"MANTRAP By SINCLAIR LEWIS By the author of Main Street, Babbitt and Arrowsmith. R.UGLOW & CO. Send Postcard for Tlustrated Booklet W. C. Cannon 284 PRINCESS STREET J 'PHONE 1448.w. When the average man makes a mistake he tries to justify himself by referring to his good intentions. It's & poor love leiter that can't SILVER For the Home Here you will find a profusion of beauti- ful articles, so dear to | the heart of every woman, whe- ther it be to decorate the room or complete the setting of the din- ing table. Such a gift will be ap- preciated. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS STREET new Findlay. Cabinet Electric -- a electrical design and cooking effi- elements give quick Feat, and lots of it THE DA = Church Services on Sunday ! "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go inlo tue House of the Lord."--Psalm exxii., 1. St. Paul's--Holy communion, 11 Preacher, Canon FitzGerald, I M.A. Sunday school, 3 p.m. Even- { ing prayer, 7 p.m. Preacher, Canon | ll FitzGerald. St. James' Church, corner Union and Barrie streets--T. W. Savary, Rector, The Rectory, 156 Barrie street. 11.00 Holy Communion and Sermon. Preacher, Rev. C. Vean Pil- cer, D.D., Professor, Wyeliffe Col- ' lege, 3.00 Sunday School, 7.00, Ev- ening Prayer and sermon, preacher, Rev. Dr. Pilcher. -- St. Luke's Church, corner of Prin- cess and Nelson streets--Rev. J. de Pencler Wright, M.A., B.D., rector, 311 Alfred street. Phine 2973: 1st Sunday after Trinity. 11 a.m., holy communion and morning prayer. 2.45 p.m., Sunday school: 4 p.m. holy baptism; 7 p.m., evening prayer. Seats free. Strangers and visitors cordially invited to attend. St. George's Cathedral--Very Rev. W. W. Craig, D.D., dean and rector. Rev. W. E. Kidd, M.A., M.C., curate. First Sunday after Trinity 8 a.m. holy communion; 11 a.m., holy com- munion. Preacher, the Dean. Sub- ject, "Religion--Its Undying Ro- mance." § p.m., Sunday school. 4 p.m., holy baptism. 7 p.m., even- song. Preacher, the Dean. Subject, "Religion--Its Eternal Reality." St. Andrew's Pres! Rev, John W. Stephen, minister. Public worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conduct- ed by the minister. Strangers eor- dially Invited to all the services. Sunday school and Bible classes, 3 p.m. Sw Chalmers Church of the United Church of Canada--Minister, Rev. George Brown, M.A., B.D. Public worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. conduct- ed by the minister. 3 p.m. Sunday school. "Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." The United Church of Canada, Sydenham street--Rev. W. .T. G. Brown, minister. Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, The minister will preach at both services. Evening subject, "Joy." Fellowship class at 10 a.m. Sunday school at 2.45 p.m. Mid-week service on Wednesday at 8 p.m. > Queen Street United Church--Min. ister: Rev. W. H. Raney, B.A., B.D., 30 Colborne street. Public worship 11 am. and 7 p.m. 3 pm. Sérmon, (morning): '"Phe Nobility of Faith"; (evening): "The Value of Self-Respect." Young Peo- ple's Meeting, Monday, 8 p.m. The United Church of Cooke's, Brock street--Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson, B.A, minister. Public worship, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Morn- -- Sunday school, Ing theme: "The One Thing Need- ful." Evening theme: 'The Real Aristocracy." 3 p.m., Bible school. A cordial invitation to all. The United Church of Canada, Calvary, the Friendly Church, cor. of Charles and Bagot streets Min- ister, Rev. Frank Sanders. Morning service 11 a.m., "The Divine Help- er." Sunday school, 3 p.m. Evening seryice, 7 p.m., "God's Need of Men." A hearty welcome and help message. Princess Street United Church of Canada. Rev. John Curtis, BA. minister, 11 a.m. sufject, "Faith Triumphant," 2.45 p.m. Church School. 7 p.m. subject, "The Conver- sion of a Sinner," The testimony of a New York banker. You are cor- dially invited. First Baptist Church--Rev. M. C. Johnston, B.A., Bth., pastor. 11 a.m.; "The Divine Example." 2.45 p.m., Bible school. 7 p.m., "The Wrath of God." W. O. T. U~--The regular jbmeet- ing of the Woman's Christian Temp- erance Union will be held in the Y. W. C. A. parlors, Johmeon street, Tuesday, June 8th at 3 pm. All ladies welcome. Gospel Tabernacle-- Corner Col- lingwood and Union Streets-- 11 a.m.--Lord's Supper, 3 p.m.--Sun- day School and Bible Class, 66.45 p.m.--S8ong Service; 7 p.m.-S-Gospel Service. Mr. R. Irving, Toronto will speak. Wednesday 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting. Friday, 8 p.m.----Bible read- ing and Study Class. Visitors and strangers cordially welcome. Bethel Congregational Church Rev. W. H. Ebersole, minister. 11 a.m. subject, "Himself." Holy com- munion. 3 p.m. the Bible school. 7 p.m. subject, "What Thinkest Thou?" Monday, 8 p.m., The Y.P.S. C.E. Tuesday, 8 p.m., The Intep< mediates. Wednesday, 8 p.m., praser meeting. "If after the kirk ye bide a wee;there's somes would 1ike to speak to ye; if after the kirk ye rise and flee, we'll all seen cold and stiff to ye. / 7 so . Christian Séience, First Church of Christ, Scientist, 121 Johnson street --Services/at 11 a.m. Subject, "God the Only Cause and Creator." Sun- day school, 9.45 a.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m., testimonial meeting, includ- Hing testimonies of healing through Christian Science. Free public read- ing room where the Bible and all authorized Chrigtian ce litera- ure may. be read. borrowed or ey Open every afternoon except Sundays and holidays, from 3 to 5 pom. All are cordially invited to the services and to make use of the public reading room. HOWE ISLAND GRANT FOUND IRREGULAR And County Council Rescind- ed Motion--Assessment Valuators Appointed. Among the important business dealt with at the Friday afternoon meeting of the county council of was the passing of a re- solution spbasored \ by Councillors Spankie and Freeman to delete from the minutes of Thursday afternoon's meeting that minute Which asalt with the grant to Howe Island de- cause it was irregular; the reading and passing of a by-law to provide for a new valuation of the county and naming Thomas Purdy, King- ston township, P. J. Wensley, Clar- of Oso as commissioners to carry out the valuation and report at the November session of council; the passing of the budget and report of finance - committees striking the county rate at 15 mills which is the same as it was last year: the mak- endon township, and Robert McVeigh | motion it could not be paid mills. Very few items in the budget were challenged but a motion by Councillor Cronk that the grant to Hinchinbrooke Agricultural Society be increased from $50 to $200 for this year, in view of the fact that the society had some very heavy obli- gations to meet, was defeated as was also a motion to cut the grant of the Kingston Industrial Exhibition from $500 to $200. Howe Island Grant. Councillor Garragh of Howe Island charged Dr. Spankie with opposing the grant to Howe Island for per- sonal reasons, when Dr. Spankie, who was absent {rom the meeting Thursday afternoon when the grant was passed, moved that it be struck from the minutes.© It was explained however that the auditor, Mr. A. H. Muir, had called the 'attention of the finance committee to the item and had told them that simply as a t that {. would have to be put in the form of a by-law. Notice to introduce a by-law at Saturday morning's session to provide for this grant was then given, Strange Business. Dr. Spankie moved his resolution a8 soon as the minutes had been read. Councillor Kennedy remarked -{ and would need repairs that had not ILY BRITISH WHIG the by-law a second reading and fill in the blanks with the names of the commissioners. An amendment mov- | od by Councilior Sibbitt and second- | ed by Councillor Freeman that the! county be not revaluated for 19237! was lost 9-7, . { There was cons!derable discussion | as to the three commissioners to be | named and it was finaliy agreed to | appoint them ome at a time. The | names of P. J- Weasley, Clarendon, | Robert MeVeigh, Oso; Thomas! Purdy, Kingston townsnip; A. B.| Thompson, Olden, and W. Me- Adoo, Kingston township, were all placed before the council with the | result that Messrs. Purdy, Wensley | and McVeigh were appointed at $6 per day each, out of which they are | to pay all expenses. Tue by-law fill- | ed In with these detalls was given a; second and third reading and passed. i The Financial Report which was adopted as read stated "That having examined the assessment rolls for the year 1922 and the summary rolls for the year 1923 that the equalized assessment of the several townships and villages in the county of Fron- tenac be fixed for the purpose of the county rates for the current year at a total assessment of $6,801,500 and that all assessments be the same as last year, : i { Rate 15 Mills. "That the budget as presented by the treasurer be accepted and that a rate of 15 mills on the dollar be struck on the said total assessment for the current year for general pur- poses. That Mrs. Fred Dennison and Mr. William Black, Children's Aid in- Spector, be named as the county re- presentatives on the local council of the Mothers' Allowance Board for the year 1926-1927. "That a sum not exceeding $200 be set aside to be at the disposal of the chairman of the roads and bridges committee for getting out stone for the Sharbot Lake Bridge." The budget #s presentsd by the treasurer was considered clause by clause in committees of the whole. Councillor Freeman took the chair. The two questions of the grant to Re iisuraske Agricultural Society an the special grant to the General |. Hospital for a clinic on venereal dis- eases were the only items discussed. Phe yeas and nays were called for on the special grant of $500 to the hospital and were recorded as fol- lows: Yeas--MecGregor, Graham, Aylesworth, Sills, Sibbitt, Freeman, Kennedy, Jamieson, Spankie. Nays --Barr, Cronk, Pringle, Stinchecombe and Shanks. Absent--Flake, Gar- ragh and Drew. The motion carried. When the budget haa been gone through the council rose and report- ed progress the warden again resum- ing the chair. Reconsider Report. It was moved by Councillors Ayles- worth and Barr that the council re- consider clause three of the report of the county highways committee of May 12th, This motion carried. Counefllor Freeman then opened the debate claiming that the rate for county highways should remain at six mills. Mr. Freeman admitted that when the rate had been struck that the committee contemplated the purchase of an air compressor drill which would have cost oyer $2,000 and that since that time the commits tee had decided not to purchase this drill, but he claimed that if the drill had been purchased with the rate at six mills, it would have meant a de- fcit for the committee. Also he con- tended that since the rate was struck a number of the roads had heaved been estimated. Councillor Aylesworth thought the rate could be cut to five mils and still keep the roads in fairly good condition. - Councillor Barr took a like stand. Counclilor Jamieson didn't think it advisable to pare to the bone and let the roads deprec!- ate. Councillors Aylesworth and Barr moved that the rate be five mills for the current year as it had been for the past year. The yeas and nays were called for and recorded as fol- lows: Yeas--McGregor, Barr, Cronk, Graham, Aylesworth, Pringle, Stinch- combe and Shanks. Naye--Sills, Sib- bitt, Freeman, Kennedy, Jamieson and Spankie. Absent--Flake, Gar. ragh and Drew. Evening Sesston. A short session was held on Fri- day night at which the following by- tal Farm) EXCURSION T0 OTTAWA VIA CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Under the auspices of the Kingston Industrial Exhibition WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1926 HOUR OF DEPARTURE (7) a.mn., Standard Time, or 8 o'dock Kingston City time. Train leaves station foot of Johnson Street. Luncheon and supper will be served free to visitors at the Farm. Fare for Round Trip $3.90 (WAR TAX INCLUDED Good to return on any train up to the last train of the evening of the 10th of June as shown below. CAN YOU BEAT IT for a day's outing ? About as cheap as stopping at a hotel with the tri CANADA'S CAPITAL CITY WILL LOO thrown fin. AT HER BEST. ates have been secuved at the Alexandria Hotel, Ottawa. Passepgers can rn same day by leaving Ottawa on 10.05 p.m. time, train, Standard For further information, apply to the following: R. J. BUSHELL, * oy . Kingston Industrial Exhibition. ASK THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN J. P, HANLEY, C.N.R. Ticket Agent, . City Station, foot of Johnson 8t., City, THIS EXCURSION IN FORMER YEARS WHAT THEY THINK OF IT ? Bed, Spring and Mattress, in all wood py cartesenes $25.00 All Felt Mattress of Fancy Art Tick, Imperial All'sizes, only «orn Soe Slumber King All-Steel Springs ve Resent and soft, guaranteed a life. time, only A chance to remew your Bedding all this week. JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. bot Lake bridge. I Council adjourned to meet on! Tuesday, November 23rd, at four o'clock. gigs GANANOQUE | -- Gananoque, June 5.--The Skin- mer Co. softball team defeated the Parmenter & Bulloch team last eve- ning by a score of 19-8. The attend- ance was large. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Young and son, Feelton, N.Y., motored over and spent a few days here with the lat- teér's sister, Mrs. A. J. Sword, who has returned with them for a visit. Bruce Hall, Ottawa, js spending the week-end here with friends. Miss Eva Glover has returned from a motor trip In Western On- taro, ! J. Jeffries and his cousin Alex Hutoheons are being congratulated over their good fortune in winning fifteen thousand dollars in the Eng- dish Derby a couple of days ago. Last Saturday they were notified that their horse, Lancegay, would be a starter, and the results of the race show this horse to have come in second. Had it come first they would have divided $30,000 be- tween them. The ticket which cost $2.50 was owned fifty-fifty between these two gentlemen. Mrs. W. Murphy and infant daugh- ter are visiting the former's aunt in Campbeilford. Dr. and Mrs. Young have arrived from Syracuse, N.Y., and are oc- cupying their summnjer home on Hay Island. ' Mrs. A., Long, Toronto, Ms_Te. turned home after a week's { . 'W. V. Battams. laws were given s second and third | her reading and passed: A:'by-law to raise, levy and collect certain sums of money to meet expenditures on the county highway system for the current year. A bylaw to raise, levy and col- lect $102,022.50 for county pur- ing rf; Nancy Banr 3b; Edna Craw ford ss; Marion Thane 1b; nj Miller 2b; Evelyn Gault c-a8; Gla Smith ss; Babe Booty cf; Marion Grass ¢; Mari Ruth Dixon if; Mary Dorothy Johnston rf; "Mil" R Ib; Dorothy Daverm 2b; Chris T Pp. Toronto Nationals. ,50621541 Napanee Ladies. . «34015208 Messrs. J. L. Murray asd D Powell refereed the game in a satisfactory meaner. BA After the game the girls were tertained with refreshments in club rooms of the "B" Co. Fre f Regiment, after which the an was given over to dancing until departure of the visitors on the were in charge of Dr. A, B. Sock, a former Napanee Colles: nstitute boy and Mr, P, O'Mara, Toronto, EA Mre. O. R. Lalley and four o dren of Toronto, who have spending the past two weeks wi her sisters the Misses Helen as Constance Grange, returned 'home vo Friday last. Miss Constance Gras Mr. and Mme. Knight MaeG: of New York ere visiting his ther, Alex. MacGregor. . Miss Janet Preston of ) Cal, will arrive to-day to spend th summer with her father, D, Preston. See Tweddell's Suits $25. $28 and $30. The method of