THE DAILY BRI TISH WHIG . Tuesday, June 8, 1926. A " NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS ' LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Woman's Page Editor Phone 2613, Private Phone 857w. v * . . ' Mrs. C. P. Johns is leaving for Ottawa where she will be the guest 'Mrs, James Carlton, Camden, 'N.Y. is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Campbell, Brock street. * . * . Hon. W. F. Nickle left, on Mon: 'day, for Ottawa, to take part in the Inter-provincial conference. > * . The Kingston Teachers' Associa- tion is holding its annual picnic at Kingston Mills this afternoon. : 4 . . . Beveral parties of the younger set will motor to Gananoque on Thurs- day for the Canoe Club dance. + » . . - , Mayor R. J. BE. Graham and Mrs, Graham, Belleville, spent the week- end with friends at Gananoque. I . Ld » > Mr. William Bews, Chestnut who spent the winter in will be home on Friday. 2 § & Miss Gladys Wells, R.N., Kingston, "4s spending ~ her holidays at her "home 228 William ptreet, Belleville. . » - * Miss Caroline Mitchell and Miss Plinor Mundell are entertaining at a Friday afternoon at the Golf Club. , ; . . . . Mrs. J. D. Craig has returned to Ottawa from Watertown, - N.Y., "where she has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Sackett. LJ . Mrs. W. J. Renton and Mr. John Renton, University avenue, wemt up 'oronto, on Monday, to visit "Mrs. Herbert Daly, of Napanee, is leaving by the Megantic to join her Jeniie , ns Peggy Daly, In 8, and 'will spend the sym- mer abroad. Ca wee, Miss Ruth Gildersieeve, Denver, 'Colorado, is expected in town on and will be the guest of t, Miss Mabel Gildersieeve, dMss 'Tessie Fomester, Seeley's {| Mrs. Antoine C.- Taschereau, Ba", attended the graduation of her sister, Miss Violet Forester, Vincent de Paul. Hospital, Brock- ville, on June 2nd. ' * . Ld Mrs. Lennox . Mills, Montreal, is expected to arrive im the city on Thursday and will be the guest of Mrs. Herbert Robinson, "The Bunga- low" 115 King street. » . - Mrs. A. B. Gash, Wellington Ap- ariments, Is entertaining on Thurs- day afternoon at a tea and shower, in Monor of Miss Doris McKay, a bride of this week. - - The former governor of Illinois, Frank O. Lowden, and his. family, expect to arrive at Castle Rest, their summer villa among the Isands, not later than the middle of July. Ed . . Invitations for the Royal Military College ball, on June 21st, at 8.30 o'clock were received in town this morning. The event promises to 'be the best of the many that have preceded it. 4 5 a Mr. G. J. Stethem, Cardifial, an- nounces the engagement of his eldest daughter, Jean, to M. Begg Don- nelly, Kingston, the marriage to take place June 15th at St. Paul's Church, Cardinal. * * * Mrs. David V. Sinclair, Belleville, announces the engagement of her daughter, Ruth Miller, to Mr. George L. Pearce, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. BE. Pearce, of Toronto. The marriage is to take place the end of June. ss Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McConnell, Montreal, are entertaining at a gar- den party on Saturday afternoon at their summer home at Dorval in hon- or of the delegates to the session of the National Couneil of the United Church, of Canada. . . Mr. and Mre. James McKéever, Verona, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Lorena, to Lloyd: O. Lindsay, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay, Syden- ham. The marniage to take place early in July. . - . iL Mrs. J. M. Hagar and Miss Jose- phine Hagar, Los Angeles, Calif., are expected in town and will be' the guests of Mrs. R. B. Sparks, 23% Johnson street. The late Rev. J. M. Hagar was at one time the pastor of Queen street church, ~ » . . At Trinity Church, Merrickville, Miss Mary Hall, regist- ered nurse, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hall, Merrickville, was married to Rev. John Charlés Anderson, son of Rev. G. 8. Ander- son, rector of St. Matthew's Church, Ottawa, and Mrs. Anderson. °° The Whig will be glad to have the names of visitors in town and ae- counts of varions social events for iii publication in the social column. Such communications should be signed and the address of the sender given. Write or telephone to - the Editor of the Woman's Page, Tele- phone No. 2613, ; . s- 0 The marriage took place in West- | mount, on urday moming, at St. Leo's cof Hope, daughter of mount, to Mr. Jean T. Taschereau, St. Pacombe, Que., son of Mr. and Que- bec. Miss Edna Gallagher attended ther sister as maid of honor. The st. | Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gallagher; West- |. bride's father is well remembered in | Kingston, where he lived for years | and where he still has many warm | friends, | = | Rt Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King | entertained at a week-end dinner party at Laurier House 21d the | guests included Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jones, Miss Helen McMurrich, (Tor- onto), Mr, and Mrs. Phillip Toller, (Toronto), Miss Lilian Snowball, (Chatham, N.B.), and Mr. MacNiven, (Regina, Sask.). eo os» " Mr. and Mrs. Jinnah, Bombay, In- dia, Major Singh, Bhaenagef, India; Major A. F. R. Lumby, Simla, India; Phenoze Sethna, Bombay, India; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Frost, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Love, Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. John Hale, Saperton, Wisconsin, are guests at the Belvidere. - ® . The following Hamilton girls will spend the summer at Camp Oconto, a summer camp for school girls at Tichborne, directed by Miss Ferna G. Halliday: Misses Aldythe McLaren, Greta Black, Greta, Mary and Patsy Whitton, Mary Lucas, Marney Bruce, Marnie Holton, Mary Moodie Frances Moodle, Dorothy King, Mar- garet Owen, Eleanor and Jean Wood- bridge and Jane Hope. Miss Marion Mills will conduct the party to camp. The party will leave by special car with girls from St. Catharines, Cleveland and Buffalo early in uly. » * * . Mrs, Arthur Macnee entertained at the tea hour in honor of her niece, Miss Kitty Walsh, Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. Jack Hickey poured coffee, and Mrs. Forte poured tea at the.prettily decorated table. Miss Nora Macnee cut the ices. The assistants were the Misses Helen Steacy, Elinor Mundell, Jane Waddell, and Mary Hora. Antong the guests were Mrs. F. Smythe, Mrs: A. B. Gash; Mrs. Henry Hill, Mrs. Segsworth, Toronto, Mrs. William Nicol, 'The Misses Emma Pense, Aileen Folger, Gwen Folger, Harriett Gardiner Anna Mahood, Evelyn Ford, Betty Murray, Kath- leen Murray, Gwen Carr Harris, Bli- zabeth Lyster, Pat Lyster, Pat Aylon, Louise Hill, Jessie Mair, Nora Con- nell, Virginia Fair, Margaret Mac- donald, Edith Rees, Vera Skinner. Nevada Best, Cecil Macnee, Caroline Mitchell, . Doris Mackay, Phylis Knight, Patricla Sowards, Flo Cup- ningham, Dorothea Sands and Fran- ces Murray. ~---- "THE PERFEOT QUEST" i Sa She answered by return of post The invitation of her host; She caught the train she sald she would And changed at junctions as she should; She brought a small and lightish box, : And keys belon Foods, rare and beg to the locks. , she did mot But ate the boiled or scrambled egg; When offered lukewarm tea, she drank fit, And did not crave an extra blanket, Nor extra pillows for her head. She seemzd ¢o 'like the spare room bed, oe She brought her own self-filling pea She always went to bed at ten, She left no little things behind But stories new ,and gossip kind." I found the above gem in my morning paper, it made a special ap- peal to me, for a friend had "just been recounting her trials with newly departed guest. : x "Thank heaven, she's gone! Never again!" "She must have been pretty bad," I commented, for my friend is a jewel as a Hostess. y "My patience is in rags," said my friends. "I invited her for a week and she stayed ten days, I really had to ASK her to.go. There was nothing else 0 do; for I told her when she arrived, that my é&ister and her hus- a carried through. AUNT HET "Even yet when I'm tired I look at Pa ap' think I could of waited longer an' done better maybe." | ------ | WOMENS werrure } MOSCOW. The Moscow Women's Institute held a very successful bazaar on June 2nd. In epite of the unfavor- able weather. The numerous booths were well patronized during the af: ternoon. A lunch counter, ice cream and candy booth, home cooking booth, fancy work and aprom booth, also the fish pond were under the supervision of capable conveners and their splendid assistants. A bean guessing contest proved very interesting, W. J. Huffman and Mrs. Wheeler being prize winners. A "pair of duck ' feather pillows were donated by Miss Georgle Huff- man and tickets sold on same. The tickets were all put in « bag and well shaken. Then little , Nellie Lakins drew the prize ticket which proved to be Mrs. R. Asselstine's. The beautiful autograph quilt was on exhibition but hasn't been sold. The play "Safety First," was put on by our young people in the even- ing and was thoroughly enjoyed. The president, secretary and con- veners of different committees de- serve great credit for the able man- ner in which the whole affair was » band were coming the following week, but she took no notice. Them, of course, we have no car this year and she kept wishing that she had brought her own, and wondering how on earth we could get around without one. I got so tired of hear- her, that I told her I had a taxi ac- count and that she could call a cab when she needed one and have it charged on my account. "I noticed that she never went out without a cab but T DID think that she was at least paying part of the bill herself, you can picture my as- tonishment when I called up the cab company and found that she had run ug a bill of twenty-three dol- lars. Oh, but that den't all, she has left mumerous things behind, and this morning I received & wire asking me to #nd them parcel post. "And she used my bhest face towels to wipe the dust off her suit- case and shoes, to say nothing of} borrowing my umbrella and break- ing the handle without even saying 'I'm sorry.' But shé will never need to write 'I will be delighted to. ac- cept' to any invitation of mine again. Angle as she may, I will never see the bait of bite at it.'" It you're a bébette who has been wondering how you would look with one of those severe, mannish cuts; if you arenit bobbed, but are saying to yourself, "Tobe or not to be?" let me give you a word of caution. Do not do in haste what you may repent of at leisure. 5 Chanel's shirred velvet cape. ; tres © 1% Nurses Graduate. The following 'nurses graduated at the Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, Srrriles abound. Mother' Doses of " that i os 8 "Pass the Kruschen, please" magi to] ofl coffee or tea -- you can't . heaith ge Jamal taste it, but it supplies your ' "Pass the Kruschen, Jleasds system with just the six sal -- at countless break fast|it requires to keep your tables throughout the country stream pure and your in these simple words are spoken | Organs Properly active. Under every morning, in just thelits gentle but persistent same casual tone as 'Pass the |influence the liverand kidneys salt" or "Pass the marma- orm their duties as Nature lade." ; tended them to 3 But _how full of meaning is the phrase! It means impurities and every member of the family has learnt to practise the}® joyous habit of the little daily dose which is the Habit of Health. : Put the Kruschen bottle your breakfast-table, and what it does for you and all family ; That tiny pinch you tip every morning into your cup tingling arating sense of fitness and joyful energy. : Do wou feel like that? Does your family? If not-- Put the bottle on thé breaks fast table! Jon Bee 4 L.yrtle F. McKendry, Kingston; Vera M. McKendry, Kingston; Ionie 1. Curran, Kingston: Myrtle I. Me- Gee, Stirling; Mabel V. Burkell, Oshawa; Ada BE. Clarke, Cobourg. NAINA NAINA NNN NINE NINN, Few promises are easily kept. Big - la*t week: Reta E. Varcoe, Rose- neath; Jessie M. Rowcliffe, Cobourg; Freda B. Langford, Niagars Falls; OPERATION LEFT ER VERY WEAK ells of Wonderful After Taking > ones are oftén forgotten. Log ~~ New Pattern Sets of * Fine Table Linen ~~ We have just received direct from the old country, five new designs in ex- _ tra fine Table Cloths with Napkins to