hl STRONGER EVERY DAY OUR " Discount O Sale OFF ALL MEN'S AND BOYS' READY-TO-WEAR SUITS The response accorded this event is the best evidence that the men and young men "of this community appreciate a combina- tion of quality and low prices. Yes, we ex- 'pected many purchases, but they have ex- ceeded our expectations. COME IN FOR A LOOK. NGSTON'S " 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk 4s 80 warm and when cooking proves a real trial. have selected with great care a large variety of tasty, cooked (ready to serve). Note the following' FRESHLY SLICED * 70c.| Roast Leg of Pork, 1b. ,. . 830, 1b... ..85¢.| Cooked Ham, Ib. ........60c. ead--a combination of éntos, lo etc. .Lb. 40c. Beet, Ib. ........88¢. | CITY AND DISTRICT Every Tuesday Evening. | His wife, and ber mother, Mrs. A. K At Truesdall's Pavilion, Ivy Lee; Kirkpatrick, Toronto, are in Pem- six-piece orchestra. broke with him. Lost Articles at Library. To Visit at Napanee. x At the Public Library building] Mr. and Mrs. {Charles L. Burpee there are two umbrellas, two keys and daughter, Nancy, are guests of jand a tie, which may be had by the Mrs. Vrooman, Napanee, with whom owners by applying for them. they will, remain during the sum- : mer months; Mr. Burpee is en Spent Week-End Here. route to Cleveland, Ohio, where he Mr. and Mrs. William Charles and [has been appointed travelling par- two children of Dayton, Ohio, and |senger agent for the Canadian Pa- {Charles Carson of Winnipeg spent cific Raflway, the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. . Donnelly, Raglan Road. Deseronto Personals. A Mrs. D. Apering and children ar- Roads Were Good. rived to-day for their summer vaca- 8. J. Boldrick and son John, Denj- [tion at their cottage, Green Point. son, Texas, arrived in Picton on Fri-|- Miss Fay Young is home for the day afternoon having made the 1800 [summer vacation. mile motor trip from thers in eight| Miss F. Ready is the guest of her days. For the entire distance they |Parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ready, report the roads In excellent condi- {Mill street, for a few days. tion. Rev. Mr. Spence, Kingston, offici- ~ ated at both morning and 'evening To Be Tried for Murder. services at the Church of the Re- Arthur Moon, Belleville, in peni- |deemer on Sunday. tentiary serving a life sentence for ne manslaughter, if connection with Cheese Board Sales. the death of Clayton McWilliams, is Napanee 2,200 at 18c. to be tried in Belleville in November| Pictod, 1,327 at 18 5-16c. on the charge of the murder of| Danville, Que, 1,169 at 17%e. John C, McGie, Victoriaville, Que., 1,000 at 18%¢. Vankleek Hill, 1,000 at 17%ec. The Fishing Is Fine, Cornwall, 3,075 at 1 7%ec. The many tourists at Lake Opini-| St. Hyacinthe, 313 at 17%ec. con are enjoying good sport in fish- Brockville, 373 at 17%e. ing, which, report says, surpasses last London, 305 offered, 17%c. bid, season. Mr. and Mrs. C. Price-{ro sales, Green and family, Montreal, have Madoc, 400 at 18c. arrived at Chaffey's Locks to spend| Iroquois, 994 at 1 7%e. the summer in their cottage. { Dr. Lingwood to Resign. City Council To-night. | Dr. F. W. Lingwood, head 'of the The City Council is holding 2] department of classics at Malvern meeting to-night, to deal with. the/ Collegiate, Toronto, is tendering his request of the Board of. Education| resignation, and has stated his in- for $10,000, to carry on the work of | tention of retiring from the teach- alterations at Louise school, pend-! ing profession. Dr. Lingwood has had ing the sale of the old Rideau school, seventeen years' teaching experience and other matters on the slate. | with the board. He has expressed his -- i intention of leaving Toronto and A Monster Fish. taking up his residence in Lakefield, Kingstonians visiting Clayton, | Ont. Dr. Lingwood at one time was N.Y., had a view of a monster fish as | teacher in Kingston Collegiate In- well as 200 deep sea fish specimens. stitute. The, collection of curiosities is the only travelling museum. in the coun-| At The Police Court. try. The big fish, which is the fea-! One lone and lonely drunk was ture of the collection, is forty-five| the only offender in the Blue Mon- feet long. |, day morning session of the Police Court and although Constable Me- Engagement Announced. Williams, who made the arrest, stat- Mr. Dunlop Kells, Carleton Place od that the accused was not only un- announces the engagement of his| dersthe influence of liquor, but also sister, Edith Isabel, Carleton Place f had a cargo of "canned heat" on to Mr. Hugh George McClelland, Ot-| his person, the party chargel very tawa, the marriage to take place at boldly declared that he was "Not the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. guilty." After Constable McWilliams Burgess, Carleton Place, on June, gave evidende against him, the ac- 29th. cused was 'remanded for a day when further evidence will be Convicted at Niagara Falls. given. Albert H. Pollard, Kingston, was| _ len Le sentenced in Niagara Falls police : ; court to not less than three and not AL th Gave Parting Gifts. more than six months in the On: t the close of the midyweek ser- vice in the United Church, New- tario Réformatory on being convict- burgh, the Misses Gandier were pre- ed of a serious charge. Pollard has al sented with the loving = wishes of Wife 25d a small son 1n Kingston. their many friends and dainty boxes containing gold coins. Mrs. T. A. Sang in St. Andrew's. 'Miss Catharine Wright, contralto Dunwoody 2 her wh happy style, soloist, was heard with pleasure on/| 200Tess © Misses Gandier on be- Sunday at both services, In the| Naif of the friends of the United morning she took the solo in the| Church, and Mrs. Quail and Mrs. anthem, "I Have Sought the Lord" Lucas Bresented the gifts. Mrs. Dun- (Stevenson), and in the evening she| ¥O00OY reva the years of pleas- sang "Sheep and Lambs" (Sydney ant associations with the members Holmes) of the Gandier family, the years of g services given by the late Rev. and Mrs. Gandier, and while regretting Plumbers-Bankers Game. the closing of the home and the Something real interesting is prom- . ised to the baseball fans of the city Banting hs a dea Trends, this evening when the Mercantilers belong to us" §{and Plumbers meet at the Cricke: Field, There are several features to Will bo plenty to 26s. THe programme LEARNING T0 SWIM of the game has been kept secret and EERE CY NCL POOL Retouching Portraits. A special meeting of the eivic ' property committee was called for On First Day of Campaign 125 this afternoon, to meet Mr. J. Loxton Boys Lined Up for In- Rawbon, of Toronto, in connection LE struction. with the retouching of the por- sraks of tr dong 4. Maciionald gi "Hey! Skinnay. come of nthe that dt ia? Soa ASpIman B| water's fine!" "Gee, 1 wish I could Memorial Hall. Some time ago, the swim like that guy." "Say Bill it's council decided to do the work on time you came to the "Y* for = the portrait of Sir John Macdonald. wash." ] It was a squirming noisy group of re ual, «| boys that lined up in front of the Sans i EL anc s3 OB bo| Y'M-C.A. on Monday morning. wait- a he BY oo) Stat gh ing for the doors to open, for it was & the first day of the annual ' free board has made the following ap- swimming campaign. conducted by Bamber, Bed. Toronte : specialiot| tit institution, for the benefit of 2 : the boys of the city. Leecal sclioo! since 2 agriculture; Missi. hors co-operated in gefting boys bind gras Hana ieryars, 10 Tegister. and 125 boys wore all A. Mallorytown, Latin. They will be- ready to go/ when the first class went to the pool. Mr, Phil. Brockel had Sin their zew duties in September. | secured a number of good swimmers y, June 28, 1926. 4 y b p , A yay 3x KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE Laidlaw's Store News for | Tuesday, June 29th The Greatest 'Sensation in Modern Master Corset Designing To Make Miss 1926 Look More Beautiful and Youthful The Lovers-Form Corset An Actual Phato No - Steels of a Lovers - Form No - Boning Corset No - Clasps as worn No - Lacing Ee Not - Rubber Washable To-day's fashions demand some- thing more than a mere Corset. They demand a real foundation garment that will slenderize and give to the figure, ease, grace and poise that is needed to wear the fashions of to-day's creation. . » Look at the actual photog raphs displayed in this ad. They are taken from living models, wearing the wonderful LOVERS! FORM CORSETS. : 25g Could any woman ask for more, or for a better garment than this. :