F-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: 0 * W. Thompson, 100 King 'est, Teronte, EDWARDS AND THE TARIFF ON FARM PRODUCTS. F yesterday, a programme was is- "Jn this programme Dr. Ed- as follows: Pelieve in adjusting our tariff # to guarantee as far as possible Canadian farm, dairy snd gar- products will be used on Cana- tables and not the cheap sur- of foreign countries. Read the ites on the next page and judge for peelf whether the, King Govern- is giving you a sjuare deal." pn the mext page appear some | under the heading "See How Kidg Government Favors the jee Farmer." The figures are jn- to show that the King Gov- at is discriminating against of this Dominion. Of everyone knows that the King bas done more for the oe it attained power than ~Meighen Governments g their ten years of office. ally someone tries to . opposite and apparently ihe object of "he figures ou ould not pay any attention figures, except for the fact iy were reiterated by Dr. the principal speaker at the Dr. Manion, is one of the minds in the Conservative y. He 1s a hard tighter but ne, and one of the ablest vo- jers in Canada. Yet even r should be really a little lc when dealing with le below the figures given rards on his plenfc pro- The black figures in the mn wee not on the pro- but we add them for the -- x "than he did in 1921 under Meighen ghen, duty aid the King duty are 4 identically the same. We cannot say | BY W. L. créam was under Mr. Meighen, but by the news." Say "affected." according tb-the 1926 Canadian cus- | OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: says on the programme, but there is syllable. a gallon, On flour the Canadian duty undér Mr. Meighen was 25¢ a barrel. Under Mr. King it is 50 cents a bar- puzzle, quandary. We just mention these figures so that the people will know what tne actual facts are. We don't blame Dr. |{- an escort. "She was followed by trying to build up a case against the King Government. That's their busi- mess. But they are finding the go- ing awfully hard. The three hundred OF 80 people that heard them speak- ing yesterday, must haye realized that they were having a hard time, It is pretty difficult to arouse any enthusiasm against a government How is it. asks The Border Cities that two years ago reduced the price Star in a tone of regret, that flower of farm implements, and has this vandals never seem to pick a sprig year reduced the price of automo- of poison ivy by mistake? . biles, The King Government is in Power to stay for a good long while, | "Mdh was made when Nature was Y.M. C. A. Camp supplies the answer 10 the problem. There are about 50 million life insurance policy holders and 39 mil- lion savings depositors in the United States. the Board of Strategy, and if it does when she was a skillful mistress of much more by its economic and effi- her drt." Mere man, tack that up! cient methods, of administration to lower the cost of living and improve It we must take our choice be the position of both the farmer and | tween electric power and the artisan, there will be a very different | patural beauty of Niagara Falls, by story told in Ontario when the bal- | all means let us have the: sceaie lots are counted after the next elec- | beauty, tion. r -------- The Kitchener Record editor, after ; @ week-end jaunt, reports that the THE TROUBLES IN FRANCE. |... convenient spare parts which autoists should carry are a few ten- dollar bills where they can be got at handily. The frame 1s a source of great | trouble in France. It has caused tha | downfall of nine Briand ministries The coin is rated at 19¢ but to-day An A it is only worth Sc..M. Briand is | pier rien lustructon Jays the sticking to the job apd is seeking to the baby and change him into a bring about financial adjustments, good member of society." Every but he has a finicky peopld £0), oiner win want to know whose handle. The latest ministerial crisis baby he is talking about. has come about through M. Peret. SUS . minister of finance, resigning. He| 1, Lexington, KXy., Cleveland was not pleased over the attitude the | snelling sued for damages, alleging parliamentarians took in regard to| that he was injured by a bul, but his financial projects. This led t0| a jury upheld the contention of the the ministry etepping out. Briand] defense that the plaintiff had as: is now seeking to reconstitute his|gaulted the animal, which merely cabinet, to give it a mational com- protected itself. plexion, giving many groups in the : perl Chamber representation in it. "The A very massive chain of evidence endeavor is to re-establish the franc | is being forged to the effect that but it is hard to accomplish in the! parents will drive flivs that pro- face of the huge debt that the na- geny may. ride in limousines, and tion must meet. Briand was on|eat unbuttered bread that the chil. the way to effect a cure for the con-| dren may gorge like lords. How une ditions prevailing but the people | wise and how melancholy. lack patience and persietance and -- wi this causes trouble and alarm. If' A Fathers' Council, the purpose of Briand cannot succeed no other which is to mphasize the re- French leader can. The world will | sponsibilities of Fathers to children, watch with interest his final efforts. has been organizqd in London. Pers If success fs not attained there is| haps some day men will be. veally only one way out, ask the League of | ready to do their half of rearing Nations to handle their finances. as | children. has been so successfully dome in| ---- Austria. Following the defeat of the bill, ------------------ regarding old age pensions in the : Senate, the Toronto Globé avers th 'RADIO IS THE CAUSE? it the friends wih to make thar, 3 . evidently they will have to go inte The dull wet weathet that has the subject more deeply and seek fallen upon the world fs wow charged to awaken general. sympathy for Up against the radio and the wire-|) i. cause. : less. The strong radio activity the world over has, according to Paul The president of the National Painleve, minister of war in France Outer Wear Association at Mile and a foremost scientist, had a STONE wyuukee, Wis., : said 'manufacturers effect upon the weather generally. were now producing bathing suits He has put up what he considers a! op jug enough material to "get by" logical hypothesis in explaining that | (he sensors. Each year the suits be "if you introduce radiotelephonic | some less and Jess and fie is conning emissions into a tightly enclosed | yng question: "What is the bathing room where (he air is absolutely | suit coming $0"? Dissolution, may- transparent, in a moment little drops De. of water will begin to form on your|" - What has happened? The |, { ionized | 3 ® ¢ and electricized, and the invisible Quebec Viewpoint fog, found even im every home has ; . turned into water. You have made " rein in your own home. One, there-| L& Presse expresses itself in re- : {gard to Lord Willingdon in the fol« fore, can conclude that the multl lowing manner: Isting in théither just mow pro don as Governor-General of Canada duce the same effect upon the at-!;, officially confirmed. The depar- mosphere the result being the very/ture of Lord Byng will be sincerely beautiful month of June with rain regretted. He has won the respect ° d ; and esteem of all classes, thanks to the rare qualities that he has dis- and Dr. Edwards. ; : On every other item mentioned ex- : i cept 'milk, cream and-flour the Mel- what the Canadian duty on milk and WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: Don't say "he wis deeply effected toms tariff(it-is not now free as it § 0 10 yas in "rule," 0.as in "no," i as in "him," accent on first a Qugy at 12% ver cont guty, asalngt OFTEN MISSPELLED: eligible; ible. the American duty of 23%c¢ an SYNONYMS: difficulty, dilema, predicament, plight, perplexity, _ WORD STUDY:' "Use a word three times and it is yours." rel Let us Increase our vocabulary by mastering ohe word each day. g To-day's word: RETINUE; the attendants of a'person of rank; Edwards and Dr. Manion one bit for| despite the ill-timed m2noeuvres of but an apprentice, but woman tude of Sule waves x-| "che nomination of Lord Willing-| __THE DAILY BR GORDON pseudonym. - Pronounce su-do- hef retinue of servants." 7 . » jh other term being irrevocable, we have every reason to applaud the choice the British Government has made. The reputation that Lord Willingdon has made in the course of a particularly brilliant career fs guarantee of the wisdom of the choice of Lord Byng's successor. The new Governor-General, we .are sure, will continue in Canada the high traditiony of his distinguished predecessors, a long line of eminent men who have maintained so happily the prestige of the British Crown in eficaciously collaborating with our governments in establishing the grandeur of the Dominion." It has seldom happened that the appointment of a Governor-General has évoked so much spontaneous enthusiasm among French-Canadi- ans and Lord Willingdon will enter upon his term of office under the happiest auspices. News and Views. Opportunity. Walkerton Telescope: With the commencement season of school, col- lege and university at its height, thouearids of boys and girls through- out the country are confronted with that solémn problem of choosing a life career. Happily many of them have solved it or think they have. Perhaps the majority are in this fortunate group, hut many others are pondering deeply the vital ques- tion. Places to Breathe In. Boston Globe: High on the roll of teal friends of future generations will be those who provide in their own municipalities for open spaces, It is never too early to begin the campaign to set aside suitable land. The building boom which comes to a town is always a sign that action should be initiated without delay. As congestion increases every bit of public land, preserved in something like a state of mature, is en. insur- ance a health and sanity of 'those who must live herded toge tar from their mother--the earth. SE ---- 3 As Canada Moves Forward. London Advertiser: Whenever Canadians are inclined to be dis- couraged they should survey their history over a long perfod instead of & short one. Brief periods of dis- couragement are only little eddies in the great stream of progress. Read the Canada Year Book or Frank Yelgh's '5,000 Facts," and note the tremendous expansion singe 1867 in Area, population, railway mileage, farming, manifacturing, mining, do- mestic and foreign trade, banking, insurance and provision for . ednca- tion. The rate of progress varies from time to time, but we are now! apparently on the evé of an ers of remarkable prosperity. Stick To The Farm. Tara Leader: A little advice to 'bpys on the farm---the most inde- pendent Hfe on earth. The folks in the city may laugh at old Rube with his tall whiskers, from the sticks, but when he stops plowing and sow- ing, then they stop eating. He is the 'one that furnishes them with their telephone, hroadeasting, automobile, macadamized highway, rural dé- livery and electric lights have rob- 'bed the farm of its loneliness and desolation. Most of "the famous 'men of our land 'came from the farm. while 95 per cent. of our eriminals came from the cities. Our cities are great = whirlpools where [destiny hurls you on to make of you: a hero or a devil. " opment will be one of the greatest government. undertakings ever attempted by the breakfasts, dinnersand suppers. The | -------- h The proposed Colorado river devel: ANNOUNCEMENT . Conforming with the decision of the Domin- ion Government to repeal the 5% excise tax on all automobiles under $1200.00 | OR MORE IN CAN- oved from Ford cars retroactive to June 8th. By its repeal great- er savings are possible for the purchasers of Ford cars to the following extent: Runabout = $14.81 Runabout it... 17.81 Touring Car 15.56 Touring Car 31. 18.56 Sport Roadster 22.31 Coupe . 2344 ; Tudor Sedan 4.38 Fordor Sedan 26.63 (Commercial models have not been subject to excise tax.) Ta In the history of Canadian automobile indus- try there has never been a more favo, ducts. Your local dealer will be pleased to arrange convenient terms of purchase. See him to-day. \ ORD HOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LINFED FORD, ONTARIO PRODUCTS OF TRADITIONAL QUALITY \ Boni ee » Winter végetables from the Virgin Islands have been shipped success-. fully to New York this year, Beautify Your Hom? With New Pictures ag uiodind When decorating and re-ar< ranging your home, see us for few 'pictures. : ] Choice assortment of the very newest. ~ Artist supplies for sale. 287 PRINCESS STREET "Phone : Ht ineurance WIll PLY-TOX ta botties 0c and 756 ll TAN FLY SPRAY | and 78e, tins ...... 50c. ¢