Daily British Whig (1850), 22 May 1926, p. 15

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day, May 22, 1926. "The Whig's Classified "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG i. Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place = Jost and Found 1 A -------- ~ -- Found, on Raglan may haye same by ap-| Raglan Road. | oe -- | ROSARY == Found, on Clergy petween Barrie and Johosin | morning. Sunday 40 Clergy Street RAI CK eet, sets on y have same &t st. pQ UE~--Lost on ween, Bagot or ncess Streets. der please r1¢-| t 0 Queen Street. | Real Estate For Rent. Apartments * and Flats 7 Real Estate For Rent For "Sale or To Rent « 1la APARTMENT --In the Winston, § rooms, heated; hot water all year round; gas] stove in kitchen. Apply Dr. Anglin, 53} Earl street-or phone 178. [ | A PARTMENT-S8ydenham Apartments, | Brock Street, four rooms and tiled, bathroom; gas range, refrigerator, | hardwood floors, well heated. Apply | Brock Street. | | | of Chevrolet car, found, at| Bt Barrie and Princess Streets. | may have same at Canadian Na- | News Stand, corner Princess and | Sireets. SAW -- Lost, on road between | 1 Street and Lansdowne St, on | Finder please return to 159 | Street or phone 1614-w. pe ou front of Boyd's Gers um ia Owner may have Whig Te itis. GOLD BROOCH -- Found, on lay. Owner may have same at pont Cafe. LATE--No. 285-750, lost be- y and Sydenham Laké. Find-| leave at Whig Office LAMB NECKPIECE--F ound | Corrier a Tie and Johnson | ta on Fr t wner m me at 97 iia Street West. | B® -- Containing small sum of Hp. on the Sandhill road, tat Owner may have same by Wa at the Whig Office. meet rm [¥eLight brown, found on treet near Ste Owner may eet. NG OF PEARLS... Found. yahave same by calling 2 G. NH 1, Eiey ve same at Owner A AMP BOOK--Found, hig Office, on Wednesday Owner have same at Whig Office. ILISE--Containing flashlight, marine s, fishing tackle and clothing, ft at Atwood Resort, Bob's Lake | y 16th. Finder please itele- ne £6. Reward KET Fbund, on Ontario Sunday, at Whig Offi Siale Help Wanted = 2 N WITH VISION---And ambition | aS few thousand dollars' capital| shares equitable in a business ob- | usly 72 torious and highly re- | Aot at once. 0. P Box | Ji, Station "B.," Montreal. - Steamship Sositichs Europe, nt, ate, Wy Quit any time. elope for list. Write a nt Vernon, New York INER-- Wanted, experienced d; steady work. Apply $0 Prin- Help Wanted 8 A NURSE--Earn 340.00 per school. tetited Write ne hoor ton Park wre ashing 487 B dom, 8t., Chicago, IIL BN MAID ---- Wanted for enorsl housework; a middleaged & referred Apply 200 Queen St. LER DSS. Wanted to do just wash- Ax 8 each week. Apply to 2, Whig Office. FED WOMAN----Wanted for pwork; one in family, elder rences. Apply 396 Prin- A DINING ROOM MAID---And maid for house. cleaning de- 3 Apply Main Kitchen, eneral DY perwoan and §.p.m. PINSTER-With no en- hirty, to do downstairs up A ht Jann. pe $35. mont pply Whig ook «= Wanted. Apply Queen's Female Help Wanted ND*BOY To te ¥ Corsons ther 8 28¢.' 'Shaves 10¢. Boye wt! dl 26c. 201 Wel- hn Ee Quickly develop own business handli Scot- Ford Auto- Candy; new ors uate territory. Scot. L 4 Scotmints OR WOMAN--To travel and ap- t agents. Yearly Suatintoe 1092 . weekly average), and ex- 6) (perience un sary. For artiou! write Winston Co. Toronto, 0! AGENT -- Salesman for ine selling news Agents, drug- Best values and prices. Po- panent. Exolusive territory lon go side-1i ust be th péfienced sal na News C To sell package tea sion, Toronto east to pting Ottawa, Si dled, experience,' r 2, /Whig Office. uwaranteed Ladder-Proof Silk J. » Dept. SALESM! to we. hu Give full par to BE. L Cannon, and, Ohio. IL HOLES-<In a FP e yet ks no air. eed. for unusual ohn ki ptunities ny, Alexandria, Ont. | FLAT-For small family Owner may have | = FLAT--3 rooms, bathroom, all con- veniences. furnished or unfurnished. Possession June 1st. Apply to 6 Jenkin Street or 'phone 1319-J. Second floor Possession back. Nash," 183 June 1st. Princess HEATED APARTMENT-Corner Barrie and Princess Streets. also stores on Princess Btreet, centrally located with rear entrancéds. Apply I. Cohen & Co, Ontario Street. Phone 8$3¢. SMALL FURNISHED APAR to rent for the summer mon conveniences; in central locality, one block fram McDonald Park. Apply to Box Y- Whig Office. All conveniences. Rent $14.00. Dr Street. 'Phone 735 ENT o s;. all FOR SALE OR TO RENT Wonderful opportunities for in- vestment. Estates on the St. Lawrence at a fraction of their value by reason of the demise of principal owners. Beautiful maig land lots along shore for private dwellings. 100 Islands in selected tions, from $500 up. Cottages to rent furnished, from $125 for the Summer, up. Sidney Adams, Gananoque, Real | Estate and Insurance, or NICKLE & FARRELL, Attorneys, Kingston. loca Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land 12 CHOICE LOTS--In all parts of the ey, Apply Risgaten Agencies Ltd, Clarence Street OFFI0ES--For rent, dares and smal) offices, in the Bibby Building. Terms to suit tenant upon Appicatiop to R. _D. Sloan, Bibby's Limited. Cree Touscs DUPLEX HOUSE-- 5 rooms and bath. room, heated, gas stove, laundry tubs, h.w. floors, grate, blinds, fixtures, cel. lar, garden, verandah, front and back entrance, garage. Apply 178 Univers- ity Avenue or 'phone 1752-m. FINE RESIDENCE~ West end, near Victoria Park, eight rooms, h.w. fur- nace, hardwood floors, 3 p. bath, gas, electrinity, verandah. aon May 1st. Office. 'Phone 2515 or Box Whig FURNISHED HOUSE---Six rooms, cen- tral, June 16th to Sept. Ist. Apply Box B-31, Whig Office. 14 HOUSE--8 rooms, "electric ent, 3 bath, good garage, centrally locat Price $2,200. Apply M. B. Trump our, In Princess Street. 'Phone 704 or 1285-4. Houses J. BE' CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street. HOUSE~Comfortable home, osnsisting of § rooms, 3 Riece bath, 2 large veran- dahs, electricity and gas, garage, cen- trally located, in first class condition. Possession immediately. ply. at 338 Division Street. 'Phone A ------ ! E. W. MULLLN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets 'Phone 539-w. See Advt. Page 2 HOUSE-? Colborne Street, corner Syd- enham, 8 rooms, all improvements. 46 Concession St, § rooms. Apply~ 1%6 Queen Street. 'Phone 9838-w HOUSE--311 Queen Street, near Busi- nesg College, 9 rooms, bath, hot water, gas, electricity, furnace. Immediate possession. Apply 139 Unlon Street west. 'Phone 3045-w. HOUSE---Furnished for July and Au- gus, or unfurnished for longer, 6 rooms, 3 plece bath, gas, electricity, furnace and garage. Good location "Phone 2682-w. 159 Stuart Street. HOU SE--38 Livingston Avenue, 7 rooms, newly decorated, furnace, electric light and gus, garden, near car-iine. Possession June 1st. py 28 Living- stone Ave. 'Phone Kit) HOUSE -- 235 Nelson Streédt, 7 rooms, newly decorated, furnace, electric lights, gas, garden and garage. Rent moderate. Possession June 1st. Ap- ply 229 Nelson Street. HOUSES---Colborne Street, $3600 per month. Durham Street, $25.00 per month. Apply to Kingston Agencies Litd., 67 Clarence Street. Houses MODERN HOUSE -. Hardwood floors throughout; hot water heating. Rent reasonable, Possesston immediately. Apply 200 Queen Sireet or 265 Princess Street. ty SIX ROOMED HOUSE « To let Charles Street; eleotric Nght and " 7 roomed house, all improvements, fur- nace. Apply to H. F. Norman, 69 Pat- rick Street. STONE HOUSE--233 Brock. Street, elec trie light and gas, hardwood floors, hot water heating. Possession May 1st. Apply to James Reid, 254 Princess Bt. Bt. Rooms 10 on SOLID BRICK HOUSE--And garage, University Avenue. 9 rooms, niodern improvements, 2 fireplaces; large lot, shrubs and rose bushes. Apply 3832 University Avenue. 'Phone Rs m. SUMMER COTTAGE-- That cherming, nine-roomed summer cottage on the St. Lawrence in Deadman"s Bay, less than two miles from the city. There is a garage, & boat house, a wharf and fine garden. Lot about 100 by 300 feet. Good Spring water, . cool summer |" breezes and very few mosquitoes or filles. F. R. Anglin. $4,800 Brick, 7 rooms, modern, tral. cen- 50 acres near city, good build- ings, waterfront. Terms. Houses and flats to let. Insurance. Money to loan. See list at office. T. CONNOR, 351 Princess Street. 'Phone 1189-J. SOLID BRICK HOUSE Centrally\ located, containing ten rooms, "all newly decorated, oak floors throughout, Cypress trim, hot water heating, electric light and ges. Large outbuild- ings with separate driveway. Im- mediate possession. Apply E. BLAKE THOM 39 Brock treet. Articles For Sale, Miscellaneous 18 sPRINGI AND SUMMER SUITS --3$30.00 to your order on easy terms Pde selection of newest tterns. Guaranteed to fit. 'Phone 2206-w, J. G. Patterson, 160 Johnston Street. FURNISHED ROOM--In private home, Comfortable, central locality, all con- veniences. Would rent to lady. Tele- phone 1005-w in morning or evening. NIUE, FURNISHED ROOM--- To rent, with private family, with every con. venience; centrally located. For fur- thet pardculars apply Box 0-12, Whig ce. Pasture to Rent 10¢ GOOD PASTURE-With city water sup- ply, on Concession Street, grounds Apply to R. E. Ward, In- Spacior Humane Soclety, 19 Rideau St. one 2260 ila TS--For rent ar, for no Point, 95 miles from Toronto, ngston Highway. furnished summer home in good .repair; .five rooms, hardwood floors, 50 foot Jot, front garden and Sar Hi Rental $125 per month or $20 he season. Sale price $1,800, ro ncluding furniture. National Trust .,, Ltd, Real Estate Department, 20 King Street East, To- ronvo. For Sale or To Let SUMMER sale: so. ie SUMMER BUNGALOWS --- Eastview Park, ¢ miles from Kingston, § to 7 ASHES «~~ And heavy Especially suited for road work. xo be had for, Srawing. Apply 0 ngrove's oundry, Kin Queen Streets. i & 41g AUTOMOBILE FRAILER.... In perfect condition pply to 557 Ki West or phone 1823-m. ne Brest Clinkers. AWNINGS---Verandah Curtains. Frank W. Cooke. 'Phone 436 PP BABY CARRIAGE -- Gendron mak blue; Massey Bicycle: used one season: living room table. Apply 326 Plum Street. 'Phone 2070-F. EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE Finished with Georgia Pine, hard- wood floors, corner Park and Vie- torfa stre Pale lot Be ath barn, 24 x 30', facing Lots : on Toronto Street, fa - dean School Sroun nds. ag Re Joreey cow and her calf. evrolet touring car. Easy terms. ly Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson, 496 A Victoria Street, Kingsto rooms, furnished; screened verandahs and fireplaces; good view, bathing ac- commodation. Apply J. D. Roya. 35 University Avenue, ingston. 1083-m., TE Yong Read the Classified Page for lost found articles. Perhaps wher ¥ and asing Is advertised among the Tous nal oles. If not, let us help Jou locate by Inserting an ad. at on (Anthracite) ash of any fuel 'PHONE 1385. First consignment of Genuine NOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION This Coal is all pure Coal--highest in heat units and lowest in Coal. Summer prices now in effect for immediate JAMES SWIFT &CO. Limited Welsh Coal \ solicited about this high grade delivery. PIANO---8q me hing for a FOOT OF JOHNSON STREET. ™ _ OUT OUR WAY. pms Rae] WH od Eva "| ER TH LZA i Tt 'MEMBER NOW; WATCH YOURSELFS! SPESHILLY ON MAN STREET ! IF ANY WeRS ER UTILE CORLS FALLS OFF COMES. OFFA BABY, ER Any THING RIWE. AT-WHY M™ SHOW 19S WATCH Taney MouRsELFSY | " MOMENTS WE'D" RINE TO" VE "OVER -- "THE BIG PARADE BY WILLIAMS. Jawilans Sy ms wee wc. _ Business Services Decorators | === i i | A. ANDERSON--Painter and Decorator. Shop and residence 'phone 1986. Of- fice 283 King Street. |GET YOUR PAD NGe-And 4 | ioe reasona abies PSWal | Paper for sale. wood Street one now, Horton, 145 Colling- "Phone 2984-J. | rex PAINTING=-J. S. Robinson, rear 415 bagot Street My { | Financial Fr] { FRONTENAC LOAN AND IN MENT SOCIETY lusorporgte Py in ri it. 1861. Presiden nw, A. vice-president J. M. Farrell ris: in: loan on SHY and farm properti vestment. onds buught and so! posits received and intercst paid on {| minimum monthly * balance. R. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence st Storage 'aoa. | STORAGK--For furniture, Jey. | aly rooms fo A apasos; Your Swi own | and key. at's Cit, orage, 399- 305 Queen ae 'Phone Res. 989-w. or 2516-m, | BOYD'S STURAGE WAREHOUSE. Por {| furniture or an ¥ Phone Roo or ur eo proof bi building. ASHES-Cleaned out Mo cellars and yards, clean job don: A. MatGragor, 34 Russell Street, "Phone 3265. ASHES---Removed from yard and oel- lars; general carting; first class Sry wood for sale. Btimates Five. Buckley Transfer, 13 Yor reet. w= Upper 'Phone 291 and 2516 CAVERLY TRANSFER CO, Princees Street, ploughing, harrow ng and diacing gardens; also genera team-work done. Estimates given. 'Phone 1507~J. | CARPENTER WORK---AIl kinds of ocar- enter work, contracting or di work. iardwood floors a specialty. Sharges moderate. G. Hunter, 73 Pembroke Street. 'Phone 948-w, Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Articles For Sale. Miscellaneous 15 BABY CARRIAGE--Cream Fibre Reed baby carriage. Will sell cheap. Ap ply to 72 [Upper William Stree. BOATS--Skifts, 18 ft. long, red cedar, motor boat, 20 ft. long, 2 cylinder St. Lawrence engine; all new. Apply, to C. W. Hartley, Seeley"s Bay. ICYOLE -- In good shape; new steel poy. Hercules Coaster Brake. Will sell for $15.00. Apply 220 Division Street City. ND SEE Our stock of Men's po. rv For Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Suit Cases, Tools, new and second hand. Special bargains in musical in« struments. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. CREAM WICKER BABY CARRIAGE In good conditton. onsen. Apply 1 Park Street. 'Phone 249 DAVENETTE--One fumed oak daven- ette and fumed oak, mirrer and hall seat. Apply 18 Alma street; mornings and evenings. DESK-Solid Oak flat top, Teoh desk, Stearns and Marvin safe, platform scaile, cheese-truck, oil heater. Cheap for cash. Apply 46 Clarence Street. DE LAVAL---Sooner or later yoy will use a De Laval Separator an Milker. inquire about our power milker from $175.00 up. Some § used engines and separators. Set of double harness and democrat. Also Lion Disc Har- row. J. F. Cramer, rost & Wood Agency. 31 Brock Street. 'Phone 585-J 1217-F. FISH AND CHIPS--The oldest fish and chip AX in ity. W. Redden, 360 Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. to 1.00 am, We deliver. 'Phone 2635-m. BRICK-- Milton Pressed nok, ar interlocking or partition Tile. Call A. Neal, Agent, 624 J Street. 'Phone 3041. OUSBHOLD FURNITURE--For sale. Ry leaving city. 'Phone 635-J. INDOW SCREENS Different HALE b 4 sale. Abby to 352 Johnson Street or 'phone 2698 Mattress and have It ioox-_Ay by Frontenac Mattress Co. 377 King Street East. All Jirades 0 new Mattresses. es 1961-J. for prices. We call and deliver. AT -- Skiff type, 23% ft. § I Clayton Ford Marine Dame Bry 16-17 miles per hour. In first class DRI order. Apply Box C-22, Whig Office. NOW Is the time to decorate lawns and cemeter, lots with our er vases. Thrée kinds to choos Kingston ('ement Products, Street. 'Phone 730-w. NEW Sian camaition: uare stern, in t class OO! fon. erms; reasons a Apply J. Knapp & Son, Barrie: our ow - trom. atrick PROMINENT HauBoflve tube Radio Receiver, Samplet ® les very reas nible rice. Owner Pesdd me ked Ne to sell this for i A Canada Rado RRR Articles For Sale Miscellaneous PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED Rocks, R.I. Reds, White Wyandottes, White Leghorns. 100 per cent. guar- anteed live delivered. Give us your order. 'Phone 181-w. Your eg®s hatched if desired. Marshall, King- ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. REFRIGERATORS--Four Eureka Re- frigerators; cnly used short time. Suit- able for grocer or butcher. Apply to B. Wathen, 137 Nelson Street. Tele- phone 1391-J. SKIFF--18% ft. B. Cedar Skiff. Cop- per fastened; hr in fore and aft. (Practically pew). Duck monitor. B. C. Cedar. New. And Decoys. G. Rolffe, Barriefeld. WELSH PONY--And outfit. ila, 29 Charles Thos J. WE WILL RENT--You a Plano for six dollars per month and at the expira~ tion of six months will allow ali mon- ies paid to Arply on purchase price of piano. brs A Lrranged on on ihe W. Lindsay Li 15 Appl Y. R. BE. Street. "Phone 08. Princess Street. Farature 15a URNITURE-- Antique and modern furniture sold and bought. M. Cram- er, 507 Princess Streel, successors to Lesses Antique Shop. Auto Tops and Cushions 16a. Business Services Professivnal a1 rA., Chiro- 202 Bagot Hours §-13, Consultation free. Medical. DR. HOWARD PRICE FOLGER-- 238 Bagot Street, Kingston. Practice limit- ' od to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Hours: 10 to 12.30 am. 1.30 to 3.30 p.m. Evenings 7-8. Appoint- ments 'Phone 30 051. LUCY-=Geo. F. and Jenn practors, Registered Nu Street. 'Phone 961-w. 1-5, §-7.30. Barristers apa Solicitors + 21h W. H. HERRINGTON Barrister, Soliel- tor and Notary Public. 151 Welling- ton Street. 'Phone 2548-w. COUNNINGHAM & SMITH Barristers and Solleitors,. 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunnningham, KC? Cyril M. Smith. D REVELLE--Barristerg and 89 Clarence Street, King- on. E. Day, fan. IL. Revelle. Joriganes arranged. 'Phone 205. REYNOLDS, J. C~~Barrister and Solicl- tor, 81 Brock Street. Mortgages ar- ranged on city and farm property. 'Phone 2609. SHEA---Ambrose, B.A., Barrister and Solicitor. Law oficé. corner of King and Brock, over Roya Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 19 Personal DAY AND Boleltore SALES SERVICE -- Murray's Auction Hooms, Market Square Régular week- ly sales, Thursdays and Saturdays at 10.30 a.m. Send anything You want to sell----come for what you need. Tele- phone 891-J. UPHOLSTERING-=And general repair. 18. Leave onrderg at or drop a card tq F.. W. Hareld, 104 Clergy Street. _Phone 1600-J. _ Automoblies Auto Accessories KINGSTON AUTO IP AND BODY CO. ugKy, and Cushions. Commercial, a, Coupe bodies, California dent 5 holstering. Awnings and ents, 347 King street. 'Phone 2945 Auto Wrecking Co. One Light Six McLaughlin Cap, good condition. One Light Six Roadster Mee Laughlin-~good running order. Alse all kinds Second Hand or all makes of Automobile Farts cars. Second Hand Tires, all aro -- price $4.00 to 96.00. ROSEN & POLLITT 140 RIDEAU STREET 'Phone 2475-w. TER A a. SAY L--Specialist for new or re- pair Side Curtaing, Slip Covers, Se- dan 0 Be and decking, wind- shield and body glass put in while you wait, linoleum and edging for run- ning boards, waterproof Tack tarpau- lins and awnings made to order. 3 Princess Street. "Phone 1840-F. > Fuel ah Feed C. W. NE cite coal at $15.75. 'Phone 2362-m. DRY BODY HARDWOOD--Dry hard and soft wood Blabs. We handle none but the best. 'Phone 2518-w. J. C Swain. DRY, 18 VILLE-=WIill deliver anthra- Carrying extra. 1439-J. "Phon hnson and MiBoneia Joad. Parker, corner Jo Streets. GOOD HARDWOOD-$3.50 --mixed wood ji.00 and § l--hard 8 § quarter cord. ugh and 4 umber always in stock. Clean saw- dust 5 cents bag. 'Phone 2783-J W. H. Talbot, Convesalon Street. th ne finish a "hing and n Hoorine" pia kinds, ris Uy Joc Tose and J. Peters & on, "and Toronto Str: corer 8: "Seb. Frofesstonay 21 uarter cord Apa tel to 271 Pking rr pe a oH nd 9:00 olclock In sven tween ings. ware, "R. 8. Willams." Just fealb TEMy, A ly ply to Gariiand's AF Art EE Works. Plating in River. Copper, ete. BO Top Shari. oo] | Wi 00 Nickie, ER Taare sma Fei EE searie Mr nd hand: |" re Jays. Consulta. | ERR HES -- Halr, Moles, BODY HARDWOOD-- $3.75 perlt 'load. Dry mixed $3.00. Split 26c. ex-{! tra. Dry kindling under cover, $3.75} 26 quarter oft slabs] CUT THIS OUT FOR LUCK- Send birth date SN 10e. for wonderful DT asope ot your entire life. Prof. Raphae M rand Central Station, New York. Ladies' Halr Trarlor 2 CLASS HAIR WORK RDER --Ladies' Transfor- bbed curls, switches, sham geing, curling, Ladies' and hair cutting. Cun- 4 2999. ALL Wi MADE mations, Booins. ildren ningham, Telaphone sing 's Bnew nd AVING ing and 3S Dobbed Special Mise ap~ ratipent 0 Hair Dyelng. ueen For witzer, 387 pointment 'phone 201 PERMANENT - WAVING For the very latest in Ladies' hair dressing. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. B. KINGSBURY, 209 ris Street. "Phona 2015-7. Insurance ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branchés of insurance in old line fompanies 0 of highest financial stand" ing. Eng 2 itrest East. 'Phones 26% Wy res. FIRE--Automobile and Casual ance. BE. Srumley, 420 Ear "Phone 17 IRAN CEnanly the mos Jalianle Siranee. Casabiliher Tn 1500 rd o Street, 'opposite Post Office. Insurance J. nd ho B oft ie Sas Accident i dis Office S00. 503-w. de Sh ; Insure Street. LUE LR rs. § Bay Street, Kingston Automobiles. For Sale we FOR SALE 1925 adtanced Nash, § passenger Sedan, in first class condition, equip+ ped with 5 balloon tires, automatic window wiper; very little mileage. For particulars apply at 277 Alfred treet. FORD TOURING OAR In good Fun- ning order; i g tires 0 reason= able offer refused. Apply at Frontenao Garage, Kingston, On . MeLAUGHLIN SIX SPECIAL -- Model "H" touring, engine just Den ore hauled and Dewiy enamel! Reni bargain. 'Phone 1415. See on 8. 8. Champion. OVERLAND TOURING CAR -- In firat class condition; extra tires. Telephone 1799-w for further pat

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