La Li = rR Friday, June 18, 1926. sh a ig das a ; | THE BRITISH WHIG | triotism by any means. Patriotism | 7 | goes deeper than/ the flaunting of a {| oa : EE i ara ki Hag on every ocfasion. Yet one sees | i { cars which are ecked with flags. | : { They do not necessarily mean any- { thing. They flutter and wave in the | BY W. L. GORDON | wind but unless the person who dis- | x é : ; : S ' oN | plays them is imbued with a real WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: Don't say "the news had a seri- i { patriotic spirit ome might as well || ©OUS affect." Say "effect." 5 ! tie bunting of any color on the car. OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: prefix. Noun is accented on first : ) | . y | If American tourists feel that they syllable, verb on last syllable. A yo ; must. proclaim their nationality by | OFTEN MISSPELLED: descent. Note the sc. : : * < | the display of their national colors, | * SYNONYMS: pardon, acquitted. forgiveness, remission. absolu- the paper suggests, it would be a| tion, amnesty N > - 2 = iy simple act of courtésy for them to | : Ca " : 4 rg i} EH a buy a Union Jack when entering \ WORD STUDY: "Use a word three times and it is yours. i LS Ry | Canadian territory and display the Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. = emer x a iy two flags side by side. When ships | To-day's word: PERFIDIOUS; treacherous; faithless. "He was ® = i i eB enter foreign waters they pay similar in the power of the perfidious and cruel king." ) P respect/to the nation whose, waters [\ ! = J they enter. It is these little cours| : blisked Dai tesies, small in themselves, which go oo . ry A t omote interhational good feel THE BRIT SH WHIG PUBLISHING 0 pri I cfd men's Clubss have petitioned Uncle : : : ; } We are pleased to inform our many customers that our store is* « RU i ing. The li & plate of the tour-|Sam to so list it on his census re- Wa r mon ot ho corns ror oo They complain tnat house-|| INeths and Views. ; now completely altered and *. now opened after the fire sale with 5 a . Cm | complete, new stock of merchandise. e extend a cordial invitation | - ist indicates that he comes from the | turns. hi hm EPHONES United States. Waving the flag fs | wives ire booked as persons of "no Hooms . not patriotism and never will be. occupation." ' ry' : : : os aaial tO P : What they really are, for the most Bor ook] Limon: to you fo examine.our very fine stock, which includes imported, fash- ONTARIO'S FUR LAWS. part, 1s people of. "no remunerative away hack in the stone age people lonable dresses in th= season's new modes. - : occupation." Even in this city and {ried to get across the road ahead age when wives are criticized for be- | of the dinosaur. © oity cals : The Nort "Fr Trade, Win- a »" Or row Rep rei Untlsed Staten ie Bam Ah y ha ot after | 108 "bridge-playing Varasites, $heve Need of C ® s 3 ' : ro WN REPRESENTATIVES: | (he Ontario Game Department for its | #7¢ many who are family nurses, ne ge: \ 4 TORQNTO~F. W. Th . 100 KI . bakers, paper hang- Columbia State: A French pro- Span "%| system of allowing raw furs to be house cleaners, ba p tessor states that "living beings, in ; = S ial 5 | ; ped! : ' 95 ul West, Tirento. ! ers, nursemaids, governesses, social order to remain young, have need of | EARLY SPECIAL Mo. AL -- William J. Crowley, |x re » ported to another country or even names Street. x hostesses, cooks, maids, caterers, and change." He might have added that : » . - Misses' and Women's large sizes . . = s wear, choose ed Crepe Fugi Silk Dresses -- one piece : a Printed Crepe, s : Ee RS Ine, to another Province in Canada on "board dnd Toom.* ios Arun. 19| permit' probably origirassd in On-|27e paid with "board an 'o they need quite' a lot of change to while papa holds the pocketbook and fy in comfortably on this earth at frock: with a two piece effect, lovely Polka Dots, Tambourine « § with Sport and Tie Collars, long |, Prints, in all shades and sizes. ham-Fowers, Ine. doles out his nickels with a righteous | gy and short dleeves and skirts gath- Ten Ta Tri tarfo. Ontario, Indeed, seems to sitet sili od st | SPECIAL HOSIERY 8 ' 10 the Editor are publishes | Dave led the way in placing every only ove : air, ars. Kimona or long sleeves. the metual name of (he) pnoecible stumbling block in the way ! Peeping Tom. They are smartly trimmed with | Asa special attraction, we offer » in extracting every last cent pessible Fergus News-Record: It is sald piping, and "re in the season's pet | imported Hose of fine ° gauge 3 rouation of The British Whi in revenue from the fur trade con- EDITORIAL NOTES. that somebody is looking in win- shades: White, Powder Blue; | Chiffon. Extra Special. Cabaret Green and Coral. Sizes . ircuiations. ducted within its borders. The other - dows at night, possibly trying to find Spe cial Satur day "eee $5.95 * So + |Canadian provinces seem to have; A dollar saved by a miser means a|,,; now the young ladies entertain. : GUN FAILED TO GO OFF. been only too willing to follow On-| dollar squandered by bis heirs later | one householder asks us to request A big feature of the day will be Underwear, Bloomers, Step- ins, Pajamas and Slips--all reduced to 49 cents, Te tario's lead. They have found the on. that in future the intruder keep his Come early and get a set. If you wish a Frock for all time} g ue houtTeal Qusette Shiden 208 guy trade generally like "a poor To or Sin oa big Jeet Pigs pot the flower bed in om On things easy for the King | 498d soldier of the king'--without| The automoy ie fa ar thet otiew Blow, Government" by fts want of con-|POWer to lift a hand in its own 'de-| times the risk 0 5 ting ¢ Where Bad Eggs Go. fidence resolution on Tuesday last, |feBce: So it became the fashion, and | the railway trave oF Tune: New. York World: Eggs that are "The opposition, it says, had in}it Tomains ie lashes, to fz3 pose ho What's in a name? A man named | worthless so, far as food value goes, their possession a weapon of great|Sulations and impositions on the fur Damrich has just been sent to a poor- | are not'wasted by the large dealers, ¢ > ity of { t destructive force, the school ques-|irade without even the formal oe but are covered with kerosene after house in Kanses as a pauper being broken, treated with boric acid te of Alberta, but did not know | consulting the trade. 3 : h : How to handle the fssue and chiefly; No important fur centre has ever 5 le who profess to detest | 30d 80ld to tanneries for use in one | > | loped in Ontario nor ever ome peep of the first processes of making 'because the Conservative members | been developed in jazz will feel sonstrained to like it [OF Ee 'Ofst processes of makin "Shad no definite attitude upon this/can be under the present laws. No it 1s "symphon-} 23108 e shells are y question, Hence, when the Davis | person who buys furs in Ontario will | When they learn that it is "symp sfeves and the egg mixture is placed wesolution was introduced, it proved leave his goods there a moment long- | 140d Syncopation. ne FYSiug Sram with the raw An from whieh the charge jer than hg San help American i The Senate passed a bill restrict. had n extrac N ers refuse to e T - of fire- ' ing the sale and possession o The Gazette concludes that "there | Ontarip furs; it is too risky and com- i too : 3 ms. Canadian have been asking much fine artistry about|plicated. And too costly. The delay a it Mr. Bell Set the Pace : ng of this kind, and rather too in getting the goods out is too great. * ance uf De nd he | Suskotors, he pegvinge loses a staat Toronto people are complaining (Genevieve Sipact- Skinner in Van- LL + of the benefit of its fur trade. ; te in the cit: couver Sun h examples, with the result that " fixed scale of royalty charges in ofan wnplesspny Jas 8. a is - Some surprise is expressed by the water. Probably the sewag spectators who drift into the railway ve have seen," . | Ontario fs too high. The license fees sponsible! committes room in Ottaws, where hi 9 > . ' ee charged are ridiculous. 3 x the customs probe is taking place, en S$ Socks Children , A change should take place In the When water can be' used as auto|at the members smoking. Parla. ' : : 7 Ss ; administration of the department. It | fuel, as it is claimed in France, the | mentarians always smoke when in 3 = a Ga : : = # commis, mies ion commices Bf In Silk and Lisle, 29¢ PANTS TO MATCH y is time 1 hange unless the peo- le factories will crowd out : British Whig, of Kingston, |is time for a change Peo- { automoblle factories. » a. 22 he Whole: which wesns they are ets that "cut out the wmoises" | ple of Ontario wish to see their fur|all other industries. \ "Vin the : oR ae tech ; ; I become in time the slogan of a | business annihilated. 4 ; kr redid % ; Only a limited number to each i' campaign, and it recom- 2 "A dry May and a wét June 'makes Fry 4h ather 'morning a Nartw customer. . . 2 the farmer sing a merry tune," runs young lady seated among the that a start be made with 'WANT TO PREVENT CONFISCA-|the o}d saying.. So far this season, | spsctators watched Mr. Bell grace- or whistles and cracked church 4 : : : upon the theory that the TION. except that it is somewhat late, the Ruily uni pRiating a clgarette-- . : § ie ; then she calmly took out her own 1 er are unnecessary in this age : farmer should be happy. 1 , * ttle gold case, and lit a fag. That ; univ 'clock and watch, and | A referendum is to be held in Ger: -- 3 \ of the ersal clock a atch, an n the| Parliament 1s considering a law to | E8Ve the committee something to - le to decide o that bells which call to worship | Many, the peop ition oo dh toca 40, oe 3 + » confiscation to the state, wit ut | make it impossible for a retail drug- Shin Shout in add HOR ta the Blank ; ut, why step with shrill whistles | cOmpensation, of the properites form- | gist to sell narcotics without a writ- been used by John W. Grant, : HARRISON BUILDING. PRINCESS STREET pd unmusical bells? asks the Brock- | erly belonging to the Hohenzollerns|ten order from a doctor, dentist or : ' ay in 'Recorder and Times, which con- | 20d other German monarchial houses | veterinary. This is needed legisla- . ; : 5 a CUTE a and to"sell them for the benefit of | tion. , io ENR EN EERE ERE oe on the state. President Von Hinden- : : . 7 I or : E could add a howdred unneces- | burg has roused national feeling by| If. as 8 Greek professor says, one Quebec Viewpoint when the time comes for a new issue; In making thespresent demand there | est of the cottages for the '4 noise-makers that might be declaring, in a private letter, which | who drinks cow's milk develops the of postage stamps, the proposition |is no intention to create an agita-| "The Birches" was formerly, ated with equal benefit to the A been circulated, that he {s| mentality of a cow, we guess, says| LeDroit hints that the Quebec]! I8t Bas been made by Mr. Seguin, tion, as has already been alleged. It| home of Mr. and Mrs. Georgie ~ Leople do not need to sound | has . 3 ber for Assumption, that they | is simp) t ople « a member umption, that they simply a request for a reform that} Boldt and their two daughters, Man. Klaxons as often or as long 4s | agalnst the proposal regarding it as|the Hamilton Herald, that this pro- | Government might use the privilege { y fessor has been drinking the milk of | Of power export as a weapon to se- shall be bi-linguial. Thig proposition | is practical and reasonable. The | uellita and Louise Boldt, who now ( . has a double purpose; it is to show | Government surely will concede this live the year round in Santa Barbara, uently do. Despite by-laws | «y serious attack upon the very tpx- clire educational tights for Proues ihe practice except when ture of State rights, which is the the cocoanut. Canadians fn hs OF Teench- | espest for the constitution and pro- | demand, It expresses at once a sen-{ Calif, j vide stamps with' inscriptions that | timent which is quite natural and - otive Ww deepest foundation of respect for law : "Pre : : . mm Safety. Saeco om re artic and legal ackuowledgment of private| While the. Orillia Packet clalims | ler Tipohersay duds © | the citizens of Canads' can read in asks for an jmprovement from which - clamor. tor boats make | property, and a regrettable lack of | that "a beautiful girl paints her Son 10 tare To a. # vi - o> their own language. It is not a ques- | all will benefit," The KINGSTON CLCANERS clan WOUIE be the canane ciara cheeks from the outside," it is ¥lso the latter, Gs rid the andi tion of complicating the fdsue of ------ AND DYERS i was universally applied. Yon Hindenburg is a real mon-|true that if she eats the right kind minority in Ontario and we will al. | StAMDPS. It is quite possible, by limit- i - Clean anything cleaned || of the perpetual gramo-| : of 200d she tan paint them from the ing the inscriptions to what is strict- Cantields at "The Birches. C. COE & P the area-way, | archist at heart, loyal to the former , low you to take electric energy trom 1 toh ta hich | Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Canfield . + \ in the next flat with the | emperor, and would in an emerg-| inside, too. Quebec.' Also the Federal Govern-| J "CCSSArY, to have a stamp which | Chicago, who passed last summer || O™oss 8g Arsh Street. 'Phoue tod asiodiouy tier , mit should , shall be as much French as English. » ed last «| Call and deliver, too me 1 . ensy side with 'Wilhelm. It is true : t should refuse to. Alberta the! ' : at The Birches, one of the handsom- Ls --_ . he presi and the violin he has capably handled the Repub-| Statistician states that a paix, of | control of her~natural resources if ~---- - . - hands of the amateur fall lic, has ruled with exceptional abil | SUK Stockings weighing a quarter of | she will not guarantee the schoo! | we. am : T_T : a Se ri Tess PE0TY SF Hon: it a 'but he cannot forget his great |" Ounce contain 32 miles of thread. | rights of the French minority In that WEE y o - . cna: s lame hey | ity, cannot Under' these 'circumstances ff] Dovinee. Before there Is auy shir. WE TREAT YOU RIGHT ; sovereign, and his loyalty makes him . ing of i . RE : Tein shouldn't be difficult for the girls to| In& of natural resources, it i§ neces- ! ' : Gt | feel that the estates stil 101 ot the hoys on the strifg. o sary that the mationality should be ~ "= 1h --P AR : ou ple, who assured. It would be deplorable if ||| : ) -- po the use | the depbsed ruler. The . { were under the Yous gt tam, |. 4B am has be the present double opportwsity of : Hi : feel otherwise, and the probabilities uraham en made | rqnqering service to the mMoritias FULL COURSE DINNER, 55¢. " : chairman of the ninth International should be lost, for it may never oc- : CHICKEN are that the Nationalists will suc- aR! the Mal : Labor Conference at Geneva. The| cur again that the Provincial Gov- eumb before the onsiaaght of the So-| Co FL, "OW FUL A international : iatists and Communists who contrel |, legislation, desired in behalf of ' : seamen, sailors and sea workers in general. CLA wean