THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG GEORGE SMITH | CHOSEN TINER | members of Grace Church. George | is one of the foremost choir members, | DRIVE IS NOW ON FOR A WORTHY CAUSE il Citizens Asked to Support the i Work of Tuberculosis Veterans' Association. but, besides lending his voice, is also always ready to lend his hands to do his good share of any work to help along the good work in the church and Sunday school. It is needless to say that many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Scott outside, Grace Church fold are anxious to blend their good wishes that they may be spared to celebrate many more happy anni- versaries. The wedding took place on Satur- day last of two popular young people when Rev. Father Hanley united in larriage Cecil Garrah, son of Thomas Garrah, Howe Island, and Maazie, daughter of Mrs. Maxim Bishop, Gananoque. ~ Rev. G. T. Martin is attending the : i Lake Yacht Racing Association Makes Changes at Its Spring Meeting. Tennis Rackets Improved models 1926. Outstanding values, from ........... $3.50 to $10.00 * 1926 TENNIS BALLS durable and sanitary Our stock is com- flooring for any pur- X LUMBER (CO. is the most beautiful, Flooring obtainable. plete now. Can supply pose. ALLAN New Rule in Force on Measur- ing of Yachts of All Classes. Watertown, N.Y., May 18.--The Spring meeting of the Lake Yacht Racing Association, held here Sat- urday, indicates the opening of There are a number of interesting ll facts in connection with the cam- ll! paign now going on for the Tuber ll | culosis Veterans' Association, for the i | purpose of raising $5,000 to carry on | the good work of this organization. 1] The Tuberculosis Veterans' Associ- ff | ation has been running without ask- = ¥| ing assistance from the public for j the last six years. It is asking now because its adjustment service in Gt- tawa with 500 cases on hand still un- ar settled may otherwise be forced to go {out of existence. meeting city for Miss Ne Patrick A da morning ter's pa Bulloch. Miss guest of Bargain Frigidaire Automatle,, Jormanent Reo~ Send Postcard for ustrated Booklet W. C. Cannon THLEPM( 130-w, BIBBY BLOCK, PRINCESS ST. ny KINGSTON and In or tour th Canadia scenery Canadia ly cond 9th and terests of ones who, at the time, | were unacquainted with the aims and | purposes of the association, every woman, whe- [ dence as soon as possible in these ther it be to decorate cases. Many of the cases have taken | more than two years to solve before Such a gift will be ap- son Is working in his interests, and . d those of his family he is more con- Preciated. (tented. It is well-known that free- Walnwr Choice Body Hardwood, | The Association helps cases of ex- For the Home The association tries to get par- the room or complete j@ favorable decision could be reach. | dom from worry is essential in the Jasper service men suffering from tuberculo- Soft Mixed Wood. | 8i8 who: are not members of the as- and Slabs, sociation; in fact, the majority of Rindiing cases handled at the Mowat Sanator- (Chas, Bedore & Son lum branch were started in the in- 840 NELSON STREET Here you will find a . 3 "Phone 1740). profusion of beauti- . ticulars of cases of men as soon as ful articles, so dear to they enter sanatorium. If the man Is not receiving pay and allowances t h e h e ar t o f | trom the department of 8.C.R., it is | Becessar# to gain the necessary evi- . . ed or the cases abandoned through the setting of the din- the impossibility of securing suffic- » fent evidence to make such a decis- ing table. lon attainable, f When a patient knows some per- (treatment of tuberculosis. Worry simply means death in a few years. Citizens who would like to help on the good work are asked to send their remittances to Mr, Philip Du Coast. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS STREET Lumber, all sizes, seas of Wragell of the Bank of Mrs. Benoit, Montreal, is ing a few days with her daughtar, fering an exceptionally low trip fare. toria, and the wonderful mile boat trip through of St. Augustine's Alumnae in Toronto, and will remain in that the balance of the week. spend- llie, and her sons, John and Shine, ughtef was born Sunday to Flight Commander and Mrs, Godfrey at the home of the lat- rents, Mr. and Mrs. W, V. Eva Moffatt, Boston, is the her aunt, Mrs, 0. D. Cowan. e-------- i Fares for Famous Alaska Pacific Coast Tour This Summer. der to bring that gorgeous rough the grandeur of the n Rockies and the gigantic of the Pacific Coast within reach of every one this summer, the n National Railways are of- round The tour will be personal- ucted. It will leave July return August 2nd---twenty- five days of unalloyed pleasure. The tour embraces all the unique sights and magnificent scenery of ight Park in Alberta--ot National 'Park and the Then Vancouver and Vie- thousand the scenic the North Pacitic tp Alaska, and Skagway. The 'return what is assured to be a record yacht racing season. r From every part of Lake Ontario as well as from Buffalo the intention of taking active part in the regatta of August 4th, 5th, 6th next was promised by the delegates present and the details of plans and ar- rangements for the entertaining of yachts and yachtsmen were complet- ed to the last item and, except for one or two added details, Secretary Vanwinckle can go ahead with get- ting out his printed programme. Henderson Bay, fourteen miles from here, was visited by the Coun- cil and found to be fully up to the requirements of a large fleet of yachts, There is also lots of accom-~ modation here and proper facility for entertainment and for getting sup- plies of every kind. A letter was read from the New York Yacht Club asking the council to advise its members of the race for "R"" boats it proposes to hold off Newport, R.L, in September next and requesting an entry or entries from FOR SALE Also Roofing Material NAILS--BOILERS IL. Cohen & Co. MONTREAL STREET All Motor Tucks with Afr Tires. FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Local and loag distance, Moulin, manager Montreal, treasurer. GANANOQUE RECEIVES who is acting as honorary Journey is made by way of Prince Rupert and Kitwanga, famous for its totem poles, and from Port Ar- thur to Sarnia the trip is made on one of the luxurious steamers of the Northern Navigation Company. Write for full information and de- scriptive booklet to Mr. A. R. Bry- son, 44 Silverthorn Ave, Toronto, 9, FIRST TOURIST PARTY The Sudden Death of Herbert McDonald--A Choir Pre- sentation. 'PHONES 880 ana 837, | H. L. BRYANT || 384 Division Stroee. 'Phone 1753. Amt, READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Know What Is Best Ave, H -- Gananoque, May 18.--The first tourists to arrive came yesterday morning when Dr. Lundy of Califor- nia arrived here with a party of twenty. Word had been sent Mayor Wilson a couple of weeks ago, but had never reached him, and the first intimation he got was Yesterday through a second message. In the short space of time, however, and with the mayor's ability to arrange things quickly and well, plans were made for their entertainment during their stay. Bovey's pleasure boat took the party on the river among the islands for a couple of hours, after which luncheon was served at Blinkbonnle. © Mayor Wilson do B Society Your Home deserves a Banner Furnace Just as long as your house is not properly ated--e room in the house warm and | comfortable--you are not having the com- fort in your home that you should, A Banner Furnace, propery installed, will ve gos uniform heat night and day in all Weathers with a minimum of labor and fyel, Ask our dealer all about the Banner Furnace or write us direct for Booklets describing BANNER Furnaces. The Galt Stove & Furnace Co., Ltd. BANNER Ul NNER Society ful than do 158 for period 1 year. H. F. Ward, of the T.I. Rail ay, The § looked after the entertainment 'of the party, and they were most fa- vorably impressed with Gananoque and its location and the welcome they got. Dr. Lundy has been here a couple of times before with parties from the south en route, as on this occasion, to Burdpe, and the fact that he continues to include Gananoque and the Thousand Islands in his itinerary tells its own story. Death came with extreme sudden- ness early yesterday afternoon to Herbert, son of Mrs. William Me- Donald, Charles street north. Shortly after dinner deceased complained 'of feeling weak, and in less than five ganized Scriptur 000. s are After Ppipe- every made in pipe less to style of dwelling. : amount minutes had passed away, due to heart trouble. Survivi are his wife and one daughter, Eleanor, his mother, one sister, Mrs. Jack Leeder, and five brothers, W. J., Gananoque; Thomas, Syracuse: Lewis, Sanford and Alfred, to whom much sympathy is extended in their sad bereavement. The choir of Grace Church and other friends to the number of about forty arranged a pleasant little sur- prise for Mr. and Mrs. George 8S ] last Saturday evening, the Ra, being the twenty-fourth annive; 3 of their wedding. A few social hours were spent, during the course ot which Mr. and Mrs. Scott were pre- sented with a handsome pyrex and silver pie plate, Rev. Mr. Perry gave a short address of congratulation on behalf of the assemblage, in which be said many nice deserving things about Mr. and Mrs. Scott, both of whom are most faithful and active Children SAILING, OIL-BURNERS Those who have known the satisfaction of travelling Cun- ard understand why so many people book return passages. Cabin Class from Montreal 3145 and up. Tourist Third Cabin. 7 Sailings. $170 for the round trip, Lake farmers SMOOTH » again, J son's, ling's. ANCHOR- Les Particulars from ! Retord Co. Limited, corne Bay and Wels Toronto, or any Steumahip Agent, College | George its 122nd annual meeting shows that the total issues of } Seription medal, Ont., or Mr. Martin Kerr, 4 Beulah amilton, Ont., conductors of tha tour, or any Agent of the Can. adlan National Raflways, em IBLE CIROULATION, A Large Increase In Sales In Canada Is Reported. The, British and Foreign Bible has issued a statement for which the New in complete © Bibles, Testaments and smaller portions (at least one complete book of Berip- ture) reached last year the wonder- output of 10,453,733--more uble those announced 25 years ago and an increase of 412,- the year. In no previous n the Society's history were 80 many English Bibles sold as last ummary of the report stated that, "our steadfast friemds in the Dominions have not only sent con- siderable sums in ald ciety's work abroad; they have or- of the So- the distribution of the es within their own borders. In Canada, over 404,600 volumes were circulated, an increase of 4 In Western Canada the col- porteurs sold versions in no fewer than thirty-three languages." paying for work in Canada and Newfoundland these Dominion auxiliaries sent the handsome og £12,722 to the Society's headquarters in London. -------------------- At Lake Opinicon, Opinicon, May 17.--The have started their spring work. There are rumors of the spar mide at Rock Lake starting work Mr. and Mrs. Staple spent a few days at their cottage here. They expect to return in two weeks. Hughson is building an addition to their cottage. Spent Sunday at H. Austin's, L. Varrett is staying at D. J, Hugh- Mrs. F. Best and sons, and Arden, D. J. W. Kerr and famuy Miss Jack spent Friday at K. Dar- Erle Darling, Perth Road, at ing's. ------------------ Secured The Medals. At the Ontario College of Phar. macy W. H. Hodgins, Carp, won the and the pre- carried off by Smith's Falls. - Neen amy Silver Medal H. Wi Lake Ontario. T. C. CO. Resign. A letter was also received from the Toronto Canoe Club resigning from the L.Y.R.A. on the grounds that yachting was outside its scope, as they intend confining themselves to canoes and dinghys. It was formally decided to join the North American Yacht Racing Union and to further its promotion in every possible way. Mr. T. B. A. Benson, of Toronto, submitted his new formula for the measuring of veteran yachts of all classes. His rule is as simple as is possible so as to arrive at a fair rac- ing basis without tog thuch detail and is decided upon from a stand- point of fairness and to give old timers every benefit. Re-measurémoent Compulsory. The council heartily appreciated Mr. Benson's effort and were 50 taken with the new rule that they at once went over the list of veteran yachts of all types and classes whose owners will at once be notified of the formula and instructed as to re- measurement so as to enable them to reap the advantage of more lib eral or fair time allowance during the coming races. Re-measurement Victoria Street, near Union. "Phone 1042 Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers oo ATTRACTIVE FLOORS FOR EVERY ROOM Housewives fully appreciate their labor-saving qualities, as they time and labor, cleaned. from as they look attractive, OILCLOTH and LINOLEUM comfortable, inexpensive and -- a big range of patterns to nt Ask MAGIC FURNITURE POLISH. JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. is compulsory, no yacht will be al- lowed to race in any L.Y.R.A. event without a new certificate. A pen- alty of $10 will be imposed and cost of measurement on any owner fdil- ing to obey the foregoing orders. This is final and must be lived up to. In fact evéry rule of the game to the last clause is going to be en- forced this year, The Regatta Committee and Judges for the races, combined this year, and composed of three outstanding yachtsmen, are Mr. F. H. Windeyer, of R.C.Y.C., Toronto; E. M. Dillon, of the Q.C.Y.C,, Toronto; and Charles BE. Faxon, of the Rochester Yacht Club, Records, appointed officially for the first time, Mr, Volney E. Lacey, of Rochester. Timekeepers, Wilson Cross, R.Y.C.; George Smith, K.Y.C. Starters, T. Jenkins, of Q.C.Y.C., To- ronto, and F. Bisgdod, ot the Buffalo Canoe Club. Owing to the number of "R" boats, old and new, racing this year, 17 in all, the question ot deciding the class was discussed and was discarded, for the season at least.' It, was decided that al races not finished by 7 p.m. in the case of classes that cover the triangle twice, should be decided upon the time of the finish of the first round. The First Division, The first division is divided as follows: Into Class 1A, all schoon- ers, cutters, sloops, yawls and ketches over 31-foot rating; Class 1B, yachts of same types, 3I Toot rating and under. The Freeman Cup race will start this year at 4 p.m. standard time. This is to make it reasonably sure that yachts may reach their destina- tion in daylight, and was decided upon after much the Am- erican contingent wanting the time set for 7 p.m. 4 Lo W. CLARK Limivep - MonTREAL ST. AEM), BQ. AND Price quotations gladly given. Shipped anywhege, GEORGE E. BAKER ARNPRIOR The holdings of these races on its own waters means much to the Cres- cent Yacht Club and to the Chau- mont Bay and to the building up of racing interests here, and he most respectfully asked the council to ac- cept the situation. ---------- ' Sentence Suspended. In view of previous good ehar- acter and in deference to petitions Magistrate J. Albert Page, Brock- ville, suspended sentence on Harry Brown and Edgar Swinburne, resi- dents of Carleton Place, who plead- ed guilty to the theft of two auto- tires a lap-robe, the pro- Henry Pattermore, Port- costs of the action were defendants, bound over by the to appear at any time within "Phone 147 for Service, Electric Motors I can furnish detail dimen= sions and all particulars, in cluding prices, for any size motor. Save time and money and do your business locally, James B oyd Phone 2504. PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Normans H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 184. " eh SALE! Hard and Soft Cord Wood TO MAKE ROOM FOR BUILD. ING EXTENSIONS Highway Service & Supply Co. Cor. Princess and Smith Strests "PHONE 2706. it called upon for Pom coming year sentence. -------- Stables Horse in Kitchen, Peterboro, May 18. --Activity among the health officials of the city has uncovered several homes in terrible condition. One house, Just 1 block from the heart of the elty, ontains a family of five people sad has & horse stabled in the ki The building has been "Unfit for Habitation." ------------ Middlesex beekeepers at a t ing in London passed a olut urging the immediate destruction foul broods. i The new filtration plant suppl 8t. Catharines district is in o and has proved entirely reco. i