Ve * Thursday, May 13,1926. 9 i THE DAILY BRITISH" WHIG Dyspepsia Caused Her Agony After Every Meal Mrs. M. Caldwell, 2335 Hemlock 8t., Vancouver, B.C., writes:--*' After suf- fering for years with agony, from i after every [SARI To = $ [ BIDDY HEN AND THE GOBLIN. Mrs. Bunny wasn't a bit cross be- cause Mister Tingaling and the Twins had broken into her house, as you might say. Indeed she and Mister Bunny and her sister-in-law all had a good laugh, and ft ended up in the visitors being invited to stay to lunch. Mrs. Bunny set three more places, and that made six of them. { The Twins thought they wouldn't | care for carrot-pfe, but really it tast- {ed almost like pumpkin-ple. And as for plaintain-seed cookies, you hard- {ly could tell them from caraway. | They talked about the bad little goblin, S8nitcher Snatch, and his rela- tions, the Gazookumsés. + "I 'tell you what, Mister Tinga- | ling," said Mister Bunny as he light- ed a cigar after lunch, and tilted his chair back comfortably, "you'll have to watch out for those young raséals. That Snitcher Snatch would do al- LOOD lh. SITE and got such relief I kept right on until I had used three les and was completely relieved of my trouble. ean eat anything I wish with- Cl Now, 1 out having any bad after effects." Put only by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, most anything." 'oronto, Ont. The Ki N CLEANERS | "Listen!" said Mrs. Bunny sud- AND DYERS | denly, "That sounds like Piddy Hen Clean anything that ean be cleaned | clucking out there, What's she do- ©. COE & P. BARRETT {ing away over in. these woods, I'd » fast | Y Olive Roberts Barto. TIDINGS FROM NEWBORO. | Mrs. S. K. Bresee, of Syracuse, Falls { and Breaks Arm. Newboro, May 13.--Mrs. S. K. | Syracuse, N.Y., had the luck! Cluck-a-luck! I'm looking for misfortune to fall and break her a new house, so I can mike a nest arm, on Tuesday last. She went to that Farmer Greenway won't find." | Smith's Falls for medical treatment. "1 know the very place you wish, | Mrs Ww. P. Lake and little son have Madam," Snitcher Snatth replied, | returned home after a visit of four not knowing, of course, that anyone | months at Ottawa. Mrs, 8. Thomp- except Mrs. Hen was listening. "I I'80n was a visitor to Kingston on Fri- know a fine place for a nest.-I have day. The Women's Institute held a house in a big hollow log, behind | their monthly meeting in Masonic some bushes, that is for rent right | Hall on Wednesday last. Their an- now, and yoli can have it if you P&Y | nual convocation will be. held in me two eggs a week." Newboro on June "Is it your house? Are you the landlord?" asked Biddy Hen hap- pily. "I'll be most happy to look at of New York, is thé guest of her fi.» mother, Mrs. o. A. Bolton. Mrs. M. "Yes, these are all my houses," | a Epiton is improving her house by sald the bad little goblin, waving his | clapboarding and painting, hand around in a wide sweep. I am. Miss Ogal Lee, of Syracuse, N.Y., the landlord and you may pay me is the guest of her parents, Mr. and your rent in eggs. I'm very fond of | pps. James Lees The wind and sun eggs. Do you leave home often, |hay dried the land 80 some of the Mrs, Hen?" | villagers are planting their gardens. "No, not when I'm setting" sald | Mrs. R. Farmer, Brockville, has re- poor Biddy Hen. "I'm afraid my turned home after an extended visit eggs will get cold and not hatch. mother, Mrs. F. just leave my nest about three times George Bawden received a sudden a day for a short time, to scratch call to Toronto owing to the death of around for bugs and food." his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Robert "Just when do you leave avin Bawden, on Tuesday last, Mrs. " | Breesee, Miss Mae Bolton, asked the bad little goblin. "Maybe\ freq Graham is visiting her daught- I could come and look at your eggs ers in Brockville. 'St. Mary's Guild MAGNESIA BEST FOR GASSY STOMACH Bisurated Magnesia Promptly Ends Gas, Sourness and Acid Indigestion. fa If everything you eat turns to gas and your stomach is a constant fer- ment of sourness and Acid Indiges- tion, try taking a little pure Bisurated Magnesia after meals for a while and get the immediate relief from stom- ach trouble this simple prescription unfailingly gives. It is a serious mistake to seck re- lief from Indigestion or a bad stom- ach by using pepein or other artif- | You get relief but i cial 'digestants, weaken the stomach and do not reach the cause which, nine times in ten, is simply "too much acid" in the stom- ach. Bisurated Magnesia, taken af- ter meals, dissolves or neutralizes this acid, sweetens and cleans up the | stomach, drives out gas and bloat and lets the stomach digest your food as nature intended without a particle of - | trouble. Reliable druggists everywhere sup- ply the genuine Bisurated Magnesia in both powder and tablets in sealed packages. Do not confuse with ordi- nary citrate, Milk or lump magnesia. Be sure to get Bisurated, which is not 5 ® Va 2 Roofing " Red, Green and Blue Black Slab Slates, Roll Roofing, etc., in pretty, harmonious colors. ~ S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange "Phone 1571. | Custom Made Footwear For All! Office: 86 Aren Street. 'Phone 1225w || like to know. She belongs over in Call and deliver, | the barnyard" -- | Naney ran over to Mrs. Bnuny's | dining room window. I did tell you, | didn't I, that their magic/shoes made : "] | the Twins so tiny they could even | have gone into a mouse-hole, had This "Tweed" Steel | they wished; STONE $ "Yes, it is Biddy Hen," she said. 12.00 "Ana there's someone beside her. BOAT Cash with Order | | Oh. I do beliéve it's the bad little Delivered free to station. Runs | goblin himself. Yes, sir! It's Snitcher Deve' underneath give added 'strength; | | Snaten." : won't rot like wood. Made of 31" | They all rushed to the window of Slate; fagle lron around edge { Mrs, Bunny's house in the pine-tree stump and peeped from behind the The STEEL TROUGH & MACHINE co, | | CV712I0- Tweed . . Ont Lud | | And this is what they saw and | heard. 1% DR. J. CW. BROOM Biddy Hen was saying, "Cluck-a- Dental Surgeon RAD 10 150 Wellington Street. "Phone 679. | FRIDAY, MAY 14th. laxati i i for stomash apap Pecially prepared | f MORE COMFORT--MORE WEAR--MODERATE PRICES JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. REPAIRS "PHONE 231.7, while you're away, so as to be per- met at the hom ' tectly sure they are safe." "on Monaa home % Ya Vitiai for stomach trouble, fl "That's very kind of you, I'm | were in attendance, _ sure,' said Mrs. Hen. "If you'll just , da show me the place now, I think I'll yr. Farmers have been forced to buy rent it." Farmers Buying 'Hay. large quantities of hay this spring. les But just then a gust of wind came | Dubker's Hall, May 12.--The roads [The farmers will be starting their | ~~~ along and blew off the little goblin's [2T® dry fiow and in fairly good con- [plowing soon. Sugarmaking Is finished for this] Warner Switzer visited Godfrey hat. And Mrs. Hen saw his pointed dition. The grass is quite green and A large number are sending their year. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Leeman last week. The loons are quite nu- : : presents a nice fresh appearance. milk to the Glendower cheese factory. made a trip to Godfrey Inst week. merous in the lakes now. » ears!" . --~ "Cluck-a-luck! Get out of here!" i) she cried crossly. "You're a cheat!" And she made a dive at him with her beak. But Snitcher Snatch scooted off{ and disappeared among the bushes. | "WelN the very idea!" exclaimed | Mister Tingaling. (To*Be Continued.) 9.30 p.m.--WGY Orchestra and | baritone solos. | WCAE, Pittsburgh (461). 6.30 p.m.--Dinneg concert. 8 p.m.--Mozart choir. " 8 Evenings by appointment. |, KINGSTON" TRANSFER C0 CONRT Toronto (Eastern D.S.T. 356.9). 6.30 to 12 p.m.--Continuous per- formance in honor of second birth- day. WELLINGTON STREET Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip ment, Machinery, Safes, Planos, etc. MONEY LOANED AGAINST MORTGAGES 'Phones 377. Evenings 2231. Black Gem Coal Clean, Blocky and Bright. WHILE IT LASTS 8.30--Tamburitza Orchestra. WOAP Washington (Kasvern 400) TIL] TILE MA) 6 to 12 p.m.---Mosart String FTF AT $10.50 per ton Quintetts from studio; music and TIOITIAILIS) ORIAISIS IDIA[D playlet from WCAP Studio Wash-| |AILIE] SEWER W. A. MITCHELL & Co. A ington; IE Telephone 67. CKAC, Montreal (Eastern D.S.T. 411). 1.45 p.m.--Windsor Hotel Trio, with piano solo by Nicholas Elchorn. 4--Stock and weather reports. -- Complete radio programmes sold CNRA Moncton (Atlantic, 291) at Canada Radio Stores. - 9 p.m.--S8tndio programme by St. " -- John's United Church Quartette. ---- ) : _ -- --C) Dance Orchestra. . Py . > 11--CNRA Orchest Blo] [RIEPIOIRITIS] [OF] . xe Pi Eo - 2 i xy ANNE wie SI | | 3 aca soNSEE tr SRISONE Tos RIANNARISIEIN/AIL Il | IN| a 112 D1 [ALIS] Look for this Gold Seal on the Rugs You Buy sen -------- KDEA Pittsburgh (Eastern 309). 6.30--Dinner concert. floor is the Gold Rog Ne. 592. patiern in gray, and fans, Anglo-Persians from New LD York; Wardman Park Hotel Orches- . [| INISIE[T|S! tra, Washington, O|S IMO TIOIRIED] INNO DIE [SH [A] SOMLIE WOE STU) Answer to Wednesday's Crossword Puzzle. - : CIRIEISITS| EIN] Be sure to see 2 the lovely new Congoleum Art-Rugs \ . waterproof surface of Gold Seal Rugs is cleaned in a twinkling with a damp mop. At moving time Congoleum Art-Rugs can be rolled up and then unrolled on the fibor in the new house--no bother at all. See these Rugs at Your Dealer's Congoleum Rugs are made in sizes up to 9 x 15 feet. And all at prices that are amaz- ingly low. Your dealer will gladly show you his assortment of these beautiful rugs. Send for free color folder; the coupon be- low is for your convenience. Congoleum By-the-Yard The same trouble - saving, serviceable material as the rugs, for use to cover the en- tire floor. Many beautiful patterns without borders; made in roll form, two yards wide. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED 1270 St. Patrick Street, Montreal, Quebec WGY, Schenectady (Eastern, 870.5). Arr -------- : i AR OWNERS 6 p.m.--Hotel Van Curler Orches- ra. i' ATTENTION 16 p.m.--Three-act drama "In the Next Room," by WGY Players, Now is the time to insure with an |directed by Ten Eyck Clay. "ALL RISK POLICY" Protects you for CE EL "Cross. WORD PUZZLE | RE you one of the women who still imagine that beautiful designs come only in costly rugs? Then you should see the newest patterns offered in the money- saving Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rugs. They are the pick of hundreds of designs prepared especially for us by leading design- ers here and abroad. It would be difficult to match. their artistry and coloring and their variety is sure to meet every need-- every taste. ¥ Best and cheapest policy on the Market. Let me quote you rates. R. H. Waddell Oh 8¢ BROCK ST) Telephones 826 and sve. Pr on --------------a PAIN of Bladder Weakness SANTA Yuoy Add a Colorful Touch to Every Room {All Duesos a Here is your chance to replace any dull, : faded, woven floor-coverings with up-to-date "rugs that everyone will admire. The cheer- ing, brightening presence of Congoleum Go/d Seal Art-Rugs will give just the colorful fresh- ness every room should have. And besides they'll free you from the hard sweeping and beating that dust-collecting, woven floor-coverings require. The smooth, . Made in Canada "§- ' 11. Feminine pronoun. Congoleum Canada Limited 3. Ooged 1270 Se. Patrick Street Gentlemen: --I shall be glad to have you send me (without cost or obliga~ Fro rs - iy Sor : Gold Seal Art-Rugs." tal, 1. Popular game re- quiring a caddie (see picture). 4. Instructions as gly. en by a professional player, 5. Eggs of lice. 37. Paid publicity. 88. Golt teacher (ab- brev.). 40. Actual happening, 42. Honey gatherer. 43. Crescent-shaped fig. , ure bounded by two in g ares of 15. Any rough on golf links 16, Sun god. 17. To fiy. 9. Roll, 21. Yellow Hawaiian 24. Position of a play- er's feet (golf). 26. Any bunker, ditch on a golf course, ground {12. Solemn promises. 14. Deity. 15. Ray. 16. Scarlet. 17. Radical. "18. Estimated perfect AME Chassis iin ii a "circles. "14. 3.14186. 45. Head of a college. 47. Haze. 48. Twitching, . 19. Golt clubs. Town......ocioiinnnsiunnanee. POLL sies ---". ~ SEEUSFOR THE NEW, NATTY, SPRING DESIGNS IN CONGOLEUM RUGS HONE M7... JAI R 254 PRINCESS STREET. TE NGOLEUM RUGS IN THE NEW DESIGNS