Clean anything that can be cleaned OC. GOE & P. BARRETT Office! 88 Areh Street, 'Phone 1336w * Call and deliver. "I remember? We're in Mister Ringtatl | Clean, Blocky and Bright. WHILE IT LASTS 1 $1050 per ton W. A. MITCHELL & C0 "CAR OWNERS ATTENTION .« Now is the time to insure with an ay "ALL RISK POLICY" S Protects you for I" LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, ' OOLLISION, FIRE AND THEFT Best and cheapest policy on the market. Let me quote you rates. R. H. Waddell _, Aelophimcs $20 and 800 RUPERT P. MILLAN «DENTIST 'Phone 1850 Gas for Fainlesa Extraction IN EVENINGS BY i APPOINTMENT || gas on the stomach and couldn't keep {thought was in your system. Excel- pa THE DAILY BRITISH VCR URCS CA Er CAMPANA'S Y Olive Roberts Barto : Italian Balm of 8 Clothes. | He's always forgetting oho Box oF hyeing eried 'Mister And now it's his rent." | A Bleasunt peellite lation, Shout Tingaling waking up suddenly and| "Yes, sir, and this is one of my an tate ork, ay a ery looking at his watch, "It's twenty | most expensive apartments," said | pooh phi a Holo minufsg after the day before yester-| the fairy. 'One of my most." hands after housework, Used: foe day! What's happened?" | At that very minute there was a fifty years as an ideal toilet and Nancy stretched and yawned. and | knock at the door, and a little pig- | complexion aid. All drug and de- Nick yawned and stretched. Then | eon-toed fairy errand boy handed in | partment stores sell it. they opened their eyes, too: = . | & big box. 5 "Why--it's--we" cried Nick | "It's for Mister Ringtail Coon," | Jumping up and looking around in a said the little fairy errand boy, | 8--Uncle Robert's chat. dazed way. "I think--oh, don't you, "from Snip Scissors, the tailor," 8.30 p.m.--George's Surprise, Snip Scissors was the fajryman | 9 p.m.--Washington Height enter- to his| who did all the tailoring for the peo- tainers. { ple of Out-of-Door Land. {9.30 p.m.--Orchestra. Nick was wide awake by this time 10 p.m.--Roseland dance orches- The minute he say the box he had tra an idea. 11 p.m.--Anatol Friendland. | "What's that?" he asked. { 11.30 p.m.--Club Alabam orches- | "Uncle Ring's new spring clothes," tra. | "He's been expecting Midnight--Silver Slipper orches- | | | | | Coon's sun-parlor listening radio." "Listening to the Sand Man, you | mean," said Mister - Tingaling | *"We've all been sound asleep on this | big soft davenport, so we have, and | nary a cent of rent have we collect- | ed. Mister Coon, or, Mister Coon! | said Corny. | Where's your rent, Mister Coon? We | them every day. | must be going. We ilked your radio | here." | coneert very much, but we must be "May we borrow them for a min- | { oIRg. Where's your rent?" ute or two?" asked Nick. { But all the answer he got was the "Sure, Help yourself!" said | wind going Woo! woooo! through | Corny sliding down the tree to the | jthe tree Yranches, i-ground. R'm very much afrafd; children," | Cobby followed. WJZ, New York (454). said the little fal¥¥ihan sadly, "that! "You'll find Uncle Ring up the 7 p.m.--George Olsen and his Ho- we've been cheated. And my pocket-| creek most likely, if you want him," itel Pennsylvania orchestra. beek ik as flat as ever." { they called. "He likes fish for his| g p.m:--Sundial Shoe Serenaders. "Say," suddenly said' a squeaky supper and he generally goes there| '§.3¢ p,m.--Bonnie Laddies. little voice, "What's all the trouble | about this time every day to catch 9 p.m.--Snider's Catsup hour. about?" jie" 10.30 p.m.--Hotel Lorraine Grill Theré stood Corny and Cobby| With that they were off lke the |orchestra. Coon, Ringtail's nephews, who were | harum scarums they were. | - always around when they were not "Now what's your great idea, | . wanted, but never around when they | young, I'd like to know," said Ting- | WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (333). were. | aling to Nick. "Why did you ask| 6.45 p.m.---Bob Patterson's Hotel "We missed your uncle some | for Mister Coon's box of spring | Kimball ino, ) way," sald Nick, "and now Mister! clothes?" { 7 p.m.--Musical programme. Tingaling can't collect his rent. He's "t only borrowed them." said 8 p.m.--Bellevue male quartette. And now 'they're {qo ! WJAR, Providence, R.1. (805). 8 p.m.--Musical programme. 8.30 p.m. --Gorman's Jolly Bakers. 9. p.m.--Musical programme. ist 9 p.m.--Harmony trio. 9.30 p.m.--Ethel Ranger Cuzner, soprano; Eleanor Schowrer Arm- strong, violinist; Wilfred Ketshaw, | pianist. { 8.30 p.m.--Arthur Clifton, organ- | . | WEBH, Chicago, Nl, (370). 7 p.m.--Special recital. 9.15 p.m.--Oriole Ruth Buhl Flick, reader: Herman Blum. y 11-12.30 p.m.--Oriole orchestra; Pat Ward; Rita McFawn, Mary | Bieber, orchestra; JPorothy | -- WGN, Chicago, 111., (308). 6.45 p.m.--Drake concert semble. 9 p.m.---~WEAF, 10-10.10 p.m.-- Sam "n' Henry. 10.10-10.20 p.m.--Musical pro- gramme, 10.20-10.40 p.m.--Play shop. 10.40-11 p.m.--Ensemble. " a Jen- | WGY, Schenectady, N.Y. (379). | 6.45 p.m.--Programme, Syracuse university. | 9.30 p.m.--Mixed quartette. 10.30 p.m.--Organ recital, hen Bofsclair, Step- | ------ | WIBO, Chicago, IL, (225). 6. p.m.--Dinner concert, trio; tenor; baritone; Chester Neu- man. 12 midnight, jamboree; Ted Fio- rito, pianist; Dan Russo, violinist; Marie Tully, songs, artists. WJAZ, Chicago, Ill. (329). 11 p.m.--Frank Greif, tenor; programme of high grade ballads; Ann Slack, cellist. result Complete radio programmes sole at Canada Radio Stores. string | ~ self a liar. Flies, Oh! The Flies THAT COME BACK IN MAY A Screened House is the best protection and no ready-made Screens can provide the same comfort as our made-to-order Win- dow and Door Screens do. They are ornamental also. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, COAL BINS, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Private Branch Exchange Phone 1571. THE NATIONAL OLEAN. | ERS AND DYERS -- | Sanitary Steam Pressing Dry Steam Cleaning. Also Cleaning. Repairs and alterations. Corner Bagot and William Streets Be Bat Phone 2188. sure p. for the 4. ¥. WALKER, Prop, i | er -- Successful prosecution may be the What a jolly old world this would of an attorney making al be if everything on earth were as wouldbe truthful witness prove him-| attractive as the shop windows dure ing their spring openings, the fairy landlord; you know." Nick. "If you want Ringtail Coon | ""~™ - "That's too bad," said Corny Coon. | to pay his rent, I think I know how "It's certainly too bad! We had alto make him." And he whispered | great deal of trouble with our uncle, | his plan into the fairyman's ear, i don't we, Cobby? He has the for-| "You don't say so!" cried Mister getfullest memory you ever saw. | Tingaling. ---- mn ot ASEAN A | | \ RADIO ENR WEAF, New York (401). 4-12 midnight---Marie Minier North, soprano; Parnassus string trio; Vincent Lopez and his orches- tra; Gene Ingraham's Great Notch Inn orchestra; Happiness Candy Boys; Bessie Booth Dodge, soprano: Mozell Bennett, violinist; Frances Holmes, reader; Cities Service quar: tette; Whittall Anglo Persians; Ben Bernie and his orchestra. | S S-19 Answer to Wednesday's Crossword Puzzle. Mr. Miller Sleeps Like Log, Eats Anything "After taking Adlerika I can eat anything and sleep like a log. I had WEEIL, Boston, Mass. (348). 6.20 p.m.--Joe Rines and his Hunters' Cabin orchestra. 7.30 p.m.--Whiting's Grade A en- tertainers. 8.30 p.m.--Neapolitan Ice Cream Company. food down nor sleep." (Signed) R. C. Miller. ONE spoonful Adlerika re- moves GAS and often brings surpris- ing relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Often brings out old waste-matter you never WHAR, Atlantic City, N.J. (275). 8 p.m.----Seaside Hotel trio. WHN, New York (361). 7 p.m.~Harry Richmon and his entertainers. 7.30. p.m.--Treasureland Neigh- bors. lent for chronie constipation.--T. H. Sargent. inn CROSS-WORDPUZZLE | A_home wher jolliest kind of a dren longs for. ' Ld ® * oe bez ings are waterp: spilled on them face clean in no to trip unwary $~20 pate in a game of tennis. 21. To free. . 23. Series of six gantes or more in lawn tennis in which one side in victor, 24. Game of tennis play- ; od 'by four players. 26. To rouse from sleep, 27. To flash. 29. Female sheep, 31. To be indebted. 35. To observe. Constant compan- ion. Refuse matter Jef! Pressing Horizontal. Popular game (see picture). Quadrangular spaces arranged for the playing of this ~ game. Molding. Blue grass. ; Minute opening of the skin. Bone. : To start the ball in "39. Dinner. 42. Spherical body used in tennis. 15. Dad. 46. Stitched. 48. You and me. 50. Pertaining ' to air. 52. String fence used in * tennis, y 53. Immediately. 55. Type of a bat used in tennis, 56. Game of tennis played with two players. the Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs ! not only make such a home possible, but they are eco- nomical and beautiful as well. Waterproof and Sanitary These modern floor-cover- and through and absolutely sanitary. No mitter what's makes their firm, smooth sur- They cling tightly to the floor without a single fasten- ing, yet never have a ruffled edge or corner Congoleum Art-Rugs 7 Mean Fewer Worries for Busy Mothers ¢ the family can have the good time--and yet every- thing be in apple-pie order in two jiffies! That's the home every mother of small chil- mtn ng ml Ii 7 fg, CRT PETIINE LT oot slat Another feature of Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rugs is the variety in their artistic pat- terns and the beauty of their color-combi- nations. They provide designs to set off suitably the furnishings of roof through Look for this a damp mop time. In the minds of millions of women this Gold Seal,' pasted on the face of the pattern, stands for floor-cover- ings of proved satisfaction. Itiden- tifies the genuine, guaranteed Con- goleum Gold Seal Floor-Coverings. It assures you of superior quality, known value and perfect satisfaction. every room in the house. Very Inexpensive and Durable Congoleum Rugs are won- derfully durable, yet very low in price. They range in size « from the 18 x 36-inch mats Gold Seal to 9 x 15-foot room-size rugs. ! It is never any trouble for your home-town - dealer to show you his assortment of these beautiful, practical rugs. Droprinto his store and see for yourself why careful feet. : GOLD SEAL ArT-RuGs Made in Canadaby shoppers regard them as Canada's biggest floor-covering value. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED 1270 St. Patrick Street, Montreal, Quebec Cony Canada Limited 1270 Se. Patrick ont Ques he Gentlemen :-- 1 shall to you me (wit or obligation) a of your out cost hl : Cops illustrated Name. .iviiiiainini shan iosilontans sasvinciss SEAN Rardin eR asa tress ehs cs ikun nas