leg per cent 'guar- FIRE--Automobile and Casualt Pro- Cano, . emma by letting the Wiig fied delivered. © Give NeTadlor meade Salty Insuts ; top. a2; | probleme by ince 551 Princess SUCUNNOR. ak js sus yout] w. A lor Butts to} ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 i ; : ny - a x : . 88-3. | or our _e| 4 Hise nnd Phone 1783-M. v hatch red. Norell King-| Pre 373 Bagot St ston od if den 101 Queen Street. mtb s. 3T3 Bagot St NOE OnlY Ihe mont Lae ianiy COAL burning may A fasion ft ts the mont ects, i . | companies economical and i method of heating, after FIAN ebony x Le radeon y ory Business Services girange, sguabiiehed In is Sdanted. 0 ies: " Oil distillate' burning is noni only time a EN and or : ' Zan ARSE pnisn. and it, appliances permit oil to rank with coal for domestic use, Mor "and triet She for Phones: COAL HEATING is far move economical than much so that the duties ing STICK TO COALr--tor Hike sney-nne yar los, i god fo some time yet. eA JAMES SWIFT &CO. Limited | FOOT OF JOHNSON STREET.

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