TH ceteris SUMMER PRICES ON Foxes In Colors Red, Pointed, Robin Brown, Silver, Ha. Vana, 1aupe, 4 ite, Platinum an Black. Beautiful, fine, prime, fluffy skins. JOHN McKAY, Limited ------_, To everyone buying a thirty-five cent tube of Palmolive Shav- : oa; We give free of charge a genuine GILLETTE RAZOR blade, 11 POINT ANNE LADY. | FOUND DEAD IN BED il : el il Mrs. Dennis Caliaghan Former- il! ly of Deseronto--iome and | School Association. Callaghan, Point Anne, formerly a ii | resident of Deseronto, was found i! dead in bed yesterday morning, hav- | ing expired from an attack of heart { failure. She was 64 years of age and is survived by her husband, two sons 'and six daughters. She was a 'mem- ber of the Roman Catholic Church. The meeting of the Home and (School Association held on Friday, June 7th was very well attended. The routine business was gone through and the reports heard from the various committees. The four ses-saws have been repaired and four new balls and five bats purchased for the playgrounds, during the last month; these added to the other equipment together with the other athletic supplies afford plegty of of five dollars given to the room best representéd by mothers, was won by room III the prize to provide a treat for the pupils. 50 Bc & ; mer Comfort in inter inthe Nursery INTER comfort is necessary to the health Wp: Over.clad Wddies in and y h homes are i colds, ; You get the comfort and healthfulness of the 'right kind of heat from MeClary's Sunshine Fur. because the warm air is in the before it ascends to the rooms. omes, that will give you much interest. ing information about heating, fuel and the i proper installa. tion of furnaces 80 necessary in. the prob. The association will give the prizes in each ¢lase to the pupils obtaining the highest marks in their examina- tions. The prizes will be awarded the winners ag spon after the results are known. 2 Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Slate of Grind- stone Island and Mr, and Mrs. Huck of Rockport, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cronk on Sunday. Rev. R. J. Craig of Démorestville, called on friends in town on Monday. Rev. W. G. Richardson proached his farewell services on Sunday to a large and attentive congregations both morning and evening. With Mr, Richardson's departure the Church of the Redeemer loses a very faith- ful, earnest, energetic pastor and the good will of the entire populace fol- lows him and his family to their new home, In the evening Mrs. Marvin L. Rathbun delighted the congrega~ tion with his rendition of "There is a Green Hill Far Away." Miss Lulu Thompson of Napanee, spent the week-end with Miss Ruth Cronk. Cecil Wales of Napanes, spent the week-end in town, f Miss May Prickett has returned to her position of night superintendent in 'a Toronto Hospital, after a few holidays, with her sister, Mrs. Helen Webster. . Harry Gaffney, who was reliéving at the C.N.R. freight shed, left this morning to resume his duties at Ma- dawaska, Ont, The girls soft ball team have re- ceived their uniform. Mr. and Mrs. James Whitton are the proud posssessors of a new baby girl, * "Thomas Naylon is busy dverhaul ing the engine of his launch, : Miss Valeria Henderson returned home after visiting her cousin, Miss Ada Henderson, Belleville, for a few days. =» » The Messrs. A. G. Gledhill of Na- panee, W. G. Long, F. P. Hashek; Roy Gass of Toronto, E. C. Cowan of Kingston, Edward Bruyea of Tren- ton, B. F. Case of Pleton and Miss Irene Secker of Kingston are (callers In town. ¢ T. J. Warren Teft for Brockville this morning te resume his utiles. 8 (The results of the examinations for promotion to High School wese: Honors--Rebecca Smith, (gold me- dalist), medal donated By Catholic Women's League: Hammel Maedonal (silver medalist) medal donated by the Public School Board: Francis Brennan, Reggle Burnham, Bffie Clark, G. Culhane and 8, Thompson. Pass: M. Amey, K. Blackburn, C. Dunn, ¥. Fields, C. Francis, B. Har- sey, J. Normile, ©. Thompson, H. | Topping and V, Whitton, Miss Rebec- ca Smith and Master Hamme! Mac- donald will try for the county medal. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shrepnek are the Jroud parents of a newly born baby ea a Medical Westport, June) 15.--Mr. Deming | parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. BE. MoCann Miss Brown has Prone tia w: Deseronto, June 16---Mrs. Dennis |. pastime Tor the pupils. The reward | PICTON Picton, June 15.--Cyril G. Min aker of the Standard Bank has been transferred tp Cobourg. Rev. Joseph Mackenzie of To- ronto, pastor of the Keele Street Church of Christ is holding special services at West Lake, The Sons of England attended service in a body at the church of St, Mary Magdalene Sunday morping and made a fine showing. J. H. Porte went to Cherry Valley to-night te give his lecture on Pals estine. There was also a musical programme and refreshments. 3 Dr, and Mra, Lent have arrived with friends from South Bend, In- diana, to spend the summer at thejr enttags at Elm Grove Farm. Mrs. Howard Break and little son of Welland are with her ° mother, Mrs. G. M. Farrington, Main street east. : The engagement ie announced of Ada C. Douglass, R.N., and Ken- neth KE. Seath of 419 North street, New Bedford, Mass. Kenneth is an old Picton boy. Miss Agnes Kearse is making pre- parations to attend the Eucharistic Congress to be held at Chicago, June 20th-24th. Miss Kearse will be ac- companied by her cousin Miss Car- roll of Toronto, 'While in town for the graduation exercises, the Rotary Club of Belle- ville were the guests of R. J. David- «on. They enjoyed a game of golf during the afternoon. c Mrs. J. D. McLellan and Miss Hazel McLellan have gone to Ro chester to visit Mr. Darl McLellan. Keith Reynolds of Union Vale, who was operated on for appendi- citis in Prince Edward County Hos- pital a week ago, is making a very satisfactory recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beaumont were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Orville dley at Woodville on Sunday. rs, Emma Gorsline, Bethel is the guest of her sister, Mrs. . Russell Reed. Dr. ¥. T. Knight, Mrs. Knight and Donald were Sunday visitors wit Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rightmyer, Bethel. Frieols 'of Mr. James Inrig are pleased to see him back at bhisiness after an énforced idleness of sev- eral weeks owing to illness. Mrs. 8.°J. Bodrick has ' arrived om Texas to spend the summer with her danghter, Mrs. Lindley Calnan, also Mr. Boldrick's mother and sister, Mrs, Boldérick, Sr., and Mrs! (Dr) Whiteman, Mr, 8 J. Boldrick and son John left by motor for Picton on the same day and are expected-to arrive at a little later date, Mr. and Mrs. John Hazel, = Mr. Joseph Hazel and Mrs. Hattie Fox left on Monday on a two weeks' motor rip to London, Detroit and Grand Rapids, Michigan. ~~ RAIN A GREAT HELP 0 CROPS AT STELLA F ssed Hay Is Selling at $11 Per Ton at the Present Time. ig Stella, June 15.--The recent show= ers are very welcome, A number of the road sections are performing their statute Jabor. Edward McMul- 1én, Emerald, has been pressing hay at Robert Pilson's and W. T. Hill's, W. H. M. Wemp has been pressing a quantity for BE. A. Seott; $11 per ton, is the ruling price being paid by the buyers. ads Si Ernest Instant has opened up. a garage and repair shop on Bay street, AE -~ Stella. The steamer Glenn . Allan, of the Trenton-Mdntreal Line, called . at Stella, westbound, on Sunday morn- ing. - ¥. J. Brennan, Belleville, local dairy instructor for this district, paid his monthly visit 'to Emerald and Stella cheese factories . on he The Ladies' Guild of the Anglican church expect to hold a literary so- cial in Victoria hall on Friday even. SE : ns tC will be something novel WESTPORT PERSONALS. =f sens . ipa onind Ford W. Goodfellow Passed Queen's | McCann, of Selem, is Yhiting his Shaw's Qaily Store News ! 2,000 PATTERNS ~~ FREE ~- FREE! This Week . to ask for yours | 75¢ Silk Check Crepe 39c A real bargain is offered here in a material wonderfully adapted for Summer Dresses. In pretty shades of Orchid, Pumpkin, Peach and White. « All 36 inches wide. Reg. 75¢. yard. Thursday 39¢ Fine Ginghams . . . . . 18¢., 20c., 25¢., 30c., 35c. and 39c. yard. Rayon Crepes Broadcloths Summer Silks ted Voiles D. A. SHAW. Limi _THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Patterns in all sizes to make this pretty frock are available to you FREE at our Pattern Counter! Don't forget Parisian Shop as well as new. Mr. McCann, of the teaching staff of the 8.C.8., has heen taking a week's leave of absence. Congratulations are extended to Miss Ada O. Pringle, she being one of twenty to receive their certificates of LIVE STOUK MARKETS. - Toronto, Toronto, June 15.---Cattle, heavy beef steers, $8.26 to $9.25; butcher steers, good to choice, $8 to $8.15; }| fair to good, $7.50 to $8; commonito fair, $7 to $7.50; butcher heifers, good to choices, $8 to $8.80; fal to Fd 50 to $8; common, $7 to $750: butcher cows, good to choice, 6.26 to §7r fair to good, $5.25 to proficiency at Wellesley Hospital, To ronto, on Thursday last. George Beggs is repairing his rn. J. B, McFern, carpenter con- aétor, is doing the work. 8. G. Sutherland, Camp St. Louis; Stella Point, returned on Friday from Montreal, where he attended the an- nual Kiwanian convention. All who attended the excursion te the Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, are greatly pleased with the trip. A. Richards, Sr., is spending a few days in King- ston. Mrs. (Capt.) R. Thompson, Clevéland, is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. R. Glenn. Mrs. 8. Miller spent the week-end in the city. Irwin Tugwell has been re- pairing Harris Beaublen's barn on the 3rd concession. Mr. Tugwell has also 'been installing some lghtning rods on the island. James Kilpat- rick has returned home, after spend- ing a.few days I» Kingston and Pittsburgh. 'Mr. Corkill, LPS, paid a visit to the five schools here last week. i 4 DEATH OF AN INFANT. Sorrow in the Home of Mr. and Charleston, June 14.--Much sym- pathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelsey in the death of their infant daughter, Rita, aged five months, pital, Kingston, { who passed away at the General He vO Friday, where they iad taken her the day before. $6.25; canners dnd cutters, $3 to $4.50; butcher bulls, good, $5.50 to $6.50; fair, $5 to $5.50; bologna, $4.50 to $5; feeding steers, good, $6.75 to $7.25; fair, $6.25 to $6.75; sfockers, good, $5.50 to $6.25; fair, $5 to $5.50; calves, good to choice, $10.50 to $12.60; medium and heavy, $7 to $10; grassers, $5.50 to $6.50; milch cows, choice, $80 to $100; springers, choice, $90 to $110; hogs, select bacon, $17.01 to $17.28; thick smooths, $15.50 "to $15.75; lights, $14.50 to $14.75; heavies, $14 to $15.25; sows. $11 to $12.75; sheep, good light, $6.50 to $7.50; heavies and bucks, $5.50 to $6.50; culls, $4 to $5; good ewe lambs, $16 to $17; ducks, $15.50 to $16; culls, $14 to $15. Montreal, June 15.---Cattle, butch- | sarly sales native owes £96 to $6. er steers, choices, $8.50 to $8.75; | 50. good, $7.75 to $8.25; medium, $7 to $7.75; common, $6 $6.75; dutch- or heifers, good, $7 (o $8; medium, $6 to $6.75; common, $4.50 to $5.- 75; butehor cows, good, $6.50 to $7; medium, §4.50 to $56; canners, $2.75 to $3.25; cutters, $3.50 to $4; but- cher bulls, good, $6.25 to $6.50; common, $4.75 to $5.75; good veal, 38 to $11; medium, $7 to $7.50; common, $6 to $7; grass, $5 to $6; the general price for hogs was $16.- 25 with a top of $16.50 for one lot.. Heavies brought from $14.50 to 315.35, and sows from $11.25 to