5 youthful, brave, shielded from the 83.00 from satisfactory. 1f the Hydro Commission has aw immediate supply of power in sight 'for Bastern On- tarfo it should say so definitely, Let us know where it is and what it will amount to. If, however, we are to be "jollied™ along with vague talk about the St. Lawrence develop- ment, which admittedly cannot be avellable for five years, and may not be available for ten, some aclion should be taken by the Eastern municipalities, to find out from the Hydro Commission whether or pot it cannot develop some of the smaller Basterf Ontario water powers. THE LONGER DAY. A barefooted boy.runs across the sun-flecked forest floor. It is vaca- tion time, a long sweet day in-the open. The boy pauses to look at a strange flower. It is strong, young, "| straight and colorful. He is lke it as he stands in the forest's shade; sun and from cares that wilt. It is June 21st and the longest day, but tomorrow will be as sunny, the forest as cool, the swimming hole as pleas- antly warm. A man breaks rocks in the noon- day heat. His shirt is discolored with sweat. It is June 21st and hot, time." in "unit," not as erin "her." tune. , BY W. L. GORDON a WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: Don't say "we had an awfully godd "Awtul" mearfs to imspire with awe or fear, ~. OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: OFTEN MISSPELLED: conceive; ef. SYNONYMS: disaster, catastrophe, calamity, mishap, misfor- WORD STUDY: "Use a word three fimés and it is yours." Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering ope word each day. To-day's word: IMPULSE: a mental force directly urging to action. "He acted upon the immediate impulses of his own wishes." - accurate, Pronounce the uw as EDITORIAL NOTES. Wear & maple leaf on Dominion Day. But don't pull: them off the trees. Buy them. Two-cent letter postage will de a welcome Dominion Day gift from the Dominjon Government. The longest day in the year is to- day. But there are sick folks' who think every day is a long dreary e. tim It was real news when a western paper in publishing about a wedding at Saskatoon sald among those pre- sent "were the bride and groom." the longest day of the year. But it ras a ; News and Views. Canada's Motto Border Cities Star: Nelson's bis- toric motto might be revised to read: "'Canada expects this day that every man will pay his duty." If We Only Do London. Echo: "If we only escape June frosts," remarked the farmer on the local market, "I look for the biggest harvest Ontario has nad in any time." That's reassuring. { Table Strategy Goderich Signal: An Bastern On- tario family came to grief through eating old headcheese, and the To- Printed Forms eliminate wast- ed time and wasted material. Does your firm use them? Dis- cuss the matter with your wy superintendent. The British Whig Commercial Printing Department specializes en factory forms and business * forms. Let Printed forms make 1 talk could move electric energy | ronto Telegram is making signs to is like any other. Tomorrow there ' aame of oR etreuiatisa tf The British Whig by the Audit Bureau of a NP atta. next will be more rocks to break, and the | day more, for ten perhaps to operate Eastern Ontario would long ere this have had an amply the restaurant waiters at Ottawa to pass the headcheéese to the Grit and Progressive members of parliament. supply: But talk is inspiring when it is followed by sturdy action. THE POWER SITUATION IN EASTERN ONTARIO, 5 There i§ no desire on the part of The British Whig to Fe unduly critical of the treatment which the tarfo Hydro Commission fs. ge- cording Eastern Ontario, but at the same time there is po our _eyes to® the that the present situation is far from satisfactory. The speech of Mr. C. A. Maguire of the Hydro Comniission- at ' the 'meeting in Brockville Friday night reads well, it promises nothing definite so as Eastern Ontario is con- cerned. > Whether any political promises were made or' not, when the con- tract for 230,000 horsepower was made by the Hydro Commission with the Gatineau Power Company, the ry natural assumption was that a portion of that new power 'be available. for Eastern On- and so far as Kingston was we. were lod to "believe it would immedigely snake supply of power for our . It was a great disappointment lgarn that this 230,000 horse: was to be taken direct to 0 for use in that eity and 'Ontario. Stern Ontario to-day is in the millating position of having prac- ly no power to offer to manu- fers. Mr. Maguire says in i "Go ahead and get indus 'We will supply yon with all power: you require" . That, rer, is not a proper position ra Ontario to be in. When ial committee of an Hast. . municipality Is negoti- manufacturers regarding factories it should be iif say "We have power," twenty years, until thé days merge into a maze of stone, and the swing- ing arm grows as mechanical and as bloodless as the arm of the steam crane that Jifts them for him to break. Where Luck Smiles Sarnia Canadian Observer: Luck smiles on those who take off their coats, put their shoulders to the wheel and plug away at the task. Fortune favbrs mem who are not afraid of dreary, irksome drudgery. Luck climbs no Everest. Luck transmutes no cataract into elec. tricity. Lueck is never a ladder from the earth of mediocrity to the heaven of achievement, Will Learn to Know Him Woodstock Sentinei-Review: Vis- count Willingdod, who is to sue teed Lord Byng as Governor-Gen- eral of Canada, fs not so well known in this COugtry as he fs In other parts of the pire, but Canadians will learn to know him and to appreciate Mm, for he bas 8 good record as an administrator. The task of Roverning Canada is ot Jory difficult for the repre- sentative of the King, however it are in not the slightest degree nar- may be for the loca) Politicians, | row or Tage this respect." and it is to be hoped that Viscount Willingdon witl ting : : At Cataragui Golf links a lot of . people are hitting the high spots on the turf, while trying to hit the pea. The experiences of the new. golfers are quite enjoyable to the verandah coffers. your business more efficient. o The British Whi Commercial Printing Department Phone 2614 ----- A girl sits at the piano. She has been playing, but the music stirred & dream within her, so she sits gaz- ing through the window that opens upon the fairyland of the future. Her dream now is her sweetheart, to- morrow it will be her husband, and then she will have a dream for her boy. It is June 21st the longest day, but her dream and life are longer. Alberta province is to have a stir- ring provincial campaign, Five dif- ferent parties are in activity. There are 185 candidates for sixty seats. The Brownlee section is the choice for first place. Tonight the beauty of Canada will be found at the Royal Military Col- lege at the gayest of festivals. And scores of seniors will look on and re- call the memories of long ago as the dancers glide before them. An old man, sitting in a deep chair, watches the long shadows melt into twilight. The noonday heat and the storms have passed, and the music from within has died away, It is the evening of June "21st, the longest day. THe air is sweet With a breeze that brings memories from the did swimming hole in the forest. - 4S its suffrage to the Conservative lead- or, but it is not free to refuse to give him a hearing, and the experience of Friday night last proves conclusive- ly that the people of this province . TUNE UP THE ELECTRIC FIXTURES before the summer visitors arrive. We have the most complete line in the city. Tie Saunders Electric Co. {¥ which develop in or fréquent such waste are even more dangerous than those which. frequent other filthy areas, = Eg All household refuse should be N | kept in airtight and watertight re- cuptacles having accurately titting lids not only to prevent the access of flies but of vermin as well. Hegry Ford had scientific reason for stating that America must either Prohibit the sale of drink or the Wee of the automobile. "As things stand at present there would appear to be no absolute safe-guard for the motor driver but total abstinence," he said. . 1 By Dr. Hugh 8. Cumming. 3 TT | Quebec Viewpoint | There are certain natural enemies of Tiles that deserve your considera tion dnd protection. Among these are lisards, toads, spiders, certain kigds of wasps and robber flies, all of whick devour files. The lizards and toads are particularly good fly catchers. The enemies of the larvae are much more successful in their in- roads. First place should de given to the birds, which' eagerly devour both the larval and adult forms. The scratching barnyard fowl is a worthy enemy and ceftain forms' of beéties and ants also feed on both larvae and pupae of nearly all var- letfes. On the whole, however, iho. nat enémies of the larval and adyit forms fail to affect an appre- cla reduction in the fly popula- tion. Also there are diseases of the fly tamily. "The most, successful method of ing a community of flies is to 15- titute and continue a campaign for that purpose. It is only by. the unit- ed efforts of all residents supple- mentéd dy the support of the health = department and civic organizations ip general, that progress in fly erad- ication is possible. The time of the year has an in- "HOW SHALL 1 BUDGET MY INCOME?" WANT CANALS DEVELOPED. The Trent canal stretohes far back into Central Ontario-but is not equip- ped and completed as it should be. The governments, of this and of 'evious days, have not been friend- ly; they have recognized-the plant was there and the only money re- quired to be spent was that to main- tain the properties ih safe condition. The Ridean canal is treated in the same way. Both the canals if made first class could handle lots of freight and passengers that now are handled otherwise. If the people living along the canals were to assert them- selves,\ put men in parliament te push their claims for canal service it could-be secured rather than sim- ply enough expenditure to keep the existing structures In repair and that repair of a very mediocre character" 'The canals should be mads thorough- ly efficient or else the waste of money cease and the canals filled "up and turned to other profitable uses. The Eucharistic Congress in Chi cago is a world event and is attended by great and small in Catholic clipe cles, Chicago as host to the eminent prelates and dignitaries is providing wide opportunity for ceremonies, to be witnessed by the tems of thous ands gathered from many lands. Teduy ------ P portant bearing on the success of such a movement, Ordinarily, fly era- dicative campaigns are instituted too late in the season to be effec- tive. When it is realized that even small amounts of garbage and oth- er waste mattér may serve for the development of countless larvae, the importance of the removal of these can be realized. If you live in the country you should know that the stable is the favorite breeding place for flies. Where it is impossible to properly protect refuse piles, treatment with certain vegetable and chemical pro- duets, with the idea of destroying both the eggs and larvae, is to be recommended. 3 It stable sweepings can neither be protected nor treatéd then frequent removal becomes necessary. It is "ecsential that the ma be re- moved at least every four days if fly breeding is to be prev d. The same applies to collections of refuse, organic waste, decaying vegetable matter and street sweepings. Next to the disposal of stable sweeplngs, the dispoal of sewage ! attention, as those flies --y a 4 La Patrie observes editorially that the recent Conservative rally in the Montreal! Forum furnishes the peo- ple of that ¢'sy with three surprises. "The first was that & political gathering at this time of the year could attract an audience which numbered, according to the return of the organisers; 9,400. The bec: ond surprise was that the Liberal organ, Lé Canada, should devote a | leading editorial to exhort 'our fel- loweitizens, especially the Liberals, to go and hear the Opposition lead- or.' the first time that the Liberal organ has shown {itself so gracious towards an adversary. "The third subject for surprise J that Mr. Meighen Shake for half ur rence! rmerly, like certain other Ene ep) poli- tcians, he has sometimes spoken several sentences in French and im- mediately proceeded to speak in Bng- lish; but on this oceasion Mr. M ghen delivered a whole speec French, and, except now and again | when he had, as it were, to search for a rebel word, or 4M: D. M. Kennedy, M.P.} is & man of fine attainments and he knows the right thing to do in view of Peace River riding developments. He will resign when the proper moment af rives, when the legal proceedings have terminated. But he will not be stampeded by the shouting of the Tory minority in parliament. ' The United Church, through a #all commisbion, will wisely con- sider the merits and demerits of the ! training given in Canadian sehodls and colleges and report a year hence. This will give the dif- ferent elements ample'time to pre. sent their claims and the system will be reviewed from all angles. It is well to learn all the Tacts befors promulgating a decision. \ Dr: Blisabeth Shortt, Ottawa, wife ° Memorials Before placing your order for specialty, 13 J. E. TELEPHONE 1417. Monuments stock. / REALLY THIS IS SENSELESS. We are extremists in many things. A little less food and ¢ little more exercise would do most of us a lot of good. But when we take up exerecls- {ing we generally go at it to strenu- ously, just as when we start dieting