and Furnishings Grey Flannel Trousers, price $4.50 to $6.50 Cream Flannel, price . Striped Flannel, price . . Cream Serge, price | siieys vinn3he30 .. $7.50 «+2... $6.00to0 $7.50 » Sweaters and Sweater Coats in all the lat- est designs. Price . . .$3.00 to $8.50 Tweed Knickers .. ..$4.00 to $7.50 213 Princess are almost as essential as cor rect lenses, because if the frame does not fit you comfortably, you do not get the best results from the lenses. Let us fit you with one of our all shell or shell lined frames, and be sure of a coms ortable fit. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, George | Van Horne * "Phone 362-w. Brick and Farm Tile » Price quotations gladly given. Shipped anywhere. GEORGE E. BAKER ARNPRIOR Artis si no ee Some disabilities, such as deaf. ness, are said to Ha associated the color of the eyes. with be J HP. L. Mason, ll] the system. if] the province would ever || municipalities look after the "| tween what the 10 BE RETAINED (Continued from Page 1) hair and after expressing his ap- | @ honor done Mm the Power It was moved by Mr, Harper and seconded by Mr. B. A. Rixon of that town. The Power . The discussion was opened by Mr. of Oshawa. Oshawa, on "the tag end of 'He did not think the municipalities in the eastern part of be treated the same as those in the west, until they adopted the same system of .dis- tribution. In Western Ontario, sald the speaker, the Hydro sells the power to the municipalities, and the distri bution. He though the governthent should write off the 'difference be- government paid for the power and what it wis appraised at. There was a differsnce of two million dollars. - This large amount, he thought should be charged against the whole province, rather than against the Eastern Ontario municipalities only. There was at present no stability to the system, he sald, was | he sald, and urged the executive to try and get better service. : . A. 8. Armstrong, of Peterboro, thought the first thing for the muni. cipalities to do that don't own thelr Systems, was to purchase them. Those that own them . in Western Ontario will soon have them paid tor stri tario If we can't offer them cheap power and point to ifs source. thought the meeting should go« on record In favor of the Gatineau Power line beitg tapped along the toute, so that Bastarn Ontario should be guaranteed power. The committee should put the' matter as as possible, sald Mr. Bishop, ties as needed. Mr.J M. Campbell also referred to the Brock¥ille meeting. He was Amused at a Hamilton gentleman who addressed the meeting and said that Western Ontario was also in- terested in the development of the St. Lawrence, because they had used up all their power there, and needed some from Basters Ontario. Mr, Campbell said that the contract with the International Paper Co., at the Gatineau was 'for 230,000 hp. It would be added fo from time to time, 45 there was practically a on 'horsepower available there, e did tapped further east than Oshawa, as the power at the Gatifeaw was being developed at 25 cyels while Eastern Ontario was working on 50 oyele. Mr. Metcalfe, redve of Deéseronto, thought it was time we sot busy in Eastérn Ontario. Western Ontario municipalities were Paying for their plaiits, and it would soon be hard fo compete with them in the matter Of rates, than it is at present. He thought the eastern municipalities would have to arranbe to take over and operate their own plants. The government woull'supbly the money if the municipalities would obligate themselves. The power question was the biggest question in Eastern Ontario to-day and he urged every municipality to get behind the and will be able to reduce rates. Scheme to get more power. He also creased at Smith's Falls. Mr. Murphy, of Smith's Falls, said he sometimes thought that that the municipalities .. that bought power from the Hydro Commission were in Rates In the better position. They were told the Rideau System would cost half a million. It has cort to-day over a million 'dollars. Smith's Falls has also .added on to them the deben- ture debt of the two plants that were taken ove. 'which was $135,000, In Smith's Falls the rates are changed by the Commission from year to year. The power users never know what théy will have to pay. - The speaker thought there must be somes thing. wrong with the books of the commission. The rate was originally $28 per horsepower. Then it was raised to $40 and the municipality has just received notice that next year it will be $60. The speaker also objected to the Hydro continu ally changing the system of billing. He believed there should be a uni- form system all over the province. There, was, he thought, no chance of any munfeipality in Eastern Ontarfo having as cheap power as Western : Ontario, because there was not the consumption. Something should be done to bring all the munieipalities in Ontario into 'one system and eq lize the rates. > d ---- Kingston Delegates Enter ' Mr. T. G: Bishop; President of the Kingston Board of Trade, felt that thers 'was no doubt but that the Hydro administration Was open to question, but the important ques. tion" was the larger one "What ars the prospects for power for tern Ontario?" He had listened last Fri. day night to an address by Commis- sioner Maguire of the Hydro Com. Mission in Brockville. The addrecs lasted one hour and ten minutes, during which time Mr. Maguire re- viewed the history of Hydro, told thought all Ontario municipalities should be out-on same basis. . : Mayor Graham, of Belleville, strongly backed up the previods Speakers. He thought Eastern On- fario should demand as much con- Sideration "as Western Ontario, but he did not think it would get it un- til the municipalities owned t own plants. In reply to a question Mr. Herity said there were only 12 how the. Commission had reduced rates and many more things, bui he carefully refrained from telling Bast ern Ontario why 230.000 horsepower from the Gatineau River wis being taken right past our doors to Te ronto and Hamilton. Mey. Maguire had told the meeting they shoura get] behind the St. Lawrence develop mént. If we have to wait for power lintil the St. Lawrence is develop- + #aid Mr. Bishop, I see no pro. pect for much development in Bast- ern Ontario during the next ten years. Mr. Maguire told Bastern Ontario to get the industries and then they would find them the Bishop said it was about ' 48 8 man opening a shoe with no shoes, and telling peo to come in when they wanted and tell him what they want got them for them. custoniers do you hink plants owned on the Trent system, An additional resolution was car- tied touching on the matter as fol- lows: Moved by H. W. Ackerman, of Belleville, and seconded by Charles E. Hanna WHEREAS the Provinge of On- tarfo has contracted for the delivery of an extensive development of power, covering a period of years, from the Province of Quebec; AND WHEREAS it has been an< nounced that the said power is to be transmitted by a direct line from the Gatineau River to the City ot Toronto; / AND WHEREAS the electric cur- rent that is generated and used in Eastern ' Ontario is of sixty-cycle frequency and that used" in-Toronto of only 25-cyele frequency; ; THEREFORE be it resolved that this convention of municipal repre. sentatives of Eastern Ontarfo re- quest and strongly urge the Hydro Electric Power Commission to re- serve a sufficient amount of power to fill the eléctric requirements of Bastern Ontario untit such time as the St. Liwrence power shall be made fully available. AND FURTHERMORE BE IT RE- SOLVED fhat request be a} made to have all purchases of power and all developments, fn of passing through Eastern Ontario, made on the sixty-cycle basis. her matters considered were the 8t. Lawrence Development, Improv- s ville, and seconded 'ham: AND RESOLVED ed Highways, Mail Order House tax- ation, Reforestration, Chicago Water Diversion and Railway Transporta- tion. The following resolutions, were Carried regarding them: Moved by Jamieson Bone, of Belle- by Mayor fra- that this canvention of the municipal Tépre- sentatives of Bastern Ontasfo express its. appreciation of 'the 'persistent efforts by the Government of Ontario Hydro Blectric Power'Commission to secure the development of power from the Bt. Lawrence River.--Car. ried. Moved by Mayor Graham, of Balle. ville, and seconded by Charles B. Hanna: AND VED that this convention of ubietyat representa- tives of Eastern Ontario express He | Bot think the power line could be" /BAY OF QUINTE | SOFTBALL LEAG {Opens at Napanee--Deseron Won First Game by ---- Napanee, June 23--The death oe- curred on Tuesday evening at 6.30 {Of Miss Mary A. Fretz of Richmond in her 85th year. Deceased had only been 1ll two days. She was a woman of wonderful Witality, being able to do her own house work up till the time of her death. She leaves one brother, Frank A. Frets, who was with her at the end. The funeral] will take place noon to Riverside cemetery. | On Monday morning the work of oiling the «trots was commenced. Practically all the streets in town are 10 be oiled, and Joha street paved: . 3 Mr. and Mrs. Little are in town for a tew days on their return from thelr honeymoon, snd are with Mrs, Little's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spencer. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Pollard return &d-on Tuesday afternoon fromr{Que- bec where hey attended' the press convention.' Dr. Franklyn Farnsworth who re- oently graduated at Toronto Univer- sity, is the guest of ir. and Mrs, G. W. dibbara, The many Napanee friends congratulate Dr. Farns. worth on his Success, he being the Son of Rev. and Mrs. Enos Farns. worth of Cannifton, and a former { minister in this district. On Tuesday afternoon a party of thirty-two farmers from Durham cduntry, travelling in a largé motor bus on a tour around Lake Ontdrlo made a $top at Napanee, where they were shown through the Milly Chick Hatchery before continuing their Journey east. On Friday evening the cheir of Grace. Churph gathered at the par. Sonage and presented Miss Kather. ifie Terrill, who is leaving shortly T parents for Pontypool, with an address Miss Terrill has been a faitnfy] member of Grace Church for the past five years. Immediately follow ing Miss Vera Chase, alto a member of the choir, who is -leaving for her new home in Lindsay, was Presented with an address and a purse. . Mrs. James 8, Dauglas attended the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario in Toronto last week, as the representa- ive of 'Queen 'of Sheba Lodge No. 54, On Wednesday evening of last week after the regular Prayer meet- ing in Grace Church, Rev. Mr. Ter- Fill, who has been pastor for the past five years, and who is leaving shortly for Pontypool, was Present- ed with an address and a substan- tial purse of gold by the members of his congregation. The 'address spoke in high terms of his work here and particularly about his pastoral work, of which no minister could have been more' fatihful' or success. ful. Mr. Terrill was also presented with a Chevrolet car by the members of his congregation. Mr. Terrill Rreaches his farewell sermon here on Sunday and the following Sun- day will occupy the pulpit in his new charge at Pontypool. Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Coone of Nanton, Alberta, aré visiting rela- tives in Napanee after an absence of ten years. Miss Diana Millar late yesterday to to spend the summer in Muskoka. Miss Helen Loyst who has been attending the Faculty of Education, Torpato, arrived home on Sunday. ---- Deseronto 16, Napanee 11, In the first league game 'of the ngw. Bay 'of Quinte girls' softball league, Deseronto defeated Napanee by the score of 16 to 11, The new league was officially op- ened by Mayor Dr. Meng, who piteh- ed the first ball. Reeve Mark P. Graham was at bat, while Rev. Tan- ton did the recelying duties behind the plate. Reeve Graham inglort. ously struck out, Dr. Meng's pitehing being of the "Walter Johnston" type and there was altogether too much speed on the ball. . It was a well played game and Té were several sparkling plays by on Thursday after |- y 4 & ; ii MS is indicated by the ever increasing demand, Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers Summer has come to stay, Are you ready to enjoy the great out-of. |A LITERARY TEA SPECIAL HAMMoO SWINGS, $25.00 COMPLETE, JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE, "Phouie 147 for Service. ed to arrive in town to-day to & couple of weeks holiday with friends. J. A. Bulloch left on Monday for Calgary to attend the Stampede' testivaties. While out west he will also visit his ranch at Pincher Creek 'and spend some time there. Mp. Bulloch has been asked to drive ons of the fourtin-hands pt the Stampede | in Calgary. ' WAS HELD AT STELLA Programme of Vocal and In- strumental Music Enjoyed by All Present. Stella, June 22.--The Women's| Cecil McIntyre was fortunate en- Auxiliary of .the Anglican church | ough to land a good sizeq maskin. held a literary tea In Victoria hall, | ONS & couple of days ago, on Friday evening last. Tt proved Mrs. Jack MacLellan and chile | where she dren, Montreal very suoccessfui and about $50 was + » realized. Numbered tickets were | Spend the summer season with her thér, Mrs. J. B. Mooney. ¥ sold to the gentlemen, and one had | MoO s H to find the lady holding a ticket with | - There will be a dance at the Canoe Bumber. cprresponding. A pro-| Club this Thureday evening, and af. gramme handed out containing | ter the lst the regular weekly dances twenty-four - questions, the answers |®tart. being something that could be eaten. It caused considerable amount of amusement. Three prizes were awarded for the nearest correct ans- wers. After the contest was closed and the prizes: given out, a pro- gramme of vocal and instrumental music and recitations were rendered. after which a dainty lunch WAS serv- ed hy the W.A. to all present. + A large quantity of Willow Dale ice cream was also disposed of. Work -on the new telephone line is going along quite brisx. Quite a number of men are at work digging holes. The first raft of poles arrived on Saturday, and are being drawn away. Messrs. Pike apd Perry, Jr., are engineering the work of con struction, They installed a number of instruments in the North Shore eirculdon Monday. It weather cor ditions are favorable, the line should be completed by August as Harlowe, June 22.--Crops & looking . real well and strawberries are beginning to ripen, with the pro- Specis of a good yield. W. Scott, who has been mn Some time, is very little better, and Mrs. T. Wood and Mrs, C. N. Batt are at J. : Miss T. Mills, of Fernleigh, and Claud Parks, of Harlowe, were units ed In marriage on Wednesday, the 16th, at the bride's home. The hap couple have the best wishes of the community, . thleen Gray, who has been Buffalo, N.Y, has turned homa to spend her holidays. Miss Nollie Whitenan, who has been working at Northbrook, is home, Mrs. J. White spent Friday at Mry R. Cuddy's. Oftentimes a man's sense of right and justice is governed by the par. value of the almighty dollar, . 3 working Mrs. Herman Willard, whi _under- went an operation for appendivitis, In the Kingston General Hospital re- cently, is making favorable progress towards recovery. Mrs. 8. L. Pringle and Mrs. George Bulsh are in poor Among those in the house fas Health at present. '| be found those who had were Ay Miss Dorothy Wemp, of the King- | acterizeq 28 "'easy spenders." ston General Hospital staff, spent a | we nn . few days recently at Alexander, . Reid's, Miss Ada Pritgle, of Wel. Work & ' dae weet Toronto, sien o ew | Jobbing Work a Specialty | ys with her parents, Mr, and 4 Mrs. 8 L. Pringle. Mrs. (Capt.) Brisk, Tlie rn -g, Joseph Saunders, returned fo Buf. ; on Friday. Mrs Janies Stevison left on Friday for will join her arrived last night to. wr