ESTABLISHED 1859. JOHN MeKAY, Ltd. | Fine Canadian and European Furs 149-157 Brock Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada with one blade, STORE Branigar 8 Drug IND 268 Princess Street Phone 18 ® OL FowDERs NELIEYS TSE AESTLESS CONDI CONDITION BROUGHT, ON BY THE PRESENCE OF AND PESTORE THE OHILD TO'NORMAL HEALTH, Hl! was held in Picton Baptist Church on HH Special Prices on Summer Furniture 3 piece Suites, walnut finish, s Spring seat, _ backs upholstered in Tapestry. Worth $58.00, for ...... ............. $45.00 I-three-piece suite, large size, good qual- Chintz, auto seats, upholstered backs, 50.00 for ..............$42.00 1 three-piece Fibre Suite, fumed finish, auto seats, worth $70.00, for . ....$57.00 Odd Chairs and Rockers, worth $12.00 Hor 2x... . $9.00 : Porch and Veranda Clisirs and Rock- Camp Cots, Motcromes and Pillows. ROBT. J: REID Ambulance. Funeral Series "Phone 577. 4% ss ea Esa a -- e------ i PRINCE EDWARD [i WOMEN'S INSTITUTES' rent pm pgs w- | at | South Leeds District held its annual ll Hold District Convention il Pioton--The 1.0.D.E. Fete Manufacturing Furriers il on June 25. il Picton, June 16-- The annual con- ll| vention of the District Women's In- stitutes of Prince Edward county || Saturday. The district president, { Miss Filona Barker of Bloomfield oc- cupied the chair at both sessions. At the morning session the election of officers resulted as follows: Hon. Presidents, Mesdames W. R. Brown, Picton; W. A. Foster, Hillier; and 8. Edgar Mastin, Bloomfield; presi- dent, Miss Filona_ Barker, Bloom- field; vice-president, Mesdames Mor- ton Weese, Rednerville; Sanger Har- ris, Wellington; and D. 8. Jackson, Cherry Valley; . secretary-treasurer, Mrs. W. R. Munroe, Gilbert's Mills; recording secretary, Miss Annie Richards, Demorestville. Mrs. J. R. Brown, Bonar Law, re- presentative of Federal Districts, North, East and West Hastings, East % West Northumberland and PMhce Edward gave a short address followed by a few remarks from Mr. George A. Putnam, Toronto, super- intendent of Institutes, who express- ed his pleasure at being present and having an opportunity to address such a representative gathering of the most intelligent women of tne county. Adjournment was made for Juneh which was served in the din- ing hall of the church. At the afternoon session, reports were heard from the various Insti- tute branches throughout the coun- | ty, all of which showed very encour- | aging work being done. Demorest- t] ville led in community singing which was much enjoyed. The president thanked Mayor Newman in behalf of the Institutes for his help and co-op- | eration in providing a rest room for {| the ladies, to which the mayor made {| a suitable reply. She, also extended N thanks to Mr. McVannel, county ag- {| ricultural representative for his | hearty co-operation and assistance \ rendéred to the Institutes during the year. My. McVannel spoke briefly in reply. Mr. Gebrge A. Pulnam was then called upon and gave the ad- dress of the afternoon. Mr. Putnam | called the Institutes the "Mothers of i! Service." he urged the getting of every woman in the community as a mémber, The 20th centuty was made for women. He thought that women wére better managers than men and they could make a dollar go three i| times as far. He approvkd of the ed a Federation Institute \ donven- tion, Mrs. Lowe, the summer speaker, who has been giving addresses {| throughout the county, gave a ve pleasing message to the ladies. Mrs. M. BE. Knox, president, Picton, W.C. i T.U. spoke briefly, asking for the co- operation of the Womens' Institutes in the matter of conducting essay eontests on temperance, throughout { the county. » The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's Church are holding a food sale in the entrance to the Regent Theatre on Saturday, Canvassers are out soliciting do- gations for the I.O.D.E. fete to be held in the Picton Armouries the 25th of June. Miss Rous has returned to her home th Picton after a visit with lI! friends in Toronto. ; Mr, and Mrs. B. R. Leavens and {| Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hubbs sie on a motor trip to Montreal. Mr. Laverne Minaker of the Post {| Office staff spent Sunday at his home in,.Cressy, "Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walters of {| Scoharie spent Sunday with Mr. and | Wi} Mrs. Romani | Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Baker and son Morley were Sunday guests with Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Isteed, Christian street. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Storms spent Sunday with friends at Cressy. DESERONTO Deseronto, June 16-- A large crowd attended the progressive eu- chre party and dance at the parish | hall last night, Cards were played from 8 until 9.30 and dancing took place from 9.30 until midnight. The 's first prize by Mr. Mich- 'asl Naphin. Consolation prises were r WOMEN'S INSTITUTE SOUTH LEEDS ANNUAL. The Women's Institute of the {cen June 11th, at Newboro, where | about three hundred delegates and { members of the different branches | met to discuss their years work and | get ideas for the next year. The Dis- trict President, Mrs. R. G. Leggett, presided, and on the platform were ist vice-president, Mrs. J. F. 'Me | Guire, Westport, 2nd vice-president, { Mrs. E. A. Alford, Chaffey's Locks; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. W. J. Morris Delta, and secretary-treasurer; Mrs. E. H. Bolton, Portland. An exhibit of needle work done by the Delta Jr. branch and the work dofie by the girls of the Garment making club of Seeley's Bay were placed on either mired. 3 It was decided to hold the execu~ tive meeting in first week of Octo- MRS. E. H. BOLTON, PORTLAND The delegate from South Leeds" to Ottawa. ber in Elgin, when the officers might plan the extension of the work with their directors and appoint 'a committee to plan a programme for the annual in 1927. The afternoon was spent in hearing reports from the district officers and branch pre- sidents which shawed a splendid work done towards the uplift of their community. Mr. Neff, agricul- ture representative, spoke and gave a very concise réview of tha house- hold science judging contest held at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, and wished that each the contest this fall. Then followéd the election of of- ficers for ensuing year, which wére as follows: President, Mrs. R. G. Leggett, Newboro; 1st vice-presi- dent, Mrs. J. F. McGuire, Westport; TY | 8nd vies-president, Mrs. W. J. Mor- ris, Delta; 8rd 'vice-president, Mrs. HE. A. Alford, Chaffey's Locks; secre- tary treasurer, Mrs. Fred Atcheson, Philipsville; auditors, Mrs. Hilliard Davison and Mrs. Elliott, Philips ville; representative to Ottawa Con- vention, Mrs. E. H. Bolton, Port- land, Directors: Mrs. Charles Pawson, Morton; Mrs. F. Maples, Lyndhurst; Miss Ella Gilbert, Seeley's Bay; Miss Hattie Cochrane, Lansdowne; Mrs. Kenneth Brown, Crosby; Mrs. W. H. Fleming, Chatfey's Locks; Mrs. W. 8. Brakenridge, Westport; Mrs. Nixon, Portland; Miss M. H. Mec- side of the hall and were much ad- | branch of the district would enter" | gramme was rende son was presented with a beautiful) , | candle and made a | their hostess. The Sandie tinguished SHAW'S DAILY STORE NEWS PATTER all this week A FREE ALL THIS WEEK! 2,000 patterns are available FREE at our Pattern Counter, in all sizes, to make this dainty Child's Frock! ceived yours ? Have you re- FOR FRIDAY Scotch Ginghams at a Bargain Very fine Scotch Ginghams in a host of pretty Plaids, Stripes and Checks are e offer- ed at exceptional value, In Black and White, . Powder Blue, Canary, Cocoa, Orchid, Apple Green, Pumpkin, Helio and Fawn. Regular 39c., 45¢. and 50c. On sale Friday 35c yd. prices ! Sale OF SUMMER ERY Parisian Shop $22 BROCK STREET talk and showed us how the Insti- tutés might have balanced program- mes whereby they could help each | wonian in. the 'community and to plan their work by committee's and have a convener for each spéeial line. To study the laws of Ontario and health and to use the talent in their own community, also to have "A Get Together Meeting' in Sep- tember and discuss the needs of the school with each other. Her remarks were brought to a close by reciting Bdgar Guest's poem, "What Hcmes are Intended For." were. also given and much enjoyed. Vocal solo,' Miss Loreen Phelps, Delta; piano duet, Mrs. K. Brown and Mrs. B. Dowsett, Crosby; vocal A. | duet, Miss H. Davis and Miss Alfred, Chaffey' s Locks; plano duet, Mrs. W, H. Smith, and Miss M. Coon, Bigin: After usual votes of thanks, a very interesting and instructive annual was brought to a close by singing the national anthem. HONORED A LADY ON HER BIRTHDAY Mrs. ©. R. Allison, Adolphus~ town, Reached Her Eighty~ ninth Anniversary. Adolphustown, June 14.--A very pleasing event occurred at the home of Mrs. C. R. Allison, last Thursday afternoon, when the Ladies' Ald and & number of outside friends met thers Ta honor of her eighty-ninth birthday: A wery interesting pro- and Mrs. Alli- bouquet of carnations by the Society. At the ¢lose a dainty lunch was serv- ed. A birthday cake bearing candles was placed in front of Mrs. Allison, and as the president called their name the guests Jighted a day wish for were ex- Stainton. Mrs. | Allison Tes cake which was manner. She gave a most interesting dition soon, as a gang have been spreading gravel on the county road for some time, and work began this morning on the township roads. The executive of the Women's Institute met on Tuesday last and arranged the programme for the year. The departmental speaker will address the Institute at the home of Mrs. Russell Cousins, June 21st. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hayecock leave to-day to spend the summer in England. We wish them an enjoyable holiday and a safe return, The following musical numbers | fou DR. F. CAHOON DEAD / He Was a Physician at Bloomfield For Years. Bloomfield, June 16~-- Dr. Frank Cahoon, physician for upwards of thirty years here, died in Picton hos- pittal on Monday evéning, following an operation for appendicitis on Pri- day. Dr. Cahoon was in his sixty- year, a graduate of Toronto University in-medicine, and enjoyed the confidence and estéem of the community in which he labored. Dr. Cahoon wag a member of the United Chureh, of the Masonic Or- der, Canadian Order of Foresters and a Conservative. He is s ved by his wifé and four children al¥o a num- ber of brothers and sisters. "The funeral was held on Wednes- day from his late residence lo the United Church; intérment in Glen wood cemetery, Picton. The Masonic order officiated at the funeral. S-------------- DRAGOONS FOUGHT FIRE. *blaze which originated in the home of BE. Lynch, McGill street, here last evening. 'A trooper of the Prince of Wales Dragocns, in training camp near the scene of the conflagration confining the fire to the thre available last night. Everything in dainty, Sumnier Wash Goods here at lowest prevailing D. A. SHAW, Limited THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE | --Fancy Bands. Hats for Young Men and | | those of more mature years. yon endless Assortment awaits Come to this Office wis will fad a welcome, whether buying a, home or $108 -- Frame #2.000 Frame