THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG Wednesday, June 23, 1926. ( WOMEN EVERYWHERE" ARE TALKING ABOUT THE VALUES AT JACKSON-METIVIER'S My . ANNIVERSARY SALE} OPENS TOMORROW MORNING, Thursday, SHARP at 9 AM. Our 5th Anniversary--which commences to-morrow--will be the greatest of all the JACKSON-METIVIER Sales. Even the well-remembered Anniversary Sales of _prev- ious years have been surpassed in value-giving, as the examples, below will prove. - THURSDAY, JUNE 24 KDKA (809.1) Pittsburgh, Pa. 2.30 P.m.--Baseball scores every Balt hour. 8.20 p.m.--"Stockman - Farmer" - yeport. 5.30 p.m.--Dinner concert, Pitts burgh Athletic Association. 6.15 p.m.---Baseball scores. 7.30 p.m.--Jeflerson Memorial. . "8 pm. -- "Stockman - Farmer" news 8.30 p.m.-- Hall hour with famous eomposers--Love Songs of the World, by Richard Kounts and the Symphony Players. 9 p. m.--Concert by the Symphony _ Players and soprano. '10 p.m. Pittsburgh Post Programme, 1 SPECIAL ! 19 only SPECIAL ! Broadcloth and Ray- dance Unsurpassed in the City Sm-- WLW (422.3) Cincinnati, O. 12.05 p.m.--Organ concert. 12.30 p.m.--Health talk. 4 p.m.--Plano recital 7 pam.--Gibson orchestra, 7.30 p.m.--"Modern Photogra- 740 p.m.--Gibson programme. 10.03 p.m.--Doherty meloay boys. 11 p.m.--Latonia melody hoys 11.30 p.m.--Orchestra from Castle rm. # { 12.15 a.m.--Crosley Sky Terriers. x S---- -- WWJ (852.7) Detroit, Mich. 12.05 p.m.--Statler Orchestra. 8 p.m.--"News" Orchestra. § p.m.--Dinner concert. 7 p.m.--Concert from WEAF. - WOO (484) Davenport, 1a. 5.45 to 5.55 p.m.--Chimes con- "#to 6.15 p.m.--Musical Sramme. 7 to 8 p.m.--Eskimos. 8 to 9 p.m.--Silvertown Orchestra. 9 to 9.30 p'm.--Moline Plowboys. S---- WOCO (416.4) Minneapolis, Minn, 2.05 p.m.--Among the Musicians. 9 p.m.--Justrite Boys. 9.30 pm.-- Portal Players. pro- KYW (588) Chicago, Tl. : 11.06 p.m.--Congress luncheon concert. 12 noon--Hdison noonday con- cert. 4 ; 5 p.m.--The bedtime story. 5.30 p.m.--Congress dinner con- on Silk Dresses Here, indeed, 1s one of the out- standing Dress values of the present season. These beauti- ful dresses in Stripes, Checks and new Figured designs--Ilight or dark shades-- are sharply reduced for immediate clear- ance. -Bizes 36 to 44. Regular to $4.50. 4 » ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE $2.95 Values in Women's and Misses' Apparel A Surprisingly Low Price For Such Lovely SUITS * Tweed Suits, Tricotine, Poiret, Twills and Charmeen -- all fully lined. Every Buit a new style, man tailored and Summer Dresses offered at exactly half price. $15.00 ...........$ 7.50 $190.50 ... $25.00 ... ... ...312.50 $35.00 ... ... ...$17.50 $45.00 sid 1.8 OTB "ew ten 0+ - $22.50 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE ! SILK and WOOL GOLF Dresses To be worn for all ont-door occasions. In beautiful lightweight quality Silk and Wool, washes and wears ex- ceptionally well, Smartly tailored ih new 2-plece ef- fect sport styles, showing turned-back Fremch cuffs; two} pockets; box pleat skirts; high, low or tier 8s ATTRACTIVE STYLES FOR MANY OCCASIONS the beautiful colorings, and the fascinating variety of modes fea- tured in this selling will delight you. Every frock is of the correct styling and high quality for which you would expect to pay a much higher price. Choose from Voiles, Cotton Knits and Rayon Silks --straightlines and flares--long or short sleeves. Figured Voiles in Black and White, Sand and Navy, Yellow, Green, and may. other color combinations, Sizes 16 to 44. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE '4.95 Regular values \ to $1 0.00 The clever new styles, the fashionable fabrics, @ EXCEPTIONAL VALUE ! Lovely Silk Sport Dresses I Just the Frock for NOW ! Lovely styles for W and Misses. In beau quality Fuji Silk -- f, stitching --hand drawn ef. fect; high, low or te necks; long or short sleeves;. box or kick pleat skirts, Monogram pockets ~(mauve with white mono- gram; white, Bred | Mono POWDER BLUE, 6 p.m.--Evening American musie . hour. . * 7 pm.--Congress hotel studio. 9.30 p.m.--Edison classical con- WHITE and color combina tions, ANNIVERSARY SALR PRICE necks. COLORS: WHITE, CANARY, POWDER BLUE, ANNIVERSARY BALE B | G95 11 Lm =""Con, fval." P. ongress Carn val WIZ (455) WIY (405) New York. p.m. Pennsylvania Luncheon _P-m.-~Vanderbilt Orchestra. 80 p.m.--Judge Jr. 66 p.m--United Press sporting 0 p.m.--U, 8. Marine Band. _P.m.--Royal Salon Orchestra. D.m-----Swinee Dance Orches- "Kayser" SILK GLOVES WOMEN! Here is an opportunity to buy the famous "KAY. SER" Glove at a ridicu- lously low price. In plain style with two 'dome cuff; fancy and plain backs. Colors: White or Navy. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 2 for $1.00 1 (492) New York City to 12 noon ---- Musical pro- i; fisheries talk; "Mayfair 12 midnight--Musical pro- and talk; tea music; dinner Waldorf: mid-week hymp] Harvesters"; "'Cliquot ub Eskimos"; Silvertown Orches- "Buffalodians". (870.5) Schenectady, N.Y, L Music; Cornell talk, "Cool ( for Warm Days", * 6.30 p.m.--Babcork Lake Orches- Pm. --~WGY Orchestra. Pm, ---- Marine Band pro- 80 pim.--Royal Salon Orchestra. 30. p.m.--Organ recital by Ste- E. Bolsclair, : Voile or Mull lace or em broidery trim. SCARFS Figured Sun eons, Rey 85 | Beautiful Silk Dresses Youthful, becoming frocks for every informal occasion of a sume mer day. Cool, colorful and smartly styled in } HALF PRICE Litky indeed will be the Women and Misses who share in Donegal. Tw 'Velours, Tricotines, Charmachy elo. in nd aovelly Datterns. Coat a new oe. Splendidly ored and offered HALF PRICE. y REGULAR SALE PRICE REGULAR' SALE PRICE =. et White, Navy and White, Red, Navy, Sand, etc. Sizes 16 to 42, $15.00 v.08 780 $85.00 ++v- 0... $17.80 sual ae g Ps Regular to $25.00. 35.00 1LLL11 iam bnion 1. or 4a _. $9.95 | 1000 Pairs Pure Silk Hose : You can replenish your Hosiery : : FEmSStem ee se HELE Sa As 0 en VE A - a' a Black, also Wtite Silk Plated. $150, 0108 pom. --Sandman Circle. 8.30 p.m Peabody AR------------------ rr ------ ee ---------- TE -------------- There being no further business, the | George McAllister, work, $6.70; B. -feourt adjourned. Redden, work, $2.70; H. Muller, Aim mre -- Chay ' . 3 . £: y acct. 'salary, Leslie any anes 5 , SSeessor, postage, $5; Colin Woods, igi ha