po THE DAILY HRITISH whi _ Tuesday, Jv'; 6, 1926. boii be 1 DESERONTO BOY HIT | DEATHS OF A LAD ee r {| BY AN AUTONGBLLE) AND LAY AT Pit WT way | ol | Sustained Gash on Back of His Stine Mrght and Mis Maney | Warm We: ther At Last! I Head--S8tepped Road Before - on Saturday. " & Ig ys Our stock of Summer Drbas materials demonstrates how dainty - fli #* and cool Miladi will be 'on hot July days! You'll find a beautiful ar- Deseronto, July 5.~--What might Picton, July §.--Barly on Satur- ray of these very pretty weaves here at lowest, prevailing prices. tl have been a very serious accident | day evening, Stuart, séven-year-old Occurred this morning, when Mas-| son of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wright ter Rendell, son of A. Rendell, got | passed away at the family home, out of his father's milk wagon and Bowery street, after an illness of English, Scotch and Canadian Ginghams in a host Of pretty patterns, and at real prices, Large Checks and Plaids By buying your Favs direct from JOHN McKAY, FUR COATS, FUR CHOKERS. FINE FOXES (ia all colors). FUR WORK (of all kinds). Prompt service, Yowest irreditici- i | | | | | We'll be pleased to show you this wide range at your convenience! Verandah Mattings, Awnings, Porch Shades, Cushions, Oilcloths, Rugs--seen here in the city's . finest display | D. A. SHAW, Limited |" THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE || SEE pee EE. foes to-day and seo our beautiful , ' ' AY Limited driven by an American tourist, As particularly bright and lovable little 140. 3 . . A {iit happened, the driver noticed him lad, and daring his short life had " + IN, h : = Bit him and forced him onto the run- school-mateés and all with whom he rn ts rst pyi ning board. The driver stopped came in contact. The funeral was Bs Boat Ly Sah of the back of his] ngiican Chureh, the Rev. J, Lyons © X head, but otherwise Was not serious- officiating. The, floral offerings ' . and Mrs. Lockwood of Pictoa sympathy which is felt for the sor- SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY AND Were. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sadainy whis ¢ H. Richardson yesterday , Miss dent on Saturday - afternoon when them home for a short vacation. Miss Nancy McMullen passed away Mrs. Parkhill of Smith's Falls 1s though Miss McMulien wah naturally Burnham, for a few days. frail and had been in delicats health Mrs. M. Carscallen is the guest of of energy and ambition enabled her Mr. and Mrs. H.-Moore and son of to be about Fer household duties nun- n oe v Napanee were the guests of Mrs.| B. TEBE illness a few weeks ago. She will be : Many people went out on the bay | mush missed in the social and . . with their boats and enjoyed the day church lite of the town. She is sur- PECla riCEeS on C. Briiyea of Toronto 1s the guest | Mullen of Clicago and one .sister, of Mrs.!B, Bruyea, Sr. for a few Mrs. Rev. 8. J. S8Horey of Picton. A . days. : private service will be held at the ' S , I J : MI able costs. Consult our Fur Ex- Stepped in front of an automobile only a few days duration. He was a 187 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON, ONY and siackened speed. The fender endeared himself to his teachers and and found that the Young lad had | held this (Monday) afternoon at the ly injured. were magnificent and attested the } Pleton lost a highly esteemed resi- SAMPLES ON COUNTER. Kathleen Richardson accompanied at her home, Main street west. Al- the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. W. for many years, at inordinate supply friends in Selby for a few days. . : til she was stricken with her last EERE Bruyea, 8r., yesterday. -. boating and, fishing, vived by ome brother, Rodger Me- F. Driscoll of Rochester, N.Y., is home on Tuesday afternoon after the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C, Bruyea which a publie funeral will be held tor a few days, - dn the United Church with interment Mr. asd Mrs, Brandon and family in Glehwood. of Saskatoon, Sask. are the guests Mrs. Dr. Hedley Wright of Tren- of Mrs, Brandon's parents, Mr. and ton has been for the past few days Mrs. W. N. Robinson. with Dr, and Mrs, Charles Wright. Miss M. Hughcs of Toronto 1s the | ~ pepuly meave Peeling is ill at his guest of Mr, and Mrs. C. Bruyea, home, Amelia street, Miss Marguerite Bovain returned Mrs. Bam Cross of Christian street : home after spending a few weeks in| spending a week with friends in Toronto. Picton, A few of the employees of Clap-| pa lawn ot the United Church perton's, Limited, returned to work PATSOnage presented a very attrace this morning. tive appearance on Friday evening James Walsh of Marysyille was 8 when the Ladies' Ald held a Garden business caller in towh to-day. Party thereon. The many eolored A. G. Gledhill, Napanee; F. electric-lights with comfortable seats Dulyea, Brockville; 0. W. Hough, J. | ana the Hastings and Prince Edward ' Gaylord, Toronto; J. Menard, ¥. Gil- Regimental Band dispensing their 3 lespie, Kingston: Mr. and -Mrs| perc generously during the evening Cle Sale sll aring : PRODUCE MARKETS: { Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Black, made for a very enjoyable time ¢ Bancroft; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Wililams, | (hose who were fortunate enough to GRAIN QUOTATIONS Parisian Shop Qyor 822 BROCK STREET and Mr. and Mrs. - D. Master off gipana. Refreshments consisting of Bohnesville, were callers In jown over sandwiches, tea and cake were ser. the week-end, rg ved and home a Frank Barber of Watertown, N.Y. Made candy and ioe 3 piece Suites, walnut finish, Spring seat, backs Upholstered in Tapestry. Worth a ) h 2 " .| cream wers sold on the grounds Toronto. | $58.00, a aoa. 0. fs variety - $45.00 is visiting My. and Mrs. Robert Bar Altogether the atfair proved moat | "meee Toronto, July S--Manitobs wheat ! . ; Ni - f «No. 60 1-2; No. I three-piece suite, largedize, good qual- fll "i. m0. Lignan and ©. Jove of Sem) aia to the tory sum WERE LED INTO TRAP ne. 1 Notftatn $1.80 ii Ne. L + : : ks Rochester, N.Y. are the guests of the adios 9 exchequer ot ON EMOLUMENT POINT iE pe ity of Chintz, auto seats, upholstered backs, Mr. and Mrs. Haury Howard for a tow | 9, Iadloy Aid, 0. P. Wright of : gh oats-- No. 2 O.W-, nom. [| y » oe IP; 2 0 ---- . A "We, - worth $50.00 for cenansaaiesiys $42.00 8%. and Mts. D. Turner, daughter Trestoy an ia town for the funeral |Belleved That Meighen Minis- nal; No. 8, not quoted: No. 1 feed, : . " i . hud : of their little grandson, ated tutes * [45 3-4c; No, 2 feed, 44c: Western I three-piece Fibre and son; of Toronto, were the guests Miss Estelle and Miss Marion itn. | J iol 1 Sats | grain quotations in eit. ports. auto seats, wo /0, vaming Sites of Mrs. B. Bruyes, Sr, yesterday. Son of, Wellington were recent American corn, track, Toronto i vp aC The 'Torouts Star on Saturday Odd Chairs and Rock EER = RE TE AA TN aes to 48c. fob. gent Mrs. . R. Bekert of Toronto was | Dublishet the following special dos. Militesd ~- Delivered, Montreal for veal $9.00 A Good Rain 1s Seay. Much to Be De- a weekend guest of Mr, and Mrs. Ww, Dated from its Ottawa corresponds trelghts, . Dags included. Bran, per Vera; i Rockport, July 8.--The sympathy | O: JV& prophage a Hotfert and "vat it thy Motghon near govern: midatingy. 438 25: good feed tons 18 ~~ Porch and Verandah Chairs and Rock- 35 fhe sntide communhy sees cutis}, 17, Id 2s. Joray brings frig Wg fly not been defeated on the | par bag $2.80. ; ers from $2.00, $3.50, $4.50 up. 13, Fer 2 1 Fl olan 5 a hut HET ESS , es wife at the manee; at Hscott, on ¥ places of interest. Shipping points. f 2 Camp Cots, Mattresses and Pillows. , Tuesday svoning Phe eaters on ---- 2. Jatatutes sovirya offices act Ontario good milling wheat--$1.- i : Se : g tremely warm and dry, and a good | PURE wa emolument. under. the. cro 1.0] 28 to $1.30, £.0.b. shipping points, : i " . : TER SUPPLY could technically have been 40-frceording to treights, : Dr . * finiall would wa bi A12 whleoms. IS VITAL TO HEALTH | throned by this tact. /Barley--Malting, 82 to 4c. y [S BE f ind as Diantill In ohiy ---- No member having hseahsea Be Buckwheat--No. 2, 75¢. ANTES Ae Jo Miss Ba Dickey and Master Jack, | The Goco-Cola Plant ai Kings- | house. "ros Litaen:, TAY Sit In the | . pyaNo. 3, 8c: i . > 3 \ Brockville, are holidaying at the duse, . Ta 8 le Manitoba flour--First patent, $8,- {48 % F al Se 'Ph Rome of their srandeernns mo fo ton: Has Flitration repeatéd admissions yesterday that|;q Toronto; do, second patent. $3. Ambulance. uner rvice, one 577 . Pp hp ul t. they accepted this prineiple, but they 20 ' Mrs. John Dickey. Mr. and Mrs. Equipmen did not apply. bee : . : Edwin Andress and children, Gene. ---- : en. J1d aot ADDIY. DackMsS{ "Gataris' four. Toronts. 50 per --_---------- = vi : 880, N.Y., have returned home atter| That pure water Is recognised as) Sy ete oq ne i sition cent. patent, per barrel, in carlots, & pleasant visit with kinsfolk. Miss(& Vital necessity to health is evi. were delfberately lad into the trap, | LOT0N0 $5.80; seaboard, in bulk, H, A. Lear, Oshawa, is spending the | denced by the enormous suing voted. q for them by Hon. Charles Dun. 18.75: holidays with relatives. for Ommunities, trom time to-time,| iit 'or hem by H later what ap: |g TAW -- Carlots, per ton, $9 to | Under the supervision of Road | for installing water purification pears as a violation: $9.50, Commissioner D. W. DoWiley, the | lants, and improving SXisting ones. |" pn, sot foes not specifically say bullding of the road is progressing| Water purification {3 also recognis- salary alone, 1t says emoluments. favorably. ' Miss Maty Boulger, Mal. | ed as the chief Weapon in the inter- | 5n. of the perquisities, one of the Montreal, Montreal, July 6---~Wheat No. 1 Peko Blend; pound; 8gc. PURE COCOA Extra fine quality, + «2 Ibs. B5¢c. Shredded Cocoanut, 1b, , Shelled Walnuts (halves), "pound ave. Fesnonnnn . Pure Cream Tartar, 1b... 500. Chase & Sanborn's Coftes, pound Sf enna dD | BlackTea| lorytown Consolidated ingdon, school, home for the holidiys. Mrs. Onytis| disease. Root, Ogdensburg, has bee Mr. and Mrs, Hulbert Roo ; WILLINGDON IN LONDON. Returned From China by Stbertas go I R visiting There are several methods of wa- ter purification. There is coagula- tion of Toreign matter by chemical means, enabling the removal of the larger masses by filtration. There is the slow sand fitration whereby the; Inot minister 1s a government car and "ehatuffeur. - Tmmedintaly after they took office the other day the new ministers took over the minis terial cars. Sir Henry Drayton's of- fies notified Mr. Dunning's chauf- feur that he was to place himself at water is flitered through beds of sand and gravel. There Is mechan! cal filtration which is an artificially General, arrived in London last eve- | controlled imitation of & natural pro- ning after travelling from. China by| cess, he will remain ore 20 Hime Ib | connection eth with his mission to China regarding | an ' ad | indemnities. Otherwise | make pure water. : Chlorine gas in formula belleved. the Siberia route, It is understood here for some the Boxer Viscount : Has 2a fefinite plans, it is ted | Hquid form and ultra violet considered the Assisted by chemical motion There is disinfection and steriliza- tion, considered the most advanced the disposal of Sir Henry, which he 11d. This gave Mr. Dunning the in- spiration which led-to the trap laid 'n the house. Every one of the new ministers has ridden fin a govera- ment car driven by gasoline for Which .the government paid cash, and by a chauffeur whose wages the {| sovernment paid. The emolument case lias been proven to the hilt, and 't Is claimed that it 1s | national fight against the spread of emoluments of the office of a cab- |northern, $1.58 3.8. No. 2 northern $1.48 1-8, No. 8 northern, $1.43 7-8 per bushel, ex-store, Port Willlam. No. 2 Canadian western oats 60c. No. 3 OW. 85¢, extra No. 1 feed 55 1-20, No. 1 feed 53 1-3¢, No. 2 feed 50 1-2¢, American No. § allow: kiln-dried corn 83c, and Argentine corn 85 per bushel. ex-store. a. 5 Winnipeg, July Soo Whest--No. 1 northern, $1.58 3-8; No, 2 northern, $1.48 1-8; No. 3 northern, $1.43) 7-8; No. 4 $1.36 1-8; No. 5, $1.28 7-8; No. 8, $1.00 7-8; teed, 89 7-8¢; track, $1.50 7-8. Oats=-No. 2 O.W., 48 1-8¢; No, 3 C.W., 43 3-8¢; ox. 1 teed, 43 'LeBes No. 1 feed, 39 1-8c: rejected, 35 1-8¢; track, 468 1-8¢. . Barley--No. 3 C.W., 60 5-8¢; No. 4 Wo 2) 3-8¢; Jajected a, 52 5-8c; ; track, 60 5-8¢. 1 NWO, $1.95 3-4; - $1.91 3-4; No. 3'CW., rejected, $1.65 3.4; track, $1.95 : Rye--No. 3 CW, 0%e.' © | _