Tuesday, May 18, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ------ Se ---------- -- EE ------------ The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place Business Servioss | Insurance 4 OUR MEALTH AND ACCID, fey will protect Your salary. All Hi of Fire and Automobile Insurance Williams, 3 Couper street. - 2 Lost and Found 1 Real Estate For Rent The British Whig i. Es penlieaL Eialo For Rot __ | GSTO LADY'S GOLD BROOCH, -- Found, on Houses CLASSIFIED ADVERTASING' Belmont Cater oY Save same at ere | gE ; { ae re -- HOUSE--#§ rooms, furnis or | Ee => A WILL HIMSELF - 2 ONE o Tem ads. are restricted to thelr |-- rg LLS--Be to little] months or unfurnished for lon / % proper classification, snd to tine | THREE $1 SILL ogi ® about! term.r&pply 158 Stuart Street. Tele- INTHAT PICTURE BY HIS | PICTURES THEY HAFTA 1 regular Dally Whig style of type. | $100 am around or about Morr: Phone 2652-w. 2 . . ' ~ CLASSIFIED RATES: tive sos News Stand. Finder please re | DENC West end. near| - CHEW. "TH RESTO THEM | PuT ATT BoTTOM Dally rate per Hae or consecutiv turn to V. L. Morrison, 48 Clarence $t. | FINE AESIDENCE. bit, Tg 7 > WILL HAFTA REMemser || READING, FROM FT Min on. cents. nl ewe SiC it deere eo nace, hardwood Hors 5" 1a th, gas, WHERE "THEY STO00 , RIGHT MR, so AND SO. A. ANDERSON_--Paintor and Dee - '. { > - 2» ATE TN P 3 ry . ' $ CES CS Wik HE PATTER took 4 pals | slectriotis. vera or Box E11 Whiz I ALWAYS LIKE T WE HAD A SHOP PRTURE Ace 183 King Senay, P2008 1066, WAY, BY WILLIAMS. . 1. - ¢ of Lady's Shosg by Bi take from Mike 1st. 'k - ) S 203 >| Office. E . ow a ay ard 203 Watling. | 2 BE IN A SHOP Pictur IN OUR ALBUM , BUT WE T YOUR PAINTING--And pap waver ton street, kindly rett them by mall | ra z ™ 1 x Births, Engagements, Mar- | 5." oc pf BOL fetd J - HOUSES--Colborns Street, 3% % per cuz NOT SO GOOD A HAD TTAKE TOUT, | done now. Prices reasonable. Wa és, one insertion charged, $1.00; . a month: Apply. to Kingston Agenales = LOOKIN, EVERY BOON THOT 1 Wood Street. Phone 3054 Call WRIST LOCKET-- Found, on Ontario $7 CI | : : Ja 15 WAS A MINSTREL | 8 | | | -00. { 2 rd of Thanks, ana Memoriam | Sireet, on Sunday. Owner may have| 14d. 67 Clarence Street. | | otices--Charged, $1.50; cash, §1.00 -- 8t Whig Office. MODERN HOUSE -- Hardwood fcors r y : ne io sign PAINTING. & Robinson, SN Arriurtlen. = for irregular Cuts hot water heating. Rent| = ; EY ) 2 5 bagot Strest insertions takes the one-time inser- 8 tion rate; no ad. taken for less taan a Street. of four lines. Male Help Wanted 2 Stunt six average wordg to the sx ¥ MED HOVSE, To let on FERST CLASS TINSMITH---~Wanted. Ap-| Charles Street; electric Hght ang as. { MEN SOC, BY ri T ads. will be received by |FIRST McKelvey & Birch, Brock Street.| 7 roomed house, al} improvements, fur. F | X / / Sg HEN ay Jase ports Ielepn and If paid at The Brit- ee nace. Apply to H. F. Norman, 69 fut. } \R ; ine BV bo) A 4 Vice-president J. M. Farrell Mon ish Whig Office within 6 days from FIREMEN---Brakemen, beginners $180, rick Street > xX Vy \ US 1 2h loan on city" and farm properties; the first date of insertion, cash rate later $250 monthly; aiso clerks --plac- > 5 | A 4 / | ? 5 : , y 5 nt. Bonds bought ana sold} will be allowed. ed in positions on railroads nearest] SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE--Elec- ~ is . 1 : "Z 3 Posits received and interost od [ ds. ordered for more than one day thelr homes--everywhere (which posi-| tric light and gas, three piece bath, / "df : Lr NR ; minimum monthly balance. IS throu Tinancial FRONTENAC LOAN AND IN reasonable Possession Immediately, Help Wanted Apply 200 Queen Sireet or 265 = -- A 7 , ES Sie A 4 : Baa ssovbed aoe sxpiration will Wie opailway Association; Box V-15, Spd 3 Capand garden 204 lawn, Ap- 7 y : LI ow AA Ni ) Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence St times the ad. appeared ond adjust. Len. . : a 1043-J. : / ; RE TROY ; made at arn Yi Bans Bata: the rate sarned. Female Help Wanted STONE HONK: 203 Brock iroet, elec: , 4 Storage hy pp . i ric light and gas, hardwoo oors, hot , s J 7 he Ng Tae for Peary 2 heortising COUPLE OF WOMEN--Or girls wanted | [UC II heating. Possession May 1a : \ MER Rt : ; STORAGE--For furniture, clean, upon request. Jor ihamber work. Apply Frontenac Apply to James Reid, 264 Prince : Z VA a BS 4 ; alr fooms and epaces; Publighers reserve the right to edit . ot re seer 10 <i y \ 1) ce 7 | 21 ns en a OF reject all classified advertising FIRST CLASS CHAMBER MAID -- Rooms z ; y x A or 2516-m. Telephone 243; ask for & want ad. | °"ted Apply Prince George Hotel FURNISHED ROOM--In private home YZ / De at 2 ; . . ET ---- ------ L je 11 , y A i . TRS, taker. GOO PLAIN COOK--Wanted for part{ very central; an somomnlineat Would 77 BL T7849 / Es . yr NAGE naBEROUS -- of June. One who can sleep at home| rent to lady. Apply to Box 8-13, Whig ¢ @; ia 38.1% : proof building. hone 1000 JAMES REID preferred. 'Phone 78. Office. / . ' Py J y gle z y A em ; i -------- eee ee = mete | ete a-------------------------------------------------- / 0 £ : > ! The Old Firm of Undertakers HOUSEKEEPER--Wanted to do plain | LARG BRIGHT, SUNNY BEDROOM-- 2 /f g 4 3» #54 and 256 PRINCESS STREET | cooking | Family ot three; no chil-| Weil furnished,' on bathroom floor. 7 xl 0 - : G7 Miscellancous : 'Phone 147 for Ambulance | dren. Phone 2210. 21 Phone Phone 230-m.~ -- an urd, clonn op Gut,of , caliare Sn : E WIDOW OR SPINSTER--With no en. NICE, FURNISHED ROOM-- To rent,| ° ; es \ A yards, clean jo one. . cGr » mbrances; must be over thirty, to do Sith private Aumily, nih, every Son- -~ | g 3 f 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2366. The Leading Undertaker plain cooking and keep downstairs; ven ence; centrally located. For fur- 2 i y + / » gr ord ana -- clean; fe family of three. No laun-| ther pardculars apply Box 0-12, Whig z R ASHES---Remove from yar n cols Phone 577. 230 Princess Street an n Wages $35.00 per month, ° Apply Office. py i eng 7 . lars, Bor mage ting: frst class veal F W-3, Whig Office. : teers oo. - " a M. g ce. THREE ROOMS UNFURNISHED--Rent = a Buckley Transfer, 143 Yor dr HOME reasonable. Apply to 21 Low = - z ¥ Phone 291 and 2516-M. C 1 emi. haries Street CHAIR CANING--Repairing. Done AMBULANGE POT RERT [MEN AxD novs WANTED --To pat- -------- THE REPAIR GANG HAVE THEIR PHOT =F A; we 2 A Hugh Murphy, House of Providenee. ronize J. W. Curzon's Barber Shop. ... TAKEN For "THE SHOP NEWS 2 . Men's hair cuts, 25¢ Shaves 10c. Boys' OND Breese JOHN CORNELIUS hair cuts, 150. Ladies 25c. 3201 Wel- | ONE ROOM -- With board, wanted to U and Embalmer lington Street So, by Eenflomad, piso Prt have / ndertaker ee ae 8 € &s party wishes to ke a a » Ambulance Phone 680 Agents Wanted # ( horse. Apply Box X-17, Whig Office. J "Phone 150%-J, tte en ee eee seems ee --_--] H. J. KNIGHT YARDS OF PROFIT For Sale or To Let Ha | eres ee | Expert Plano Tuning, -- 5 ALMER --for Men and Women. By direct sell eee' Esta A icles For Sale 'layer-Piano Adjusting. PARLORS. Noa AND EMBA Verona, | Ing our yard goods of Silks, dress goods, | SUMMER BUNGALOWS -- Eastview -- Real = ato For Sale = ill] phi h » Shd Battersea. Ambularce 'phone 35. | curtain material, drapery fabrics, etc..| Park, § miles from Kingston, § to 7 15 21 Phone 1544. You can easily make a substantial Hv-| rooms, furnished; screened verandahs "Houses 14 ROBERTS. ing right in your own neighborhood and | and fireplaces; good view, bathing ac- -- | 2 n 2 > " p i , . fio sis REFRIGERATORS--Four Eureka Re- SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, " SRVICE . ta P. H. J district Full or spare time. Liberal commodation Apply J. D. Boyd, 332 frigerators; only used short time. Sult-| Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Salus RYE re Frogs uction commission. Only ambition to 0 ahead | University Avenue, Kingston. 'Phone e 2 3 Undertaker and Embalmer, necessary. No capital nor experieord 1083-m. ' BS ! able for grocer or butcher. Apply to| Scars, Pits, gic. removed permanent- ly sated Uhursdays and Saturdays required. Our selling outfit, "A Dryl---oe vy B. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Tele- Ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and 10.30 a.m. send .anything you Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. | ive 5 "Yo Writs os Sure| SUMMER RESORTS--For rent or for phone 1391-J. Gortra *SutLier, others have "failed Phone saline for what you need. "Sales Getter" in itself Write at once sale: Presquile Point, 95 miles from r rR SS ' : phone §9i.J. for full details and territory. Apply | Toron'o, Kingston Highway; furnished ||. Centrally located, containing SPRING AND FALL OVERCOAT! : years exbericnde Dr. Eimer J. Lake, ---- sn Dominion Tome Fabrics Dept RF "| summer home in good i Mive whular $30.00 quality, at $21.00 eac gye. Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. ° 284 UPHOLSTERIN G--And general repairs CUT FLOWERS Roomk 501, 1435 Bleury St; Montreal, rooms, hardwood floors, 5g foot lot, ten rooms, all newly decorated, With any Doteng 51 payment Clee, --oa8ot Street. Phone 301w. House 1136) Ing. Leave orders at or drop a WEDDING BOUQUETS ee TOO frum garden and garage. Rental $125 oak floors throughout, Cypress Cokna. Fone 2206 w. °F (omens Dat: Medical, =. to I. Ww. Jlarold, 104 Clergy Street ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS omen Wanted on | pet, hin, bee fo Se nbin oa oe water basting, oisatric [| {ne iaime Jb abil, one 1400-3 » AD eb siete v Ly, ! . ight and gas. rge outbuild- YE FOL ATRICK'S LADY--Woiild like to get roomers and Daionial rus King siroReal Estate|] [ELE and gas. L driveway. Im- || WE WILL RENT--You a Plang for six Di AnD, FricE roLoEm., 8 boarders, In central locality. Apply Rapa 2 ng Street East, To- mediate possession. Apply dollars per month, and at the expira ed to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and LONG DISTANCE M0 ART AND FLOWER STORE to 99 York Street Jon #. BLAKE THOMPSON, {lon of six months will allow ali mon. | throat. Hours: 10 to 13.30 a.m., 1.30 | 'Phones 462 and 1218-J. Tr re---- Real Ba e-- 39 Brock Street. les paid to apply on purchase price of to 3 i -|| No craTIN NO WwW, ano. kasy terms arranged on the ee hm Evenings Ve#. Appoint | Super, ato padded Yang Real Estate For Rent. . -- palunce. 6g. Lindsay Limited, 131 tors sng Bos =--==== || niture and Pianos. 4 load on svar sp iclos For Sal Tihceas Street. Barristers ana Solicitors 21b | road. vate for our load bullet Apartments and Plats 7 Cc or © -- -- |] on the Twentieth. BROOUH-Found, on King Street, be- CHOICE LOTS--In all parts of the city, Articles * Yura 108 wu. MERRINGTON Barrister. Soliol- | HILL MOVER, Ham een pan) nl Jute Rr hl. AT RINGLAND APARTMENTS -- 154] APbly Kingston Agencies Ltd. 67 rr for and Notary Public. 151 Welling. | LL. THE MOVER, Hamilton, Ont. or y ' ' o 3 } S We C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED --e OT Lost and Founda Sy FURNITURE-- Antique and modern » a Yymerning. v Queen En oan i roomed apart. | Clarence Street. ive M n 15) furniture sold and bought. M. Cram-|. ton Street. 'Phone 2548 4 found. at Bra mraed in each Pteers and ho ie 507 hg Successors to CUNNINGHAM & TH -- Barristers JORANK- Th hevrelat car, f at Ay: 1 APP 386 Queen Street. Tele- : Idi nD SUMMER SUITS --330.00 Rnd ny a rare, Cunnningham' Kes at Canadian Na- ) . made out orde n eas eS. b . may have same ange. Patterns. Auto Tops and C hions 16a. Cyril M. Smith. J. DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and tand, corner Princess and Hous, for le and he V Ss Su APARTMENT In the Winston, § rooma, Ingen Boe to jo, Jen. 3 3 . "Phone 2206-w. heated; hot water all Year round; gas T. O'CONNOR, G. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. L G. PAUL--Specialist for new or re-| Solicitors, 69 Clarencs Streot, King- KBY--Found fn front of Boyd's Gar- Stove in kitchen. Apply De. Anglin, 53) 35; Princess Street. 'Phone 1189-7. " eT paired, Bide Curtains, Slip Covers, Se. ston. A. E. Day, Adrian I Re P AND BOD on Damier, Owner may have| Earl street or phone 178. --e Ant on pr ALLER In perfoct dan ypholstering and decking, |vind-| Morigages arranged. ° b Buggy, Boat 3 PE rrr ----_ RS i . . ' -------- eee eee. A a1 Whig Office APARTMENT--Sydenham Apartments, | 1 on 4 > ? cultivation:| West or phone 1322-m. anid And budy glass I Te You rN OLD. J. C--Barrister and Sonet.| pions, Gommercial, and pr eo Che Sai lon ot on S| BRECK, Sree fur tous A204 ELS Ty com] DE nt (3c ToL | Lan bh Bes, ret A Ga {feraia, Topt and i uy ThEhe Finder please return to] hardwood floors: well heated. Apply §9 : y AWNINGS--Veérandah Curtains. Apply roy ang Stroc ss, ude order. Phone tot. property. 347 Kin nig Offfoe. Brock Street. a0 : Frank W. Cooke. 'FPhone 436. saaancedn Sil get, ye, ims ------ ss < ry rings in SHEA-Ambrose, B.A. Barrister and PU ~ Containing small su {| HEATED APARTMENT--Corner Barri y b : , Fae Feed Solicitor. Law Office, co ; Y. Touny on he Sandhill nr and Princess Streets, also slores on : Wins ar r| ARMY B00TE=Coud Seadislon, Mens 1 ang 18 and Brack, over Royal Bank, aang 3 Po tabire ° Saye same by | Princess Street, centrally located wich | | nsmen, concrete cellar; gocdl banj| Used Suits, §0od ag new; mechanic CW. NEVILLE--WIil deliver anthra.| to loan. 'Phone 1999. : . em . Owner 'ma ing at the Whig Offic Tear entrances. Apply I. Conen & Co., barn 40 x §0: tools, grips and suit cases. Prices very . -y Y, ale SPPiving as = Ontario Street. Phone 83¢. head; iS aie pro with Leasoliabie. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Ho oe) at tis%. Carrying extra. x 22 PARTS FOR 0ST MAKES __ Olassined Dispiay SMALL FURNISHED APARTMENT have] Pay ny sen, Ade hard ---, ODY HARDW D HOMES -- Wanted fo 1 OF RS. to. The Gi ORrtita: A13 » one 1 wou e har 2 Skiffs, 18 ft. long, red cedar,| DRY BODY 90D--Dry hard| GOOD HOMES -- Wan r severa to ent for the summer monthe; ai J peat Price $6,800. Brnest Kirhe a hee IL, long bry | ad oft wood Slabs. We handle nons| Dove from 5 to 12 anted for e. Also USED CARS FOR SALE. block from Meliorai Park al Tale wv 4. Plcton, Ont. Lawrence engine; all new. Apply to| but the best. 'Phone 2516-w. J. C.| baby boys and girls. Apply Thos. D, Box Y-17, Whig Office PPI to EE, C. W. Hartley, Seeley's Bay. Swain. Ruston, Superintendent, Children's Aid ' nox Wi foe. § \ Soclety, 25 Cedar Street, Belley ills. PAI MER S zz Houses 14 DRY, BODY HARDWOOD-- $3.75 DE LAVAL--Sooner or later you will » $3. L.7 Automobile, Ac. 8 use a De Laval Separator and Milker.[ load: Dry mixed $3.00. Split 36c. ex- . t, Siok Plate Glas, and HOUSE--3$ rooms, electric light, 8 p.| Inquire about our tra. Dry kindling under cover, $2.75 Ladies' Halr Parigr 24 Cor. Bagot and Queen. : lines of Thaurance. OFFICES --For rent, large and small bath, good garage, centrally located.| $175.00 up. Some 800d used engines per load. 'Phone 1439-J. Mrs. RAY | tims ores pi » . 3 Anas ding. Terms| Price §2,200. Apply Mh Trumpour, ki and separators. Set of double harness| barker, corner Johnson and McDonald ALL - FIRST CLASS HA WORK TO ORDER T fi mations, Dobbed curls, switches, sham- - Offices, in the Bibby Bui A E "n BROCK ST. PHONE 585.w, to suit tenant Upon application to R.| 270 Princess Street. 'Phone. 704 or| and democrat. Also Lion Disc Har-| Streets. MADE D. Sloan, Bibby's Limited. 1295-J. Brock 8 hone §85-J | GOOD HARDWOOD--$3.50 Juarter corq i ling, Lad a -- rma TT rtm ttrmyiosestma--t---- Agency, 31 Broce treet. 'Phone - " pooling. singeing, curling, ies' an . ¥ J. E. CUNNIN -F. --mixed wood $3.00 and $3.25 quarter N : i ting. ; " A GHAM ped tive 48 $3.60--soft slabs] Children's hair 'cutting. Mrs @ Cun u 0 rec ; row. J. ¥. Cramer, Frost & Wood AND Nouses eal Estate gord--hard hingham, §6 Bay Street. Kingston PLAIN SIMPLE ! Insurance and Loans FISH AND SHI The Slant fish and | $2.75 q & les' T' rter cord. Rough and 4 Telephone 2999. © - 79 Clarence cafe in city. Redden, 260 ways in stock Clean be an good DUPLEX HOUSE: sLosooms and bath. Street. Ship sate In sity. Hours 3 amo J § cents bag. Phone 2753-d W. {| Ome Ligne Six MeLaughita Car, 8 E handle, hw. floors. grate blinds, fixtures, pe EW. MULL1x am. We deliver. 'Phone 2825-m. H. Talbot, Concession Street. FRENCH MARCEL WAVING || good condition. - . , FA a a i 4 lar, en, Jerandah, front and bac Real Estate and Insurance Broker FOR ANYTHING IN BRICK. Inter: LUMBER--Rough and dressed, Curimer VIDE, tol nd and med | te ght I aSsinter Mew urK's ore Jutrance, § rage. Apply BIE {ne Sha00N Beution Streets to5king or partition cile, call A. Neal,| shingles and Jath. satiy fo) hard- Sealp T . Spee Mitel f ¥ 8 or 'p 52-m. - ® Adve Page 3) loc Jonnston Street. thous Soer Rea eiooting, all kinds, stovewoed | attention giv . no ol! kinds of Second HOUSE--2 Colborne Street. corner 87d | SOLID BRICK HOUSE--And sarees Worage Resa wing and planing, 4 Peters & Switzer, 367 Su ir ap- Astomentte Parts for ull makes of enbam, 8 rooins, all improvements, University Avenue. 5 room modern GARAGE Almost Abpiy Ho iror a an,at Streets. "Phone 389, an oronts) yoiniment 'phone 301 Second Mand Tires, all sizes we t Concession St. § rooms. Apply Pp en i large Jot, . > rice $4.00 00, IMIER'S EDUCATION Queen Street. "Phone 988-w Diversity Avarcue oles Apply 335] ery. 341 Princess Sirser. WOOD--Best of/ Mixed Wood $300 a . . PLAN EXPENSIVE ONE HOUSE 311 Queen Street near Busi ani Avenue. 'Phone 1083-m. GURNEY OXFORD -- Ocoking Stove, Quarter of a cord, darduood slabs { ROSEN & POLI ITT re 8 7 - «{ under cover, $2. qu er of a ! pass College. 9 rooms, bath, hot water,| Have you read (re number of | mehowater front. Apply to 7 Chest ; " po STR Ras, electricity, furnace. Immediate | tions Appearing In the Classifieq Pal aut te oF A sora? hardwood, 3 a 3% Sie For the very latest in Ladies | M0 RINEAY STREEY d, { | b-- Posecsalon. Apply. 139 Union Street|tion that sre open for those wh, Yard, oor. Barrack and Bag r 8- This Is the View Expressed by west. Phone S04b-w. od gry and gometery Inte Sorte your| Xard. oor. Barrack and Bagot Strests LADIES EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE 'PHONE 705. unemployed. 8 and cometeéry lots with our flow- Principal Taylor of Queen's -- | OF VaSes. Three kinds to choose from. Wea Ems ome PARLOR Er Unielty, Street. Phone Ho meaucts Patrick a Tay Hm, KINGSBURY, Automobiles Wanted go GARAGE WANTED To buy. State |209 Princess Street. 'Phone 2015-7. puns x mrmee nunc «|| First consignment of Genuine [|v ssi: ummm: RAR Wi of ---- | Tne TUNING CAR Ta poe ra ret class 00 -- & aie. Apply J. Knapp & Son, Barrie- | MOTOR--A five horse motor. i | able offer refused. doply at Frontense Queens University, a ' 7 : Also a Sn ton chain block Kioto: rr Garage, Kingston, On 1p Introduce tne Bem Bean ar (Anthr acite) Welsh Coal Pune Amp | omen Floduos re MeLAUGHLIN SIX SPROIAL -- Model to introduce the first year of the uni- x Bn companies of financial stand- | "yy: . oo Lo Wyandot Professiuna mb Pe King St Bast. ale Dan ne a is b Red po ee into the sscandary NOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION Ehorna. 100 per cant ues: fiw. Ren 1a phone 413 Boel ORUGLEDS PRA ampion, aaah, hools in various centres throughout og, W. A @ province. In a careful discussion This Coal is all pure Coal--highest in heat units and lowest in Raton if govined. ai Marcelis, corner Prin. | FIR be a Shtls sud Cisusity Sonu ie 0 - if " stan, TY. ueen reet. cess tree te * : f the suggestion contained in his sn ash of any fuel Enquiries solicited about this high grade and" Sand op Fhane 1782-0, FOR SALE ual report to the trustees of Queen's, now in effect for immediate delivery, FIANO~Upright, 7 1-3 octaves, ivory! massaxe "ovis, service. 'tas and ebony keys. No price Hours 3°13 wom, ios pm | INSURANGE~ORly the most ante #11 195 advanceq Nash, § passen Principal Taylor argues . that che : reasonab fon free. NSURANC he Joi. Tovlor argues that che ii refused. "Appiy 149 Colborne Stress Evian 1-0, Roeidemant. Office teia- | STTADSRIeS Lobresented. Sica: 38 || sedan, tn fee class condition, equip * enormous increase In the education . te RUB BURNERS. Garden Fences! --b Dlione 887-J. | Clarence Street oPposite Post Office. Ped with § balloon tires, sutomatie i FOOT OF STREET. + e 380. Parirides ire "8 real 'area des. I dare Nunes ia Chiro-{4, , COOK E--Lite, Fire. Accident and || Window wiper; very Metis mileage. bill for the community at large." 'PHONE 185. = He also points to the difficulty that i - Forks. Plating in Suiver, Fic Breet ™ Pitne 951 ure Bagot Di tknesn, pn Eo particulars apply at 377 Alfred | ro RRSL Ste. 5 1 reat. : Boards of education we In securing adeq { . university subjects. He says Le . Opinion of men on uiversity, who have been teae ON'T TALK BACK TOME BOT YOU ouch hd AS . TT © ov! 1 TO <i SCHOO SHLD To SCHOOL! WITHOUT own students, are quite YOUNG To <o = AN the difficulties created in the number