CT SAL SSR STOR 5 ts a GAS THE | DAILY BRITISH WHIG SSE A a WILD GEESE | 'WOMEN EVERYWHERE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE VALUES AT JACKSON-METIVIER'S. arom STOCK REDUCING SALE elia, in the garden, worried what be would say when she mrned to the house. She knew | at be had come in onlyo torment | * with his knowlédgé that Mrs. | jandbo was there. i Lind hurried to her r oom and ered just how far the news had that she had been seen with a Jordan. No one could have | Rh that she had eaten with him tho) Kiovacrs, so. that any. re-| TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE INCOMING SUMMER MERCHANDISE ! 'malicious conjecture. But she ou "Vii he Ta cin 0 A TS Misses and Women will find Smart Styles and Won- he Lye, o, Leaving derful Values at our ir Anema Stock Reducing Sale. mowledge about her. Once - the ide got hold of it her name | ; ald be bandied about mercijessly. | - + "If T see her here sain ru ou her off the place," Caleb added, af-| ioe giving Amelia a dressing down " . gd entertaining Mrs. Sandbo. 3 "won have no mixin' In with that $1575 dot. The Teacher's gettin' her cap Mark Jordan, eh? The ed Ss about it. She'll not want t a Tre Seuih about that hand- i AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF HANDSOME, NEW COATS der his b : BE ces breath and men: ont Prolonged cold weather brings Kingston Coat Prices down. Now is the time for you to buy, as thought. The Teacher was so we did, and reap these big savings. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -- Tricoti d Bar ver But i wud mauer to @ Poiret Twill, Charmeen, English Velours, Duvetyn, T m 16 to 501 $A 0 her, But it would matter pret Lill aoa, en! sk elours, Duvetyn, Tweeds and Polo Cloths. Sizes from 16 to 50}. 1 to Mark Jordan, A sudden im- mise to her. Caleb was well out f hearing, and Ellen had gone to DR my en. Slack Coats| EVERY DRESS COAT IN THE STORE I'm going to bake two chickens sultaile Mor Jian Sx Woven R 1 oud you Nie 'to take" ons [lf | --tuily sinoa--enmitutly sat 1 O. 45 525 10 350 Now $19.75 to $39.75 Ff to that young man at vith Bu y C] 28'? Amelia asked. "Keep it --plenty of large sizes. Tricotine, Char me " y meen, Novelty Coats, fur trimmed---sth secret, of course." . Values to $25.00. fashionable new colors. Sizes 16 to 42. a © most . Lind smiled at her, hiding her rise. "What will the Icelanders At they ssa ma going there?" ENGLISH SALE OF FLANNEL DRESSES ""Well--do as you like. They will d , | WOOL SWEATERS SILK GAUNTLETS Shir OF Regular $6.95 to $10.00. 'anyway, here." followed that Lind took the and "Kayser's and Niagara Chao Suede Gloves Stock soni CHAPPIE COATS oi deme bor a= 488 NOVELTY wo $2. 95 en, full of savory dressing, to Klovacz homestead. On the way Values to $7.50. Sura back or: straight flare % With turn back or flare cuffs. Embroid- Seb ONLY cuffs, ered in contrasting colors. Sand, Fawn, Mode, FLANNEL DRESSES---Flare styl traight line, and two i ohdersd at Amelia y nade 1 erosity, and wondered also the woman's real self was. $2 95 Spoial at - . Grey. Very special at piece effects. Sizes 16 to 38. All good shades. All perfect $1.39 A? = 1 9 ine. Bo sary : Limi uantit ee . : A 3 y EEE IE fone ff EXTRA SPECIAL! | om JLO0REES uf STEPS you know, I think you're an CORSE AND FLAT CREPE, , A | | 100 Silk Dresses Value extraordinary--in shades of Flesh, Mauve, Peach and ud. There isn't a thing "Mark Jordan was repairing a when Lind rode up to him. .halr clung in damp little curls WRAP AROUND GIRDLE ; Sky Blue--all large fitting and well made. h you, and it's not alues to $2.00. RY 2 | hid $ FEA Vaketot2o0 © owe Ela] ihe REPE NIGHT GOWNS, 98c Well--it t, but it | " . MEL miled ut her. "At Toast aon $ 1 49 . | sizes fy Fieaiole, ith, short secre or strap ofer sho shnaaidor, Joiped 16 to 42. SHAS Priced formerly ona saio0 | ee oo _ Most fashionable for present day wear. | wo il Tk i tequiar stoc onlay Reduced for Stock PLEATED SKIRTS with Camisole Tops is forehead, his bare arms were nt and the muscles stood out them. She laughed aloud with de- as she looked at him. He came nd her where Specially priced, Heavy weight Brocade in re's a scandal about us," she thies styles, An Staea._ Coiuitie, 0 AND g ; Here is a rare opportunity to secure (wo or even Pleated in Knife or Box - "The prairies have seen me Fap-Azound DARK [erm (hrec smart Dresses for the usual price of one--all are Pleating. Shades of Navy, $ 1 # L with you." ° the finest 4h » p quality workmanship, new, smart in fashion Black, Brown, Sand or Grey. a Tight -- hav at weed Suits SHADES : and fabric. Bright shades: Rosewood, Blonde, Cocoa, Sizes 34 to 44. I Navy and Black. Regular value $3.95. ya Brat class school teacher," : A| 9.95 | mown i ha o CHILDREN'S . : WH > Pin Stl | peiiosiors | (STOCKINGS Pure Silk Hosiery, 95 Misses' and Women's CREPE KIMONAS There must be something Slagle and double breasted in highly NERS 6 TO 10. J eeping her there." Javed od Bunegal L Peed-Lpoiular shad des Procure your Children's Susimer Reedcourt Pure Silk Hosiery--heavy weight, first qual- Boantitul fished Crepe Wim pias i, with seamed back and fashioned marks. Shades: Sleeves. Shades Mauve, Sky Blue, sw round , 18 onl wants in Stockings. Shades: Black, 'Nrap-Around Skirt. Size 16, vy. Brown and White only. \ ch Nude, Rose Taupe, Rose Blonde, Almond, Airedale Pink, Peach. Don't miss this ly Yalue a mc Regular 85c. and 50c. qualities. id Black. Reducing Special. Eo]. JACKSON-METTVIER ne : yon't know his trembling joy walked together to the LIMITED : carefully filled. with their arms about each ; Ss ron sven ff Il4 PRINCESS STREET road could see them. When . i were seated at the table for Mark told her that he had be : Jram a Raa 34 It would be at the time of the wild| The tame hay and the rye grass | you. What on earth do you want to fof red and white and black and paid her for it and she had seat the | to him, "I'll be wanting the money "The totter had e debit goose flight. Suddenly she clasped | were coming up as if there were build a house for, when we . have | white. It was not until after Ellen| money at once to the ¢ity for ma- {for those two steers you sent in." The red that th t her hands about his own and held | hands at their roots pushing them. one? Heb, heh!" He 'went off and Martin had gone that it occur-| terial for a dress that Lind had "Tehi----you! Go in and talk to tea © great!) om to her breast. "Dearest dear-- | The fodder grains too, were heavy [chuckling to himself at Martin's|red to hor that she should have' promised to make for her. your mother. She'll show you ft 3 had Bot siven, 'him much I love you," she sald. Mark drew headed, straight and yellowing. And | vagaries. looked for her steers. Judith soon discovered that her | pays to be honest." to iar ed ne her into his arms and they sat for a |the cattle and horses in pasture were Martin 'split a log with a ftre-} Yellow: Post the day : eto! steers were gone. She vowed to (To Be Continued.) BI8A0 tay um, bu long time saying nothing. growing sleek and round. mendous swing of his ax. Well, he | , oo, "PV RE SE i wool ors. demand payment for them. Caleb She early, after they had ar-| Martin, dutifully going about his | had dreamt a little 'vainly, then. had been hiding under the of| had gone to Yellow Post, and she| The Washington 500 has " ty ran to meet again the following daily chores, knew that the signs! That wad all. But Caleb couldn't the waited for his return 'to bring up ived two rare lizards from the uy ot Yellow Raat, Weta 590d, live forever. a She ws - ned i> tk the subject. zoological gardens at Wellington, ' 'he the oiieb hE ally bute of the| 'Thinkin' of buildin' in the] Caleb watched the market and de-|sale of the wool to Caleb. He had ' a: Yellow Post dahsunesan spite- | New Zealand. 2 k begins, Lind, to help spring?" he asked {aleb. Thé New| cided it was timé to sell a number Juiy atiel a3 Cale qe any : i fields now and took careful note of . Sut. So that means |, weather. Every evening for a [House stood large 43d beautiful in of head of cattle. The roads to Jone Of the Masha at Jaa | shal ving together.* ith his lant Nykerk Siding were dry and hard, Cale ed at him thoughttu week he went out with his lautern |" .p 0150s putigin® what?" © blandly and said that he had not. ughtfully. | O00 the others were milking. com- u ? Buildin' what?" Caleb| it would be easy to herd them in. When he returned homie ho came ing back with it unlit after dark.-He said absently. He was peering| Martin and Bilen were summoned iy upon fn the kit spoke to no one except to give di. | Yestward. where he thought he saw | before Caleb in the sitting room and Slow BE pn phat ia chen. rections about the work on the farm, [50me of his cattle in Thorvaldson's| told to prepare to leave on the mor- . 1 and at mealtime he was. absolutely | Summer fallow. row. Then Martin went out with } "So--she's showing the streak, silent. He was absorbed with the| A house. '{'Caleb and selected fifteen steers eh? It'd come out somebow---some- process of growth on the land he| ~~A house? Heh, heh! Well, well,| and cows fromi the herd. Among how, yes! And you emcouragin' her Martin, the women must be gettin"| them were the two steers that . : in it, too, like as not, eh?" His voice . | Judith had assumed were her own was a soft purr, his lower 1ip thrust in piace of the two that had been forward. Amelia whitened considerios | Joint eth ein | rhs are uit