Daily British Whig (1850), 18 May 1926, p. 9

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Vs ® THE NEW BEATTY WHIRLPOO SE TO-DAY and WEDNESDAY ADOLPHE A SOGprTY. PICTURE~ROMANCE OF LIFE AND LOVE i» THE SOUTH SEAS rading as a diffinguished Count. To | ON THE STREET hings just a bit worse, she re- | Locel Briefs Gathered by Re- | ciprocates his affection. Aud, " Time | porters--Wh orche |Boes on, he gets deeper and deeper ts aero into the social life. But things turn an out all right in the end, as they us- ually do in good movies, and the au- dience at the Capitol seemed to be more: than satisfied with the final close-up. "Mona" the Paramount picture op ened at the Capitol Tireatre last night. We are introduced to a group of Samoan natives, and shown the way they live. Such abundance | 14 ' 3 dE NNTAY HET AT THE CAPITOL. p A typical "Menjou audience" ga- | thered at the Capitol Theatre last §| evening to take in the Paramount {| picture, "A Social Celebrity." In brief, the amusing tale con- cerns a--barber! It doesn't seem pos- || sible to connect romance with one ot those white-clothed chaps who stands behind a shiny chair, but -- when Adolphe Menjou is the person in question, well--that's different. During the course of his very inter- esting career, Menjou falls in love with a society beauty while masque- 7% Rubbing clothes on o washboard wears them out faster than months of ordin. ary use Sending clothes out to be washed » very often hard on them too With a Beatty Bros., Manufacturers of |In this newest Beatty, all of the ._ The members of all branches of the | LO.OF. are cordially invited to a recep- | tion to be held in honor of BRO. A. E.| ROSS, M.D, GRAND MASTER, to ve wy held in the ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE | on FRIDAY EVENING, May 21st, at 8; Mr and Mrs. Fred Knowlton, o'eloek, | Windsor, are visiting in the elty. » % YCILBBRY, Seam William Swaine. piano tuner. | Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. REX I AXI | The funeral of the late Lieut.-Col. p{ Joseph Mills took, place in Peterboro, BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY to-day, with military honors. Pt 20c¢c Walter Elliott, Wooler, is in the rubbing--nothing or injure the ments. Over 100 gar. times a minute, the hot sudsy wate: is forced through the meshes of e fabric, thoroughl cleansin, every par Clothes washed the Beatty way last from three to five times as long the Famous 19800 Cataract | Beatty superiorities, features and Beatty White Cap, now presents (new resuits combined In quality the upset all previous standards. o See this NEW WHIRLPOOL New Beatty Whirlpool asics. es wiiir-5oct be satisfied till you try it out on : Fr own particular washing. he luest Sanastiona) product of a feof . ore pi y engineering. Beatty qual- disposal with no 'extra charge. gorgeous foliage and scenery hay ne- ity and performance is pre=emin« | The accessories on display are yer. a wit hack gov Before. 1: " ay ent in this outstanding product. FREE. Inquire or phone 94 to-day mended to the movie-goer who ldoks | for,-and appreciates, the unusual. THE CITY jering nicely after an operation for appendicitis. ates the numance of on someone to come ANY PLACE IN {General Hospital, Kingston, recov- Walter Cannem 'Phone 1895. Parlor HAS BEEN OPENED BY MISS LOUISE (Formerly of Ritz Beauty Parlor) AT ELLIOTT'S BARBER SHOP 856 Princess St. 'Phone 821.w. BLACK WHITE Phone 400- 25 + Jobbing Work a Specialty En her ianering aud . Douglas & Mellguham 400 ALBERT STREET 'Phones 2207F--028W y BUS FOR OATA 1 No rou "win commence Sunday, April 28th, leaving at 2 p.m. ' 's Livery Phone 316, Queen Street. SEN -- yf S CHECKER Taxicabs Phone 800 Any place fn city 3 DAY OR NIGHT | The steamer Missisqiof cleared for Hamilton this morning and the stea- joa Frontenac left Monday evening {to go on the Gananoque run. (Thirty members of St. Michael's Church, Belleville, will represent the { parish at the laying of the corner- {stone of Regiopolis College, Kings- |ton, ou May 23rd. Hrs (CLAIM FOR DAMAGES IN SUPREME COURT sn--_ A* Case Charging Non-ful- filment of Agreement of Sale, Among the cases on the docket of | the coming sittings of the Supreme Court here next week, will be that of Lake vs. Clark. The plaintiffs are the executors of the late Dr. Lake, who claim damages for the non-ful- filment of an agreement of sale drawn up between them and Mrs. Clark regarding a house. The defen- | dants claim that fraud, misrepresen- [tation and undue influence wore us. i in making the sale, and ask that | it be set aside, and any money paid by the defendant be returned. Mr. C. R. Webster is acting for the pidtn- tiffs and Nickle and Farrell for the defendant. Royal Society of Canada. Ottawa, May 18.--Savants in seci- ence and letters ade assembling here to-day, from all parts of the Domin- fon to attend the meeting of the Royal Society of Canada, which opens on Wednesday in the Victorian Mu- TT RELIABLE 2 5c T SERVICE Phone 1900 Tk Yorkshire Fish and Chip Cafe We deliver all day Sat. 'PHONE 2964, NOW IS THE TIME to have those extra lights installed. The cost is moderate. We have the best me- ~ chanics in the city. LET US PROVE IT | See our window for Specials. | | -- { PRESENTATIONS TO MINISTER AND FAMILY | By the People of St. Paul's Anglican Ohurch of Sydenham. Sydenham, May 18+-The Rev. Thomas Leech and family of Syden- ham received a delightful surprise on Monday evening when almost the entire congregation of St. Paul's Anglican Church called at the ree- tory in a body led by the Wardens, Messrs. Thomas Foxton and Seymour Freebern. Mrs, George W. McNaughton on behalf of the Ladies' Guild made one of her characteristic neat litt's ad- dresses, and presented Mrs. Leech with an exquisite hand bag of Rus- sian leather and that she might re- member them while using it 8 num- ber of new crisp bank notes of goodly denomination had heen en- closed. Mrs®Teoch replied feelingly. Miss Mary was presented with a beautiful brooch of unique design on behalf of the choir boys and ladies' Guild. An address was read expressing to Rev. Thomas Leech, appreciation of the five and a half years of service rendered in their midst and deep re- gret at theit removal at this time. Mr, Leech was presented with a mo- netary gift and replied suitably on behalf of himself and family, after refeshments were served. The evening closed by singing old "Auld Lang Syne," and "God Save} the King." Rev. Thomas and Mrs. Leech and Miss Mary leave for the parish of Amherst Island on Thursday next. ; BUY BRITISH PRODUCTS, Strong Appeal Made By Sir P. Cun- . liffe-Lister. London, May 18.--'Buy British Bvods," was the burden of a speech delivered in the House of Commons yesterday by Sir Philip Cunlitfe- Lister, President of the Board of Trade, when the Board of Trade estimates were being considered. Sir Philip emphasized it was abso- lutely vital that all efforts should be directed towards the settlement and building up of British trade. British manufacturers should be ready to instal the best plants and there should be a response on the part of the workmen to Justity the expenditure. -------------- Boys For Peniten: , Toronto, May 18--Penalties were meted out In police court today to three members of a gang of seven youths who appeared in court for Sentence on numerous chargds of theft of motor cars and burglary, Joseph Bates was sentenced to' a term in Portsmouth penitentiary on various charges, but the sentences will be sconcurrent, making a total period of three years. Robert Dews- bury will also serve three years. * Disarmament Commission, Geneva, May 18.<The prepara: tory commission on disarmament, called to arrange an agendas for an eventual International disarmament conference, held its first meeting to- day. Delegates of twenty nations participated, ~ as those was on a rub. board or sent tp many of the laundries, Come in--and see the Beatty work, | tn ------ [ _SPORT _ | f GOLF COMPETITIONS Halliday Electric Co. Kingston, Jor. King and Princess Streets, ~~ clair," G. King. St. Paul's Won. St. Paul's scored 21-10 after slugging the over the lot. team played exceptionally well for The following are son: May 29th.--Sweepstakes. June, completed by June 14th. June 6th, --Sweépstakes, competi- tion against par, June 12th.--Sweepstakes. June 19th.--Kingston at ville. June 23rd.--Napanee st Kingston, June 26th.--Kingston at Belle ville, July, Greensome---Entries close on round to be complet- July 1st. First ed by July 13th, July 3rd.-- Sweepstakes, flag com- petition. July 1 0th. --Sweepstakes. July 1 4th --Kingston at Napanee. July 17th.--Perth at Kingston. King- July 21st.--Gananoque at ston. July 24th.--Sweepstakes, tition against par. July 81st.--8t. Lawrence District at Brockville. August, Two-ball, que. August 14th.-- Hewitt Shield, August 21st, --Kingston at Perth. August 28th.--Brockville at King- ston, September, Sept. 13th. Sept. 4th.--Sweepstakes, Sept. 6th.--Sweepstakes, Flag com- petition. Sept. 1 1.--Sweepstakes. Sept. 18th.--S8weepstakes, compe ~~ tition against par, Sept. 25th.--Sweepstakes, Oct. 1st.-- Fleming cup Ringer closes. Oct. 2nd. -- President president's match. Caddy match to be arranged by the president. the Kingston Golf Club competitions for this sea- May 22nd ---President and Vice président's match. Ringer competition opéns, Fleming cup, open to all mem- bers 50 years of age or over who turn in the three best net scores tween May 22nd and October 1st. May 26.--Belleville at Kingston. Club handicap.-- Entries close on June 3rd. First round to be Brock- compe- mized Four- Some. Entries close July 29th. First round to be completed by August 9th, August 7th.--Kingston at Ganano- Bermingham Cup and Club championship, Entries by Sept. 2nd. Pirst round to be completed by closes. and vice. for the opposition. be- Gill. Culceth, J. Bird. ---- USE WEST SIDE reminded that entrance to field. KINGSTON HOCKEY clus Changing Residence--A Good Balance. closing up the business from past season. bert Rowland of Tranquil Letters of congratulation for the juniors, A letter of warning for next winter was read ing. wtart-out the next season. . TE -- KINGSTON'S BALL PARK. No team in this country wii} "plant" tario League. The their games at the L The Kingston Ladies' Softball League opened with two fast games c.f; L. Sinclair, r.f.; spares, M. Sin- their first win, downing the Y.M.C.A. "B" team: by ball all More than one circuit clout helped to run the scores up for St. Paul's and although the "Y" team that has been organized within only a few days, they were no match The teams were: St. Paul's--C, Shufflebottom, c.; F. Dart, p.; B. Mulholland, 1b.; B. Ellerton, 2b.; G. Fleet, 8.8.; M. Pap- pas, 3b.; BE. McGill, 1.1.; D Pappas, cf.; I. Webster, r.f.; spares, M. Mc. Sen, D. Gibbs, M. Thomas, B. Mec- » Y.M.C.A. "B"--A. Rawley, c.; M. Aspelstine, p.; HB. Smithers, 1b: M. Bird, 2b.; V. Latour, s.s.: L. Haw- kins, 3b.; M. Swaine, 1.1.; D. Sanders, r.f.; spares, A. Garrison, B. King, BE. " Fans attending the game tomor- row evening at the stadium are again the grounds can be obtained only from the west or grandstand side of the HELD FINAL MEETING Local Riayers Warned About ------ A meeting of the executive of the Kingston Hockey Club was held on Monday afternoon for the purpose of the A letter was received from Gil- Sani- tarlum, B.C:, asking for a picture. the juniors were read from all over the country from admiring friends of local players, similar to those received in other O.H.A. centres, with regard to players changing thelr residence for at the meet. The financial report showed that the club stands well financially to playing amateur baseball have a finer in which to perform than the Kingston team of the Central On- Ponies wil} iy o- morial Stadium of Queen's Univer- Thursdays at 6.45. officers were elected : Honorary president, Ww. Kaiting; president, R. H, Parkhouse; vice- president, M. N. Manahan; secretary- treasurer, 8, Kerrison. The following Announce Winners Tomorrow. The results of the baseball con- test in the Whig on Saturday wil] be announced on Wednesday. Watch for tomorrow's paper to see who the winners are, -- OFFERS DEMPSEY $1,000,000 Jack Dempsey has been Offered §1,. 000,000 to meet Harry Wills for the world's championship, it was an- nounced to-day. The offer was made by Tom O'Rourke on behalf of a New York syndicate. If the gate went over $2,000,000 Dempsey would re- ceive fifty percent. as well, GRAIN IS DIVERTED 10 PORT COLBORNE Owing to Ice In Lake Erle, and Buffalo Elevators Suffer. Buffalo, 'N. Y., May 18.-- Unpre- cedented ice conditions in lower end of Lake Erie have caused huge loss- ©8 to local elevators and railroads. John J. Boland, Lake shipper, to-day estimated that 25,000,000 bushels of £rain have been diverted to Port Colborne, Ont., already. Port Col- borne elevators are working day and night transferring grain to vessels, which can navigate Welland canal and St. Lawrence river to Montreal. ---- ENJOYING FINE WEATHER. The Farmers Are Busy on the Rockfield, May 17.~~The farmers are rejoleing over the continued fine weather and are rushing in the crop as fast as possible. Housecleaning and gardening seems to occupy the attention of the women at present. Miss Vada Morrison, who was cail- ed to Ner home at North Gower, re- cently, on account of the dllness of her mother, has returned and re. Sumed her duties at the school. bour day was observed on Friday last and the pupils and teacher made great improvement in the appearance of the p! , Séveral of the ladies from here spent lsst Friday with Rev. and Mrs. Bishop, Bscott. James Breakenbridge, Junetown, wus a Sunday guest at Gor. don Warren's, here attended the A number from funeral of the late Arthur McCready, Lansdowne, afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price and fam- ily, Brockville, spent Sunday Suests of Leslie O. Warren. rt -------- .| class of nurses. Mrs. G. do The wath ou will be surprised how easily --. can Th a tty Phone us to-day for complete particulars. A -------------- ---- (Reported by Johnston & Ward, corner King and Clarence Streets, members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges). Montreal. May 18-1.30" p.m. Abitibi Power. . . .- Asbestos Com. . Asbestos Pfd.. ,, , Bell Telephone. . .e Brasil... .. .. .. Brompton.. .. ,. "© B.C. Fish .... .. Can. Cement Com .... Can. Cement Prd... Dom, Bridge, ... Dom. Textile. .. Hollinger. ., Ind, Aleotol.. .. Laurentide., Mpckay.., .. ,. .. PR Montreal Power ., .. wea National Breweries Com ., Natjonal Breweries Ptd. . Oglivie .. nwo Ottawa Power., .. . . Ont, Steel Products. . an Pénmang.. .. .." ee Price. Bros.. ,. .. i's Quebec Power... . .. ss Spanish River Com. . Spanish River Pra. . Smelters.. ., ,. , Shawinigan.. .. . Steel of Canada. : Twin City, .. Winnipeg..., ,. .. S-- New York. ---- May 18th, 1.30 p.m. Amer. Loco. Amer. Can, Baldwin Loco. B&G ... ny Hudson Motors Inter. Comb. Eng. Inter. Nickle Mack Truck . Marland Of] N.Y. C Northern Pan. Amer. Pete, sori a dws Pan. Amer. Pete. "B" Plerce Arrow , Sou. Railway Sineclatr Of1 Standard Ofl of N. J. Studebaker Texas Oil U. 8. Rubber U. 8. Steel West! White The Nurses' Al ston General Hospital dinner at Queen's Cate on evening in honor of the s presided, and seventy-eight s dined The v

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