THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TT Tennis Rackets Improved models 1926. Outstanding values, from ...........$3.50 to $10.00 1926 TENNIS BALLS | R. UGLOW & CO. OF WEEK RECORDED ll omolal Board Meeting of Unit=- [Merchants Petition Council ed Jhurch--Young People's League Ban Banquet. Mallorytown, May May 19.--Mrs. Eliz- | | | abeth Gibson is very ill with rheu-| | matism. j lis in attendance upon her. A large fl number from here attended the fun- | ll! eral of the late Mr. McCready, of 8 Lansdow ne on Sunday afternoon. | | Dr. Bissel is driving a new Chev- rolet coupe. Daniel Armstrong has on. Send Postcard for Nlustrated Booklet |W. C. Cannon 284 PRINCESS STREET "PHONE 1448-w. Automatic, Permanent Re trigerati Lumber, all sizes, FOR SALE Also Roofing Material RAILS--BOILERS I. Cohen & Co. MONTREAL STREET 'PHONES 880 ana 837. SILVER For the Home Here you will find a profusion of beauti- ful articles, so dear to the heart of every woman, whe- ther it be to decorate the room or complete the setting of the din- ing table. Such a gift will be ap- preciated. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS STREET bought his Ford coupe. Earl Murial | and Hagel Chapman, of Seeley's Bay, | who were at the home of Mrs, Votier | for the week-end have returned | home. | John Haffle and wife and Mrs. | Henry McDonald were in Kingston | on Tuesday. Egbert Guild is pro- gressing slowly. Miss Mary Ben- ! net, R.N., of Brockville, is in charge. Mrs. Martin Guild, Cecil Brown, Mrs. Kenneth Bigford, Mrs. Elden War- ren are still on the sick list. All are seriously ill. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was held in the United church on Sunday morning. The last few days have been splendid for lawn tennis. The splen- did court on the lawn of Charles Higgs 1s kept busy by lawn tennis sports, The Revs. Meredith and Bradford formerly stationed at Mallorytown have by the action of the Montreal conference been moved; the former from Newington to Ashton and the latter from Ashton to North Augusta. The Oddfellows will attend divine service in the Mallorytown United |church on Sunday, May 23rd at 2.30 p.m. At an official meeting of the Board of the United churches of Caintown and Mallorytown was held in the Mallorytown Sunday school room on Monday, The pastor, Rev. R.' Cal- vert, presiding; the treasurer, Charles Balle, Caintown, and Man- ager Votler, of the Royal Bank, for Mallorytown, each gave financial re- FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Leeal and loag distance. All Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. H. 384 Division ay HE ports, which were spoken of as the most encouraging reports presented for some years. Thé financial stabe- ment was ordered to be printed and the congregational meetings were postponed until after conference. Thad Purvis is the delegate to con- ference. The annual banquet of the Young EVERYBODY DRINKS "SMILE" THE NEW ORANGE DRINK BOTTLED AND DISTRIBUTED BY. ELDER AERATED WATER WORKS People's League of the United church was held in the school room on Tuesday evening. The tables were tastefully decorated and a well ar- ranged menu was provided. The pas- tor of the church acted as toast- master and proposed the toast to the King which was responded to by the | House Wiring and Repairing | All Kinds of Electric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Co. Corner King and Princess Streets. singing of the National Anthem. The toast to the United church was pro- posed by Mrs. F. M, Purvis and re- sponded to by the pastor. The toast to the Young People's League was proposed by Eugene Hagerman, the i} ciscuit recording-steward and re- | sponded to by the president, Frank | I. Calvert. A toast to the "Reds," who provided the banquet, proposed by Miss Vickery, the leader of the "Blues" and responded to by Miss Fenton, the leader of the "Reds." Instrumental selections on the organ by Miss Fenton and banjo by Frank I. Calvert, song by Miss Marjorie Sowards eep Coal & Coal Keeps Sowards SOWARDS COAL CO. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORB. 'Phone 811, McDonald and a recitation by Miss Florence McDonald was followed by two guessing contests and a number of games. Cars Running at Ompah. Ompah, May 18.--Cars are again running about Ompah., Thomas Burke has purchased a new one and is trying it out. Sunday visitors were: Mrs. A. Killingbeck and children, Mr, and Mrs. Hermer, family, and Miss B. Cunningham at Edward Watson's; Miss BE. Bulmer at Plevna; Oliver Massey and Peter Pennycook, Tren- ton, at thelr homes here. Herman Ohlman, Plevna, at Ompah; John and PAINT SALE! After stock of nn en ao. TRipoiin, Lacey and Zine-O<Lith. i we have ad Green Label Varnishes, apelin clded to put In a Our present stocks of Orown Diamond and Soarfes Paints HII bo 40d at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We invite 16 come requirements in and get our prices bef rT You can save money during this Sale. lore purchasing your & Sons "Mrhen aio s Plumbing, Tinsmithing. ; William Schanouers at home. Neil Larocque was a visitor at Charles Dunham's on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Damon Alberts and family were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Pennycook. A number from here at- tended the dance at J. Brouse's, Plevna, last Tuesday evening. Miss E. Breen, who has been visiting her parents, left on Saturday to resume her work. a Trenton Tax Rate Struck. , After several sessions, Trenton council has concluded the bringing down of the estimates and the strik- ing of their tax rate for 1926. The | rate for this year will be 48 mills or an increase of two over that of last year. This is partly due to the : increased costs of education as it is mmm | estimated $48,600 will be required | to run the schools, and $36, 404 the | town, Surg 1 1926. i | MALLORYTOWN EVENTS| GANANOQUE WILL Her sister, Mrs. Pariridge, | sion on Tuesday evening and were | Easy to Gain With. YeastandIron | on of Yeast with Way to eight This new com- bination of yeast vitamines with vegetable irom, renews Ghe ac- tion of £luggish blood cells, drives out dangerous body poisons, in- creases energy and endurance and supplies the system with the vitamines _ that build up weight. For years yeast has been known as a. rich vita- mine food, but not until we perfected "ironized yeast"--which comes in concentrated tablet form, was it possible to take yeast and iron in the right propor- | tions to build up weight. OBSERVE MAY 24 With Regard to the Hours of Business. Gananoque, May 20.--The Coun- cil had a busy and interesting ses- in conclave until gfter midnight. | Saturday was granted to the Salva- |" tion Army as Tag Day. Gordon Bishop gave notice of motion at the next meeting to provide a by-law by which gas stations erected on the street will be compelled to pay a rental. Mayor Wilson also . gave notice that he would propose a by- law by which peddlers of foreign fruit would be taxed. There was a deputation of merch- ants complaining about the enforce- ment of the by-law affecting the hours of business. They claimed that the by-law provided that places of business should be closed from seven o'clock in the evening until five o'clock the next morning. The Council will take action in hs Vegetable "Iron" when combined regard provided there is no petition') with yeast is quite easy to digest, presented to them in the meantime | therefore better for the system. And bearing a majority of the names of | "yeast" when ironized, becomes just the merchants asking that the by-|twice as beneficial as ordinary fresh law as it now stands be repealed. or cake yeast. Still another petition was present- Ironized Yeast tablets are compos- ed in regard to the observing of the ed of concentrated food elements, 24th May as a public holiday by |therefore, they are pleasant to take citizens génerally, and leaving it|20d free from drug-like effects. If optional with them to treat the 3rd |YOU are under weight, do not enjoy good health, lacking in energy and of June as a holiday or not as they |, « saw ft. The Council decided in orce, "ironized yeast" tablets will ick yo 8 favor of the 24th as the public holi- | her YOU right up, and if they fail, : you get your money back. day, so that next Monday will be a Sold by James B. McLeod and all holiday, and Thursday the 3rd good druggists at $1.00 for a large June is left to the individual to de-| 60-tablet package. Harold F. Ritchie cide for or against. & Co., Ltd., Toronto, Canada. It was agreed that the Council me A SE ee IND COT HIS 'FOREHEAD BADLY of expense in this connection to be {Surgeon Called In--Arbor Day borne by the Government. Residents on River street from Was Much Enjoyed at Philipsville. Second street to the Northern limit of the former gtreet petitioned the Council for extension of water works, which matter will be decided upon later. Philipsville, May 17,--The resi- dence of Robert Taylor is nearing completion. M. A. Myers has added to his grocery store ice-cream and soft drinks. Miss Helen Elliott, of the Continuation school, Elgin, spent the week-end at home. Miss Inez Elliott and Miss Pearl Grey were visitors in Delta. Miss Anna Myers, student at St. Edward's school, Westport, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Preston, Delta, were guests at M. A. Myers on Sunday. Miss Eileen Dennison, Elgin, was in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ziza Giles were at Mrs. Brown's on Sunday. ' Ralph Myers, who is attending Queen's University, spent a few days with near relatives in town before returning to his home at Moncton, N.B., where he will spend his vaca- tion, Mrs. Haskins is sewing at Brockville now. George Beach and John Chant motored to Gananoque, on Friday. The cold backward weather has delayed the farmers, somewhat in getting their land in readiness for seeding. Willlam John Thompson has exchanged his touring car for a new coupe. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held, on Tuesday, instead of Wednesday, with the usual crowd in, attendance. Mr. and Mrs, Roderick Stevens were recently in Brockville. Several friends from the village attended the funeral of Patrick Judge, on Friday last, from his late residence at Toledo. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Plumnley fell and cut his forehead quite severely neces- sitating the attention of a surgeon. Arbor Day being an ideal day the pupils of the school went on a "paper chase" to the woods. Alfred Gananoque, May 20--Dr. Carleton Mabee, his mother and Mrs. J. Ar- thur Jackson motored to Toronto on Monday. Dr. Mabee is in attendance at the Dental Convention there, while Mrs. Jackson is spending a few days with her daughter, Miss Mildred who is attending Varsity. Mrs. Mabee will go on and join her husband, Dr. A. H., Mabee, who has been up on his farm near Simcoe for the past four or five weeks, and will also visit her daughter, Mrs. Black at Kingsville. Mrs. Ovens, Kingston, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. Newberry. Thomas Tapping is visiting his granddaughter, Mrs. Wesley McNeil, at Ivy Lea. Christopher Knight's condition was still reported as showing slight improvement yesterday. Dr. Phair, Toronto, who has charge of school health for the pro- vince, gave an interesting address in the board room of the New Linklater school last Friday evening. Clayton Anderson, who has been associated with his brother Curtis Anderson, in a general store a couple of niiles east of the town, was taken to Toronto on Tuesday for a serious operation, Michael Macdonell, Kingston, was in town yesterday for the funeral of his cousin, Herbert McDonald, and is leaving today for New York to spend the next couple of months with his son Lawrence who is engaged in building and contracting ia that city. About twenty or more members of the local Canadian Club including Mayor Wilson, will go to Clayton this evening where. they will be guests of the Chamber of Commerce at a banquet. Be as generous as you can on Sat- urday and help along the good work of the Salvation Army, Several friends from here attend- | 000,000,000. SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FLOORING is the.most beautiful, durable and sanitary Flooring obtainable. plete now. Can supply pose. Our stock is com- flooring for any pur- ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street, near Union. "Phone 1042 Kingston' s Biggest Home F urnishers ATTRACTIVE FLOORS FOR EVERY RO Ol Housewives fully appreciate their labor-saving qualities, as they time and labor, as they look attractive, cleaned. from. comfortable, inexpensive and © OILCLOTH and LINOLEUM ---- a big range of patterns to Ask MAGIC FURNITURE POLISH. JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. "Phone 147 for 8 OLD AGE | IS FOLLY NOW --BE YOUNG! Don't Give Up to Weakness, Nervous. ness or Ill Health---Make This Easy Test To-day. To prove its amazing nerve and vi- tality building value--every pale, weak, rundown and nervous person in this section is invited to try a 16 day treatment of Double Strength Erbac, without cost of a single penny, unless fully satisfied with the quick and easily noticeable results obtained. Double Strength Erbac is not in- tended for children, but this special proof of merit offer of James B. Mc- Leod is open to all adults, regardless of age, who are nervous and lacking in Strength, Ambition and Energy to SALE! Hard and Soft Cord Wood TO MAKE ROOM EOR BUIL ING EXTENSIONE Highway Service Supply Co. Cor. Princess and Smith Stre 'PHONE 2706. Piano Tuning, Repairing Player Piano Adjusting. y H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. . 'PHONE 184. do the things they would like to do. Thousands of folks have been benefitted by Erbae, and your case should be no different. So, don't grow old before your time, and don't let lack of nerve force and vitality make you a pitiful weakling-- but let Erbac prove its wondrous power before the end of another week-- you'll be delighted! ' Elliott has purchased a fine team of horses. Several attended the .play "Sweet Briar" held in the Commun- ity hall, Elgin, on Saturday evening. It was splendid. It has been estimated that all the known diamonds in the world at pre- sent have a value of §5,000,000,000. The value of all the gold accumulat- ed in the world is estimated at $8, Brick and Farm Tile Price quotations gladly given. Shipped anywhe: GEORGE E. BAK! ARNPRIOR ed the funeral of the late Arthur McCready in Mallorytown last Sun- day. A large number of Gananoqueans wil} spend the 24th tn Kingston. A large number will also go up Sun- day for the laying of the corner stone of Reglopolis College at which function the Papal Delegate will of- ficiate a ---------------- Paint is Being Used on a Number of Residences. Shannonville, May 18.--Mr, and Mrs. Russell Wescott entertained a number of friends from Stirlitig on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Long, Camp- beliford, spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Marshall Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. | Roy Topping and Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Lazier took Sun GiB Winchester A Mild, Blended Cigarette ~~