THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ---- They are the sort of clothed in which the well-dressed man feels at home and looks at ease -- loungey, comfortable, swagger and smart. They are the sort of clothes that vou can wear carelessly and still look well _ groomed--that is the test of good dressing _ --natural and natty without restraint at any Hi The price is easy, too. time. GSTON'S . 75.79 BROCK STREET If ©ff Your Route It Pays To Walk ------ Founded 1847. SUITS FOR SUMMER es BREAKFAST a C R rt SPECIFY ne | . merick Brand Sausage Made from pure Pork trimmings, sea- d to a nicety -- tasty and economical. ds ass rer mbes PINEAPPLES is 1ast chance to secure your Pineapple warmer weather at hand it is positively im- shipments. Dozen Case . $1.90 $4.75 $2.65 $5.25 $3.95 $5.75 order of at least half dozen Pinca, . ; 5 «os 01Cy ' Each Ie. 24c. 35¢. | CITY AND DISTRICT Strawberries To-night. Three boxes for 50c after six o'- glock at Carnovsky's. Appointed Bailiff. George Burke has been appoint- ed bailiff of the First Division Court of the county of Lanark to succeed R. M. Imeson, who has resigned. Attended Liberal Executive. Mr. William Harty, Jr. and Mr. | Rupert Davies, of Kingston, attended the Omtario Liberal Association executive meeting in Toronto on Fri- day. p Favorably. The friends of Mr. C. A. Wiseman, Napanee, who underwent a successful operation in Kingston General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, will be pleased to learn that he is progressing favor- ably. -- Tulip Season Closing. The tulip season is nearing a close and already the petals are begin- ning to fall off the flowers. Tulips appeared very late this season, but their growth was fast after they broke through the ground. In Juvenile Court. In the Juvenile Court on Satur- day morning, 'the case of a lad, charged with stealing a bicycle, was disposed of. The youngster admitted stealing the wheel, and was allowed to go with a warning. Many Outside Cars. Many cars from outside cities are in Kingston, including a number belonging to delegates of ths Bay of Quinte Conference. , Large num- bers of American cars are seen also, and the number passing through the city 1s increasing dally. Dance At Portsmouth. A very enjoyable and successful dance was held by the Catholic Wo- men's League of Portsmouth in the Parish Hall Friday evening, about sixty couples enjoying dancing from nine till eleven o'clock. The music was supplied by Shea's orchestra. Unionists Hold Service. The Unionists will hold the service at St. John's Church, Pitisburgh, on Sunday morning, according to pro- gramme. There was no special ar- rangement made for service tomor- row. The only time any arrangement was made was for last Sunday. Good Work of Scouts. Mr. Frank C. Irwin, assistant pro- vinecial commissioner of Boy Scouts, was at St. John's Church, Ports- mouth, on Friday evening, and wit- nessed the parade and work of the First Portsmouth Scouts, and he complimented them on their splendid showing. Eganville Ordination, Rev. Kenneth McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McDonald, Otta- wa, and formerly of Armprior, will be raised to the dignity of the priest- hood at St. James' church, Egan- ville, by Bishop Ryan, Pembroke, on Saturday morning. On Sunday morning Rev, Father McDonald will celebrate his first solemn high mass in the church of St. John Chyso- | stome at Arnprior. Kiwanis Activities. Monday's meeting of the Kiwanis Club will De held at six o'clock in the evening at the Frontenac Hotel and the speaker on this occasion will be Arthur Lismar . of the On- tario College of Art, Toronto. His subject will be, "The History and Development of Canadian Art." Mr. Lismer will illustrate This address with lantern slides. The booster will be Jack McCallum of the McCallum Granite Co. A Happy Gathering. THe "Gandier Home," sa pictures- quely situated above the river at Newburgh, and beautiful with spring flowers and pale green follgge, was the scene of a happy gathering of friends on Saturday afternoon, when the Misses Gandier served tea to a large number of friends. Mrs. Napahee, and Miss Mitchell Thomson, } assisted in the dining-room. Hosts of loving and grateful friends regret [their leaying Newburgh, where they have lived for a number of years. - Tuberculosis Veterans' Association. Already acknowledged ,....$140.75 Wesley Hawley .........c. 5.00 Rev. W, G, Jordan .......u Robertson Grocery Co. ..... n Detlor ...iuivrn craven PEE Rev. Mrs. w B Kida, MC. (ious Sevan suas | the hatchery. and to Cape Vincent. Fare round trip to Cape Vincent returning same day 75¢. Phone 2196. 271 Million Eggs Distributed. The Cape Vincent fishery has sont out millions of fish this spring for | distribution in lakes and streams in the state, according to a statement from J. P. Snyder, superintendent of Altogether, 271,624, 000 fish and eggs were sent out from the station and its subsidiaries. The output at Cape Vincent was some- what less this year, says Mr. Snyder, | partly because of the severe storm fish and lake trout and partly be- cause the station was not allowed to collect eggs in the Bay of Quinte. "DP" Company Inspected. "D" Company of the Princess of Wales Own Regiment, in command of Major Ludlow, was inspected by Major-Géneral Elmsley at Barriefield Friday evening and was awarded the Battalion Shield, emblematic of the most proficient company of the regi- ment. The company inspections were held during the week and the com. panies awarded points by the In- specting officer, according to their proficiency. "D"" Company carried out their drills very neatly and scored the highest percentage. Y.M.O.A. LADIES' AUXILIARY. The Annual Meeting Held ,And Of- ficers Elected. Another year of progress and achievement along many lines was recorded at the annual meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y.M.C. A. held on Friday afternoon. During the year the Auxiliary has renovat- ed the men's reading room making it cosy and inviting, provided suppers for the Y's Men's Club and other or- ganizations connected with the As- sociation, put on many social events and given substantial financial help to the Board for the furnace fund. The next immediate objective is the furnishing of the dining room as temporary quarters for transients this summer. Six more beds are peing added immediately. Following is a list of the officers and conveners appointed: Honorary president, Mrs. J. Wright; president, Mrs. R. H. Ward; 1st vice-president, Mrs. A. Fair; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. S. McBride: 3rd vice-presi- dent, Mrs, Walter Cook; secretary, Mrs. Frank Newman; ' treasurer, Mrs. B. Spencer; conveners of com- mittees, devgtional Mrs. A. B. Knapp; buying, Mrs. W. Bfoom field and Mrs. T. A. Stewart; social, Mrs. {B. Mantrop and Mrs. Ruttan; mem- dership, Mrs. C. Anglin. ---- BIRTHS. At Roblin, daughter. og ah, KEOWIN---At Newburgh, on ne to Mr. and A Anson MoReown, a daughter. oe RKS--On Wednesday, 'May 19th, PA Mr. and Mrs. Frederick BE. Parks, Adolphus town, & son. CARROLL--WICKLAM--At Selby, on May 13th, 1926. Miss Edna 'arroll, Tamworth, to Thomas Wickiam. TRILSBECK--PLUMLEY---At Napanee, on May 22nd, 1926, Thomas leo Trilsbeck, Toronto, to Eleanor May, daughter of Charleé W. Plumley, of Napanee. DEATHS. COTON---At Sand Hill on Friday, May 28th, 1926, Dmily Jane Powiley, re- fict of the late Robert Acton, aged 79 years. Funeral notice later. CREIGHTON -- At South Fredericks- burgh, on May 26th, Priscilla Curls, relict of the late Thomas D. Creigh- ton, aged 90 years. VAIR -- At Glenburnie, on May 2 128, James C., youngest son ol r. and Mrs. Robert J. Vair. will take place from his father's residence on Monday after- moon at 2.30 o'cloc andard time, te Cataraghi Cemetery. and acq respectfully invited to attend. WILLIAMS----At As wn, on May 24th, Sophia Williams, aged §3 rs. YORK---At Roblin, on May 18th, Minnie Francis York, aged 20 years. IN Lh In mem of John Bearance, wie depurizd nia 110s May 0h, 1936. is house on this came 8 gr a ot ariel to be the aT or Pate nd Rest of victory and ov ing life. missed by husband snd during the spawning period of white- | ONNBLL~ May 5 to Mr. and Mrs, Fred Sha an -- (>) "v KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE Se Saturday Night and Monday Store News! . i Ladies' Fine Silk Hosiery A special assortment of Ladies' fine Silken Hosiery in the following shades: BEIGE, SOMBRERO, STONE, SAND, BLACK, WHITE,- PEACH. 50c pr SILK STOCKINGS TO shades too. WHITE, PEACH, AIREDALE, FRENCH NUDE, - MOON- LIGHT, GREY, TUSKIN, GUNMETAL, LOVE-BIRD, POWDER BLUE, CINNAMON. at a very mode- MATCH YOUR NEWEST Tac COSTUME Delightful is the word for this fine grade Silk Hosiery that is priced rate figure, and in such a good range of CHILDREN'S } LISLE STOCKINGS Stockings for the smaller folk in many shades with fancy striped and checkered , with ribbed lain le, i i wih shod ov isin ale, in Log PSO, Bran. All sizes. 50c to CHILDREN'S # SILK STOCKINGS Fine Silken Stockings with colored striped tops; in shades of Black, Beaver, White, Peach and Sand. Sizes from 7 to 84. 50c¢ to 60cy. CHILDREN'S SHORT SUMMER SOX © . Cute Short Sox for the little tots in Cot- ton, Lisle or Silk; in shades of Sand, P. Blue, Reseda, Black, Lavender, Pink, Sky, Peach, | White, Palm Beach with fancy Striped tops. S0cpr. LADIES' BLOOMERS LADIES" SUMMER COMBINATIONS 95¢ to $2.00 suit : The famous Harvey Brand Underwear In for Summer wear; in all styles, short * | from 36 to 46. : Fl 25ct