iy ™HE WHIG m, Bare i rl ONT. W. RUPERT DAVIES ...... President . 23612 meeting, and the Mail and Empire's year, to United States ....... $3.00 A -------------------------------------- ee eee th OUT-OF "TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: TERONTOLY. W. Thompson, 100 King MONTREAL -- William J. Crowley, . Powers, Inc. to the Editor are published the actual mame of the "The cireuiation of The British Whig Ci r------t > the Audit Huron of ASQUITH OR LLOYD GEORGY. The old feud between Lord Oxford and Asquith and Mr. Lloyd George hs broken out again. There is no 'use disguising the fact that these periodical outbursts are injurious to the Liberal party in England and an effort ought to be made to settle the trouble one 'way or another. "Lord Oxford is a great man in the full meaning of the term. A great goholar, a great lawyer, a great ora- tor, and a great parliamentarian. He has given of his extraordinary talents to the British Empire will- . ingly and unselfishly. As the suc- getsor of Campbell-Bannerman in the Premiership he proved himself 10 be a statesman of vision and re- sourcefulness. His deliverances ip' the House of Commons were master- A. G. Gardiner said of him: only does Mr. Asquith always 'the right word, but he uses the one word that adequately expresses his meaning." "Had there been no upheaval of gr, it is posible that Mr. Asquith it still be Premier of Great Brit But war came, and Mr. Asquith j replaced by Mr. Lloyd George. 'story goes that Lord Oxford Lloyd George for pushing out. Whether that be alto- er true or not, it is well known] Mr. Lloyd George was dissatis- "and 'wanted more aggressive wpship. This he supplied, him- when he succgeded to the Prem- and we believe history will re- that whatever the means that used to place Lloyd George at 'head of affairs they were justi- by the end achieved. } British Whig has great ad- m for Lord Oxford. We are well aware of the wonderful done by Lord Grey, of Fallo- during the war, but, neverthe- belleve that there is in Eng- to-day, only one man who can 'the Liberals back to power, Jat man is Lloyd George. Lord is now in the House of Lords, Lord Grey. The Liberals of In a Commoner to lead Oxford is well along in has passed - the allotted Sucked that time of '| of the opposition declared at the be- A MISLEADING DESPATCH. { vent | The despatch sent out from To- ronto Saturday morning relative to | the meeting of the executive! of the Ontario Liberal Association was very misleading. This despatch was based on a report which appear- | ed in the Mall and Empire on Satur- | day morning, and which did not state the facts correctly. i According to the Mail and Empire, | the meeting of the executive of the | Ontario Liberal Association decided | by a vote of almost two to one, not | to hold a Provincial convention. | The meeting did nothing of the kind. | After a full, free and frank discus- sion, the meeting referred the ques BY W. L. WORDS, OFTEN MISUSED: the table." Omit "of." OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: crastinate, adjourn. WORD STUDY tion of the advisability of holding a eimvention to the management com- Littee. They are to enquire into the advisability of holding a con- vention this summer and make a | decision. There were no reporters at the report is quite evidently built up on scraps of information picked up here and there. It is, of course, colored with the idea of hurting the cause of Liberalism, but it would have been more becoming a paper of the standing of the Mail and Empire to have tried to secure a correct report of the proceedings, if it published anything at all. As in all political gatherings there was a good deal.of discussion re- garding matters of policy, but all were agreed, on one point, that the issue before the people in the next Provincial election, will not be the O.T.A., Hydro, or the political ad- ministration of Northern Ontario, but whether the banner Province of Ontario can afford to keep in office a Premier who failed to keep his promise to the people isa vital matter. * » THE LIBERALS AND THE U.F.0. Durink the summer months nomi- nating conventions will be held all over the province" On June 11th, the Liberals of the new Frontenac- Lennox riding will nominate a candi- date, 'and very shortly other eastern Ontario ridings will be doing like- wise. 2 In this connection the question very naturally arises, as to what at. titade the Liberals and the United Farmers are going to assume toward each other in the coming contest. Are they going to indiscriminately nominatz candidates all over the province, thus assuring ithree-cor- nered fights, or are 'they going to co-operate to fight the autocratic government that holds office in Queen's Park at the present time? 'While the policies of the Progres- sives and the Liberals are not ex- actly alike, they are very similar. Both parties stand for equal rights to all and spéeial privileges to none; both parties strongly advocate econ- omy; and both parties believe in democratic government. Why then should the forces of democracy be divi in the coming fight? SHbuld not there be made some effort: by the responsible officials ®t these two parties in the varioys rid- ings to co-operate in fighting the common enemy. Unless something like this is done a great many seats] are going to be lost to the forces of progress and economy and minority candidates will be elected. DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH "he," { as in "ice," or as'in "ill," accent on first syllable. OFTEN MISSPELLED: bureau. SYNONYMS: postpone, dela "Uses a word three time and it is yours." Let us increase our vocabulary hy mastering one word each day, To-day"s word: OBSTINATE; hard to control or cure. obstinate child and requires strict discipline." GORDON \ Pont say "fake the dishes off of senile. Pronounce first e as in y, suspend, defer, protract, pro- "He is an 7 EDITORIAL NOTES. Blossoms always look nicer on a tree than they do in a vase. You have tgp pay a lot of taxes, but there are more you don't have to pay. . Turkey 's spending much money, on armies. This is one bird which always keeps his spurs in good work- ing order. " Is the North Pole getting back at us for the intrusion of our explorers? Down here we feel the coolness of the reception given them. Looking at the mumber of motor cars parked round the city's places of worship, one wonders how people got to church in the days before the gasoline era. There are people who can recall the stage coach, then the railway and the auto, who now see a new postman flying on wings that cut a 1,000-mile journey of weeks down to a few hours. The planes have left the raflways far behind. For the first time in fourteen years the prisons of New York state are filled. There are a total of 72,- 000 persons confined in the four state prisons and two hospitals fos the criminal insane, crowding them to capacity. No one ever saw a clean, pro- gressive, happy community which did not have active, prosperous and healthy business institutions, It is the city with the best business which has the best school, the best hos- pitals and the most modern improve- ments. A movement is "on foot in the House of Commons to curtail speedh-making in that angust as sembly, and there is said to be some prospect of its success. A British parliamentarian had a very ' good rule dn this respect, namely: Having something to say; say it, and sit down, The Bt. Lawrence canals, with only fourteen feet of water, and in use only 234 days last year, made a very good showing in comparison with the Manchester ship canal and the Panama canal, each With twice that depth of water and in use 365 days. The inadequate St. Lawrence channel carried 325,297 more tons of freight than the Manchester canal and only 1,389,699 less than the Panama canal. Yet the Manchester and Panama canals are éonsidered { | to be successes justifying the out. A CHIVALROUS PREMIER. When a resolution was presented to the meeting of the Ontario Lib. eral Association expressing confid- ence in the Rt. Hoh. W. L. Macken-, zie King, and congratulating him upon the substantial progress that was belng made at Ottawa, Mr. W. G. Raymond, ex-M.P. of Brantford, paid an eloquent tribute to what he termed the chivalry and fine courags of the Prime Minister. With that eloquence of which he is a past mas ter, Mr. Raymond referred to the Keen sensé of chivalry that led Mr. King to pair with Mr. Meighen, on the critical budget vote. The leader ginning of the session that there were to be no pairs, but being coy fined to his home during the latter ' lay they involved. The United States financiers re- gard the British Miners' strike as very serious. Its effect in the States shows itself Jin 'deranged trade rela- tions between it and Great Britain, in erratic flectuations of foreign rates of exchange and probably in the selling of British holdings of American securities." A financial writer adds: "England is our most important neighbor, our best cus. tomer and our greatest debtor. If her prosperity is lessened and her pestige' weakened, our welfare will inevitably be adversely affected." Mayor P. W.M¢Logan, Westmount, on his return from England said he found that the reputation of adian produce in Great Britain been steadily enhanced during last two or three years, and Australian and New Zealand com- petition in butter and chBese is keener than ever Canadian farmers and producers need have no qualms as long as they maintain the quality, he assented. Grading has done much to raise the reputation of Canadian butter overseas; and as regards cheese the Canadian product main- tains its popularity against all com-. petitors. i } News and Views. No Mystery at All Boston Transcript: Dr. Richard Caot fells an audience why men work. But the man who is trying to' pay for the house, educate the' children and keep a motor car does not have to go to a lecture to find out why he is on the job six days a week. Helping Them to Help Themselves. Vancouver Sun: Some day we shall learn that there is very little that we can do for other people beyond help- ing them to help themselves. And when we really learn this elementary fact about human nature, we shall {probablyq recast many of our notions |about charity ,about education and {about government. Lincoln's Opinion. Guelph Mercury: The late Presi- dent Lincoln became famous during his presidential term for his mix- comes across sayings of became prominent as a statesman. For example, he is quoted as remark- ing, in 1856, that he "could not con- celve why the average man would rather work all over a twenty-acre field when, with a little gumption, he could get better results on ten acres properly tilled." This remark is a gem of agricultural common sense, and it should be always in the mind of the farmer as a motto. ¥ oy Abusing s i "Perth nls flor- fsts are abusing the "privileges of Mother's Day and are taking a mean advantage of the sentirgent attached to that day. Mother's Day was established a few years ago, with flowers as the medium in which the idea was carried out. By doubling the prices on roses and carnations, the wholesale florists will simply kill Mother's Day. We commend the idea of that church organization that hag decided to observe Mother's Day towards the end of June. Let us pass up the custom for Sunday and observe it any Sunday in June when garden flowers may be secured in abundance. Pays More Than Ever. Edmonton Journal: Forty years ago Sir Gilbert Parker met a man who told him a good story. 'The idea came to the novelist recently of mak- ing it the basis of a book but he had forgotten some of the details.' Hav ing practical good sense as well as literary genius, he inserted a small advertisement saying that "Botany Bay" wanted to see 'Frank H'" again. by which Sir Gilbert went at the time of thelr acquaintance. Within a few days the advertisement was answered from Chicago and a reunion was arranged. J out and the obvioud need ture of good humor 'and ready wit! ff in hig speeches; but occasionally one | his of a ji simple sort, uttered long before . he | & Apparently the first was the name || 1s obvi- | not be ot The HEN YOU HAVE A PRINT- ING JOB, DO YOU THINK OF THE BRITISH WHIG COM- MERCIAL PRINTING ,DEPT.? Abul Fine printing -- good service reasonable prices SL The British Whig Commercial Printing Department British Whig Bldg. ~~ Phone 2614 Kingston, Onlario Our De Luxe Blend Ceylon Tea June Bond List Now Ready Canadian Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds provide the means by, which to do so. Copy of our June Bond List gladly fur- nished upon request. (Established 1871) Steamshi ¢ Booked to th pee Se the world. Barts Montreal New York READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS : Know What Is Best GO0D WEALS WELL SERVED Visit our Restaurant and enjoy the good things we serve. Our