THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WEAPPEAL IS MADE | ABOUT ONLY CASE | voamrem sammy save ON VETERANS BEALF| ~~" IN THE DONINON The steamer Frontenac of the Thousand Island Navigation Com- in Under the Auspices pany cleared for Gananoque today |The Bay of Quinte Conference the Juborulogis Vet- Jo pn route between | Is Largely of Foimer oerans $80C ation. ere and Clayton | » The tug Conqueror arrived in port | Methodist Charges. h from Montreal with the barge Aug- oi campaign under the auspices Do % | One of ths unique features in con- the Tuberculosis V ' _ | ustus on Saturday. | ) . ciation, to raise the Renan Fi? The tug Mascullonge arrived trom | Bection with the Bay of Quinte Con- > carry on the work of this organ- | Hamilton Saturday and cleared with ference of the United Church of gay ton, 1s now in full sw three barges for Port Colborne to ada, which meets in Sydenham stree * ng, and it { church next week, is the large per- 4s hoped that citizens will mak { load grain. beral response to the appeal ® 2 | The steamer Champion, lately pur- | centage of former Methodist con- x } pe atl nased by the Thousand Island Na-| STegations incorporated in this con- L. , Eh: | | oJ a, oe made. | re-| ference. It is stated that this is oy following. extract taken from { vigation Company, is receiving | : i i § Final Report of co Ho | pairs in preparation for the season | about the only case in the dominion fon 2 Royal Com- | 1d the smoke stack is being paint.| Where there are so many former : 3 OB on Pensions and Re-Estab- | Methodist charges in a conference. A x N O-~-W E E KN hment, July 24th, describes the |°d Jue rogviag volor of the Hee), io] The records show 260 pastoral PD 8 sled : | charges in the conference; of that portant work that is being carried v ¥ Min, and points out how vital it is that | 2r® being rushed at the Collingwgod | number there are fifty former Pres- 6 work should not be suspended. | Shipyard so the Ontario carferry No | vyterian oud three Congregational g No Stoup presented fits claim |! may suiep as Soon 3s pojsivie. h churches who entered union. The ) | A TW d effectively or thoroughly th or as been started on the] : | week given tuberculous veterans, The evils Steamer Wolfe Islander at the Davis | BE he re | tages of th g over to demonstrate the many advan- gflence as to the difficulties under [dry dock but it is not certain when | i ponoc on © at Too oe 6g. g¢€s8 0 € new . {hich they labored, and the redress | the steamer will be able to resume | oj vio 58 'and Lindsay, 58; mak- imed, was substantially the sande | her trips to Wolfe Island. In the | ing a total of 260. - Bt every session where their repre- | meantime, the islanders are cross- | The conference takes in a great 1 1a always nice' 10 got Wowie and ntatives appeared. Close associa- | In& to the city in gasoline launches. jp ount of territory.( The western Presents. of the tuberculous over a long Pilot records show the following | boundary is just wedt)of Whitby and od of time while undergoing |steamers passing Sunday: Nisbet, uD | ¢jogq to Scarboro oy extends up as tment, provincial organizations |at 12.20 a.m.; Douglas, up at 7.00 | rar ag Peterbéro' the eastern WOMEN'S INSTITUTE i % ween which a constant fmter-|a.m.; Pillsbury, down at 5.00 p.m. boundary is Leeds County, Lanark Ram- p ¢ nge of views takes place, and a | Wiarton, down at 5.20 p.m.; ; county, like Frontenac and Leeds, (Pominion Convention held In. Aug-|machar, down at 5.20 p.m.; Hunt which were formerly in athe Metho- INVERARY. \Mst 1923, have permitted u survey |ley, up at 5.45 p.m.; Jolly Inez, down | dist Montreal Conference have been The annual business meeting of '8 individual opinion which is"prae-|at 8.30 p.m. Monday; Turret Cape. | added to the old Bay of Quinte Con- | the Women's Institute of Inverary { i8leally complete. They have ap- (up at 2.20 a.m.; Langell, down at ference of the Methodist church. was held on May 13th at the home ¥ of Mrs. Ira Darling, at which a good i ntly a large and efficient or-|2.45 a.m.; City of Toronto, up at} From the present: indications It if#ation, and had selected for the |4.05 a.m.; City of Ottawa, down at| looks as though there will be about | number of ladies were present. Busi- J BPpose of presenting their argu-|5.15 a.m.; Rahane, up at 4.20 a.m. | five hundred and fifty delegates in | ues8 was opened by singing the Ode 2 orse S - ra nts members fully informed upon | attendance here next week. after which Mrs. C. H. Arthur, sec- | |} wd subjects which they discuss and retary, called the roll and read the | Mrs. { ble of presenting their facts in Steamer Missisquol Sold. Ime minutes of the last meeting most convincing manner." The steamer Missisquoi, owned by POINCARE IS BITTER A. Aykroyd gave a report of the di- 9 ® Mr. Philip Du Moulin, manager of | the Thousand Island Navigation rectors concerning the cement block | arou the Bank of Montreal, is the hon-| Company, has been sold to the Doty to be built in front of the Agricul-| ~ e =INS ifrary treasurer of the { fund, and |Engineering Company of Toronto, AT ORMER ALLIES tural Hall and it was decided to! Y {&ll remittances should be made to|and will sail in Hamilton Bay this hold another directors meeting on iim at the bank. season. The Missigquol is well known ; { locally, having carried local excur-| Not Vanquished Germany But May 328d to complels en plane, ' EMBERSHIP 9,331 IN sions many years and been on local| France That Bears Greater | op, He aha ree = INGSTON routes. Last season the issisquoi Cos ) .C. H. a K PRESBYTERY was on the route between Gananoque t of War. {havked Mrs. t BH ig the sat ---- and Clayton. with the steamer Fron- i hs aFy-sreasy rer, = oy Setent / F. the Uni Sivry Sur Meuse, France, May 17. | Work and help during the past year. United Church--Total | tenac, but this year a larger steamer --1In a bitter attack on ths attitude | The ladies seconded this by a hearty | or average and stouter figures 3 y C . 3 it, gy, Q@lvings for the Year He Luke ib place. 1 of France's former allies tcward the | clapping of hand, which was feel- a question of debt settlement, Ray-| ingly responded to by Mrs. Arthur. . $215.768. ---- kare Jor Muluhuos Bay Sau a few mond Poincare, former Premier of | The books were clused for the year y The report of the statistical secre- Hamilton and Dunderon Park France, on Sunday denounced "the|and were audited by Mrs, E. Lake of Kingston Presbytery of the ¥ spirit of low national se!fishness"'|and Mrs. F. Loney. They . were |Jfi A\ om e e nited Church of Canada shows that prevailing since the war. Speaking | found to be in excellent condition. at the inauguration. of a soldiers' The following ladies were elected he membership of the churches in (LIEUT.-OOL. J. MILLS rer 8 presbytery is 9,331. The nu. memorial in this village the form-|to office for the coming year: Presi- ! 4 > » DIES AT PETERBORO er premier recalled how he had re-| dent, Mrs. F. S. Ferguson; 1st vice- g 01 sels y bf of families attendin * ches is 6719; ng the vniied en F Pers of Kingston viewed United States troops there] president, Mrs. I. Darling; 2nd vice- toral care, 18,916; Su orm -- hers and officers, adey school One of the C. hos; officers and soldiers who marched | treasurer, Mrs. C. H. Arthur; assist- hools scholars, 7,944; ' value of "Or " past me would have been greatly |ant secrétary-treasurer, Mrs. F, urch property, $1,222.040: other ' iginals. Juried, he sa, i hey 2H Loney; annual representatives, Mrs. 3 ° lg roperty, $41,565; { - a eefi"¥td-that afew months later a| C. Barr and Mrs. A. Aykroyd; dis- -- . A F d ti f Hominid Vous Solatien Daly 19 Word of the sudden death of Col, treafy negotiated and signed at] trict director, Mrs.' R. Arthur; busi- |i oun Qa on or support of the church (mot Joseph Mills, Peterboro, reached| Versailles would not have been | ness directors, Mrs. J. Dixon, Mrs. M. fineluding salaries) $52,000; Sunday relatives here last Saturday. He was | ratified by the United States, and |W. Lake and Mrs. T. Bushell; sick ae ogl givings, $10,391; Ladies' stricken at ten o'clock. He is the| that seven years later, it. would be|committee, Mrs. Tina Chifstley, Miss every gure need $17,680, The total amount rais- last of six sons of the late George| not vanquished Germany but France| P. Gibson and Miss Effie Hunter: | Iii A I by ai) charges was $215,768 Mills who settled in Kingston over| who would have to bear the greater | programme committees, Mrs. J. ¥ van J ba Apeaer 100 years ago. having been prede-| part of the cost of the war." Sleeth, Mrs. E. Lake, Mrs. J. Gor: N. d : GOOD " B ceased many years ago by his broth- don, Mrs. Thomas' Christley, Miss Fe ature oes not have been made for 4 RECORD MAD ers, Richard, William and Bamuel, CORNWALL R Y Olga Arthur and Miss Mildred Lake: | Ji ; d . \ press reporter, Mrs. F. Loney: audi- uplicate her han- herself. Charles W' "2 v _ and in recent years by George Mills, ickham In Year as It 3: founder of the Mills fur business tors, Mrs. T. Arthur and Mrs. B ; surance Man. . in this city, and by Thomas Mills, : i The good record he has d DESTROYED BY FIRE Lake. diwork. F gur I ; nt for the Prudential rnb hen ue Bas 30 or by sonludn wea} | f De 3 "i opens oe ny of America has resulted in| ! . 3 by the Horticultural Society and the . 1 fon for Charles Wickham, of |. n° ate Col. Mills was well'known | 5 3 Andrews Suffers Heavy distribution of gladioli bulbs follow- aces, finger prints, | partment we have rock street, Kingston Bei in Kingston in military circles, hav- ed. Tickets were bought for the » . May 17th "Mr Wickbam i ing commanded the 57th Peterboro Loss--OCoat Factory .| rose bush, Mrs. Tina Christley get- : they re all differ-| a complete stock of mes the duties of assistant a> {Rangers and going overseas as quar- Damaged. 2 ting the lucky number. One special . nt dn the Kingston per termaster with the 2nd Battalion. tai / feature of the afternoon was a de- ent. This means the newest of Nemo motion comes within one year He Jurvived by a SL roTmer. Cornwall, May 17--Thg" grocery | monstrated by Mrs. R. Arthur, show- , stoye of A. J. Andrews herd was des- | ing how to test eggs for hatching to ' that everywoman Corsets, which in- shortly after the armistice. '""Those| president, Mrs. J. Duff; secretary- enrollment as a Prudential this having taken place on Saughter IY Swe yous. ail of Polor. troyed, along with '§is_ stock and | get the best results. As it was grow- Sist, 1925. t . household goods, whan Yire broke | ing late, other business was laid over : ; Petapbare on Tutodny at two lock out at the rear of the 'building yes-| for the next meeting which will be has a problem of cludes beautiful p(and interment will be made there. |i. qay The coat factory of the Corn-| on June 8th. he T. d . wall Manufacturing Co., adjoining, The hostess, Mrs. C. H. Arthur Tr own. o get mo els in ~Nemo- PRESBYTER was badly damaged with smoke and | and Miss Pearl Gibson served re- 3 . KINGSTON RAI Y water. A horse and dog were burned | freshments which brought a very gm complete satisfac- flex that beautify Face Powders 25¢, 80c, 7c, $1. SED $53,253 in the fire, which will cause a loss | successful meeting to a close. ENN o / to Mr. Andrews amounting to $10,- | a tion out of what-| every type of fig- | Talcuma (4 odors) ......26c. Of Hs $54,000 Allotment: for) 000, with small insurance. | ) : Porfuine (unique Sealgis--- United Church Mainten- YIREWORRS CAUSED FURE. ING READY TO | ever type of girdle | ure; giving a per- ance Fund. Home on Division Street Suffered OHRISTEN PRINCESS Salts (Vials) -. aa. 28. At the annual meeting of the Bay From "Practical Jokers." ( ; 4 Come in and see these new [ji| ©f Quinte Conference of United| what might have been a serious Et lects, she must buy are ever so com- ¥ Church of Cavada, Rev. Br. WV. T. G.| fire, was narrowly averted on Sunday London, May 17.--Waliling an oc- | {li - LET 3 : th rown, chairman of the Maintenance | avening at a home on Division Street | casional lusty protest at the buzz of "IE + one a and Extension Fund Committee of | where . firecracker had evidently | activities in her nursery at 15 Bru- blir) 1 seems io fortable to wear: the Kingston Presbytery, will report |peen thrown on the window sill by| ton street her Royal Highness Prin- that the sum of $563,263 was raised {some boys. The occupants of the|cess Elizabeth--officially notified of in the presbytery for that fund. The | house had just returned from a mo-| her name on Thursday---is register conference alloted the Kingston] or trip, and noticed fire starting on | ing disapproval of the elaborate pre- Ji ' ! Presbytery $64,000, which means | the window of thé second storey. The | barations for her christening within |§i 3 Let our Corsetiere aid yotin selecting that the objective was almost raised. prompt arrival of the firemen pre-|the next two weeks. v It is understood that the confer-| vented a serious blaze. As it was,| She is no longer "ber Royal High- | | the model most suitable for your indivi- ence allotment for the Kingston | the sill had to be torn away and the| ness' the baby, as newspapers re- Presbytery next year will be $46,000. | window frames removed. ferred to her before official an- At 1.14 Monday morning, a fire at | Douncément of the name given A the rear of a home on Princess street | Thursday. Her full name is Eliza« HERESY TRIAL OF 1790. |" pile of rubbish occupied the at-| beth Alexandra Mary, and she is to} Ww. tention of the firemen for a few|be known officially as the Princess 8, Heryinghon, Kepanee, Says ¥¢| minutes. There was no damage done. | Elizabeth, first child of the Duke and | At a meeting of the Ontario Bar er ietteng whl bo Association in Toronto, last week, in Remark Caused Arrest. or. ine a the absence of the archivist, W. 5. Cobalt, May 17--A chance remark | T%81l¥ royal one since the birth, 21 Herrington, Napanee, a paper by him | Made to Inspector Moore by a pas- Yours 280. of ey ho as on "A Heresy Trial of 1790." was| Senger on a northern train led to the | Mild of King George and Queen read by Col. W. N. Ponton, K.C,," It| Arrest at Gogama, west of Sudbury, | MERV- Who died 8 THD. fn adai-h dealt with the case of the King ver-| Of Arthur Rondeau, for whom the 'lon. she is at Tr Shieg In Ye sus Charles Justin McCarty, tried be- | POMce Bave been searching for 18 asion ©0 the ¥ ye Brive fore Judge Cartwright in fhe Meck. | BOBthS 0B & charge of forgory. Ron | 11% Prince of Wales and her father. jf lonburg district. McCarty, ho wast Soau In November, 1934, while em. the TEI TOTAR ARADO) OF Bt. ori ' y oyed as a scaler with Grant » Ena : a preacher, was found to be "a vaga- 04 | palace, the home of the Prince of "peace | Dunn, Latchford lumbermen, bond and 'disturber of the peace, Teaen i pe eu, 1s oF Wales, Princess Elizabeth will be Pe from ul Apis He was ordered to 1) t i In Vacant Lots to clear.| 1, "re ordered to .-- the Sn J Grant to four cheques and to have JePIESC from fon a era y £7 SF jalled until th cashed these in Cobalt. The amount i B fy sing a) $10 down and $5 month=| io take him 10 Cewege, NT | Is Ee a isabpeared and stiied in west the sy | dow Sho take bw to Cowego, NY. © _ ind until this week, when he| She Will wear the Sjte christening by within, ft was brought back to Cobalt to stand | Tobe 4 lovely thifig of old lace, in or corset she se-| fect contour, and rington showed, had been much '| torted, and McCarty ad en ie trial. 'Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clouston, Brighton, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Marjorie, to Mr. Arthur Allen, Jr., son of Mr. and