T0- DAY Senate May Kill More Measures--Japan Nervous Over Armament Race URGES GOVERNNENT ACTION I === == Ti HATCHER Hanis Gomienes PREPARED 70 INDEMNIFY. CI y INTERESTS OF STEEL COMPANY ove eee OF THE SENATE ees IN CASE OF AN INJUNCT the feature of the Opening day + s y 8 1 000,000 was held up in the House of Cape Breton Member Sees Disaster if Bond Interest Not Met in te mermenstan me it 3 [QO ET DPARY cones o e King an : FN x Queen. Miss Sport is owned 4 'nN ta By others ua Kingston Men Ready to Put Up $2.000 for Tourist Comp If July--Hon. R B. Bennett Presses for Supervision of bx Calmann's Tournesol third. + | ie : jured as the result of the three-day ie , penditures of the Montreal Harbor Commission. 3 Sixiesn ran, : overal storm in- Hiinols. Tourists™ 'Association ------------ . An official British statement says s by 8. L. Cottrill. C. M. Woolf's + ; : re) been better, : : a ral atalin was second, and M. M. % ' A dozen are dead, and a score in- tion Is Taken to Prevent Grant By the City Council---Lacal | i '2080000 0s X . : ! Ottawa, June 15--Pausing in the joying prosperity never known be-| 42930408 : the note to Russia was only a mild | The members of the local Tourists' | sided, and also present were Mayor : form of protest. Association are determined that | Angrove, L. T. Bes Bx-Ald. sh fo . fon, the House of | fare in their history." Ont . i ; PorD Sot. BrgFogRtia Discussion of the motion to ad- lo Lawn Tennis gh The steel industry is described as | Kingston will have a tourist camp |B. Chown, Staart Commons yesterday turned to the Journ proceeded till well into the ev- Championships Begin Q facing disaster. The issue was raised | this summer. They feel that it is a Nickle, James Minnes, J. 8 possible consequences if the Domin- fone when it was withdsawn. in the House of Commons. necessity, that this eity should not |W. Y. Mills, Dr. W. W. Bands fon Iron and Steel Company defauits Hi Toronto, June 15--After two post- The Supreme Court holds that] lag 'behind other cities and towns, |H. D. Wightman, + on its bond interest on July 1st. Fin- Montreal Harbor Commission. ponements on- account of rain, play t by peaceful picketing during a strike sf and will put forth every-effort pos- aang v Paccihly [lo an offence under the Criminal Code. | 5ible to get the camp under way at Solicitor's 0 TEPER P Feber lay MacDonald, Conservative of Cape Ottawa, June 15---Hon R. B. Ben- | got under way this morning in the City Ed. Hastings, balloonist, fell 4-/Lake Ontario Park as soon as pos-| At the opening of the meeting © Breton South, raised the issue on a |nett, pressed in the Houge of Com- Ontario lawn tennis championships {#¥! ve on the courts of the Toronto Tennis wenaefe No "| 000 feet when his parachute failed | sible. letter was read from City Club and the Toronto Canoe Club. ' | to open at Flint, Mich, His body was | In view of the fact that City Soli-|T. J. Rigney, in reply to a ental action in the circumstances, [the Montreal harbor commission. | The feature attraction of the day is 1 Bills. : terribly mangled. citor T. J. Rigney gave it as his opin- | munication sent to him by the "but urged thal something be done |The House in committee was dis- scheduled for this afternoon when hi oad Mr. and Mrs. VanDule of Villa|ion that it would be illegal for .the [ists' Asscelation, asking if it would to avoid disaster. cussing the bill to authorize a loan | Leroy Rennfe, present title holder, BE m---- Marie. were drowned on Sunday | City Council to provide the sum of [be legal for the City Council During the debate Hon. J. A. Robb {of $12,000,000 to the commission. [and Jack Boyes of Barrie, Northern | Ottawa, Jane 15.--Inquities in | when the'r motor plunged into the | $2,000 for the camp, or to make a|grant the Association the sum be minister of finance, outlined the re- | Progress was reported. Ontario champion, clash in the men's |[Ri8h quartéss in the Senate indicat-| Quinze river, sear Cobalt. grant of $2,000 to the Tourists' As-|$2.000 for the camp, Mr. quests: made to the Government by | Mr. Bennett spoke of a newspaper | open singles. es that in aiMdition to the old ago S---------- sociation to carry on the camp, the |8ave it as his opinion that it w the British Empire Steel Corpora- | report that election expenses had -------------- pensions bill, 'much of the legisla- a members of the Association, at a {be illegal for the Couneil to g tion of which the Dominion Iron and [been pajd out of the harbor com- : tion over which the House of Com- W R TH meeting held on Monday afternoon, [the money to the Association for ex. Stee] is a constituent company; for | mission funds. He intimated that ATTACK ON SENATE mons had labored in the past five = passed a resolution tq this effect: penditure outside the city, and | government assistance: on the third reading he might move _ [months may either go by the board 1 ¢ : Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, Conser- [an amendment to the bill providing entirely or else be subjected to vital ELECTED CHAIRMAN City Solicitor has given it as his op- | Council fo grant the -money to W M ADE BY A Ww NEILL amendments : inion that it would be illegal for the | TOUMIStS" Association to make such 3 ® 5 . ! 5 -- motion to adjourn. Mr. MacDonald | mons last night for the parliament- id nat advocate any specific govern- ary supervision of expenditures of = "That in view of the'fact that the [it would be equally illegal for vative leader, held that the fundam-|that the expenditure of the Montreal AS to tH dson' ental causes of the situation were: | Harbor Commission be subjected to vote the outloor ou ay Baltwar city council to grant the sum of §2,-|expenditupe. Mr. Rigney pointed out Tarift and transportation. He des-|an audit by auditors appointed by the: 'whole' ali # obscure, but on |g Kingston Township Oon«| 900 for the camp outside the corpor- (that there was nothing In the cribed the steel industry of Canada [Canada and also be subject to re-|VWWho. Condemns - Its Action ) or nosy are believed to servatives Who Met at |2Uon limits and in order that the |Municipal-Act to warrant such ap 48 struggling and staggering. Under view by the Public Accounts Com. Throwing Out Olid Age ol 806 Bot 4 roman * Work may go on, and the mrunicipa- expenditure, : ; our tariff, Mr. Meighen went on fif- | mittee of the House. : Pensi Bill tor the: Rural rods . favors e Cataraqul Mpnday. lity assume no 'financia responsthi- | Ald: Martin Said that he repre- teen percent of all produced by the| Hon. P. J. A. Cardin, Minister of sions . a Beard in. The - : lity, that twenty or more gentlemen |960ted 4 latge number of business three great steel companies of Can-| Marine, said the accounts both at mm Credits pod 51 a that Rural Mr. W. R. Aylesworth was elected | of the city are prepared tn {ndeninify {M0 in St. Lawrence Ward, and ada was sither imported free or had {Montreal and Vancouver. had been | Ottawa, June 15--The Senate was vineial activity and on ore OF Pro-| chairman of the Kingston Township |the city to the extent of $2,000, |B Was being continually asked A 89 percent rebate. "In these cir- {audited by the Dominion auditor. He | VIEOTOUSlY assailed in the House of there, That Ste BIN arvoy d be left| non gervative Association at the an-|should an injunction be issued dur- there bad been such a delay in tl , Sumstances." said Mr. Meighen, "we [promised consideration of the propos | COMMONS yesterday afternoon for its i : fo WAL Dass, even |, .; meeting held in the township | Ing the term of the agreement, an4 |oStablishment of the tourist pr » rejection of the old age pensions bill. |!0 an amended form is questionable, ball at Cataraqui on Monday night. | that further, {f there should be any|The members. of the this com shivering on the |ed amendment. Speaking on the bill, = of a precipice, while the great | Mr.' Cardin said the proposed loan |The attack was not part of any pro- or te 21 tha Senaty js. deal About twenty responded to the Profits from the camp, over ang |BOt ant to do anything ' companies of United States are en-|was for harbor improvements. gramme of Senate reform, but came for 'a revaluation of ole Ir TO as notice of the meeting which was call-| 8bove: the maintenance, that these | [eI that there must be Jig Em Z from Gi Neill: Independent em ment lands. This will go through, | ®J 0 reorganize the township In the | Profits should go to the credit of the [Meet all the obstacles, and get th PR a 3 $omox- an , = condem- | ut be amended. It is likely that |interests of the Conservative party. | gentlemen guaranteeing fhe money, |*™P under way. He would welcome stuff ruins the whole market." The (18d the senators for throwing out ; Mr. Anthony Rankin, M,L.A.. was|8hould they be called upon to n | SUgRestions, To Take Charge [ne Fors om) min' sund™sh 3 Sove"Shae" esti' 6" hae nti WE," ee hewn antl rat : oo the same was true of apples. "Good | Drought the question - before the . #1 the meeting simply dispatching the Special Meeting of 4 grove what impression the members ! 0 : e : matter, but where difference arise, This is the Proposition the Mayr of the Council had regarding Ontario apples are but & memory in| House in the hope that public opin- t Fa | business at hand. 'The opinion thar Britain now," hs said, "although in |}0on would crystallize and prevent a ar Ble be tha = there would be no provincial election | Agrove will put before 'a specigl matter. quality they are ahead of the output | FeDetition of such treatment of legis this year was expressed quite freely | Meeting of the City Ceuniell, to be | - in any other country." ation adoptsd 1 3: 245 alected repre. Do Et 1 od es. | Dut at the same tinie all were agreed |held on Wednesday night, Haya : Protect Quality Producers: Mr, as other [29R88. ont to ti : orn oan, voted the sim of ¥3 fens eatin. the Council had voted The Ontario Government, by grad: | speaker on {lie mats: - Pretsciug |,, Tie &men the Fight to de- be in readiness. | OxDente in installing the neces ses | (HAL there Bad been no 8 {ing everything ~ and stamping the | his remarks with the t thas tHACENES the s t bis own| Mc. Matthew Shannon, last year's| lavatory accommodation, water or |Lie Proposed lease had er op its brand of approval, [he perssunlly. wished thet the Senate |ISFRINS the terminal ot- ue own Mr Mastiew Shamon, 1a slection | PIy and other equipment for tha OTN PY Ald. Martin, the. before exporting. would protect the [had taken the opposite view of the [STEIN IR rer | oF ME. AT a Et ut har Tourists' tion [nia reported that. 'It. was ------ producer of quality from - the 'dis-| bill; 'he questioned Mr; Neil's mo. [S700 80d weight is being. vigorous. She'SRalr 20 Li. Se ran up against a ain vasiadiatian satisfactory, : i ¢ smptville, June 18.---Bdcourag- honest shipper. In order to lower | tives in bringing the question before a: -- as hen 1 wil for the position of chairman were | found that the City. Solicitor ruled _-- -- ge reve by. success in Dandiing a Sho sult of Barketing, gents vould the House. 4 come up on Wednesday. A like bill| Mr. Nelson McAdoo, M¢. John Silver, that It would be iliegal for the city it was not teers with on of the apple Sop year, be Nation in the iat ut ry to : was killed before and if the ma-| Mr. Matthew Shannon, Mr. C. J. Gra- | t0 rant the money. ? agreement drawn up, There Ontario. Government now aro- look asian Interests there, as 4 jority adheres to this attitude, it will | ham and Mr. W. E. Cordukes, None rot © motion to take the action al- been several omissions detrime ting Of practically ial) the mission, amontine to For on .|DIan d mot Be surprising. . Thole manet Soig. bes Taarent fo (ot mentioned was moved by Hi- lore' sys. A second lease d ng pr oally at} uistion, San ER hii The same thing applies to the re-| their names going before the meet- Ala. ércy- B, Chown, seconded by up had several omissions detri ' Butter nem. Ay 200 any the owen happened to follow the newed legislation amending the im-| ing however and Mr Aylesworth was| Stuart Crawford and was carried bY ito the street ratlway. However, there r else lil} out of the country {shipment across the Atlantic and Jjszation Act 15 way. 15 provent| unanimiously elected SSIPIEO M8 Jie 2 mous rere, : as Dow a leass. in existence that any oIaTped the farmers of visit the firm selling it : Dorn fo carortation of the British. | tests. Mr. James' Berry was. made join ae eociation ciation a (io would be satistactory to ail parties ume. . born for certain offences of a sedi-| secretary. e Guest Association of the Frovincs Eo Sinoocied. toe oof EE ira hating : Hous nature. The forecist is that] On motion of Mr. M. Shannon | Thousand Telands, and will appoint Narer Ansiots stated that. the ood. , ind exported w De or pei rofbartin. admitted. ad the Senate again will kill it. Sseonded by ate. x K- Purdy the hy 4 gin to this Association'at legality of the granting of the money ial Govern: A 4 ' 3 after. chairman of polls for last year were * for the been ues to uncement by Hon. [promised that action - would be . all re-elected. These were as follows: | The question of the establishment | tioned pig eon gl the City Martin at the Kemptville |taken : B X | il Poll 1, John Moldy; poll 2, H. Keyes; | of the tourist camp was discussed at | Council. John 8. Agricultural School here yesterday. i dleonsiug $he Bakers hd the Vessel poll 3, John Silver; poll 4, Walter | Some length, along with complaints It bad been charged that the The Government expects to make | Kemptville = Agricaltu School, |... Dalhousie, June 15. Dows Babeock: poll 5, Nelson McAdoo] ade about unnecessary delay in Mayor and some of the city officials nge i the new $7,000,- [Principal W. J. Bell stated that his --FPlelds noon, Monday: Dalyrymple . poll 6, Thomas Graham; poll 7, G.|S%hrting, the camp and many of the had been trying to block the ab. alee oy 0 rar A "You here 2 pm. Treevisa 3; Keywest 4;| Contained Bomb Redden: poli 8, John Youug; poll 9, | Misunderstandings were cleared "up. lishment of the camp, | but this His more. closely related to the farmer |MaPlehill 8; Hilda 7; Claremont s: il Alexander McAllister; poll 10,.John| The chairman, Ald. Martin, pre- | Worship strongly. dented. than any ather siass ws have,"ye Foote 1.30. win Hr py Pe Nar {8 present thn date 1s| To x _-- y $0 Popla. y 4.30; on € no date is ra 4) TR 435 Con 3. S|, lard | pil, "2 15,05 | STIRRED Up TROVE didate. i ' | : _ [voir 10. a er to take an interest in the Im In i 1 bound: Vin-| of Sending It * proved methods we are trying to : ical agricultural {demonstrate here. The farmer wil |MOunt, Saskatoon, Torlan, Glenealy, Da , ---------------- frien tu : Hartt, Royalite. '| Syracuse, N.Y., June 15--A pack- 0 bted the feasibility 'often take advice from you more : IL was evident that readily than he will from us." a - age that looked like a box of candy |. ; : y carried tragedy into a Syracuse home | A. J. Reynolds, Manager of the Bank 6f Commerce, Peterbore', re- DUALTUN ks | Sunday night. The package carried a plied on behalf of the assembled a APD ADD ham asd on being Space . Sspidded 10 BE TRANSFERRED bankers, ! 2 ; ; : ly injure rs. Arlene : ---------------- . Wun u Surin, 69, practical nurse. : ------ An interim supply bill' tor $15.- | | -- rE Tos £ vs. Curtis regained consciousness 534,000 was put through all stages | Ohargec Forge Fhe | lon& snoygh to accuse falsh Seager, in the House of Commons Monday ey COVES 7. of Homer. N.Y., of sending t H afternoon. The sum represents one-| | ; nh explosive, Seagc: was arrested early tweltth of the total general supply, : i es 3 be Syracuse police and beld on an Ee ck un |, Ibis said that Seager was a former eho Xisited Mes. 'Curtis tre.