Daily British Whig (1850), 11 May 1926, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG RR eA RE SN TE budget are not without interest. | BY W. L. GORDON Here is what It says: "It is evident that from the political point of view, WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: "Don't say "everyone of the boys | | the Government has built a bastion have gone." "Everyone" is singular. Say, "has gone." i { from. which it will be abi 07 ue OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED:refuse (noun). Pronounce the o || future to dominate the whole fle in "bet," u as in "unite," a asin "us," accent the f. {of battle. It has revealed itself as a 82 ope MISSPELLED: codicil, not sil ; | remarkable tactician, having guard- : ' . w SYNONYMS: inexcusable, unpardonable, unjustifiable, inex- 4 i ; ' Si - EX - ; % i ~~ La Presse Montreal, is the most important French language paper printed in Canada. Its views on the led its intentions and then, at the | proper time, revealed such a sub- Plable. , (THRE stantial relief in taxation that resist- WORD STUDY: "Use a word three times and it is yours." i 1 ~ {ance fs impossible. It will capture Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. f Ho | by this action the confidence and the To-day's word: INADEQUACY; insufficiency. "Its inadequacy has | gratitude of the Canadian people. been demonstrated by its failure." | The important thing, and which, in L our opinion dominates the whole | . . . . |question, is that the Government's Pri ted F ] t ' t £16 ri ssmno policy as revealed by the budget will read his paper with a little bit of n orms € mina ec was - TED, Riceiv; ONT. constitute a 'tonic the effect of ¥aidh wistfulness, for he felt it might do so LOOKING ed time and wasted material. cannot be other than salutary. much more for human welfare and will give a new impetus to the peo- A progress. .To his mind the presence . . ple and incite them to new efforts to- of a great and good editor in a com- AROI IND 0es your rm use em? 1S- wards progress. munity can werk a social millenium. : SPORE ION oT This kind of editor, Rev. Mr. Col-|L Cuss the matter ; with your Pim, 1 os Baten) PLEADED FOR NATIONAL UNITY. | cord conceived, was one who "gives| "The gospel of work" was the . year, by mail to rural offices, $2.50 no tolerance to wrong, nor pretend- | (NeW of, a Sunday sermon. To many : t d t Fear, to United Staten 200 The Hamilton Spectator referring |ed ease to the paths of waywardness, | People a sermon on "the gospel of : superin en en * to Mr. Elmer Davis' address at the [nor encouragement to those who Test" would, no doubt, be more in- C.M.A. convention there remarked |seek to evade the common law." Mr, | teresting. that "the fact that an eastern manu- | Colcord has set up high ideals for Those whe find gardening bard The British Whig Commercial wers, Ine,| facturer, speaking as representative [the workers on the daily press. work «after the long winter should f th reat industrial interests of Se d tr. If fl hey d t ° ° . " aN who Second, ti. the 1. 157 run Printing Department specializes ham. La Salle Street, Ontario, could endorse so EDITORIAL NOTES. Perseverence will strengthen their heartedly the vi tf th kes- : arom Tas aril bic the ry. 8 Priaraove They say really the best things muscles and they will be able to on factory forms and business J Mr. Robert Forke, M.P., shows that that come from Flonida are its og as long as the parliamentarians fo Amthamictied 35 tos Sud Barer of the two sections are not so far apart oranges! pe forms. Let Printed forms make Sng he pg The Farm hands and mechanics are in The Kingston Collegiate Institute . . : : . is proud indeed of young Jack Mac- THE MONARCH BATTERY BY-|keynote of Mr. Davis' speech Was |gotive demand in Canada, Ordinary | Phas) who hes Won on $1,800 schol- your business more efficient. LAW, national unity, for which a strong |iabor is overstocked. More educa- | arship for a course in Upper Canada ; - ------ and eloquent plea was made. "But," {jon required. » | College, of which W. L. Grant, form- On Monday next the property|adds the paper, "how is this desir- erly of Queen's, is principal. The owners of Kingston will be asked t® | able result to be attained--the merg- Beware of the hand outstretched | Present Collegiate principal, Mr. * state by their votes whether they are Ing of seMish interests in the larger (in friendly greeting. Within the wel-| Sliter, will recall that some of his In favor of granting a fixed assess-| interests of the state By a 'riper | coming palm: bacteria may. be: lurk- | Students "away back in the early nineties, when Dr. A. P. Knight was . ment of $1,000 on the property of acquaintanceship." Mr. Davis be- ing, ready to find another home. the Monarch Battery Company for a lieves. In order to gain this more This is the warning conveyed to us Boat mune vee. auitute ore, ® ® $ ~ period of ten years. intimate relationship, it is necessary | by health diagnosers. For pity sake! Collegiate lads in those days studied "In making a decision on this mat-| to have an interchange of visits be- far harder than most of the boys do Cc Il 1S } 18 ; Isn't it strange that the members to-day. - ter it is well to consider all the facts! tween east and west on the part of of the case. Kingston wants indus-| men willing to leave their precon- [Of all the public bodies in Toronto,| Some people are just beginning to i tries and in the Monarch Battery | ceptions behind them and approach | using autos or motorboats, are ask- learn that certain diet is beneficial . . . - Company, it has an infant industry [the other fellow's problem with an [ed to sign a "log" telling what they to the teeth, and Dr. S. A. Aykroyd C al P tin D rt t that is proceeding to make a very | open inind. There age, undoubtedly, [used them for. Are the public so ls iv be Shuphed for directing atten- ommercli rin g cpa men * bealthy growth. This company was | many such prejudices and miscon- | suspicious of the honor of its ser-| tion to the matter in the columns of started four years ago in a small ceptions, which it is most desirable | vants? Te AE ThE dowon Jaa give n¢ Phone 2614 Way. It was two or three years be- [to get rid of. Misunderstanding is science, being Re Th a Jaye; fore it began to amount to very [to be overcome by understanding, | "Be what you were meant to be" as a deeply-read dental physician much. During these two or three|and prejudice banished by more | 18 the main idea animating all efforts Le : ~~ Years many thousands of dollars | sympathetic Insight." specially directed to inspire the Down at Elgin the ladies still | wen endowed with this world's Were expended in experimenting A ------------ youth of "the city to impulses of [sing "The Maple Leaf," and it i8|goods. The premier and his new with and perfecting the Monarch FOR "WEE " CorSceiE 1a obedience, reverence, discipline, self-| good to feel that this famous Cana- colleague offer shining marks for 'Battery. By last fall the business| F TS OF OFFICE. respect and all that leads towards diag Rational song, written by Alex-| Cupid's darts, Nn to the point wher true manliness, ander Muir, an old Kingstonian, is had grow: p ® 21 The Ottawa Citizen says the gov- not forgotten by this generation, al- ot b y S -- larger building was necessary. One ernment is denounced, periodically, The Canadian Magazine. insists |tHOUgh "O Canada" has very largely She May, Was erected on Montreal street. The : in Conservative newspapers for hold- that Canada is an unhealthy place supplanted it. ri uien SN arisns Para. of olty was asked for a fixed assess j ing on to the "sweets of office." Th T en 'ment; the matter was referred to a hint a a Ey ad a Of residence fot the pessimist. Many | "yourigts are alroady reporced ar-| vant for a century in ong family. De "" | people now alive will live to see the riving both at Thousand Island ro-| They're now hoping .that she likes ple and the by-law defeated. 5 criticism is that the opposition sits country supporting from 25,000%00 sorts and out 'in north Frontenac, so | the place well enough to stop on. Kingston AYLSWORTH BR 0S. into its mew ' in the house looking with hungry |; 30,000,000 prosperous inhabi- [surely spring is here. Whether it in January and went ahead ba and developing new | 527° ACFOSS {0 the treasury benches. |yants. Is or mot, the fish are reported as Always Something To Do. Series and has come when | °OP!® May eventually begin to won- biting well in various places around| Shelburne Economist: "A wife," Stock "Brokers or Thome U. R. Knight 1706-w. o der what the sweets of office are, Thomas L. Church, .M.P., com-| Kingston. says a Shelburne angler, "is a female company needs still more room. that some Conservativ to b geil 3 person who can think up a hundred . . 10 tect another build. 0 'onservatives seem to be | plained in parliament that Canada -- - ' and : pronase ales. a3 the coc Tit so much concerned over. It is poor was governed too much from the Sons and daughters, according to | and one things it would be better for same . "it bas | POTICY OD the Dart of opposition] west. Thomas' view Is that this fair |p TnoRt Ontarlo law, are required | a mau to do than go fishing. - Bond Dealers #t fall. Before going ahead it has to su sriti k 1 i: pport their parents when the - SPECIAL ded to again ask the citizens to |. . °° keep dwelling on them like | land should be governed by Toronto, | 1at¢er are unable to make their own Menace to Christianity. Members: A g Local and loag Missus Gummidge who was always and he knows a fell h : : a fixed assessment for $1,000. . ' ln ellow who could |1fvelihood. This was good legisla- Montreal Star: There is little distance, thinking of the "Old 'Un." It mis- |help do it. ; tion. But when a man of in doubt that the Rev. Dr. Rose voiced Montreal Stock Exchange All Motor T-moks With Alr Tires question for the property |leads the inexperienced members s-- ~~ |means has a wife and eleven chii-|the sentiments of a very large num- Toronto Stock Exchange H. L. BRYANT to decide fis whether they|into thinking that. there are still The two Orillia papers The Packet | dren to support, as was found to be | ber of clurch-goers when he told the Chicago. Board of Trade 334 Division Street. 'Phome 1758 : to encourage the Monarch Bat- | some sweets left for them, when they | ana Times have amalgamated. For |the case in regard to a man sum-| Congregational College . theology wi . Company to enlarge its new |next come back in triumph, if aver. yegrs Orillia has supported these ; moned to police court yesterday, the | Class recently that poor sermons are Winnipeg Grain Exchange Beto by granting a fixed assess-| They are almost sure to be disap- | papers, but the' increasing cost ot | 1aw cannot be carrfed out. There are | 8 menace to Protestant Christianity. 2 ° ¢ , man 1 . -- ranches ber, : ¥ people who think that the fa Toronto, Ont., Montreal, Lum ' all sizes, But for tem years, or not. The Pointed. The last Conservative ad- | publishing has brought the Liberal | lish Whig is not partial to fixed | ministration left little else but Dead {and Conservative papers together. | *7 0) other of Suen large famil- That's Di t. Moncton, 'N.¥. Sydney, N.S. isments as a general thing. Too | Sea fruit for office holders. They were both excellent newspad- amily fncome er Tea when {ha Ottawa Journ liiaieg Btates [| 7ondon, Ont. Sherbrooke, P.Q FOR S they are given to outsiders, ---- _ Under' the new management amount. Tian Sites nd Wd Et po 3 Halifax, N.S. Ct. John's, Nid ALE . 40 not make good. In Orillia will no doubt be quite as well : } Present case, however, we be- THE AGE Loar, served and the publishers may be hat Sollows, oT suyihing may Mi branches and £5 Now York and Also Roofing Material RAILS--BOILERS it will be good business for the Over the séa Lord D able to 'put f unedin was e to "put away a few dollars for his last nickel in Chicago or Pitts- burg and the incident is forgotten A Oomplete Financial Service operty holders of this city to su their old age. ; por P-| fined for speeding. Before this epi- 8 t the by-law. We have in the sode some people suggested his re- RR -- News and Views. after the first sunset. Ea SEAS AAASED I Cohen & Co. ch Battery Company a YOURE | tirement because of. age. Seemingly Savings dnstitutions are urging MONTREAL STREET ustry that is growing rapidly. It he gave vivid evidence of vi people to own their own homes. Any- » 4 8 : gor, and . PHO sso asking nothing by way of assist- |), dily and mental health. M thing which stimulates saving is to As She Sees It. : How to Oolleet Back Gaba, 3 3 a aa 881. ' odily al e ealth. y lord |} Boston Transcript: Fergus News-Record: One man Th Yorkshire Fish f¥om the city but the promoters is seventy-six years of age and in| 'Meir advantage, though it is hard Ee Cag TO ® dh would like to class himself as a ee -- d like to feel that the indus to see how they can benefit so long| r= [oPOrt--"She claims that mar- d Chip Caf lod USLIY | court was asked about an age lmit : 1% 80 10N§} 11050 is nothing but a delusion ang | leading citizen stopped his paper an P e A y the city, before they ex- for judges. The question Lord Dun-|®® the buyer's surplus income is ab- a snore." last week on account of an article i L 8y 'more money in bullding. | odin 'regarded as a somewhat tick-[%0rbéd by instalment payments. A-- contained therein, which, of course.| 'We deliver ali day Sat. Fond sult the company much lish one. "It seems rather like fix-| What good is your bundle of rent Just for a id sags. Test Nia Soaval. We got F i Pure from a financial point of view ing a statutory age limit for the |T®CeIP!s at the end of twenty years,"| Ottawa Journal: If matchmakers | fI¥e Years in arrears paid thereby. rank Haig's love the business to Toronto. | playing of golf," he sald, "or of|'s clinching argument. On the|Would turn their attention to the |TUAt encourages us to KSep up the 73 MONTREAL STRENE 'M l S of the raw material comes from clearing the Hnks for those who go | °ther side a writer counters with the | Matrimonial prospects of Jackie | 5°04 Work. 'PHONE 2964. ap. e€ y. rap Queen City and the bulk of the slow. I do mot think any judge over | I"®'Y. "How much is one ahead C0881, their action would be much 3 First run--full weight -- hed product returns thers. The seventy would have any griovesce |*fter twenty years accumulation of appreciated by the Prince of Wales. There's Hope While the Bible Sells. a . Owner of the company would | whatever it he were retired, but p|'8%-bllls, interest.and water receipts Eligible Mink Duluth Herald: There is a good P aper Hanging, Paint- rig gel ine right to remain in Kingston, how- do not know that you would get bet- | 32d items incidental to ownership?" vancouver Ne. Minis) 8 A flutter 1a] 4001 of evil on the Suitacs a things, ing and ! wo, up tor Wintes and it the people by thelr | ter results if you were to do it. You reported in feminine circles in Ot- here and astound the world; some. First class work. Prices reasonable on Monday indica A Motto for All times so much that people are tempt- > ; ndieate their de-| must always remember there are . fawa over the addition of another / FRED YOUNG Guelph Mercury: Canada first, ed to be pessimistic' about man and REDD _Tetaln the factory here the | people who become inefficient before | ought to be the ambition of every | io 5, 0 the list of cabinet minis-| nig future. But the wise man will 196 COLBORNE STREET Jas. EN & CO, anit will be commenced immedi. they are seventy. Longevity gemer- good Canadian, born or' naturalized, Jets, Hon. J, C. Elliott, minister of not despair of humanity so long as - PHONES 20 and 9990, : It 1s more a case of indicat {ally means vitality and 200d health, | sam Rn Labor, 18 single and reputed to be] (ne Bible, the source of all real wie. desire to have the factory re- and these are the very things that y T dom and all real hope, is the world's e, than of granting any con- keep up a man's mental as well as ; : t : his bodily activity," : : -- : Were an age limit of seventy fixed is i012 wo aan Tadustrieh: 2 for British judges the bench would 'than by supporting ¥ lose some of its most distinguished y Tocal capital. : ornaments at once. Years are not : the test of a man's eficiency. Men in Kingston, at eighty-four have Arthur N. Pack been more alert, farsighted and Ab Bone al ye ne enter optimistic than others forty years * might well be name their juniors, who have rusted out all bend The rather than worn out their faculties. or ¢ with : : : m : : McCALLUM i : : ; : , in the world or tive : R . : % 1S, , d MEMORIALS 'Rev. ©. L. Goleord, : er as wel ; tee } hates are airdady taken up. ff o Sa: Sond garage une

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