ota of statemaniike oratory." Dus | 7 b ing Bis speech he was continually D ALLY LESSONS IN ENGLIS Full Course Nikr er 55¢ interrupted. He was subjected to a terrilfc assault from the Con- th WE INVITE YOU 90 ¥ 0! RIES IF servative benches, but he stood his BEEN ENTIREL RED ground, and so great was the im- BY W. L. GORDON . ee hE foie i br Chisbes WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: Dof't say "it was the happiest "4 Player Piano with Full Orchestral Accompaniment." fate I ever saw." Bay "have ever seen." OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: brooch. The 66 #8 6 in "go," préssion he made that Mr. 8. J. Gar. {abd (Progressive) speaking the FIRST-CLASS MEALS : OPEN 8 AM. TO 2.80 AM. is preferred to 00 &s In "tool. OFTEN MISSPELLED: salmon; Im. next day paid him the'following tri. "i THE CROWN CAFE SYNONYMS: boast, bravado, oktentatién, show, pomp, pom- PHILIP TOY; Manager posity, display. at "I have nothing further to say. I 208 Princess Street . :: Ir WORD STUDY: "Use a Word three times and it is yours." : congratulate the right hon. leader of- the opposition in 4hls, that hs has Let us increase our vpcabulary By mastering one word each day. To-day's word: INTERJECTION; an exclamation; a word throwa brought to the attention of the House and country, in most eloquent in to express sudden emotion, "After a few brokea intérjections, she raised her hands tb heaven." ' Money to Loan 'We have considerable private funds to 16aAR On Mortgages at lowest current rates. Fire Issturdnce in reliable companies. | T. J. Lockhart Real Bitate and Insurabice "terms, in most convincing sentences, In most reasoned arguments, one of the most important questions that has ever facad the Dominion, that in my opinion has ever faced the parliament in which I have sat for five years." oo The Liberals may well feel proud of thelr leader. At'no time is 'he more éloguent, of more éarfiest than when fighting for the rights of the people to gover. ------------ 18 MR. MEIGHEN SINCERE? . ---- . "In placing Bir Le Gouin in Is the Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen Golf evidently - takes = fank 'with the a pr Lonengn nig vo i . CRIPTION RATES: : (Duty Eaton) ro Sinenre. Or Sows 2e Allow Jims -- horse races in belng as uncertain a8! wil] be appreciated that in the per: || by to rural offices, the exigencies of party politics? elections. You never can tell, before: | son of the former Prime Minister of 0 United States .... ™ i a DM hand. thie provinces has produced DWN REPRUSENTATIVES: ore 8 a man 'name wi oneévof the most constructive urinds F. W. Thompson, 100 King| ONedy. HE sits for Peace RUPEE. | qu 500 Star says this i "an agé | of our epoch, it not of the period of yout, Toronto, Théeré has béen some trouble over of jabb." No, it is the "jazz age.' |the whole history of the Domifion his seat. There were irregularities The jabb period was whem hatpins| Of Panada. It is true that Sir Lomer ) In connection with his election. Mr: were longer. . Gof consecrated the whole of his [Ji Kennedy is a Progressive. On several ------ activities and also the best of his odeasions he had voted with the Don't fofget to say, "Thank you." labors to one single province. No- TY Kink Government, and this 18 Now| ti fy a nf of gratitude and the| DOSY Will Cotest that, but it must to the . A i this, Jver ihe actudl 'BUMS Of the) Mp Mpighen expressed himself re- market at' this writing is not drug: Be rie ombeISE hat In og wah ei | GAPAIRE the matter, in & speech ad ged with appreciation i | elreniation of British Whig . ' . ' Prime Minister, he succeeded in rais- ented or Tae Heit WI of 'Montreal, reported in The Gazette. ing his province from a condition || : tion. verbatim. as follows: The reason Beuple play golf 1s be |r dant and poverty and placing it on : i "THis Government is in power be- | cause they-beliéve It's bettér to swat {a pinnacle of prosperity and liberty; THE LEVEL CROSSING MENACE, cause of a bragen theft, a8 braten as | pills than swallow them, perks the) that he made of our provines, then aE . : o_o] Was ever dommitted," declared the | Stratford Beaéon-Hérald. backward one of the firét in the Do- What is the solution of the 16vel | Conservative leadér, his volte ris: minion, and that in having done this SFossing menace In this country? Wa | ing sharply. "It has been shown that have a genera: | he must, therétore, be considered to Ehow that this vital question has|in the darkness of night men stole Torontd | be one Of the great construttors of i the sacred franchise of the peonle. | election, H Been solved in Great Britain, and Three or four of them are languish- | Globe, they will keep Mr. Meighe# medarn Canada. ' &lso in the United States, but ing. i , 2. " peniientiary for lhefts of | out of Ontario this time. Canada, owing to our -tremendous| votes either from Conservative or La Press endorses thé sducational Stretch of country and our small Progressive candidates. One man view of Hon. Walter Mitchell as re- ELECTRIC FIXTURES before the summer visitors arrive, We have the most complete line in the city. The Saunders Eleétric Co. FORT GARRY CAFE Our Motto is Quality and Sefvice. MAY WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF PLEASING YOU ? HAVE YOUR AFTERNOON TEA WITH US. Phones 2780-w or 1797. EDITORIAL NOTES, : Burope extéls In art galeries, bul, Quebec Viewpoint | cynically exélaims the Kitchener Res _{eord, Canada forges ahead with bills boaras, FLY TIME 3 TELEPHONES y ne, Gillcw oss: intern cris o t i La Press eulogizes the career of Sir Lomer Gouin. -------- FLIT in tins | FLY TOX tn bottles 50c and 78¢ GLREFOOT FLY SPRAY ~ "me soe. and 78e. Jas. REDDEN & CO. PHONES 20 and 990, The KINGS] AN . Clean anything that ent be cleaned S.008 8% RANRETY THE FINEST HARVEST T00LS | pyre Yemperod ght re fae, Doigs & 'PHOXE 201. rr it we comments the Perhaps, * Iy balanced and 0 éase the field work. We guarantee to you fine qi in ness FORK nove, FOLENS, SRTHON Rrvhe GUARDS, RIVE FORK | OIL, BOYTHES, SNATHS, WAENCIBS, FILES and STONES. | N Af 8ditor In .Detroit classifies Jonulation. it is practically pro-|8tAys in Parliament to-day, and gards home influence. bitory for the railway cofipanies 10 protect every level crossing the Way it is @one in Britain and many | | of the Union. The colt of up- faces would be tremendous. In connection with the Cataraqui ¢ , One could almost say that Was as safe a level crossing as can found anywher®; and yet there Ye been many acéldents there and serious loss of lite. The aceldént OB Saturday by which two women d a child lost theif lives Was ohe must awaken {8 thé hearts of , ot only the deepest sym- » but a feelldg that something be done to protect this cross- little "children have though not guilty pérsonally of any Such acétioh--And though I have for him personally, but fot this _éon- duct, great respect=yet Mr. Ken: nédy sits ih Parliament Aecause of the bra%én (heft which sesiPsd hic e'ection. There is a men serving a five-vear term because of that theft but Mr. Kennedy sits in Parliament and in one recent vote kept in sower this Government, for they had only a majority of one vets. He sits therd becauséd & deput¥Peturnihg of- ficer stole 111 votes marked for the 'Consetvative candidate, and sup- plied 111 fabricated ballots marked by himselr fof the Liberal candidate and that brought the Conservative candidate below the Progressive candidate, Mr, Xennedy sits in Parliament because of this, and be- ciuse he sits there the Government is in power. The situation is tha that ity as "the blackest, vilest city 4n the United States so far as vide is cofieérned." A ferocious ment! \ indict= "In the mspeeeh which ha deliveér- ed at Richmond, the Hoh. Walter Mitchell insisted on the importance of the school problem in the province of Quebec, &t the same time polnt= on. wi STAR" dhisking of COAL OIL, STOVES, We recon fiend the PURITAN and the REN ; STOVES. Both are excellent Guick cookers, A ne 18Y Princess Street. the Conservative will almost make ---- And now we afe told thaf a large pereentagé of abdominal government. Meighen | femarks of thé former r Siiperstiiious, exclaims Thé Toronte | Treasurer of the province 'on this Star. Thirteen Progressives, véting with ing out the considerable pat} which the Liberals on a Friday, defeated | parents must play if education ia to 1t| bear the full fruits of suceeds. The Provincial poifit were to the point afid very op- poftune. It is for each and all of us.to meditate thereon, and although they were more particularly address: trouble] .4 to the Protestant community in are caused aifestly or indirectly by the province we Catholics may well the pernicious habit, so freguently make them our rule of conduct." indulged In by the male sex, of weafs ing belts. . Le Droit advocates 4 prident regulation of thé cut on Provincial i 5 "Phone 840, Lemmon & Sons The Oranes bre Prom ALL HAMMOCKS MIST co -. At Reduced Prices 93, ALogne rum Meniorials Before placing your order for Montuiients call and inspect our stock. a 4 J. E. MULLEN | Corner of Princess and Alfred ¢ TELEPHONE 1417. tm cities], SA) ' bereft of their "Theré will be no hiding behind | timber, lands. Ep A a Hobs, A member Bie Io" | ¥Oen's skirts." says Premier Fen | "American capital fvestimenis ediate family Dut| House With stolen ord de: | suson, To which the Border Cities |3%6 Mmultl plying on this side of the J livers the zoofls to ghe GovePhment | Star retorts: "Obviously, Howard, tmies in Bimiron Joi ani » orossing | DY Suppctiing it © 1 An't BA dove!" : frst pvr wealth aoa 10. ou? to be almost safe in that there | Dit the situation chahged a few : agtiouitural lands, ft ib. important a clear view East and West as it dayh later. Mr. Kennedy again did By not developing the St. Laws that the timber lands should be e%- approached from both sides of the | SOme voting. He was at it again | rence river hydro-electric potentials ploitéd- in a right and proper man- nevertheless; it appears that | OPenly and brazenly. This time he | ties the people of the State of NéW ner. The Financial Post points out have got to be protectsd trome| 88 Voting to throw the King Gov-| York are losing the equivalent 'of [justly that in the e¥ploitation of The fact that thers have been a | ©*0Mént into the diteh We read in| 10,000,000 tons of coal a year is the | timber lands in Megico the nutnber BUmber of fatal accidents there A final clean-up of all Hammocks at - generous, "reduced prices. Here's your * chance to save a snug sum. Many pretty stripe borders in the assortment that re. mains. y | only, Couch Hammock, Stand and Canopy. Special price ..........$32.00 INSTALL Metal Wetdierts iF the state. 'While the Cataraqui ---- the papers where certain remarks | opinion of State Engineer Finch. of trees that are cut are replaced Proves that so Iohg 8s the human t efiters into the question of by Mr. Kennedy were loadly cheer- ed by the Conservative Members, bat by . there Unfalr eritiés of the King Govert- abundant provision. an équivalent namber, so that 18 adsuréd a regular and Is it not time Ends Draughts. Stevenson & Hunter 148 satety ft 1s not sate. we have not read & Word about Mr. | ii talk as ft smdgslihg abuses that the same foresight Was shown $5.82 PRINCESS STREET. TINEMITHS AND PLUMBERS. © The only solutidn would seem to Melghen ¥ising in his Wrath and were unknown before it took offic. |in Oanada ? A number of companies the appointment of a watehman | SONASMDING the braze Eonduct of leg yng systems 1matiry Sommittes [already have taken the Tnitiative in the erettiop of gates. If an ap- Mr. Kennedy in voting, or at the reported that the customs adminis: |this respect, but the movement ought were . ade by the township "Candal of Mr. Meighen's party ac- tration had been in bad Shape for|to be more generdl. In Past, t 1s no doubt that it Would be | °°PHNS the stolen goods from: Mr. before that thie. . {should be made a matter of lega ned by the raliyay com. | Kenedy. Not a word cai we find | °*™ tomphision fo these IiBdUSLFes ta] ror part of the day, so that in many : Ie . about & speech from Mr. of ; Miclude someting mofe than de-|insiinces children at on. If it Were ana gates were h I oMelghen. | ug o birth gift to the Det struction in thelr PrOETAMMS Of 6X-| when five years of age. Toes ; Now what are we to think? Is Mf. [ ote ! d, the city of Kingston, the #inion the Néw York Canddian clu : hip of Kingston and 'the rail. | Melkhen sincere? Was it not Just as | ynnounced that it had organized 8 pon aon: 0 ethane YOu tor. Be Soastqueres if tongestion would in all probability have ong for Me unneay » Jos i Last Post Fund to serve as the basis} ' - ; ean gt Sst share the expemse of upkeep. m to vote | or jarger resources which will be Ab better not to admit u i th a 80, We believe that it would be ih the (rita? Perhaps Mr. Melghen | ygeq tn providing decent burial toi Th valsts discutsés the 848 ht Are bit yours on Rg By been the best interests of all concern- pan, improvident Canadian soldiérs in thé 1 © | proved that from the point of view to have the tfossink protected at iy United Slates. Figs! JX "At what age ought ehildren to | of instruction, Hitle of no- @ earliest poshible moment. Auto!| HOUSES BUNA OF STEEL. | as | |eommence school? A quarter .ot als to be gained by allowing the ehtid le traffic 18 ofl thE increase and | The good citisedt Must recognize gentury ago one never. thought of [to commence his studies at 106 ten- § the summer months It Js very| In England modest houses ali of| what he owes his fellow citizen. | Allowitig a child to attend sthool be«|98F a0 ake. Very often ft is & hind: y for this crossing fs right on | steel are meeting the needs of work- | Above all, he must be, in the truest |I0re he was seven years ol; But|rance to his mental development, #6 main highway. between Toronto | men of small means. And now, in| sense of the word, deeply aiid broads | Slice then there has Been & gradual That Mist o mn his educational advanes Montreal. The matter of this | recent 'months, steel barns and steel ly patriotic. It is the duty of every S¥Siution. Children now make thete (Is slower. should receive 'prompt | bungalows have been making their | decent man not only to stand vale te Tomslanios before that age and eafnest consideration ob the | apbearante in (néreasing numbers in lantly for the right, but to war earlier, Many: parents con« the Kingston township and | the United according to Pop-| mercilessly upon the wrong. Ses the school furnishes t gb hay Nan : ular Sclence Monthly. In Tarry<|Thesdore Rogsevels shuncidted. : tows, NY. for example, there has ; ; completed & novel dwell. ing I which the entire : od in the shop, transported to the site, and there bolted together. The builders declare that any who knows how to use a monkey square tan sasily erect the frame tor J. R.CDOBBS & C0. 44 Clarence St 'Phous 819, and responsibility of their ¢hildrer I When reading be _ Gomes an effort it pays fo visit the - optometrist, tbs schoo! fumishes exsalent with. We own ant-oter mma yl AVON RIVER