otters to the Editor sre published OVer ihe actunl name of the cireulation of The British Whig / Heated by the Audit Bureau of En eps HONOR WILL BE HEARTILY WELOOMED, ines, a Kipgstonians will be very much Pleased to have Lieutenant-Goveror Butt officially open the new Ri- u School, as it will likely be one of his last acts as His Majesty's re- © Presentative in the Province of On- i tarlo. It will be an added pleasure it is known that he is a real dover of children, a real friend of education and a man who has filled the office of Lieutenant-Governor With unwonted brilliance and con- uous ability. His Honor during term has not visited Kingston as as he has been invited and his mee on the coming occasion » We are sure, be fittingly rec- d, and In this military city he be received with all the honors is entitled to. It will be a gala in the city, and the last addition Kingston's splendid schools be opened with befitting cere- If the Minister of Education, H. Ferguson, Premier ot the . Bven if all his proposals been fully endorsed, he has 13 stimulated thought tionists generally. He welcomed in this educatipn- COURAGE GONE TO WASTE. Two Chicago/ caisson workers, laboring in a 100-foot shaft, began hte the rim of a bucket that was to ul them to street level. Clinging to the hoisting, cable with one hand, they slugged ch other fiercely. terrific-punch in the jaw; lost his hold and plunged to his death. The bucket, jerking violently, broke the bottom and was killed. Violent passion 4s. terrible thing. It stops at mothing. If it had not been for the utter uselessness and shame of this quarrel, there would have been a great 'magnificence in this red-blooded, he-man death strug- gle, But it was courage wasted. They were. "game," both of them, but Aheir fine contempt for death was ex- hibited in a u cause. WATCH FIRST TEETH. Seventy out of every 100 children {in the Chicdgo public schools be- tween the ages of five and seven years have decayed teeth. Ninety thousand out of 150,000 kindergar- ten and first grade pupils examined by health officials in Chicago in 1925 bad decayed teeth. The condition is one which requires immediate re- medial measures, not only in Chi- cago, but in every city in the coun- try. Defective teeth keep the school child from normal physical and men- tal growth. They cause unnecessary suffering and avoidable expense. Bad teeth are caused by. a lack of lime, which is 8 form of ealgium. Proper attention to the diet of the boy or girl will help remedy this. Do not wait to take action until tooth trouble begins in your chil- dren. Prevent it by giving atten- tion to the building of strong teeth. First teeth need the attention of dentists, experjence has taught. - A TRIBUTE TO THE BRITISH. A fine tribute to the British people was paid by Dr. Wise, Rabbi of the Free Synagogue, New York, at the Kiwanis convention. He said: "There is not a nationality, a re- ligion, a tongue, a race on earth, re- presentatives of which are not to be found within the British Common- wealth. Asa student of life and his- tory, I say to you that Great Britain has learned the problem of dealing justly with all its peoples. and faiths and races and tongues as no. other people have done up to this time." , COFFEE AND ROMANCE. Amorous swains of Haiti will be able to wed the luscious damozels of their several choices, all because the United States having been led to the trough of Haitian coffee, has been induced to drink. The American Chambér of Com. merce confirms this with 1 its report of the scheme of coffee planters of Haiti to deliver by parcel post in the Uni}- ed States sealed packets of hand-pick- to fight just as each of them stepped ! Finally one of them got a | other's grip and he, too, fell to the | YW, L. WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: she and 1." sense. : : OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: as in "it," not as in "mine." tern, copy, case. curved; hooked. marks peculiar to the race." \ > r : B Say "but her and me," as "but" is a preposition in this OFTEN MISSPELLED: inflammatory; two m's, SYNONYMS: example, illustration, instance, spécimen, pat- WORD STUDY: "Use a word thres times and it 18 yours." Let us Increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. To-day's word: ACQUILINE; belonging to or resembling an eagie: "His acquiline nose and piercing black eyes were DAILY B GORDON Don't say "no one was there but anti (prefix). Pronounce the I A Pa x in the fact that people mow are al- ways buying things they can't afford; yet not only are such things paid for, but bank savings and invest. ments increase steadily. EDITORIAL NOTES. And now for that most tasty fruit ----the home-grown strawberry. The Conservative board of strategy ought to know that the blunderbuss is an obsolete weapon. ------ It is estimated it costs $6,167 to rear a girl until she is 18 and $6,077 to bring up a boy, the difference re- presenting about the cost of four per manent waves. Rev. Dr. Solandt very properly urges that the Bible be given more attention in the home. "The Bible," he sald, "is the greatest safeguard of Canadian national life and it should be in the home." The Eastern Ontario Chamber of Commerce stands open for miember- ship for municipal councils, boards of trade, Kiwanis, Rotary and kin- dred societies. There should be a hearty response so that Eastern On- tario can pull all together for big things. De Witt Foster, M.P., who was read out of the Conservative party by Sir Robert Borden during the war, is attacking the King Govern- ment at Conservative picnics. It is to be hoped no one will be so un- tactful as to call him "the old war- horse," remarks the Toronto Star. ' Mem@ers of the French Parlia- mént have suggested that France settle her American debt by turning some of her colonies ovet to the United States. . The French govern- ment settles that question by an- i for nouncing that ft will not part with} aaa News and Views. Usually. - Nelson, B.C., News: Usually you can tell by the energy a man applies to a spade whether his mind is oec- cupied with vegetables or bait. The Girls. American Lumbermea, Chicago: An Baglish father says that girls cause less anxiety than boys. Maybe to their parents. ' Orime and Punishmen Nashville. American: Some of these days a wide-awake, intelligent American' commuhity somewhere or by punishing the criminals. for the Cream. Montreal Gazette: An American embargo against Canadian milk and cream is now said to be unlikely. Our neighbors might perhaps do without the milk, but it would be against all commercial procedent to réfrain from taking the cream. Should Be Advertised. Farmer's Advocate: A little ad- vertising would make buttermilk the most popular drink on this continent inside of five years. We ought to get away from that idea that butter- milk was made only for hogs and chickens, It's the best and safest drink for tourists on the whole list of beverages. ! As to Cadet h Milverton Bun: No one wants war, but that is not a reason 'for getting away from all forms of discipline, which are, indeed, necessary if a vigorous and rational manhood is to be developed in our schools. Neither should we sit down in a fool's pars- dies and declare that war is at an end because we wish it so. We should always be ready to police our shores should the invader attempt to aud. Shs 0 any of its colonial p that purpose. "But the fire that will be opened on the Government in dhe House will undoubtedly produce reverberations throughout the country." This is what the Toronto Mail and Empire expects as a result of the Customs Enquiry report. To be sure blank Wit and Hamor Fein, "I'l sever speak to Olga again. Bhe is mean! I bought a hat just Itke hers, and ** bougit a new os d gave the other to her cook !"--Kasper, Stockholm. other is going to try stopping crime ; brings real music into your home as does the Orthophonic Victrola Tae Orthophonic Victrola is a new musical discovery, exclusive to the Victor Company,~an in- strument of entirely new internal gn. If there had been an easier wa to bring Ort beauty into the home,~meaning the real music,--Victor would have chosen it, . oo % But there wasn't--and there isn't! The new - Orthophonic I ET honic musical * Great artists, famous bands, renowned y ---- Jiavers and entertainers ind can now cheer you at home with the tone range of the music complete from piping treble to booming bass. Complete--only by virtue of the Orthophonic principle. A demonstration,--at any "His Master's Voice" dealer is a revel- ation, Sound; Victrola i 31: she went and |, BUS CATA 1 asp WII commence April TUNE UP THE e Sunday, | _ 28th, leaving at 2 p.m, ELECTRIC FIXTURES | Godkin's Livery before the summer visitors arrive. We have [|e 316. Queen Sirest the most complete line in the city. The Saunders Electric Co. USE PLENTY OF WATER. I Ca ed, roasted and ground Haitian cof- | ¢artridges can make much noise but abundance of water, both in.|fee. "This will permit the poor peas. | éffect little damage. ¥ and externally, is a necessity | ants to indulge in the costly luxury hat Feather. Fodor bath 5 Bois maiueny," mys 1he chat lions of dollars on ifs inland water- sum nes, ve- | ber. : and aids In maintaining the! Thus does the H. C. L. affect dwel- | W278 Which are jeopardized by, the % V lors in less complex regions of the |8ctions of ome city seeking to s*ade how much water shonid be | ®ATth 83 Well as those fu the mael. [the costs of 8 proper Srafnags ge ; Candid Butcher, in hot weather d strom of cities. Come to think of it, posal system. It is an unfriendly "Are you sure there is no horse. ro Spends are there any uncomplex spots on |2ch tolerated so far by a friendiy n&- (neat fn this sausage 1" work pe! rmed, the atmos- earth left? * Please don't answer |'i08, but there is groudd for hope| "I can assure you thers is no meat pampsrature od olative glibly, "The South Sea Isles." They | that it will son be ended, at all thete 1"--Nagels Lustige Welt, In + Pleasantly | BUIblY, ies. n,! Should ve consumed in id t find parking space down there Chicago }s taking from ihe Great tn Bo hes. ! Lakes system water that belongs to But Not That Kind. . claim that the excessive -- Canada and the United States. It is Blink: Why wouldn't they ever Not by the Book. -- "Have you read your novel to any- Canada has spent hundreds of mil- [one 7" "No." "How did you get ° that oye 1"--~Pele Mele, Paris. black 167 PRINCESS | TELEPHONE 441. FORT GARRY CAFE . - Our Motto is Quality and Service. MAY WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF PLEASING YOU ? HAVE YOUR 'AFTERNOON TEA WITH US. EDWARD LEE, Proprietor 157 PRINCESS STREET. causing a loss of millions of dollars Jal. 34 editor take up a collection in in shipping. Cleveland, Detroit, Bul-] mia nx: Because he'd refect too The reason why the automotive in- | falo, Rochester, Oswego, Clayton, many contributions. Judge. dustry continues growing and pros- | Ogdensburg, Toronto, Kingston, -------- péring, and the automobile market |cott and a dozen other lake or river] Vision. continues to belie prophecies of "'sat- | ports are suffering a financial loss| First Climber: 1 saw Mrs. Blus- uration," Is explained by Lynn Me-|from this diversion of water. Who blood on the svende, How "as. ihe. bath every day, but |Ngughton, one of the leading manu-| cares? 1s Chicago's attitude. looking ? Lom Wag Whe, at frst, until your | raciurers, He finds an entirely new First Climber: Right past me. Hie necessary protective | goonomic law operating, confounding | Good roads will not stay good ua- Life. ; Too long exposure to the {ip 41g economists: less they got decent treatment at the When you ate not accus- "Barly prophecies as to th hands of those who use them. 4 is harmful. tent to which . people would ow Especially in the spring and fall of] "Did you have a successful se- the year are our highways subjected [ance ?" to indignities that entail a tremend-| a. We. hag the spirit of Napo- ! on n . ous expenditure . In repairs. Care 'C' 0" otk Know 1 taken by the travelling Dub} .oppy'yyeqium said: '1t ot le if the roads are to be preserved | nypoleon a Woven bry Naw and the sxpense of maintenance Kept poleon, don't rap' There was no within bounds. _ 'rap."--Haquella, Barcelons. ECONOMICS AND AUTOS. ee ret te er FLY TIME | USE | FLIT in tins ...50c. and 78¢. | FLY-TOX in bottles 50c and 780 - Jas. REDDEN & CO, PHONES 30 3nd. 090, 4 oo Th '