» passtion "for" the ministry iavolves several years spent ia acquiring the necessary education, and this in it- self represents a cofigiderable mone- rary expenditure. It is not fair to geek young men to spend from four {to six years in preparing' themselves, for the ministry and then offer them @ salary comparable with the wage of an unskilled laborer. It is the aim of every person to lay aside something for the future and old age. + This is impossible in the ministry, The next best thing is to provide for a pension system. Call it adjusted compensation if you will It is practically impossible for the average minister to lay atide a sum which will care for him in his de- elining yéhrs. The church owes it to these faithful servants to provide for the future,' : The same Jack of monetary appre: ciation of the work of the clergy is nyheter Sis yibiansd a British W ted V7 ne Andie a sR JORN A. MACTHONALD. RMR TTT ~ Patrie is another newspaper proposes the 'erection of a ent 'to Sir John A. Macdonald place of his birth, whieh it 'was on the Shore of Hay , three miles frond Adolphui- m. This mistake" may be excus: 'oft the part of a French-Cana- Journal, but for our good Con- forvats ative editorial friends in Ontario ta write about Hay Bay being Sir John's birthplace shows that they 'pot close. students of the bi- of the great Canadian states Sir John was born on the 4th , and came' to Canada with his fn 1820. The family settled ston for some time, and then ved to Hay Bay, but returned to I 1886. Although Joba | received no college studied law and was bar when twenty-one v is the thirty-Afth anni- 'the dé of the great and" Li 'as well as ve newspapers do well to the memory 'of those who | petual felt in Canada #nd it would be a-good thing it some Attention was paid to the matter by various denominations, - A - AFRAID TO COMMIT HIMSELF. Umi? The Toronto Star points out that the reason for the delay in filling the vacant legislative seats is the same ns that for not appointing a minister of lands and forests In place of Hon. Mr. Lyons. The premier does not want to commit himself at this stage to either a wet or a dry policy, and he is. afraid to go to the people, either in by-elections or in a genéral election, until he can announce a de- cision. So he keeps on stalling and disappointing both friends and foes. Having vacillated and procrastinat- 'ed, boxed the compass, turned back- somersaults, and generally shown himself to be unreliable--partly be- 'cause he did not know himself where Ite was going---the premier asks that complete trust be reposed in him. Seemingly it is a dictatorship that Mr. Ferguson would like to estab- lish. He has frequently intimated that he will not ask the people again to make their wants known by plebi- scite or referendum; he did not like ithe resuits of the last one. At pre- sent, besides performing the duties of the premiership, he is directipg the affairs of two departments and might as well take on others. And, manifestly, if seven ridings can get along for the best part of a year without the assistance of elected presentatives there is no reason ¥hy they cannot get along all the time in that way--they and all other rid- ings--and just trust Ferguson. The premier may cherish ideas of that kind. But he should remember | the worst forms of government and that Anglo-Saxon people never take kindly to dictatorships. ' , WEATHER. The years 1926 and 1927, it was prophesied some time a&go by & mete- rological expert, are to be summer less years. And it begifis to 100k as if the fellow knew what he was talk- ing about. There are exceptions, of course--certain sections of the eoun- try: where it is warm most of the year anyway. But the most of the inhabitants of these parts have ex- perienced a spring where furnace fires were the rule rather than the {still waiting for the rush of swim- Can it be true? Are we to be per- slaves to the overcoat? Heaven forbid--and yet, we're be- 1 ginning to get worried. % THE "HATE" VERSES. bo elem g § ' The famous "hate" verse in the t National Authem which still has a dn aonomisationti banal and jo text books in England, is being vigorously attacked there and its elimination urged. The verse our Ggd arise, scatter our that a weak dictatorship is one of| Press. i BY W. L. to?" Omit "to." OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: "of," or as In "mo." OFTEN MISSPELLED: resia SYNONYMS: anxiety, concern, tion, worry, watchfulness. WORD STUDY: have given way to summer." DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: Don't say "where have they gone "Use a word three time and it is yours." Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. To-day's word: VERNAL; belonging to spring. GORDON docile. Pronounce the o as In urant. solicitude, care, vigilance, atten- "The vernal days 8 RURAL CREDITS. ---- With the exception of a few parti> cular instances, it Is eorrect to sup- pose that in reality the farmer has too often suffered in the past more from an abuse of credit facilities than from a deticlency of them. It is almost always in consequence of this indebtedness to a degree ex- ceeding his normal capacity, says the Montreal LaPresse, .that the farmer has suffered in our country, and we will add, to make the matter more precise, particularly so in the western provinces. _In other res- pects it seems that the question of rural credits deserves to be studied with the greatest sympathy, but not before we have disposed of the false and fallacious idea that we should increase his opportunities of run- ning into debt by improvident bor- rowing fronr credit Institutions, packed up by the federal treasury. EDITORIAL NOTES. The old-fashioned farmer's con- ception of farm relief was four or five husky sons. 2 emo It has been made an offences to jay-walk at Edmonton. Whieh 's go- {ng to be-hard on the local jays. gp-- Let autoists practice common din- ner table politeness back of the steer- ing wheel and help save thousands of lives, A gentleman in British Colimbia gald he kept a stock of liquar to give to his cows when they were sick. Probably had hay fever, "Hast and west must pull to er," says Lady Byng. _Absolu th- war, comments the Winnipeg Free The inquiry into the grievance of thé Maritime Provinces will begin in June, it is announced. But does any- body in this country have grievances fn June? Canada will celebrats her next birthday by Yeturming formally to the gold standard, but the paper Canadian dollar came back without waiting for it. "No man can play golf on Sunday | and expect his, children to go to church," says Prof. Kerr. But wonld they go if he didn't play or if hé spent the day in bed? A truism for parents: Better let thé children play on the grass, though the lawn be spoiled, than on the roadways where their lives are in imminent danger always. Principal R. Bruce Taylor, enun- clates this aphorism: 'Honesty and thoroughness in work is demanded in this world worth' while is what you have to toil for desperately." - ---- Canadian Clubs, as & whole, have dona and are doing nothing to make Dominion Day a Canadian Day, or any other kind of a Day at all, Thy clubs are near stagnation all over the land. This is a sorry state of al fairs. : iy. | But they must not make it a tug-ofs 1 When justice threatens high, $ today, and remember, what you get | ara A tat at A NANNY dence that should convict them, Let the law be enforced. Hon. George P. Graham, as chair- man of the Tariff Board, has the right idea when he announces that the board is to be an open forum, It is interesting news to hear that the British coal strike is likely to soon end.- The operators and opera- tives evidently think the Industry has been long enough idle. "The world is growing accustomed to sub- stitutes and the coal trade is feeling the effects. Récommendations for improve ments in the organization of the civil service have been made by the Civil Service Commission. The abolition of the Commission would be the greatest improvement and eught to be the first, remarks the Montreal Gazette, PPPPSEPRPITIIPPIOPRRDY SUNDAY THOUGHT. These Things Never Die. The pure, the bright, the beau- titul, That stirred our hearts in youth, 4 The impulses to wordless pray" er, ' The longings thing lost, The spirits yearning cry, The strivings after" better hopes, These things can never die. after = some- The timid hand stretched forth to aid A brother in his need, # A kindly word in grief's dark » hour & That proves a friend indeed: ® The plea for mercy softly breathed LEIP E IIIT IS eI b gt, A t. night. She: Flatterer' He: Really; I had to look twice bafore I recognized you.--London Tit-Bits, No Wonder. \ "I'm going to give you this violin." "An out-and-out gift?" 'Absolutely. No stings to it!" -- Lite. As Usual. _ "What, another row with your Wife? What's the trouple this time?" and I don't agree with ber."---Life. Fears any clothes this summer. Haha: Ye gods! I was afraid it would come to that! --Life. diiin - this dienes. y : Use your 'opera 3 [* She: Ican't. To I oats WILL OPEN TUESDAY, JUNE 8th Everything new and modern in every respect. . _ The best meals with excellent service. FROM 7.00 AM. to 2.00 AM. . Special attention to private parties. Afternoon Tea served from 8 to 5 p.m, We invite you to our new Restaurant and you the We. iny : promise * A La Carte Service on shortest notice. 83 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2829. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS They Lighten Work Geta Hotplate We have them at all prices. The Saunders Electric Co. TELEPHONE 441. for the Summer, House Wiring and Repairing All Kinds of Electric Apparatus Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasopable prices, "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Corner King and Princess Streets. 'Phone 04. PEPLBEPPEE 4424490280000 GOOD MEALS WELL SERVED | Visit our Restaurant and enjoy the good things we serve. Our prices are reasonable. Music supplied by Six Piece Electric Orchestra The CAPITOL CAFE 5 DOORS ABOVE CAPITOL THEATRE. "PHONE 2047. Money to Loan i We have considerable private | funds to loan on mortgages at lowest current rates. Fire Insurance in reliable companies. Phones 2780-w or 1707. HANLEY'S (Established 1871) * Steamsh ip passages booked to of the world. Pe tports ar. Three tickets issued oved Bin Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Alaska, Bermuda, West Indies, Mediterran- ja, Round the World Steamship es. paid passages arranged for if you desire to bring relatives or friends from abroad, For full particulars apply to or write J. P. Hanley, C.P. & T.A., Riys, Office, Canadian N RI Station, corner Johnson and Ontario Kingston, Ont. day and night. 'Phones 99 or JERE PAPER HANGING, PAI ING AND GRAINING Walnut and Mal Complimen ch He: You look very betautiful to- |, "The same old thing--she's right |' Confirmed. Isobel: No, father, I won't need! Exposure? hk } She: 1 can't eee the stage very well p Sowards Keep Coal & Coal Keeps Sowards SOWARDS COAL CO. TELEPHONE 155 McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. 'Phone 811. UPTOWN OFFICE: FOR SALE I.Cohen & Co. MONTREAL STREET | "PHONES 850 and 887. | Memorials mm Co er Cemetery Lettering a ; specialty. : J. E. MULLEN |!