Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jun 1926, p. 8

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NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS | was poured at a table centred with, + t | Others earned a little extra money 5 Sa mauve phlox in a_ silver basket, by | Not . A W by working for their neighbors. ? Ji ¢s About Women INGSTON'S LEADING ie : LIF E'S. SOCIAL SIDE = |i sine hie ins | er aa mre ase | Il "eEauTY Panto i in Paris by an inspectress of the Min- istrf of Labor said that thers has is a visitor in town. The work jutle) . was in charge of Mrs. A. Whitfield, Berlin--ENsabeth Bergner, pop-|P¢en an enormous improvement in conditions since the war. i's Page Editor Phone 2613. | weeks with Dr. Sharpe's parents, Mr. | Mrs. D. Johnson 'and Mrs. C. 8. ular stage and screen .star who has Phone 857w. and Mrs, John B. Sharpe. Spooner presented at the candy t2- | wotused several Amerjean contracts, -- 8. 2... ble and the delicious home COOKIE | 30 a stuffed teddybear complex. A Bath-sMadame Sarah Grand, the Cadet Foulks, RM.C., is at his Miss Laura Allen, who was elected was sold b 4 , RM.C., h y Mrs. W. Harris, Mrs. dressing | Bovelist, has turned matchmaker. As in London. | secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Clark and Miss Annie Irwin. Mee. ToUURIES found Bef In HOR twenty | Mayoress of Bath many strange tasks | ; es . + Women's Press Club is a Queen's David Harris took the entrance fee. | of the dummy beasts in all sizes and [have fallen to her lot. A lonely eo ® | Billy Lyster left to-day to | graduate and a Toronto press wo- colors. ; farmer in Queensland, Australia, the owner of 20,000 acres of land, was oHda R I . | man. 88 holidays on Wo'te Island. man i. a globe TR pes ghd Be Bi Mad : . irer presenting her with a ed with a wife after Madame MARCEL WAVIN and Mrs. Willlam Kinch has Miss Belle Fee, trained nurse, of some adm - . oe NG 8 trom their wedding trip. |New York. is Dont ee The Editor Hears new specimen. Many of the teddy Sand imerviewen more than one . SAUCE WATER WAVING . 0 with her sister, Miss Rachel Fes, bears are made of real bear fur. undred applicants. HP i i 1d SHAMPOOING 'Annie Willard left tor Stella [Camden Bast, also her brother at| That the triennial meeting of the " " lon h I. imparts to the co HAIR BOBBING. to visit her parents for a few | Kingston General Hospital, \ | Canadian Women's Press Club held | London--"British, therefore best Constantinaple--The new Turkey t, ch d- : Ss , p P ith British [is witnessing the fall of another old meat, Cheese or san . 4s in Toronto was an unqualified suc-|1s Bot a popular slogan w & 34 a' another o i FRANK ROBBS manufacturers of women's hats. barrier between men and women. wiches such a e . o +» Rev. 8. J. M. Compton, England, | cess. The Canadian Pacific and Cana- "Paris" hats sold in |The partitions enclosing the women's 185 WELLINGTON STREET Fihur Clark and Miss Gibbs, ja form=c: minister of St. Andrew's dian National Railways carried the| Many of the "Paris de at Lu-|quarters, which h es i or . 1 wonderfully } "Phone 578-J. a. 'pending'the week-end | church, will arrive in Kingston this | delegates who came from the Atlan- mater Bath Cham- boats plying Sot Asiatic and appetising flavor. n. week and will be the guest of Prof. tic and the Pacific coasts to the meets > 3 4 y f Commerce is fathering a bili European shores, are to be knocked : as. and Mrs. W. Morgan, Barrie street. |ing and back to their homes again, | Pers © F. Archis Abernethy left this eh ., and their officials were unfatling in| !® Parliament ntbided > Jdenut? Gown, Misa and women passengers for New York to enter St. Miss Gladys Eveleigh, R.N.. of the | courtesies to the women writers of sll Britishamade Gy "origin of Will sit side by side henceforth. ® Hospital, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, who |the Dominion. Luncheon at the King tb SHEER oY i . ; - 5" pi goods sold in England canno ®| London--The latest housewarm- me IT: See us for all xis . has been enjoying three weeks' holi- | Edward Hotel were givén by both concealed. The British manufactur-{ing in which the King and Queen ! L er a a Suiyen 1 ars. a night and Miss Phyllis | days with friends in Prince Edward | railway companies to their guests, ers of women's hats are on the participated was the occasion of A % lald. Have your hardwood 4 4 street, left for Boston, county, has returned to Detroit. and after the delightful evening at wonid revent them | pry v . Gi i floors cleans ew Hart House on Thursday each mem-| [2mPage. » I ncess Victoria taking up her ma . Our mew four cleaning mae : Miss Phyllis Salisbury. St. Luke's | ber of the club was presented with a | [TOW representing their own Wares labode at "Coppins," Iver, Bucking- Ns in. t 1 ie : Paris-made. hampshire, when the Princess be- a a AS ~via Miss Georgla Purdy, Kensington | Hospital, Utica, N.Y., returned to- | big box of sweets (made in Canada) | ** z npeh Bn acu be "Nf ue, is spending a few weeks at |day, after spending a three week's [by the C.P.R. whose chief, the late London -- "Reasoaably" 2 ® ep gis ase 0 a a i tt EV iy 32 : : Springs, N.Y. vacation with her, parents,' Mr. and George Ham was affectionately Skirt: and exposed Decks and thr Bist time. 3 8, Oe neh the i PE GALLA GHER' » » * = Mrs. PF. J. Salisbury. known by every member as "The have an advocate in Sir Thoma) has taken is quite small and has 4 iss Austin, Barrie street, enter- ne. father of the Women's Press Club," | oi no president of the London Iyf-| noo ot ae ao 6d at tea this week for the Dean | The Watertown lady golfers tele- (and whose genial presence Was 80 giiiuse of Hygiene, othing abou 0 BUEE ¥ ; T PHONE Ontario and Mrs. W. W. Craig. | phoned to Kingston this morning much missed at the meeting this! "whan 1t first became tha Eraze | ReTSBID. ' Ye that on account of the weather they year, The Toronto Women's Press for the greater part of the neck to | eo ----_, SERVICE 960 : and Mrs. W. J. Crothers, Wil- | would postpone their visit to King-|Club made splendid hostesses, and| po exposed. mothers frequently com- , , a aw maved down to thelr |ston until Monday. the, City of Toronio gave a most de-| gyjted me before giving thelr daugh- AUNT HET : y + ANYWHERE » Fort Henry Cove this week. 80 lighttul outing to the Dominion mem-| taps permission to abandon high- Brick, Stone, Plastéring aud i C IN CITY . v0 Prof. and Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, | hors on Thursday when they were | necked gowns," said Sir Thomas. "As " Tile Setting ¥. W. Wright, Jlinton, was In| Queen's University, will leave on |taken over to the Island and enter. firet I doubted whether it 'was wise : DAY OR NIGHT recently with Rev, de Pencier | Tuesday for Prince Edward Island. tained at luncheon at the Royal| tor delicate girls who had repeatedly / Douglas & Mcllquham ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS Mrs, Wright, 8t. Luke's rectory. | They will be accompanied by Master | canadian Yacht Club. The Grange | been treated" for winter cough, to CONTRACTORS . 5» Charlie and Master Ian Campbell. was opened to the visitors and the | try such an experiment. But I soon |. 7 400 ALBERT STRE Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson {is en- N y ) ET wo a a 4 a pictures in Toronto's gallery and the | found that the new fashion banished q 'Phones 2207F--028W ning at tea this afternoon for Col. and Mrs. B. J. C. Schmidlin, singing and dancing of the Ukrain-| the winter cough and improved the AN od A boar that died recently in the Catherine ' Wright, of New Reval Military Collage; lott today ians, who wore their native dress,| general health of delicate girls." AN = Jondon 10 logieal Gardens was ' were greatly admired. On Priday Sir Thomas also believes that the \ > y n in the historic forest as . $i. 2 will spend some time with the lat. |. Canadian Steamship Company | growth of women's hair has been : a Ding The Te We Crecy, France, and had been adopt Prof. Alexander, Alice street, has | ter's sister, Ms, Javwrence Bogart. 155k the Club to Niagara Falls and | improved by cutting, and shorter =f Classified Page. ed as a mascot by the soldiers, for Vancouver. Mrs, Alexander | . : the Queen Victoria Parks Commis-| skirts have greatly improved health. rth = gone to England to visit her| Miss Christine Diack, who has sion gave the members of the party , ------ ? spent some. time in New York eultl- dinner at the Refectory were the Havana --- Women automobile Things we do and do well [ass., on Friday. . La vating her- beautiful voice, has re- illuminatfon of the falls was wit. drivers are so rare in Havana and Jessie Smith, Spdenham tuned ta town 2 > anh het PL. | nessed before the visitors returned to | the cities close to the capital that a : artments, will motor to Ta Hod tro te m. Wo do Diack, Al poronto. As well as at these pub-| minor accident in which a women . ; Monday and will visit 8 street. lic entertainments, the members of | driver is implicated deserves a front : : ons. * e page headline in H ? * . Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Cain, Frontenac Tie Sub vere Shiaraised mt en at with a a of Ars ASWEpapers "I pledged too much for missions. Henry Wilkinson, who has | street, will leave on Sunday for . i There are i tha but I had took a puff at a cigarette shutt and by Lady Willison, a form ess than a hundred| nephew left yesterday just to N ® in in Montreal with, her daughter, | Watertown, N.Y., to be among the registered women drivers 1 er president of the Toronto Club, at| res rivers in Havana, | what it was like an' my con- Charles McDonnough, returned | guests at the marriage of Miss with ] her charmi ome at Elmsley Place. only ome, Senorita Gonzalez, or y Muriel Ackerman to Mr. F, Drury, | er charming h at ey kc having 'a "chauffeur-mechanic" | Science was hurtin', * eo hich : a Gortra a Blackburn. and Mics which takes Place on Monday That In spite of the lack off license, entitling her to drive all oper, ville, spent a few| Lady Thornton, Miss Ante Thorn. | VArmth there is a wonderful beauty | classes of motor driyen vehicles. Can't Be Bothered. this week at the Y.W. | ton and Cadet Jim Thornton lett |About the country just now. The kn "You recently inherited money. trees are in full leaf, the wild roses| Paris--Even a well known fiyer | why not pay me what you owe me? + * Women's Fine Cotton and Crepe" Montreal on Wednesday for the Pa- are blooming by the roadside, buts |!!ke Miss Adrienge Bolland, whose| "I wouldn't lke peoplé to think Wa ee effte , 'where they sail for ; . , y 5, wn Coast, 'where they sail for the tercups and daisies show white and | **Pability Is guarantsed by her fight |¢hat inheriting money has changed Night Dresses -- nicely trimmed and » Greentees, Rutgers Col- | Fiji Islands to spend the summer, across the Cordill finds | , is visiting his par- | returning t _ [gold among the grass, ths osier dog- railieras, finds it Impos- | my habite,"--Vienna Die Muskete. ! i Jersey, is visiting his pa: g to Montreal in September. wood blooms in the swamps and the | ®1ble to get regular work as a pilot. well made, for $1.00 each. 4 and Mrs. R. F. Greenlees, PA AA niin na Mrs. Sheridan, who spent the win- | Ast clover scents the air and entices She has erators Spened a ba Men's N . se ter with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. [the bees with ité fragrance. To have or a, 4 1 ghter, Mrs A. (the bets with 8 fragrance, To have yiife Ho which Be Ya prevered 11 - en's No Button Athletic Style C. P. Constantine, the Com- | Rogers, Johnston street, left recently . . 3 t's Quarters, Royal Military [for Alexandria Bay to spend a few | Open road to all these delights fs the 10 desert ram time do Sms whenever | J Summer Combinations, at $1.00a suit, and 'her children, leave on | Weeks there with her daughters, the | happy state of ii of put Shtisens. ye 1 H for the seaside. Misses Sheridan, who were in town |Let all those who can enjoy the " . . 0.» for the ball and the closing of R.M.C. | beauty of early summer do 20. London--A demonstration of wo- : : atchway Underwear for Men, all Jeaac Allen and Miss Lois $s = -- Tor July sng Tihts with men fs set | Woman Suffered Nearly a Year. sizes, at ............. $1.50 a suit. 7 Victoria street, leave shortly | Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Mont-| That one of the lessons which y y . enty. women's or. | L E| s V. bPe and will spend some time | real, who is with Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. | those who have but recently entered fan mations have agreed to take part. | | Lydia E. Pinkham's egetable All th hades i Luxite Silk and France, Robertson, will spend the summer into power and place must learn| voles for 'women at the age of Compound Brought Her Health 'the new shades in Luxite Si wee inl the apartment in "The Welling-|is that courtesy to all those !Wenty-one and equal franchise qual- : in con. ifications at all ages will be the de- | Kenneth Johnston, M.A. of |ton" occupied by Mrs. F. E. Dench, | with whom they come . of Beloit College, Beloit, | who will léave for Ottawa on Tues- | tact is the marks of the gentlemen | Mands. "Supporters of the. move- N ~ : There is an old, | Ment are Emmeline Pankhurst, Lady ew Crepe Scarfs with Handker- d in Gananoque to spend | day and later go to Rice Lake. and gentlewoman. "holidays, "os : old motto used by those who trace Rhondda, Ellen Wilkinson, M.P., : has done 1 iefs ¢ h £ ove Miss Nancy and Miss Katharine | their ancestry to the days of the| Mrs. Flora Drummond, and Lady ; and inflamma. .}i chi 0 match, for .... . $1.25 set. ©. Gilbert, Odessa, is | Skinner, Montreal, arrived in town |crusaders. It is "poblesse oblige" | Astor, M.P, i ; © 8 week with her sister, [to-day to visit their aunt, Miss Nan | and means that the knight of noble -------- ; y ; - -- , "Robson and her daughter, | Skinner, King street. Later they lineage felt the obligation wpon him London----English women aviators I $ WwW N Linton & Co ochester, N.Y. will go to Tichborne to spend some (to be courteous to rich and poor | have won their fight to be placed on ® ° ° v9 ! © | Mme with their mother, Mrs. W.| alike. Kindly people have no need | 80 equal footing with men flyers. in \ THE. IRISH LINEN STORE 2 ! Mrs. H. D. Wightman, | Skinner at Camp Oconto. to learn this lesson: they are na-|ToEard to license. HereaMer, women a - - ee ture's noblemen, but those of a Jess | Pilots may quality for licenses per- who spent a few days in . : the King Edward, have| Mrs. George Millard, King street, | kindly disposition should endeavor |Mitting the carrying = of: passengers Cp gave a charmingly-arranged shower [to cultivate it if they wish to be| Tor profit, ending a twelve month . on Friday evening for Miss Flo Mil- considered "to the manner born." campaign led by Mrs. Sophia Eliott 'lard, who is a bride of next week. Lynn, first to receive an' 'amateur's About twenty friends of this popular Sha : | teense. ? girl brought gifts which were great- NOVEL PURSE A : 17 appreciated by her. : ~ 1" Deauville--Winitred Hudhut, di- ha - vorced wife of Rudolph Valentino, ae bie Dosihgd md Tate the . | will divide her time between making counts 'of various social events for] - movies and dancing at the Deauville publication in the social column. : Casino this summer. Miss Hudnut Such communications 'should be \ | and her mother have a home on the signed and the address of the sender \ Riviera where the former will rest given. Write or telephone to the before the season begins. Editor of the Woman's Page, Tele- ; 95) ; phone No. ns. . . . ; pL - ~Paris--Women of France are : a: drinking liquors more than formerly, .| Mr. and Mrs. John Quirt, King- h M. Marcel Labbe told the Academy rt oer IRA gg | of Muliine. The iscrasse was ds; r a a Ler, rene, scribed as not being limited '{to George Hubert CIiff, B.Sc, of y . me yer d Timmins, Ontario, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joniius Clif, R.R. No. 1, Portsmouth, marriage to take t y of July. piles Upgyatter part of uly. Stockings for ........ . $1.00 a pair. | Jere 1s nothing In this world. o, equal the PANA. wi . ~ TROPE, and we are in » position tion to prove it te you. i ------_--. ---- A -------------- ----,

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