By buying your Furs direct from 2-0 T | JOHN McRAY. a FUR COATS, FUR CHOKERS. FINE FOXES (Wm ail colors). FUR WORK (of all kinds), Prompt service. Lowest irreduci- | able costs. Comsult our Fur Ex- McKAY iniid ---- T-- { IIR | nnouncement On this the second anniversary of the opening of our business, we wish to thank all those who, by their support, both direct and Indirect, have contributed to our success. We shall endeavor by our further ®fforts to merit your continued patronage and good will, SEE OUR RICHARD HUDNUT DISPLAYS Branigan's Drug LIMITED 268 Princess Street i Phone 18 o 'X DR. SHOREY PASSES AT PICTON To REY, ii His Sister-in-Law Died in} | } 8ame House Two Days Previous. | Picton, July T--Seldom do we have | to chronicle two deaths in the same] house in three days but such is the case at the McMullen Home, Main street west, when Rev. Dr. Shorey passed away on Monday afternoon af- ter a lingering illness. Miss Nancy McMullen, a sister-in-law, passed away at the same home on Saturday after- noon, and her funeral was held yester- day. Dr. Shorey suffered a stroke over twd years ago, and although He partial- ly recovered from it he was never able to assume pastoral duties. For severa! weeks past he had been confined to his bed and death came as a happy re- lease to his sufferings, He has been a familiar figure in the Bay of Quinte Conference for about fifty years and 'has held pastorates in the most import- ant churches in the conference. He was three times stationed at Picton once if the Main Street Church and twice in the 1st Methodist Church. He also held pastorates in Napanee from which place he superannuated about four years ago, coming to Picton to reside. > E DAILY BRIIISH ---- ---- FIRST LEAGUE GAME PLAYED IN DESERONTO Ponles Defeat Belleville Beav- ers by 20 to 5--Shower for Bride to~Be. Deseronto, July 6--There was a very large attendance at the first league game in Deseronto last evening, be- tween the Beavers of Belleville, versus the Ponies of Deseronto. Both teams played good ball. Deseronto had a good batting average from start to fin- ish. » Beavers--E. Whalen, ¢; J. Miles, rf; H. Lee, 2b; O. Adams, ss; L. Curry, 1b; G. Boulter, p; L. Rushworth, 1b; M. Lynch, ef; F. Fox,li. Ponies--V. Whitton, ss; J. Gener- eaux, 3b; L. Wagar, p; 1. Normile, 2b; E. Harvey, ¢; J. Hopping, cf; M. Genereaux, If; T. Foote, ri. Beavers... 202001000-- 5 Ponies... [. ...52212143x--20 Mr. Van Aller of Rochester, N.Y, returned to his home after a very en- joyable visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Allen, Prince Edward. W. W. Carter Trenton, J. Johnson, Belleville; E. J. Sexsmith, Napanee; G. E. Morrison, C. Russell, H. G. Long H. O. Walker, J. J. Burton and C. G. Helwig of Toronto were eallers in One of his first circuits was at Cherry Valley and it was while stationed there that he married a daughter of the late Daniel McMullen who survives, him. He is also survived by two sons | and one daughter, Sidney of Cobourgh, | Percy of Sydenham and Gussie of To- | tonto. The funeral will be held from | Picton United Church on Thursday | afternoon, with interment in Glen-| wood. Prince Edwyrd County teen age Moys went into camp at Cqnsecon Lake on Monday. The camp is non-denomina- tional and boys of any Sunday school are welcomed. The camp equipment READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Wise Shoppers Do It No bug esca fly, mosquito or FLAG. It gets them all! Brack frac kills Two forme--- quid and powder, A¢ ug croomne: t stores. Powder, 20¢ up. the lowest liquid prices survives BLACK has been added to this year and is much more complete than on prev- ious occasions. There are groups with their leaders ftom Wooler, Trenton, Belleville, Consecon, Hillier, Welling- toni; Hallowell, Cressy, Picton and oth- er parts. - The camp is to be visited by a doctor every day so that the boys' heaith will be well looked after. Bot- any study will bein charge of W. R. Williams, B.A, Camp Craft will be looked after by L. S. Wight, B.A, swimming and life saving will be taught by Rev. J. J. Mellor and the athletic side will be in charge of Rev. J. K. Holland, A very full programmé has been prepared by those in charge and a holiday which is not only pleas- ant but decidedly profitable is assured to afl boys who avail themselves of '} the high privilege of attending. W. J. Hurden of Kingston, Jamaica, was a recent visitor in Picton, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hyatt of Chi- ¢ago are on a motor trip visiting friends in town and county. © Mr. dnd Mrs. Arthur Metcalf and daughter of Toronto, are spending a 'two weeks holiday, at the home of his picents, Mr. and Mrs. George Metcalf, urns avenue. HELD A PICNIC. The Athens United Sunday School at R Warren's Bay. Charleston, July 5--About tweaty- Excellent] BlackTea| PURE COCOA Extes fine quality, . .2 Ibs. 256, tes TOILET WATERS, $1 to $2.50 3 $1.00 to $1.75 RB CRYSTALS AND A 78¢. to $2.00 B gid Moe. Cream five tourists arrived at Cedar Park il Hotel on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McLean, Syracuse, N.Y.; Dr. 'and Mrs. C. E. McLean and two children, Collin's Inlét, motored over from Sy- racuse, N.Y, on Sunday, and with Mr. McVeih, Athens, made a short vigit to the lake. Mn and Mrs. Millar, Brockville, were also along. Jasper Eaton, New York' Mr. and Mrs. lark Eaton, Frankville; Mr. and Mrs. Root, Rockport, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kelly and Miss Geraldine Kelly, Ath- ens formed a party that spent a day recently here. Miss Aurelia Connerty. nursesin-training at St. Vincent De Paul Hospital, Brockville, is holiday- ing with her parents at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stanley and baby, Syracuse, are with her parents, Mr. and a ee Ce A number from here attended the faneral of Mrs. M. J. O'Grady at Bal- lacanoe, on Saturday, and also the fun- eral of Oscar Woaqd at New Boye. The Misses Julia and Monica Hudson have gone to Jones' Falls, to spend the summer. ll Mr. and Mrs. B. Heffernan and baby, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hayes and three cgiMren, Syracuse, N.Y, arrived off town today. A miscellaneous shawer was held yesterday afternoon in Amey's Grove | Ji in honor of the bride-to-be, Miss Helen Cronk. She received many numerous and valuable presents, Tea. was served at 6.30 p.m. followed by 'dancing. The presents were unwrapped and dis- played so that all could see them, The party broke up at 9.00 p.m. with every one wishing Miss Cronk the best of | luck in het new venture: E { Mr, and Mrs. Bamforth and daugh- | ters of Schrieber are the guests of Mrs. | Bamforth's mother, Mrs. W. Amey, { Thamas street, for a short vacation. C. W, Malley, Miss Langhlin, Miss M. Johnston, Mrs. Culhane and Mac Pergy went over the bay to Gault's cottage last night and had a very en- joyable night of dancing. - The Epworth League of the United Chugeh hold their weekly meeting in { the Sunday School rooms tonight. [ Miss M. Johnston returned home after residing in California for space of time. Mise D. Goodman returned home af. ter spending, the week-end with friends in Orillia. OARS SMASH INTO EACH OTHER AT INVERARY Miss Margaret Arthur Suffered Injuries From the Collision. . \ Inverary, July 6--On Wednesday night, June 30th, when Miss Margaret Arthur, Miss Willa Reid and Orval Haffner were returning from the social at Sunbury and Jack Hill was coming from Sydénham, their cats crashed into one another at the eross. roads here. Miss Margaret Arthur was severely in- jured while the others received shight bruises. Dr. Freeman attended. Miss Arthur's injuries Mr. and Mrs. Barl Lytle are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shannon and family have reached here after motoring from Saskatchewan. Mrs. McLean and children, Saskatche- wan, have arrived to spend a couple of months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston. Miss Pearl Gibson underwent an operation for appendicitis in the King- ston General Hospital last week, Mrs. J. R. Gordon and little daughter, Shir- ley, Welland, Ont., are with the form- er's parents, My. and Mrs. Thonias Arthur. The: Ladies' Aid will meet Wednesday at the par- sonage. Miss Haze! Giles, Godfrey, is engaged in C. H. Arthur's store. Mrs. Archie Kish has Been removed to the General Hospital 'where she is receiving treatment. Miss M. Sliter has taken the school-for-theé ensuing term: One kind of 'seed that does not need air in order to germinate is 5 wHiG | RAJAH SILK, $1.35 Yard Full 34 inches wide, and your chéjce of Or- chid, Flesh, Black, White, Rose, Canary, Pow- der Blue, Maize and other very pretty shades. AT SHAW'S THURSDAY ... $1.35 yard $1.50 ENGLISH CREPE, 75c. Odd lines to clear at a big reduction! Fancy Stripes and Checks in Rose, Sand, Peach and Copen. 36 inches wide. Regular $1.50. Clearing Thursday . . . .. 59c. STRIPED BROADCLOTHS, 39c. Yery pretty Stripes in Peach, Pumpkin, and Jade--full 86 fiches Regular 59c. Clearing .........39¢ yard THE: VERY LATEST Just received to-day a shipment of the wonderful, new, Rayon Hand. kerchiefs, exquisite and lovely! You will be charmed with these and the price is remarkably 16w. " -> .«.. 39¢c. each A ose "RUNPRUF" SILK HOSE, $1.50 This latest addition to our Ladies' Honlery Department is a beauty: In a complete range of Summer shades, giving yon highest quality at a moderate price; -- 5 I At Shaw's ..... OTHER SILK GRADES ------ Clearing Sale OF SUMMER ERY Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET -- SUMMER VISITORS ARRIVE They Come From Various Places-- Water an Attraction. Newboro, July 6--Mrs. Pearl and family of Toronto are the guests of her daughter, Mrs. E. Landon, Drum- mond street. C. E. Dier, Kingston, spent the week-end the guest of his wife, who is spending the summer here the guest of her mother, Mrs. S. Thompson. Rev. Father Mariarty re- turned after spending the past week in Chicago. A large number of friends | of Mrs. 8S. K. Breesee, Syracuse, N.Y, spent a few days at her cottage on Newboro Lake, at the week-end. Mrs. George E. Foster and family, Montreal, have come to spend the 'stmmier at her home here on Main street. A very large crowd attended the camp meeting here on Sunday. Miss Ethel Taylor is on the sick list again. Miss Bella iss Lena Huffman, Dawsville, N.Y. are guests 'of Mrs. C. F. Landon. R. O. Leggett, has purchased a new Dodge sedan. Mrs. Morrison and daughter, Nep- awa, are visitors in the village. Mr. and Mrs. T. McMillian, Pembroke, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dr.) Ackland. Miss Lena Grathen is home from the west to spend her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Grather, Carleton street. . ATTENDED CELEBRATION. Shannonvillo People at Wellington # on July 1st. _Shaunonville, July 5.--Mr. and Mrs. Saul MacFarlane, Gravel Road, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCann, Kingston. Mrs. A. BE. Mark and Miss Margaret Sexsmith, spent Friday with friends in Deseronto. Mr. and Mrs, T. P. Morden, Miss Le Marie Emmons and Miss Ina Liddle 50c, up to $2.50 pair PRODUCE MARKETS 1 LIVE STOCK MARKETS 7 . Toronto. Toronto, July 6--Export steers, choice, $8 to $8.50; do, heifers, $7 to $7.75 ; do, bulls, $4.50 to $5.50; choice store, dehorned, $6.50 to $7.50; butch- ers, choice, $8 to $8.40; do, heifers, $7.15 to $8; do. medium, $6.50 to $7; do. common, $6 to $6.50; baby beeves, $9 to $10.50; cows, fat, choice, $5.25 to $6; do. medium, $4.25 to $5; do, can- ners and cutters, $2.30 to $4; bulls, butcher, choice, $5 to $8; do. medium, $4.95 to $4.75; feeders, short keep, $7|[ | 85,500--Alice Street, now to $7.50; feeding steers, choice, $6 to $6.50; stockers, good, $4.75 to $6; cal- ves, choice, $10.50 to $11.50; springers, choice, $80 to $100; milkers, choice, $70 to $85; spring lambs, $15 to $15; wool lambs, $12 to $18; do. heavy, $10 to $11; buck lambs, $9 to $10; sheep, light, $6 to $7 sheep, heavy, $3.50 to $4; sheep, yearlings, $9 to $10; hogs, fob. $14 to $14.25; do. off cars, $15 to $15.25. Premium per head on select- ed 'hogs, $2.56. : Buffalo. "East Buffalo, N.Y., July 6--Cattle, shipping steers, $9 to $10.50; butchers, $7. to $10; yearlings, $0.50 to. $11; heifers, $6 to $8.75; fair to choice cows, $4.50 to $7.75; canners and cutters, $2.50 to $4.50; bulls, $5.50 to $7.25; stockers and feeders, $5 to $7.50; fresh cows and springers, active and steady, $40 to $115. Calves, choice, $13.50 to $14; fair to good, $13 to $13; culls, $8 to $11.50; heavy, $6 to $8; grassers, $4 to $6; Hogs, heavy, $14.25 to $15.10; medium, $15.10 to $15.25; mixed, $15.- 25 to $15.40; yorkers, $15.40 to $15.50; light yorkers and pigs, $15.50 to $15.75; roughs, $12.35 to $12.50; stags, $8 to + Pigs 26¢ higher. Sheep and lambs, lambs $10 to $15; yearlings, $7.- 50 to $12; wethers, $8 to $8.50; ewes, $7.50 to $8; mixed sheep, $2.50 to $7. " Mi Montreal, July 6--Cattle, butcher steers, choice, $8.25 to $8.50; good, $7.- 75 to $8.95; medium, $6.75 to $7.35; SHAW'S DIAILY STORE NEWS tint D. A. SHAW, Limited THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE REAL ESTATE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Hng---Renting $2,800--Dwelling and one acre good garden land close to mod. ern, detached, brick dwelling, | 850 foot level land for building \ purposes (off Montreal at 85.00 per foot frontage. Fire and Auto Insurance, Money plackd on first mortgages without expense to lender, iv? FOR SALE Also Rooting Material RAILS--BOILERS l.Cohen & Co. | 'PHONES 830 anc 897.