THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG hg ' ---- SE -------------- EE ------------------------ fied Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place Z | enn Sa Wound 1 Peal Estate For Rent |OUT OUR WAY. BY WILLIAMS, ----"usiocss Servioss | ; | The British Whig | CAR MARKER--No. 285-191), lost be- KINGSTON. ONT. tween Kingston and Verona, on May | Howes CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | ih Finder please' leave at the 4 f "A J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident All ads. aré restriéted to their Whig Office. FING a LDENCE West end, Sian + vou'L Just Ce me ol ab Feniae | - ctorta Park, e rooms, h.w, x i er Imper ., to Lhe nace, hardwood ors 3 p. bath, s, | M-M- THIS SS | Office 503-w. Res 1T31em. HAVE 10 GeT" proper Hn, and J - D regular Dally Whig style of type. |GENTLEMAN'S GOLD FILL Seen electrinity, verandah. Possession May ALonG iy BEST | face Bi Watch, lost between M. T. 4 . Co's Ang' Richaranoiost between Find-| lst 'Phone 3616 or Box E-14, Whig| + FUN! T wisn |OUR MEALTH anD ACCIDE| | fey will protect your salary. RATES: Dal) ate per onsecutive R % A ly rate per line or © or leds 'leave at the Whig Office. | Office MOU can. T we SoULD | of Fire dua Automobile [auras Minimum charge, 36 cents. | LADY'S GOLD BROOCH -- Found, on! HOUSES~Colborne Street, $3500 per v w AWE | Wiliams, 2 Couper street. 5 + Dally rates per line Charge Cosh ay. | a Rone have same at| Month. Durham Sire 1500 per HAVENT TIME TS ALLY | Tm Saays.... ....., ........ 4 | Belmont Cafe. month. Apply to ngston Agen /\ Do A LOT OF | . 3 Ee eve B 3 { cerry ---- -{ lad, 87 Clarence Street. NG Te ES f Decorators 8 | . " 'mC COOM {i : 148 NR Ashe sasisnsrana | SILVER BROOOH--S!, Andrew's Cross, WwW - Mar~ rad -| MODERN HOUSE -- Hardwood floors , f Births, Engagements, Ing hates keepsake Wednesday even | throughout; hot water heating. Rent AL TIS | top ang eid nter and 1968. fice 283 King Street. GET YOUR PAINTING--ANd done now. Irices reasonable. Paper for sale. Horton, 145 Col Wood Street. 'Phone 2984-J, ing between Grant Hall and 178 Clergy reasonable. Possession (m lately. Stredt. Finder please return to Appi 200 Queen Street or 365 Princons reet. pr one insertion charged, $1.50; $1.00. ] of Thanks, and Memoriam Clergy Street or phone 1352.1. oY Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 y oF P Adve n, dvertising ordered for irregular neertions takes the one-time inser- | l | SMALL PURSE--Containing sum of s - IX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on money, found on Market on Saturday. Ct les Bireet: electric Hght and gor ments, fur- | Owner may have same at Whig Office. 7 roomed house, all improve Ply 130 Upper arles Street. about 1043-3. 7 RONTENAC LOAN AND IN NT SOCIETY -- Ingorpora 1861. President, A. D. Cartw Tous President a x Farrell oan on ¢ a Tm properties: vVestment. B R 5 Tite; no ad taken for less taan | i u 1 ' SPANIEL -- Black and tan feet and! Dace. Apply to H. Norman, 69 Pat- 3 Connt our lines. words to the | nose; female; found. Owner may have rick Street. sgn PAINTING. & Robinson, o | same by applying at 290 Earl Street or A 11 be received by 'phone 12 SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE--Elec. 3 i 5 te! one sai 3 pald at The Brit- ------ ee ba Hap Pe gates piece ri ish Office within § days from |THREE $1 BILLS--Belonging to little r n wn »- : | sh rate girl, Jost Saturday morning he Atm Sais of insertion, Su 1100 am around or about Morri- Ads. Aaa son's News Stand. Finder please re- ' rn and stopped Jot hore Shan one ani turn to V. L. Morrison, 48 Clarence St. STONE Hovsy-..213 Brock Street, elec. onl Re on h mber of Reward. /&ht and gas, hardwood floors, hot y . Charged for the nu $ Water heating. Possession May 1st. imes the ad. appeared cnd adjust. | WILL THE PARTY--That took & pair fo James Reld, 254 Princess St. Sno =z t nt made at the rate earned. f Lady's Shoes by mistake from Mike | == Rate per line for White apace is Serna Oy mist 203 Welling. Rooms 10 artunum monthly - balance. i. ; the same as a line o Ipe rtisin ton street, kindly return them by mail A tatters miosis ema | Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence py sist rate for yearly e 8. | at once. "Phone 2808. FURNISHED ROOM--In private home, = i vremaeeemmes |" pgp central; conveniences. Wiculd Storage Bibione reserve the right to edit WRIST LOCKET-- Found, on Ontario oat to lady. a to Box 8-13, Whig ce. 2 or Feject all classified advertising Street, on Sunday. Owner may have Teleonone 249; ask for a want ad. Same at Whig Office. STORAGE-For furniture, t . Alry rooms and Spaces; your own and key. Frost's Cit Storage, 305 Queen St. 'Phone f2e. Res. 939-w TT TT ------------ LARGE, BRIGHT, SUNNY BEDROOM Well furnished, on bathroom floor. Use of "phone. 'Phone 239-m. BIRTHS. : DOYLE--In Kingston at the Hotel Dieu roetesni brani Nos, private fami. oon, To rent, 4 Hospital on May 15th, 1926, to Mr | FIREMEN--Brakemen, Qeginners $150, venience: centrally located. For fur- .. -- id or 2516-m. ---- Yl 4 furniture or any merchand: Proof building. "Phone 1000 or 117%. RR RE EE sy : ASHES---Cleaned out of cellars : yards, clean job done. A. Ma y 4 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2365. 3 ASHES--Removed from yard and cols lars; genera) Surting; first class drys wood for sale. sstimate, Slven. | Buckley aster, 143 York reel, CHAIR CANING--Repairing. Done [Ta Hugh Murphy, House of Frovigasos : | Marans STORAGE WAREHOUS ns on railroads nearest Cassidy), a daughter, Shirley |, ed [p posi s their homes--everywhere (which osi- DEATHS, | thon?) Rallway Association, Box V-15. | THRER ROOMS UNFURNISHED--Rent COOK---At Rochester, N. Y., on Monday. | | and Mrs. Earl Doyle (nee Irene later $250 monthly; also elerks --placs| ther pardculars apply Box 0-12, Whig Office. - Marie. reasonable. Apply to 21 Lower Whig Offi = Charles Street, ae 17th, John W, Cook, a native | ee of Wolfe Island, Ontario. me eet eet ese Wanted To Rent 11 at Rochester on Wednesday | COUPLE oF WOMEN--Or girls wanted {eee aa afternoon. { for chamber work, Apply Frontenac X~ In Kingston on May 16th, | Hotel For Sale or To Let 11a y | 1926, Mary A. A. McManus, reliof | ------ res- | FIRST CLASS CH AMBER MAID -- T THEMES a neg of the lake T. M. Healy, of Pres | Wanted. Apply Prince George Hotel Hovss AND J OTL Collin's Bay, near " . Pply Box T-13, Whig Office. ral Hbtme or Srnisy misies | ae IRL Wanted fo clerk SUMMER BUNGALOWS -- Eastview MOMENTS WED LUKE TO WE OVER + neral Home on Monday morning | GOOD, SMART GIRI "Phone 291 and ot Mary's Cathedral, where =a in general store and ice cream par- Park, § miles from Kin ston, 5 to 7 | Solemn requiem mass was sung | Sor AP H. A. Buck, Sydenham, rooms, furnished; acreensa verandahs oon ROUGHING: \T. ; 5 § for the happy repose of her soul n h And fireplaces; good view, bathing ac- nS RANSPER, 0B. ed i --- y HOUSER ERP om eet 20m mod ; Ze ar et, 4 » Tie Dome deans. a Hooking, EE LR-Wented to do plain Unircoaus "Avene, Kingmor 5,338 eeS------------ w - and dicing Eurdens; jnizo genemml: Pubes D. Simplins, in Poraath Year. | dren. "Phane 2230. ' L08-m. .. Real Estate For Sale . Articles For Sale fra _Businesa Services ome Sk gone. es. sven eral from > IE cS | --_-- | --_-- "leon | Te ---- er - a -- ere ens 3 Woday 18th, at 10.30 am. | Winow on PINSTER--WIth no en: Real Estate For Sale Miscellaneous 15) Professivnar au 3 Wilton Cemetery. Sumbrances must bo over thirty. to do [Sree 4 [ Expert Plano Tuning, ANNA imal plain cooking ane eep downstairs PIAN Oi ight, 7 1-3 taves, ivory! GLE: - "" 3 JAMES REID clean; for family of three. No. lawn: Farms and Land "and hon) eye. No Feseomett, Mor Mari ma Car TIONER -- W. A. Fiayer Piesy Adlusting, 3 «The Old Firm of Undertakers fry. wiasds 3s 9% per month. Apply CHOICE LOTS--In all parts of the olty refused. Apply 149 Colborne Street. | cess Streets. Chiropractic adjust. oR Phone 1544. c ; DSAY, LIMIT ¥54 and 256 PRINCESS STREET === v ee res wn Apply Kingston Agencies Ltd. §7 SOLID BRICK HOUSE RUBBISH BURNERS-- Garden Fences, eons: Sleourre reat ants and Sana We. LIN x. TED 'Phone 147 for Ambulance Female Help Wanted 85 Clarence Street. Gates, Baskets tor SV ire PuRose: | tion aes. "Hoty 83100. ga. SALES sERYion purer, Auction Ne et ee titres ements » S ry Rat ™ t ! 'Phone 380 Partridge 'ire .& Iron! gy b. i 3 -| Rooms, Market uare Regular wi . ROBERT J. REID MENAND BOYS WANTED --To pat. | 190 ACRES--_Near city, 2 horses, 4 Centrally located, containing Works. [Flating in Silver, 'Nickle| pnoms sn "Residence 'phone ssitst" | ly sales Thursdays and Saturdays : ey > Cows, geese, ducks, hens, all machin- : y - © 'phone . 3 3 The Leading Undertaker ioige J. W. Curzon's. Barber Shop, ery, plenty of wood fine buildings. ten rooms, all newly decorated, Copper, ete, ------------------ | 10.30 am. Send anything you Phone 57 280 Princess Street | Men's hair cuts, 250. Shaves 10c. Boy® | Woutd exc ange. $2,500.00 oak floors throughout, Cypress BEFRICER ATONE | SKIN BLEMISHES -- Far, Moles, | © sell--come for what you need. . hair cuts, 15c. Ladies 25c. 201 Wel- Houses for sale and ty let. trim, hot water heating, electric REFRIGERATORS--Four Eureka Re. Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, | Phone §91-J. lington Street. Insurance. Money to loa s " frigorators; only used short time, Sult-| Scars, Pits, etc. removed permanent- | |, . . M. P. KEYES ee O'CONNOR. Hep and gas. Large outbuild- able for grocer or butcher. Apply to ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and| VPHOLSTERING--And general re HO! ry Roomers Wanted 6a 251 P Xe COR h ings with separate driveway. Im. E. E. Wathen, 137 Nelson Street. Tele~ furnished after others have failed. "8. lLeave ordery at or drop a ® STREET 51 Princess Street Phone 1189-J. mediate possession. Apply | Phone 1391-J. Goitre cured without operation. 3§ a Yoga hrold, 104 Clergy ; Wo t . : -- £. BLAKE THOMPSON, . v years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lak ona ~d. 4 AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839, i 1) Jike te Pocaticy a and A DALE FARM oo haisting of 39 Brock Street. ||SPRING AND FALL a intsix,|. Eye," Kar, Nose: Thsomimer J. Lars 3 ~~ JOHN CORNELIUS t0 99 York Street fine for canning crops and mixed fas. - With ass my duality. at 331 90 sach.| Bagot Street. Phono 301w. Ho i: 11363 A 3 eee ce ing. part of which is seeded to alfaife. ee | WH each 35 to 40; very newest pat] Lo oY utomobiies 3 ICY=Geo. ¥. and Jennie A., Chiro- | see and Embalmer Real Estate For Rent. aeeliover, alsike and timothy. Seven terns. 'Phone 2206-w. J. G. Paterson, t ; ; -- Parlors: $74 Princess Street Bid acres good Jardwood bush, around ten Articles For Sale. 160 Johnston Street. ' (reet, Phone sgi-a "golod Baent Auto ; Ambulance Phone 560 Apartments and Flats 7| Pastures, three wells. Good seven ee | SPRING WAGON -- Covered side and|.1=5 8-430. Consultation fro " ---- y § ) N -- » ide and |" "O08 ee. N » BODY Eig H. J. KNIGHT AT RINGLAND APARTMENTS -- 184 in Kikohen, conaret. eiand Soft water Miscellaneous 18) or avery uiable for bread, laundry Medical tke od ee oat | LAN Y 5 --- 5 X i Bo or delivery purposes. Harve Milne, . and Cushions, mmercial, 3 t four- t-| barn 40 x 60; stable to hold around 35 | UP 3 5 APRA arbi Sia, | Susen. Street, 2 | Rudd heaters Pd volt pay ened; miik Jouse WIth|GuniNG AND SUMMER SUITS 430.00) I) Bago Street. "Phone 3i2 Dl HOWARD PRICE FOLGER 33 tering, "Ainge and Font ranges in each. Possession imme- i : ; sure. rav-| 0 Cae your. order. on terms | WE WILL RENT--You a Plano f six) CHE0L Street, Kingston. Practice limit- street. 2048 ately." Nonly 196 Queen Street. Tele-| Phue bearer, one that would be hard Taree 'Selection of newest patterns. | dOlAFS per rom ol at the expira~| © to diseases cf the ape. mas. nose ang | 247 King st ong P. H. ROBERTS, phone 1122. 3 4 Lt Price $6,800. Brnest Kirby, Guaranteed to fit. 'Phone 2306-w. J.| tion of Six months will aliow all mon.| throat. Hours: 10 to 12.30 am, 1.30 . = oe - 4, Pleton, Ont, G. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. a aig to apply on Durcadse Price of Brent ym. HYenings 7-8. Appoint | . i FART NT--In t y T - Has 1 Of e : i 'Undertaker and Embaimer, A eaten: au. water IL a eg ne deags large barn, stanchions for AUTOMOBILE TRAILER-- In perfect| balance. &: W. Lindsay Limited, 131 | Tt Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. | stove in kitchen. Apply Dr. Anglin: 53 milking" machine, drinkin: gion 1007 | "condition. Apply tort King Street| Princess Street. Barristers ana Solicitors 31 7 Earl street or phone 178. fos, 1 a orinking dishes, § West or phone 1822-m. ¥ Botts, lk Voie ST, Tl, ee A Ro Ete TSE] | ze iiate si' Nesanebom oun APARTMENT--Sydenh Apartm . . . - or & Votary Public. 151 Welling. ? Brock Street, four rooms hon ted | mill arage, § pen hog house, Poultry | 4 wNINGS--Verandah Curtains. APPLY | FURNITURE-- Antiaue an ton Street. 'Phone 2548-w. 5° || wood condition. & | bathroom; gas range, refrigerator jiouse, we houses, Shree Ofchards, | "Frank W. Cooke. 'Phone 436. "| turniture sola ang Sonn TAL on One (Jake Six Remaster Me | i ' ngs in good condition. Located SL - CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barrist La rumnd TISTIO FLORA DaRSGNS Noor ae doors, Wal heated. Aoviy'es ender son Harbor, N.Y. miles rr Anthene Sree. Suseosseiu: je and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, ed of org 8 ARTI ATRICK'S x PF hate 000. Trandporiasie, Ontario, ARMY BOO Sli od Sondition. Men's ==cs SAU RE a Kingston, Mp ® Cunoningham, K.C. Automobile Parts for ail mak KIRKP HEATED APARTMENT--Corhor Barrie you purchase tiifs Tere, ton Bi loch, Julie, 800d ug heW. mechanic's) == a= Tops and Cushions 16g | C¥ril M. Sm cars, f | i . WW. Els- tools, grips and suit cases. Prices very ops 5 WER STORE Phincess Sens, Strests. iy Toontants, 08 | worth, s Flower Building, Watertown, reasonable; | A. Shapiro, 45 Princess | BAY AND REVELLE---Barristers and Second Hand Tires, sll sizes = i ART AND FLO d 1218-J ot trent, Shtrally cated with NY Street, 2 LG. PAUL--Specialist for new Or re-| Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King. Price' $4.00 to 94.00, 'Phones 452 an J. Ontarinttances. Apply L Cohen & Co., Paired. Side Curtains, Sip Covers Se. : Adr on 4 P Covers, Se-| ston. A. E. Day, ian L Reveille 1 1 4] 3 Ontario Street. Phone $3¢, Houses 14 HOATS.8 kitts, 18 on Jong, 749 Seaar, ShiSId ana DoginE, and decking. wind- Morigages arranged. 'Phone 205. ROSEN & PO ITT a +1 Places motor boat, 2 t ng, Cylinder St. i y 8 put in while you EE ---------------- -------------- a : Lost and JFouna 1 Business 8 HOUSE--$§ rooms, electric light, § pi] Lawrence engine; all new. Apply to| waft, linoleum and edging for run-| REY NOLDS, J. C~~Barrister and Soliel- 140 RIDEAU STREET 2 x OMFIOCES---For rent, large and small] Doth. Bood garage, centrally Tooated C. W. Hartley, Seeley"s Bay. fils Doras, IE Saar o Yok rau: Tan ed Bk ay Poa isses ty. Thue Jane. bi 7 ---0) bun " ; . ns an wnings ma e Lo order. Tange on el an rm A J % great: Queen wr Frincoos reais en es Bibby polio. aa 370° Prinens Siroel Wns oh or| BARRED ROCK PULLEYS -- Nine] Irincess Street. 'Phone 1640-5 "Phone 2509. © Broperty. tem S ; - J. Si ol D Bibby op Pplication to 1295-7. weeks old, from good stock and will] Ssm--me------ or mn 4 Sindy notify H. J. Simmons, | fo Sloan, Bibby's Limited. make eariy layers. Selling to make | Fuel and reed 18| SHEA---Ambrose, B.A. Barrister and "Automobiles Wanted ®0 4h J, BE. CUNNINGHAM room. Apply 264 Nelson St. Heftor. Ja% Office, seiner of King i: [ ing Street, be- ouscve s Wo NEVILLE--WI] Hv - ock, over Roya n one, ITER : ween Barl and' Gore Sites or Foo. n ' Troe Re BE LAYAL Sooner or later you will] ain cos) an srra) oapiuer anthre. 5 loan. "Phone 1999. 4 Canty ROADSTS rn ta. gl ng. Owner may have same DUPLEX HOUSE-- 5 rooms and bath. 79 Clarence Street. * 4se a De Laval Separator and Milker. 'Phone 2362-m. Be equ A bargain. 'Phone 604 iE Off ice. room, heated, gas stove laundry tubs Inguire about our power mibker from Ladies' Halr Parlor 24] appointment : 1 Ft BET ste Sl | Aghios Lihat om SCS | oe eee, Sveronking Napa IFN UE buts Bund' vid Bifasen| BY oY od SOW OOD Dry hard LL . Ke For tar, found, ati jar garden. v randah, front aud back| fee river and valley; good, nine room- y 9 %] and soft woo 1a € handle none IRST ss 1 2 FORD TOURING CAR In ood rufie of Barrie and Princess Streets. entry Birage. Apply 178 Univers-| od brick house, with splendid cellar, | and democrat. Also Lion Disc Har<| but the best. Phone 2516-w. J, C. Ar ORDER Laat WORK ming order; i good tires No reason. nay have same at Canadian Na- Ity Avenue or 'Phone 1782-m electric Might and bath room; midet| OW. J. F. Cramer, Frost & Wood Swain. mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham. | able offer refused. Apply at Frontense News Stand, corner Princess and . aor Of ood garden ground, fine lawn aBency. 81 Brock Sirest. "Phone 585-J Going. stages: ani Ladies' &nd| Garage Kingston, Ont : Streets. [HOUSE Colborne Street, corner Syd. { And pesutinu og Gees Smal bam or 1217-F. DRY, Ry miARDWOOL.. 33.75 per Bitidren's A ir, cutting" : Mrs. Cun-|--= - -- 3 FEEs==--== | enham, § rooms, all improvements. 45 00] dn Pf]. ] oraa--t---- . 1 Bah ana . : atl le hy -{--ningham, §§ y treet, agston. / ®. Appk FISH AND CHIFS--The oldest fish and} tra. Dry kindling under cover, $2.75 Olassified Dispiay Queen Bireert" Snecma. Apply 135 Newburgh Bn" Miss Lillich. Ganaler, Montreal Sireer Hy; Redden. 360] per load "Phone 14390. CMe Hay] Telephone 3893. J en 5 ' ---- ---- Montreal Street. Hours § am. to 1.u0 arker, corner Johnson and McDonald ¥ " : { HOUSB-311 Queen Street, near Busi. E. W. StULL1 So We deliver. "Phone 23i-m. | Stress. FRENCH MARCEL WAVING 3 4 9 h ness College, 9 rooms, bath, hot water, Real Estate and lusurance Broker FOR ANYTHING IN BRICK -- Inter- | GOOD HARDWOO $3.50 quarter cord Water Waving, Round and Bobbed i}. §as. elsctricity, furnace. Immediate Johnson and Divist eae 3 Curling, Hair Bobbing and Trimmin, a BROKER Possession. Apply 133 Union Serves 'Phone 539-w See Adv Sots 634 Je me rtition (le, call A. Neal, | --mixed wood $500 And $3.23 quarter | Facial ana Scalp Treatment. Special | FORD Lianr TRUCK iE . INSURANCE west. ' 'Phone Soin wm. * ee Advi Page 3.| ¢34 Johnston Street. 'Phone 3041. gord--hard slabs $3.50--soft = slabs Sitention given to Hair Dyelng. = Miss With y top. : ng Fire, Life, Automobile, Ao. en a SOLID BRICK MOUSE And porres $2.76 quarter cord. Rough and dressed Switzer, 387 Quesn Hires) For ap- HUY 0p. : it, Sickness, ss and | HovsE---§ rome. iamened for two| University Avenue. 3 room Thodery| CARAGE--Almost new. May rs Groat] lumber always in spoek = Clean saw-| pointment 'phone 3016. ines of Insurance, months or unfurnished for Yonger| Improvements, 3 fireplaces; "iar Tot.| 418 York Street. APpiy £ouper's Groe-|. dust § ot, Cones. Phone 2753-1." W. 3% BROCK ST. "PHONE 585... term. Apply 169 Stuart Street 4d #hrubs and Tose 'Boba aml 134] &TY. 341 Princess Strect. H. Talbot, Concession Street. With stake body, : phone 2632-w. yersity Avenue. 'Phone 108 0. | GURNEY OXFORD Cooking Stove, | LUNMBER--Rou sam = e A s &h and dressed. also 5 --me eB wih water front. Apply to 7. Chest. hing and lath, satin finish hard- FORD ROADSTER : nut Street. Hood Hooring: Al kinds, rataiard. For the very latest in Ladies' Wih starter. 3 PLAIN AND SIMPLE » . Wing and planing. J. Peters & hair ng, : GASO ENGINE--Five horse pow-| Son, corner Brock and To ' iy ; First consignment of Genuine [| Sih | Biren 85 | taps EXCUSE enivars (FORD LIGHT DELIVERY | ® lon 8. arvey ne, | ~-------- A A 6] . 3 Pirin TAL YGuarier 'of 'n "opt xed, Wood tie 4 A. B. KINGSBURY, FORD 3 \ : vod 8 TOURING NOW --1s the time to @ecorate your| under Sever, $2.75 a quarter of a}309 Princess Street. 'Phong 2015-2. 1" 35 with rier. 5 n 1 22, starter. ) oa \ 1Whe and demeter, Iots with our flow. of & oord" juard wood, 3.50 a uarter vases. ree kin choose from. A vere under; ood | NOW READY ¥oR DERIBUTION Eiisto, [inl Tito RETR fhe SOIREE Aen Snmrsacs %|FORD OOUPE Ee : ERNIE D. SLITER---Insurance Broker,| These cars are all worth while yous 4 a 16. a T 811 branches of Insurance in oid line looking over. SS a fo en te Mt rr ty |S One | wane | BE bien ul y Heard In Cont E03 Enquiries ' : t this high grade flag. APPW J. Knapp & Sor, Barrie-| GARAGE WANTED --. To buy. State! 53% wiping tires Phones] 1 dare trial and & year 10. pay, "No. Theft In Caso Heard In The | | Coal. Summer prices now in effect for immediate delivery. fleld. Alte ane price 0 Box M-6, Whig Offioe. . = ; VAN LUVEN I FIRE--Automobile and Cagua Insut- County Court. ht . . TOLAY BARRED | Lawn MOWER. in good cond ition, r " © against Rover Andereot by Neloon amited | ARE I SEE nc | Be Rp pe re i VAN mS 8. Wiliams, both of Storrington | | Prone 185. FOOT OF JOHNSON 3 mosis 81, O'ye U8 your - INSURANOE--Only the most reliable] It makes oF for a 8 ¥ SEES] MOTOR--A five horse electric motor. companies your ade it Hen tow: y in the ounty Police Court " Kiog-] Also a ane ton chain block. Kingston Qtrange. eatabliohed 1a 3560 i: " both our telephone num en. on Saty y, was dismissed by Mag- | === tarts Bradshaw. BRINGING UP FATHER. .:. » . The case arose from the fact that WHERE In THE - Williams was | OID THAT BABY Go? J-4=TOLO HER NOT TO AEAVE 'THE © YARD =f'