: Satur a da y, May 22, 1 SZv. # TRY IT YOURSELF | THOUSANDS OWE THEIR HEALTH T0 "FRUIT-A-TIVES" will soon feel in the ive that they best of health. As .for myself, I have tried nearly every other kind of remedy and have come to the conclusion that "Fruit-a-tives" is best. Mr. Alphonse Cool, 2922 Lafontaine Street, Montreal." Because "Fruit-a-tives" is a - uine fruit medicine from juices, intensified combined with tonics -- it corrects constipation, stomach, kidney and bladder troubles, in a natural way, ahd purifies the blood. - No other The KINGSTON CLEANERS AND DYERS Clean suything that can be cleaned 0. COE & P. BARRETT Offices 56 Areh Street. 'Phone 1335w Call and deliver. ruit | | The Gazookumses and the Candy. rents, was Mister Owl's house. ldoor of Mister Owl's apartment in [the Maple Tree. | Mister Owl opened the door him {self and blinked and blinked 'and {blinked. | "I car's see go very well in the !daytime," he sald. "Who are you?" | "We're the rent collectors," said { Nick. - "Who 7" screached Mister Owl. | "Rent collectors," repeated Nick. {""This is Mister Tingaling, your land- {lord: This is the thirty-second day of the month in Fairyland, and your rent is due, Mistér Owl. It's fifty cents in fairy money." | ""Fifty cents in foolish money," |said Mister Owl. "What do you think {I am, anyway? I paid my rent not an hour ago." It was Mister Tingaling's turn to shout. "What! Paid your rent! How could you pay us when we weren't here ?" "Well, somebody was here," "sald the owl giving his feathers a shake that made the dust fly. 'Or rather [three somebodies were here. And I {paid them." "What did they look like ?" asked Nick. "They looked just alike," said {Mister Owl. '"'And they said you had [sent 'them. They looked like three [little boys." "The Gazookumses!" cried Mister |Tingaling and the Twins together. |"It was the Gazookumses who got |your rent, Mister Owl. Which way did they go ?" "Down toward the candy-store," {said Mister Owl. "That way." | Poor Mister Tingaling and - the [Twins almost flew to the candy-store. [BAY CRUE ES 2 REG AIST Y Olive Roberts Barto lately 7?" asked Mister Tingaling in a | The next place that Mister Tinga-| trembling voice. ling and the Twins went to collect! | candy-store keeper. "They spent fifty "Tap, tap, tap!" they went on the | cents in fairy money." aling. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "Yes, sir," said Mister Bags, the "Oh, dear!" said poor Mister Ting- "Which way did they go ?" 'That way," polunted Mister Bags. 80 off went Mister Tingaling and "Were three queer little boys here} to try and catch the who had stolen Mister money. see anywhere, > top. where those rascals went," Tingaling. on the nose. "Where'd that come from ?" he demanded. But nobody answered. The Twins ran this way and that and looked in all the holes and up all the trees. But they came back and said they couldn't see a soul. Just then a chocolate-bud jacket all rolled up into a little tin pill, hit Mister Tingaling on the ear. "Where'd that come from?" crier Tingaling picking it up. But nobody answered. And just then a little paper frill oft a bon bon came floating down and sat itself saucily on top 'of the fairy- man's hat. "Who's up in that nest?" he called suddenly, looking up suspiciously at the big nest of sticks and straws in the dead tree. "Just us crows!' came three voices in a chorus. "You crows must have a sweet tooth," said Mister Tingaling, wink- ing at the Twins. (To Be Continued.) --- "CAR OWNERS ATTENTION Now'is the time to insure with an "ALL RISK POLICY" Protects vou for LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, COLLISION, FIRE AND THEFT Best and cheapest policy on the market. Let me quote you rates. " R. H. Waddell 8¢ BROCK STREET Telephones 826 and 806. KINGSTON TRANSFER C0 158 WELLINGTON STREET Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip Planos, etc. ment, Machinery, Safes, MONEY LO&NED AGAINST MORTGAGFS 3717. Evenings 2231. mm i Black Gem Coal | Clean, Blocky and Bright. WHILE IT LASTS ~ $10.50 per ton - W. A. MITCHELL & Co. ; Telephone 67, a 189 WELLINGTON STREET atten te Artificial Ni Rh, Crowns! a Bridgework. Telephone 346. Dr. Vincent A.Martin .. DENTIST Evenings by 272 Princess Street. | 108 RADIO SUNDAY, MAY 28rd. CFCA, Toronto, Can. (356) 11 a.m.--Timgthy hotel trio. 7.50 p.m.--Chelsea Baptist church 9--Seaside hotel ensemble, . WHN, New York, N.Y. (361) 11.30 .a.m.--Calvary services. 2.30 p.m.--Loew's Lexington or- gan recital. 2--Christian Endeavor program. 3-4--Bible class. 4.30--Race resiiff, 5--Roseland dance orchestra. 7.30--Calvary services, She Could Hardly Do Her Housework Nerves Were So Bad Mrs. I M. Parks, Consecon, Ont., writes:--/'I had heart and nerve trouble, and became so short or breath I could hardly do my daily housework, and was so nervous I could not think of staying alow every little sound I hoard felt & shock to me. after' taking the feeond She 1 am now feeling like a different woman." This tion has been on the market for the | past 32 and has achieved a | wonderful reputation for the relief | of all heart and nerve troubles. | The T. | oP Lip ir Tis 2: tury 10.45--Jansen's Hofbrau orches- tra. 12 a.m.--Sophle Tucker's play- ground. WJZ, New York, N.Y., (454) 7 p.m.--Hotel Pensylvania con- cert orchestra. 8--Bakelite gramme. 9--Hotel Commodore concert or- chestra. hour, variety pro- WMCA, New York, N.Y. (430). 11 a.m.--Christian Science ser- vices. 5.25--Halpert and Fryxell, Buck- a-neers. 7--Ernie Golden and, his orches- tra. 7.30--0Qficott Vail and his string ensemble, 8.30°<California Ramblers. WGY, Schenectady, N.Y., (879). 10 a.m.--First Reformed church. 3 p.m.--Syracuse programme. 3.30--Tidmarsh organ recital. 6.30--Albany Street M. E. church. 8--Hotel Commodore orchestra. 10--Godfrey Ludlow, violinist. MONDAY, MAY 24th. WEAF, New York, N.Y., (4901). Midnight--John A. Parrish, tenor, I. J. Greenwood, pianist; Margaret Mack, soprano; Edgar Gruen, bari- tone; Jean Van Olinda, pianist; Edna Van Olinda, violinist: A. and P. Gypsies; "Mignon." WHN, New York, N.Y., (861) #30 p.m.--Movie club, ' 7.30--Joe. Ward's Swanee enter- tainers; 8.05---Roseland dance orehestra. 8.30--George's Surprise. 9--Leverich Three and "Peter the Great". ] 9.30--Loew's New York orches- tra. 10--Palisades Amusement Park orchestra. the Twins again, pocketbook and all, Gazookumses Owl's rent But no Gazookumses could they Finally they stopped under an old dead tree, with a crow's nest in the "I'd give a dozen cookies to know said Just then a lolly-pop stick hit him [8 | CROSS-WORDPUZZLE | EMRE NEMY BARE DIE SEMSP DERS) V1 ERERIALL LL Fd - Puzzle. 10.30--Leory Smith's ®rchestra. 11---Cotton club orchestra. 11.30--Club Alabam orchestra. Midnight---S8ilver Slipper orches- tral WJZ, New York, N.Y., (454). 7 p.m.--Hotel Madison dinner concert. i 7.55--=John B. Kennedy. 8--B. Fisher and company's As- tor Coffee orchestra. 9--Reading Railroad Revelers. 10.45--Harry Leonard's Waldorf- Astoria orchestra, WOR, Newark, N.J., (405). 6.30 p.m.--Hotel Breton Hall quartet. WHAZ, Troy, N.Y., (379). 8.30 p.m.--Russell Sage college glee clubs. 9.30--Philmont band. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. Horizontal. 41. To stitch. 10. Decadence. 1. Supervised. 42. Apportioned. 14. Native metals. ii. & praise or extol. [43. Wing part of a!15. Suitable. 12. Wind instrument. seed. #17. Exclamation mean- 13. To cook meat in an| 44. Type of tide. ing "go away!" oven. 46. Limb. 19. Relations. 16. To explode or break|47. To blacken with [20. Moisture found on suddenly. soot. the grass mornings. 18. Sea eagle. 48. Sinned. 23. Kindled. 19. Young goat. 49. Fragrant oleoresin. |24. Tatter. 21. Fastidious. 50. Ocean. 27. To put on. 22. Born. 52. Process of deposit-[29. Membranous bag. 23. Measure of capacity ing silt. 31. Mounted orderly in in the metric sys- India. tem. Vertical. 32. To. become more 25. Automobile. 1. Vigorousness. vulgar. 26. You and me. 2. Level surface. 'eyj[Iwny OL '§g 27. Noise. 3. To relieve. +36. To gaze. 28. Existed. 4. Old wagon track. 37. Beverage. 30. Seventh note in the| 5. Hypothetical strue- 38. Tree (genius Ulm- scale. tural unit, us). 31. Drunkard. 6. Toward. 40. Astrigent chemical. 33. Aeriform fluid used| 7. To recede. 45. Fairy. for fuel. 8. Word that names 17. Shit 35. On. an object. > : 37. Digit of the foot. 9. Pertaining to the 50. Point of compass. 39. To scorch. skin, 51. Preposition of place. a orluoscms (A MEDICINE THAT O] ROO HIOIS IE IR) PIIDEE PE INSIlIPIA} GIVES STRENGTH New Health Comes to Those Who Build Up Their Blood by the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a strengthening medicine. Surely and effectively they build up the blood, invigorate: the appetite, tone up the digestion, give brightness to the eye, color to the cheeks and lips, and quickness to the step. These pills have direct action on the blood, mak- ing it a health-bearing stream; thus no part/of the body can escape their beneficiyl action. Weak men and women, boys and girls find new health and strength through the use of this world-renowned blood builder. Mr. N. H. langville, C.N.R. agent at New Germany, N.S., says:--*"In No- vember, 1924, I had a severe illness which left me in a very run-down condition. I got a supply of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills and derived great benefit from them. My appetite im- proved, and a gain in weight which is now normal I owe to the use of these pills. I can therefore recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a fine tonic." 3 Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- vousness. Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical con- dition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and strong. Get a box from the nearest drug store or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. IRA Flies, Oh! The Flies | , So They 7 / 70 BROCK STREET. PLANTING POTATOES They Are Put In the Fields at Yarker--Early Delivery Expected. Yarker, May 20.--The recent rain was just fine for pasturage and will help give an increased flow of milk for cheese factoriés. Many farmers have potatoes planted for early po- tatoes to market in Kingston. A play is being put on by ama- teurs and will be given at Adolphus- town for the first time. The Yarker junior baseballers have played three games, two with Moscow, one with Camden East, losing two and win- ning one. Yarker girls beat Moscow here last week by 18-5. The present proprietors of the Arcade Barber, Pool Rooms and Ice Cream Parlor, are evidently going to make a success of their venture in_buying this property. Mr. Dooker cream line. D. Sagriff, Bell Rock, has rented the Charles Emberly farm and Mr. Clark the A. Middleton farm. Ar- thur Middleton having rented the late George Deare building has now a sign up for boarders. Yarker has two qpen places for those wanting meals or lodging. Mrs. A. Me- Arthur is back in her old home for the summer, The county road gang is finishing up their work uncom- pleted last fall. of M. Foster. Falls, is visiting brook and Yarker. F. Snider fis likely to be the owner of the late J. C. Connolly's residence. Migs Hazel Freeman has gone into training in the Kingston General Hospital. Annie Warner, a Yarker girl, has passed as a nurse from the K.G.H. having put in her three years training. Farmers are losing no time on their farms; all being hard at work seeding. May 31st, the A.O.U.W. here merges into the I.O.F. William J. Clements, manager of the R. Neil shoe store, Brockville, left for Niagara Falls, Ont., where he and his.son, Charles, have pur- chased a shoe business. Howard Smith, Carleton Place, has been chosen D.D.G.M. of Lanark 1.O.O.F. district. LUMBER YARDS, WOODWORKING FACTORY, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTO Private Branch Exchange 'Phone 1571, | s. ANGLIN co.1mm | FOR KINGSTON MARKET _ THAT COME BACK IN MAY A Screened House is the best protection and no ready-made Screens can provide the same comfort as our made-to-order Win- dow and Door Screens do. ornamental also. COAL BINS, i V, ONTARIO 3 Bp -- Custom Made Footwear For All! If MORE COMFORT--MORE WEAR--MODERATE PRICES > JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 'PHONE 281.J. o> 5 IMPROVED IN HEALTH. er, Junetown, May 20.--Barnet ror guson is much improved in health! and Nurse Moxley has returned # her home at Lillies. Inspector Dowsley visited our school on Tuess day. Asa Topping, Athens, made 8 business trip through here Tuésd | Frank Rutherford, Toronto, spen i the past week at Egbert Avery'sit Miss Velma Graham, Purvis street, visited a few days this week at Wi, H. Franklin's. Miss Arvilla Avergl returned to Toronto to-day after e Joying a three weeks holiday at he home here. Taylor K. Frankl spent the week-end in Ottawa. HE -------- Senator J. D. Reid and Mrs. Rel have returned to Prescott after a extended trip abroad, during whic they visited the principal cities 1 has opened out in the barber and ice | Still Well and Able | fal)--In our Almanac published in Mr. Jackson has rented the gar: e iri On Ee [1919 the following testimonial Hazel Hart, Smith's | pli friends in Cole- | MT- Sydney Bent appeared: "Six yea house. Europe. While in Rome Sena Reid had an audience with the Po ~ To Do His Work' Saskatchewan Man Used Kidney Pills Twelve Years Ago. Mr. Sydney Bent Suffered With i Back and Kidneys. Shamrock, Sask., May 21. (8 ago I suffered a lot from my back kidneys. 1 tried a lot of medi and drugs, but kept getting wo till some of my friends said I wou not live long. Four years ago 1 d cided to give Dodd's Kidney Pills trial. "After taking the first box felt so much better, I decided to tinue the treatment. The result I have been able to do homestead" duty for the last three winters, Would 2 advise anyone suffering from kidney trouble to take Dodd's Kidney Pills." i We have just received word from | 5 Mr. Bent that he is still well and ly- ing on his 160 acres, doing his own | work, He has not needed to takes any i Dodd's Kidney Pills for a long time, ; but alwags keeps a box of them In his | . This is further proof that Dodd's! , Kidney Pills make you well and keep |! you well. FRECKLES AND HIS following for a quick sale, it Wellington Street. Street. 8$2,500---York Street, $2, Albert Street, Street. FRIENDS