¢ A eson sét by the contractors who The world's greatest may "THE BAT" Attn indians. YEAR 98; No. 147. The KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1 0 VOTE YET REACHED IN COMMONS UPON CUSTOMS REPORT innipeg Labor Member Ku Klux Klan Declared To Stand For Law and rier, Nickle Is Told Mhorney-General Issues Statement Revealing That Assurance Given That Klan Officials _ Will Facilitate Capture of Law Breakers ™ Who Use Order to Further Own Ends. i Toronto, June 24.--~The pos- "sibility of gemeral investigation into the activities of the Ku Klux Klan in Ontario was practically removed to-day when Hon. W. PF. Nickle, Attorney "General of Ontario, issued 'a statement revealing that as- surance had been given him by Kian officials that the organiza. tion stood for law and order, and that they would use every effort to facilitate the capture of law breakers who used the Klan as un vehicle to further their own ends, _ Btrathroy, June 24.---At an open . of the Ku Klux Klan held in Lyceum Theatre here last even- ng, the King Kleagle for Ontario and the Imperial Commander of the Klan denied absolutely any responsi- f | the front window panes were wn out ofthe home of Mr. James erfand, Jr., who lives about two east of Brewer's Mills, on afternoow by a dynamite pre constructing the road from 0 @ to Seeley's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland were in stable milking at the time of the osion and had r six-ngonths- d baby with them. ay all recelv- d a considerable shock when the blast, which shatiered sixteen paaes of glass In their house, occurred. Another explosion from a charge set to blow out a big tree near Leo school house, on the same way, took down all ral telephone lines, Edward 'Bradden, wnship, were severely the rig in which they were struck by a m's. Corners Wed- np out of the buggy. to their home and worse for the aeci- ay. The horse was and - Municipal d judgment in against the Essex pn in connection 000 expenditure for ) plant at Ford. bility for the Barrie outrage against St. Mary's church. ; The Imperial Commander accused the newspapers of condemning the Klan without facts, and criticized the Toronto press severgly for what he termed the unfairness of their re- ports of the arrest of Skelly by Pro- vincial Inspector Miller. He also accused the Toronto press of refus- ing to publish the correct facts when placed before them. In conmection with the threat by Attorney-General Nickle to investi- gate Klan affairs, he said that (he Imperial officers had disclosed them fully in a three-hour conference and had convinced him the Klan was a lawful and law-abiding organization which was co-operating with tho authorities, and that the newspaper condemnation was unfounded on facts, The Attorney-General had also promised, he said, to give his assist- ence "to throttle this unfair news. paper condemnation." lesssssscsscssense + : GIRL DROWNED WHILE * + CASTING FISHING LINE + +> * + 4 Bt. Ann River, near her home # 4 when she slipped into the swift + # current while casting her fish- & + ing line, : + >» * CPP 000 00000000000 WIFE OF MISSIONARY VIOTIM OF BOXERiSM Details of How Mrs. W. E. Sibley Was Murdered In. China. Pekin, June 24.--Although offi- cially branded as the work of a madman, the details of murder of June 7th of Mrs. W. E. Sibley, wife of a Canadian United Church mis- sionary, at Junghsein, received here from Chungking, indicate that she was a vietim of Boxerism. Details received here to-day by mail say she was returning from a shopping tour in Chengtu when stopped by a coolie who felled her with a' blow in the face, planted his feet on her chest and severed her head with a big knife. Many Chinese witnessed the slaying, but noné interfered, and even the police permitted the, assail- ant to depart, the informant stated. When the murderer was later ar- rested and shot, someone produced a white-draped coffin for his body. Quebec Power Corporation Quebec, June 24--Franchises have been granted recently to the Que- bec Southérn Power Corporation's subsidiary by the towns of St. Mon- ique and St. Augustin. Extension of service to these communities now under way will produce several hun- dred new customers besides reach- ing into a rich and well populated district within nine or ten miles of the Island of Montreal. Toronto, Sune Th Miss May Clone dennan of the ers' Advoca Logdon, Ont., was elected 1 at today's session of the ) June 234.--Miss Cor. #| J | # 14 Brieve, aged twenty, of Ste. $1 [# Christine, was drowned in the president of the Canadian Women's Press Club a : of} E2000 00000000 + + GOVERNMENT MAJORITY OF 8 PREDICTED Ottawa, June 24--With one Progressive member . absent without a pair, and with the speaker's vote eliminated, the prospects are just now that the Governmefft will have a major- ity of three when the vote on the H. H. Stevens amendment to the customs committee's & report is taken. > J et bdb Prt Bane * * * + + + + +» + * + 3 PPP 200009%00000 BUD FISHER'S WIFE SEEKS SEPARATION Charges Cartoonist With Using Mutt and Jeff Tactics at Home. New York, June 24.-- The Countess de Beaumont, wife of H. C.. ("Bud") Fisher, the car- toonist, yesterday accused her husband of using the tactics typical of the characters of his cartoons in their domestic life-- namely, of striking her on the jaw and abusing her. She ask- ed the courts to grant her $10.- 000 counsel fees, $5,000 ex. penses, and $3,000 monthly ali- mony pending decision of a suit for separation. The two were married a year ago abdard the liner Leviathan. DIES AFTER LOSING HOME Tragedy Follows the Burning. of House and Barn Lindsay, June 24 -- A tragedy took place at the home of Charles Wood, Lutterworth Township, 'Hali- burton county, on Sunday, when, as a result of losing his home and barn by fire, his wife collapsed from the shock and passed away. The fire is of unknown origin. The frame house and barn were quickly consumed. Very little was saved and the loss is quite heavy. ssn, Hon. Dr. J. W, Edwards, Grand Master, Acquses the Government. Ottawa, June 24.--"Hands off Al- berta" was the declaration of the Hon, Dr, J. W. Bdwards, M.P., Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America, at its open- ing session yesterday He accused the King Government of emphasiz- ing and perpetuating the - wrong done by the Laurier Governmen* in 1905. He sald in part as follows: "There Is an old saying and a (rue one that, 'No question is ever set- tied until it is settled right.' That truth is again being impressed upon up by the trouble which has arisen over the return to-Alberta of its na- tural resources--the first false step having been taken in the special pri- vileges granted by the so-called Au- tonomy bills passed by the Laurier Government in '1906. "Most, if not all of the raclai and religious differences which have de- stroyed the peace and unity of this Dominjon have been forced upon us by those who have been influ- enced by party necessities and .po- litical expediency, rather than prin- ciple and the general welfare of our country. As a consequency, tion has been passed, w, of settling matters, left 'a rankling sensé of injustice in the minds of those who adhere to the time-honor- ed prineiple and Special Favors for None.' / "The Autonomy bills of 1905 were - | Cardinal Bonzano, th of 'Equal right for Al OVER 700,000 PEOPLE WERE AT THE MASS Celebrated Beside Lake by Legate of Pope Pius. CONGRESS CONCLUDES Under the Fairest of Skies and Amidst the Beautiful Set- tings of Nature. Mundelein, Ills., June 24--In na- ture's great sanctuary flooded by a brilliant sun and fringed with ver- dant trees and shrubs, the rites of the twenty-eighth international Eu- charistic Congress were celebrated today before a crowd estimated to number between 700,000 and 800,- 000 people. Before a huge altar canopied in silk and velvet, overlook- ing from the top of the grass car- peted hill, the two-mile sweep of St. Mary's Lake, Cardinal Bouzano, le- gate of Pope Pius XI.. celebrated solemn pontifical mass under the fairest skies of the Congress ses- sions. Deacons of hogor to Cardinal Bonzano were Rt. Rev. Mgr. Peter Queally and the Rt. Rev. Mgr. Jos. Schaulerman, Belleville, Illinois. The sermon was by Cardinal Patrick Hayes of New York. His Excellency Mgr. Pietro di Mario, Papal delegate to Canada, having assisted at various public and private functions in connection with the Bucharistic Congress leaves to- night for Ottawa, travelling by the International Limited on the Cana- dian National Railways, His Excel- lency had paid his respects to John, Papal Legate, and before leaving expressed himself in the highest terms regarding the magnificence; the immensity and the profound devotional aspect of the ; great religious gathering. ° Brick Must Be Marked. Ottawa, June 24.--The attention of Canadian brick manufacturers, especially those exporting to the United States, has been directed by thé Canadian Department of Mines to a recent order of the U.S. Treas- ury Department whereby, beginning September 1st, 1926, all brick im- ported into the United States must be 'marked individually to show the country of origin. SEARCH IS" CONTINUED IN DESOLATE COUNTRY For Abductors of Mrs. MoPher- son, But No Trace of House Found. Douglas, Ariz, June 24.---Search for the man and woman, who Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson, Los An- geles evangelist, says kidnapped her at Ocean Park, Cal, on May 185th, and held her captive in Mexico until she escaped on Tuesday, 'was cone through the desolate country south of the international boundary Mrs. McPherson, who was born fn "| Ingersoll, Ont., is in hospital here, where she was brought yesterday morning. . 4 Yesterday Mexican federal troops * land Cochiso county parties searched Cochiso county, announced after his % J. 8. WOODSWORTH Who moved the sub-amendment in House of Commons and threw wrench into Conservative amendment, ' HUGHES-JONES MARRIAGE. Girl--Ann Arbor Charges Dropped. Ottawa, June 24. -- Captain Leonard Hughes-Jones, former Brit- ish army officer, was married late yesterday an to Miss Arma Weds Ottawa Smillie, Ottawa society girl, only a few hours after peing released from custody on a fraud charge preferred by the sheriff of Ann Arbor, Mich. The wedding was to have been held at noon yesterday, but was ostponed owing to the arrest of aptain Hughes-Jones night, and his 'being held, without bail, on the authority of the Ann Arbor poliee. : A telegram was received by Chief of Police Alex Roos yesterday after- noon from Ann Arbor, informing him that proceedings against the Captain had been "dropped. The couple are taking a motor honey- moon to parts unknown. THREE HORSE RACES £95 Directum Murphy of Kingston Was First in the 2.20 Class. Lansdowne, June 24--The horse races held under the auspices of the Lansdowne Agricultural Society at the show grounds on Wednesday af- ternoon proved a great success. The attendance was large. The track was in first-class condition. It had been expected that there would be a baseball game, but the teams inter- ested did not get down to practice in time with the result that the game was called off a few days be- fore. . In the 2.20 ¢lass Directum Murphy owned by T. K. Nicholson, Kingston, walk first. Vardo Wilkes owned by Robert Shields, Lansdowne, took first money in the 2.30 class when he took a second and three firsts. Rex Hal, of Smith's Falls took second in the first heat, and then took three firsts entitling him to first money {fin the '2.50 class. 2.50 Class. Rex Hal, Craig, Smith's 'Falls. vita Dorothy H., Westport. oe. Margaret Penalty, Charles Randell, Napanee . . . : Goldie Diageo, 'L. Miller; = Toledo... . . oi Nettie 8., Dave Dempster, "Gananoque . . . . , St. Petre, David Forth, Forthton . ria was Robert Murphy, C, H. Ca- vanagh, Kingston . Penalty Pointer, J. Lowry, ; Kingston . . .-. . .. . Time--2.41%, 241%, 2.40%. vie awl B. Grant, 8 xxx 2.39%, "2.90 Class. Directum Murphy, "T. K. | Nicholson, Kingston . ... 111 Burden Prince," Hunter, "Smith's Fallls . . / 3212 Ripple. Audobene, B. Grant, ' aie 83:8 3 RTL Westport shel: Time--2.23%, 2.23%, 2.23%. "ow 230 Class. Vardo Wilkes, - Robert - y ] Sustyal » {Maud B.,. W. C. Loyst, : 1: fl sire ss ane 1228 t West Shields, Lansdowne. Frank M.. B. Grant POR nis esa BNE de G.. 'W. J. Gibson, Siena seal Tuesday' oves Sub-Amendment After Stormy Scenes 4 Effect of It Would, if Adopted, Eliminate the Stevens Censure Amendment---Conservative Leader Holds It Out of Order---Speaker Rules It In Order. 24.--Nine more hours of House debate on the customs report brought a sub- amendment to the Conservative amendment. The sub-amendment came from J. S. Woodsworth, Labor | member for Winnipeg, at the end of! a speech which was marked by more} stormy scenes than had beén wit-| nessed during the two days of the! debate. The effect of Mr. Woods: | worths' sub-amendment, if adopted, | would be to strike out from the Con- servative amendment all words fol lowing the preamble and to make other. amandments to the terms of the customs report. Chief among the recommendations of the sub-amendment are: That a judicial commission be ap- pointed to investigate the admini- stration of the customs department. That the name of R. R. Farrow, deputy minister of customs, be added to the list of those whose services should be disposed of. The sub-amendment also cuts out censure of, Hon. G. H. Boivin, Min- of Customs, and of the Gos ernment. Ottawa, June -------- The amendment to the amend- ment suggests three further recom- mendations. One deals with the clause of the report placing stric- ture on the conduct of Hon. Jacques Bureau, when Minister of Customs and Excise, The suggested addition to this clause is: "Your committee deplores the common practice as re- vealed -by the evidence of members of Parliament and others of ap- pealing to the Minister to relax reg- ulations of the department for per- sonal advantage or political expedi- tion." A further suggested recom- mendation would leave "administra tive duties" of the department to the executive offices of the department, whether goods were over or under $200 in value. Point of Order. When the sub-amendment was moved, Mr. Meighen, Consérvative leader, raised & point of order. He held that it was not an amendment to the amendment. within the mean- ing of the rules of the House, but that it was a new amendment. "It is only a device to get rid of the amendment" exclaimed Mr. Meighen. "If adopted] it will prevent the House from deciding on the amendment." Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice, argued that the subamend-) Suzanne and Her French Tennis Partner Defeated Wimbledon, Eng, June 24.-- Elizabeth Ryan and Mary J. Browne of California to-day defeated Bu. Lenglen and Didi Viasti o France in a thrilling three-set dou- bles struggle before 17,000 specta~ tors by 3-6, 9-7, 6-2, ment was in order. He urged that it presented an alternative to meet the views of those who did not fuel able to vote either for the original report or for the Conservative amendment. Arguments went back and forth between the two sides of the House. Eventually Speaker Lemiéux an- nounced that he would defer his de- cision until the House meets again at two o'clock this afternoon. A few minutes later the House adjourned. Vapéouver Member, Debite on the report of the cus- toms prébe- was resumed In the House yesterday afternoon by Dugald Donaghy: (Liberal-North Vancouver), who spoke briefly be- fore adjournment last Tuesday night. He spent much of his time in re- viewing the evidence taken by th committee to the end of disco 5 its refiection on the administration and refuting charges made by Hon. H. H. Stevens. . X Mr. Donaghy and Mr. Stevens were in several clashes throughout the afternoon. The Liberal member maintiined that one of Mr. Stevens - -1 host serious been removed" Bureeu's home, snd hele destroyed----had not been proved. attempted to make out a case Mr. Stevens on account of Mr. Bur eau's not having been invited to ap pear before 'the committee. Mr. Stevens' reply to this suggestion was that it 'had 'béen the unanimous de- cision of the committee not to £0 In- to personal matiers reflecting on Mr, Bureau referred to in the Duncan report. Mr. Stevens. stated that 00T tain parts of the report had been suppressed by the decision of the committee when i was read into the records as they were not considered to be of public interest, but since Mr. Donaghy now brought up the matter he asked that the whole re- part be tabled in the House. Mr. Donaghy spoke all afternoon on the amendment and continued his address in the evening, : -------- Sub-Amendment in Order, : Ottawa, June 24.---Speiker Le- misux in the House this a : ruled that the Woodsworth sub. amendment to the customs report was in order. This means that the vote will come first on the sub-amendment, The Speaker's ruling was received with Liberal cheers. Premier King im- mediately Tose fo continue the de ate. [soir ero | Ottawa, Sune 24.--Duriig the de- bate on the customs report, Mr, Boivin declared that some of