Daily British Whig (1850), 17 May 1926, p. 9

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5 ; i ld AA SINT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 1p] 1 r - 1 fainment BILL ADOLPHE MENJOU A SQ pr. « SEE ROBERT. FLAHERTY'S TRUE PICTURE-ROMANCE OF, lithe role of a barber. MENIOU as a small-town LIFE AND LOVE i» THE SOUTH SEAS AMUSEMENTS What the Press Say About Agauts "A Bocial Celebrity" and "Moana" Divide Honors for First Three | i AT THE CAPITOL. Das. { MOANA || Adolphe Menjou, the Paramount 'star,' whose latest opus, "A Social [Celebrity," opens at the Capitol to- day, together with "Moana," plays As we first find him, he is the head f attendant in his father's shop, lo- SPORT -- ------------ ] » MORE GOOD BASEBALL Juveniles and Midgets Starter On Saturday. ) The juveniles and midgets got away to a start on Saturday after- | noon at the Cricket Field. The boys i turned out in good numbers and | played fairly good ball for the first | time out. The Dark Horses were the winners in both contests. In the midget game there was some heavy clouting by the Dark -- -- ll cated on the main street of a small ll mid-western town. Ie is infatuated li; with a pretty little manicurist. When fll we again meet him in the big city, VERY once m a whe a plc- ture comes to town, which can truly be called "Differ. barber and bogus count in a comedy even more sufted to anything he Horses and they emerged victorious | over the College Six by the seore of | 23-10.-The teams were: Whirlpool Washer » & his has talents than dome before. ent." Such a picture is "Moana" BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY [ OBITUARY | 20c ANY PLACE IN} | THE CITY - |! Word reached the this morning, at Rochester, The de- death, John W. Cook. city of of John W. Cook. the I Phone RELIABLE SERVICE PHONE 1900 Ar es {ceased was born on Wolfe Island and 25¢ spent several years in Kingston, in (N.Y, { {the contracting business, then moved ito Rochester, where for years he held he is vgry much in love with a charm- ing young heiress, Placed in ordinary hands, this part jcould easily have been ruined. But | when it is played) by such a finished {actor as that sauve sophisticate-- Adolphe Menjou---we have a bird of a different color. And you'll say so too when you see the film. "Moana," a4 South Sea Island ple- ture, is one of tha screen's greatest works of art. Few men who come to the islands leave them; they grow grey where they alighted; the palm shades and the trade-wind fans them till they die, perhaps cherishing to the last the fancy of a visit home, College Six--White, Burke, Quig- | Tey, Gratton, Flynn, Thompson, | Quinn, Martin, Cunningham, He merman. | Dark Horses--Bews, McKee, Gib- son, Elliott, Wood, Amey, Matheson, Roy, Miller. : ' In the juvenile game the Dark Horses took Sapolios into camp by an 11-2 score. The playing of both teams was snappy. but the more ex- | perienced Dark Horses had the edge. | The teams: Dark Horses--Upton, Elliott, Pat- terson, Woods, Gibson, Ray, Pecor, Donnelly. Sapolios---Clarke, Brown, Twedell, IS BEING DEMONSTRATED AT Cor. King and Telephone 94 for The Halliday Electric Co. Princess Streets. prices and terms. As people demand speed in Automo- The Beatty is ready te help you--ready to take the ' wolny Sut 4 Washday. ust think----Washday with all the drudgery cut out! No backaches, headaches, sore feet or chapped hand. What household task is as on your health as be- coming heated over a tub, and ¢ hard | "iin B {the responsible position of manager 4 oo to Beflovitie oe Sieville: ot a large woodworking establish- Senger, 853 P, eet. Ment. Deceased attended 'Cooke's Geo. Sleeman, Fron -- Sewn |Church while in Kingston and was a {for many years a faithful member of on Walter {Central Church, Rochester. He Tinsmith, Roofing and Fuzzace |leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, : Work Jobbing a Spez~ity. |who was Lillian Hodges, a former '® Automobile Radiators repaired (member of the public school staff, a % ile md recored {also two children, Margaret and Wil tive meeting Toronto Saturday, i { A New Beauty Parlor 69 BAGOT ST. Phone 1895.(liam. The funeral will take place but it was décided that his suspen. HAS BEEN OPENED BY at Rochester on Wednesday after- | sion should stand. MISS LOUISE noon, STOCK MARKETS (Formerly of Ritz Beauty Parlor) mely large contract for the supply- AT ay rs BARBER SHOP | ing of ballast to the Canadian Na- r (Reported by Johnston & Ward, Phone BRL-w.| (15,4) Railway of the Berle tlle Divi- corner King and Clarence Streets, » "| sfon which will be used between this members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges). city and Toronto. The plant at Point : Anne is now getting into shape to ' Phone 400- 25¢ 27m" handle this large contract. A new in the City . - - Jobbing Work a Specialty New York. siding from the plant to the C.N.R. Brick, Stone, Plastering and Tile Setting which is rarely 'made, more rarely enjoyed, and yet more rarely re- peated." In "Moana," which shares the 'bill with Adolphe Menjou at the Capitol Theatre to-day, he has pictured the story of these people. It is Flaher- y's way of saying, "You ask for better movies ? Well, take a look at this one!" biles so do they in Washers. The above Washer is faster than the fastest. Demonstration arranged in your home. Mercer, Corrigan, Clerke, . Moon, Compean. Suspension Stands. A. C. Knapp of Kingston, who was | & member of the suspended Brack-| ville team, made applieation for re- | Instatement at the O.B.A.A. execu-| No obligation. ------------ Big Order For Ballast. TOURIST CAMP ASSURED. | The Canada Cemént Company, Point Anne, has received an extre- |. At Lake Ontario Park--Open in Two Weeks. The Kingston Tourist Camp at Lake Ontario Park is now practically assured, and will be open for toug- ists in about two weeks, it was learn- ed from officials of the Kingston and District Tourist Association to-day. Following the guarantee of a water supply from Rockwood Hospital, sev- eral other matters hich had been de- laying the actual starting of work were cleared up, and it is believed that at a meeting this afternoon the last obstacle will be overcome. Tenders for the construction work will' be called for within the next few days and by the end of the month Kingston should have one of the best motor camps in Ontario. : A STEAMER BURNS AND SINKS IN LAKE Crew of Charles Morn Rescued by Passing Vessel and Landed Safely. Picton, May 17.-- The steamer Charles Horn was burned and sunk off Peter's Point, in 'Lake Ontario, yesterday. The crew of seventeen were picked up by a passing steamer and landed at Cape Vincent, The Charles Horn fis owned by the Horn Lumber Company of Chicago. Captain Christensen was in com- mand. The same vessel was badly burned at her winter quarters here two years ago. She was a wooden ves- sel of 847 tons. The steamer was au route to" Ogdensburg from Buf- alo. SE -- -------------------- Motorcyclists Injured In Oollision With Auto Belleville, May 17--BEdwin Terau and Arthur Champagne, both of Del- Oro, were proceeding to this city Sunday afternoon in a motoreycle with sidecar, when they collided with a car on the Stirling Road, about six miles from the city, Terau had his left leg fractured and sustained oth: er injuries. Champagne whilst es- caping serious injuries Was severely bruised about the body. Both were brought to the hospital here for treat ment. The car, owned by J. Gull ver, of this eity, was damaged to a POLAND NOW HAS considerable extent. ; A NEW .CABINET Gono Vita A WIN the. How a an. oy TAKE NOTICE THAT Improvement the the land abutting City of Kingston intends to oonstruct as Local intends td specially assess a Pant of the cost upon land fmmedistely benefited by the work. Corpora tion, the estimated rate per foot fronte , 1. The Council of the Corporation of the work as described in the schedule below and directly on the work and upon the following 2. The estirhated cost of the work, the amount to be paid by the age and the number of annual instalments are as shown. SCHEDULE A 5 May 17th, 1.30 p.m. Amer. Loco. ... ... 94% Thurlow Station is being construet- Smuts Can. J ed for shiping purposes and a large B. & O.« : CL 86 A crushing plant is being installed. California "Pete Co 331 Getting Stadium Ready. Sig. cre ped i 15a Workmen were busy on the job at General Motors . .. . 125% i the George Richardson stadium this Hudson Motors 57% afternoon getting the ground in Inter. Comb. Eng. 43 { shape for the opening game on Wed- f nesday night when the Peterboro {and Kingston teams 'meet. Inter. Nickel . 3 4 6 | 7 Mack Truck . . Marland Of1 ... N.Y.C. Northern Pacific 33% . 107% .. b6% 121% 69% 641 66 20 2934 20% 44 48 50% 147 .. 53 . 1187 coo b1% ve 138% Estimated Portion of Estimated o Estimated Cost to be borne by the Municipality { = + STREET OR Condition Much Ymproved. AVENUE FROM mprovement Howard Smith, who was injured - on Saturday at the Canadian Loco- motive Works when a wheel crushed his foot, was reported: to be mueh " | i AQUI _ | batter at the Hotel pieu Hospital to- ~ WII commence Sunday, April 25th, leaving at 2 p.m. Godkin's Livery "Phone 316, Queen Street. Pan. Amer. Pete. "B" Plerce Arrow she cad Sou, Railway .., ... .. Sinclair Oil aw omiee Standard Oil of N.J. ... Studebaker .., .... Tas OH... ... ... ... Union Pacific ... ,.. ... ,. U. 8. Rubber . U. 8. Steel .. White Motors Woolworth ... SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON OLD MACADAM BASH Barrie Alfred 10,609.13 5,349.19 Frontenac Albert 2,699.33 1,468.19 Ifred Clty Limite Alf 19,901.83 11,305.22 SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON 4" CONCRETE BASE | York | Princess | 5,689.35 2.59 Alfred Nelson 10,082.63 5.68 ; CONCRETE WALK : * Queen northerly 200 ft. TILE SEWER Kensington westerly 243 ft. - SCHEDULE B Estimated Cost of Total | Improvement 1.94508 21166 1.565694 BROCK BARL UNION ----------tiay The death occurred in Toronto of Mrs. George Edwards, ' Toronto, formerly of Hastings. The deceased had been an 'invalid for over twelve "NOTICE -- After this date I will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted by my wife, CLARENCE MeGUIN. Tk Yorkshire Fish and Chip Cafe We deliver ali day Sat. Frank Haig's STREET _18 MONTREAL 'PHONE 2964, ~~ NOW IS THE TIME To bave those extra Convenience Outlets put in when you are housecleaning We employ only competent men for this work. "Phone 441 and we will look after it for you. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ! Stoveand Oven ........... $27.00 2 Plate : 8ER OUR WINDOW 1 22 88 2.91997 NELSON | YORK 2.70662 344.00 152.00 - 0.9% BAGOT * West UNION 804.68 . 411.09 . 1.36664 - Montreal, : May 17th, 1.30 p.m. Abitibi Power ... ... ..( 71% Asbestos, com. ... ... .., .. 22% Asbestos, pd. ... . 698 Bell Telephone .,.. Brasft ... ... Brompton B. C. Fish Can. Cement, com. ... .., .. Can, Cement, prd. ... .., .. Dom. Bridge . .. J Dor' Textile he Hollinger Ind. Alcohol .., Laurentide Mackay iv Montreal Power ... ... .. .. National Breweries, com. ... National Breweriés, pfd. ... Ogilvie. ... ¥4iiee Ottawa Power ... ... ... Ont, Steel Products ... ... . mmo # CHECKER Taxicabs Any piace in city a No, of Annual Which Popmunts ic ymen may be made Side of Frontage Street Description Owner--Tenant of land in feet Lots fronting on Nelson Street between York Street and Princess Street specially assessed for Sewer, Water and Gas Services. DAY OR NIGHT B The cab that forced the prices down, a 45 33 60.00 60.00 37.50 Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant 3 3750 Reps, ha Pickering x Vacant 3 60.00 10 G oa fronting on York Street between Alfred Street and Nelson Street specially assessed for Sewer, Water and as rvices. Olty of Kingston Vacant - 8B Pt 597 - South 82-6" - $0.00 - 10 f Pt 549 3. A petition to the said Counell the manner tn which it has been under Ontario Raflway and Municipal Board, ¥ots which are to be specially assessed therefor, petition against the work oe ft § of the Local Improvement Act, to the nting at least one-half of the value of the W. WwW. SANDS, City Clerk. An nil POST OFFICES CONGESTED Railway Trattic Only Fifty Per Cent Normal Quebec Power ... .,. Kingston, May 17th, 1934. Spanish River, com. ; Spanish River, ptd. Smeilters . Shawinigan ... .. Steel of Canada Twin City ... has demanded power io prorogue parliament for ome year. He also has demanded that all members of the retiring government be ecourt- martialled. The Central committee of the Socialist party has demanded that all "corruptionists" in the Witos cabinet be punished. ------------ Nurse Hl With Scarlet Fever. Inverary, May 17. -- The many of Miss Fredericka Ferguson, ing at the General Hos- London, May 17--Although most industries are steadily recovering from the effects of the general strike only one railway system was able to give full service today. Other rail- way companies announced that hy were unable to give more than G50 Per cent of normal service. Post offi. ces are oongested with mail and par- League, May 17-- Spain's representative on Saturday informed the commission charged with studying reorganization of the League of Nations Counucil that un- Warsaw, P 17.--~A new Jaasyo of 2 oland, May Cabinet, headed by Charles | friends Bartel as Prime , was form- ital ed Saturday night. August Zahal- g ski, former ambassador to Rome, was pamed emporary minister of foreign took over the portfolio of minister of war. . | longer with the League. This was interpreted generally as a threat of resignation. To Be Supérannuated. Toronto, May J17.--The superan- nuation of Dr. P. 8. Campbell, pro fedsor of for thirty-seven years at MeMasisr university, and an ardent champion of Ing of the Women's Instituts met on Thursday at Mrs. ra Darling's home. Thé officers for the following year were installed. served in the Friday. par- accepted, pack ages came In soch numbers that de- Dots were snowed under. : . S Crushed St. Catharines, treal man, n would be

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