Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jul 1926, p. 7

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Th July 8, 1926. : SE BOOK NOBODY KK0WS '| BRUCE BARTON The same, Christ t human Book that is at MAN NATURE, .UGLOW & CO. fresh, original and impressive treatment which emerge a living, breathing person, discloses the Interest that reaches from Gemesis to Revelation once: THE. BEST OF ALL TEXT-BOOKS Hard Wood Soft Mixed Wood. Kinditng and Slabs. Bedore & Son - 840 NELSON STREET * "Phone 1746J. HANLEY'S i (Established 1871) Steamship passages to all parts of the world, Pass- ports arranged. nes. * Prepaid passages arranged for it you desire to bring relatives or friends from abroad. For full particulars apply to or write J. P. Hanley, C.P. & T.A., C.N. Riys. Office, 'Canadian National Riys. Station, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. Oper day and night. 'Phones 99 or 2837 KINGSTON ICE CO. Ltd. The New Gruen QUADRON In these newest Gruen Strap Watches the entire case space is utilized by an improved rectangular movement which allows greater strength of parts, Thus, real masculine rug. geduess is made a feature of smart price ranging from $50 to $125. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS ST. size and" THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MINISTER OF HIGAWAYS HAS TAKEN ACTION {To 8ee That Road 'Repairs | West of Gananoque Are i Hurried, tion of the highway west of Ganano- que has been drawn to the attention of the Minister of Public Highways by the mayor, in the interests of the merchants and motorists. An answer has been received to the effect that special attention will be given this by the engineers in order that the public may be inconvenienced as lit- tle as possible by the topping of the highway west of Gananoque. While the condition of the road is to be regretted, at the same time it must be borne in mind that there is only a short stretch upset at any one time, and trafic can always get through, while in many other cases while work is under construction detours of many miles are often ne- cessary, Approximately 450 cars were fer- ried between Gananoque and Clay- ton on Sunday, Monday and Tues- day. The tourist camp is being well patronized every night, automobile parties from practically every State, as well as different parts of Canada, have already registered this season. Among those who motored out to Elgin for Rev. Father Carey's pic- nic and chicken supper were Rev. J. P. Hanley, Miss Hanley, Mrs. K. O'Neill, Mrs, W. J. Wing, Charles Hellyar, Frank LaQue, Mrs. 'LaQue and Miss Alice Gratton, Delightful weather prevailed for the inter-club golf Wednesday after- noon, when Brockville Country Club were gues. Mrs. Clarke Allen, Toronto, a former resident of Gananoque, visit- ed friends here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. DeGraff and party, who have been guests of Mr. J. T. Green and Miss Green, have motored back to Rochester, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. $.° V. DéWolfe, Elgin, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinclair. Rev. Mr, Kidd, D. A. Mifchell-and J. C. Linklater were in Picton at- tending thé meeting of the Kings- ton Presbytery. The Canadian Club are planning for their next annual dinner to be | [held next Tuesday evening at Alex MacFarlane's Thousand Island Inn, i { | | Gananoque, July 8.--The condi-| | LANSDOWNE Lansdowne, July 7.--A very pretty | wedding took place in the parsonage { of Grove United Church on Thursday | the 1st inst., when Florence Augusta | Cross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ver- I nal Cross, of Warburton, was united | in marriage to Brnest Chas. Pritch- ard, Leeds township. Rev.' J. O. Baron officiated. + Their intended honeymoon was a motor trip in New York State, returning via Ottawa to their home in Leeds. The Grove United Church re-or- ganized their church official board on Monday evening of this week, ac- cording to requirements of the basis of union of the United Church. There Was a good representation of the con- gregation present, when the officials were elected by ballot, Elders, Dr. J. A. Bradley, Messrs. E. R. Bradley, Reece Webster, and Willlam R. Gra- ham; committee of stewards, J. H. Moxley, A. W. Burns, A. J. Sly, W. McConnell, Clark Foley, Clark Lan- don, W. H. Bradley. Mrs. L. M. Galbraith, mother of Mrs. J. O. Baron, and Mrs. J. E. Gal- braith, her brother's wife, are expect- ed on Wednesday, and will be here for a prolonged visit. They are on their way from Montreal. Lansdowne L.O.L. will celebrate in Gananoque on Monday, July 12th. Miss Alma Turner, Toronto, came home on Wednesday to spend a month with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Turner. Mrs. Waring, Gananoque, who has been visiting Miss Gertrude Moore, has returned home. Mrs. F. 0. Mcllveen and family, left on July 1st, to spend the summer months at the J. H. Warren cottage, Ivy Lea. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tate and sons, of Winnipeg, arrived on Friday, July 2nd, to spend a few weeks with rela- tives. Miss H. Donevan, Toronto, spent a few days last week at her home. Mrs. A. J. Sly, is a patient in a hos- pital in Kingston. Mrs. Elmer Cross was taken to the Kingston General Hospital on Tuesday morning. Mrs. M. Loney and daughter returned on Friday from a visit in Syracuse, N.Y. , The marriage of Mr. Bdward Hal- terfy, son of Joseph Halferty, South Lake, to Miss Laura Horton, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Horton, of Escott township, was solemnized at the rectory, Lansdowne, on Wed- nesday, June 23rd, by Rev. Cecil Winter. ARDOCE'S PERIOD OF Ardoch Teacher--A "Show er" Being Arranged. Ardoch, July 7.<-The period of drought was brought to an end yes- terday afternoon when we were favored by a shower which will be a boon to crops. : Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilmour and chil- dren, also the Misses Iola and Irene Smith attended Denbigh pienic on Dominion Day. They were accom- panied home by Miss Eileen Rodgers who visited here a few days. A re- ception was held in the hall here, Friday evening in honor of Ebb. Perry and Miss Greta Schonauer who were married in Flinton on June 30th. A number also attended the Warner-Gorr wedding reception at "The Mountain." Some farmers have begun haying Operations and 'report a light crop. Mrs. Thomas Erwin, of Toronto, and grandchild, Mary Gibson, of Sharbot Lake, spent a few days with the former's sister Mrs. Plerre Watkins. Wilfred Le Sage, Star car dealer of Tweed, was in this vicinity to-day. Miss Anna Fraser, who has lately been at/Matawatchan is spending her holidays at her home here. She was accompanied by Miss Edna Carswell, who remained over Sunday with her, then proceeded to Sharbot Lake to attend S.M. schaol. Schools have closed and the teach- ers, Misses Hazel Chalmers and Willa Bishop, are holidaying at their re- spective homes at Owen Sound and Carp. Miss Madonna Beullion left to spend some time with Mrs, Obourne at Loon Lake. William Christian and sister, Miss Elizabeth, visited Sunday at Mrs. Fraser's. Frederick Mallory and Mat. MacLeod, of Hil- lier, renewed acquaintances at Mata- watchan and other points, then spent a few hours here Saturday evening last while enroute their return home trip. Mr. and Mrs. James Derue, Sr., are on an extended visit with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Munro, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tapping re- turned from Clayton having attend- ed the marriage of Mrs, Tapping's brother, Guy Watkin's. His bride was Miss Evelyn Ireton, and the ro- mance began when she was stationed as teacher of No. 1 school here two DROUGHT IS ENDED Guy Watkins Weds a Former NOW Len Jerome and His Melody Kings OPEN Dancing, Dining and Entertainment. Privaté dine ing rooms, check and rest rooms. On the Kingston-Gananoque Highway at Kingston Heights. Open day and night. 2 A La Carte Service. Phone 1968F for table reservations. Clarke and Phillips. No connection with Collin's Bay. Walker's Buses will leave from McGall's Cigar Store at 8:15 exery night. 50c. and return, . oe . Kingston's Biggest Good health demands such recrea- tion. Your enjoyment depends on the smartness of your lawn and verandah furniture, such as Arm Chairs, Arm Rockers, Lawn Beats and Hammo Couches, four passen- Ser Swings, Porch Shades, Grass Mats. SEE SIMMONS' e Furnishers Summer has come to stay. Are you ready to enjoy the great out-of doors ? SPECIAL HAMMO SWINGS, $25.00 COMPLETE. JAMES REID THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. - were guests of Olan Corr, on Sunday. A representatives of the Bible So- PURE ICE The only Ice in the city cut with gasoline power saw. This does away with all surface dirt from horses. / use of pure Ice will cut down your food bills. One roast spoiled would provide ice for a month, . Float Island. Ladies are invited to attend this dinner. and three years ago. At present they are on their honeymoon trip, and'on their return we are planning on gathering at their home to extend congratulations, present a miscel- "A Substantial Bank. Various critisms might well levelled at age in a Bank. Conservative, solid, substantial, be "Phone 147 for Service. IN.THE OLD WEMP HOME. Prompt and courteous service. Se 'PHONE 1807. NIGHT 1160, P. H. SMALL, SUPERINTENDENT. a -------------------- th on FORT GARRY CAFE Our Motto is Quality and Service. . MAY WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF PLEASING YOU ? : HAVE YOUR AFTERNOON TEA WITH US. EDWARD LEE, Proprietor 157 PRINCESS STREET, SOWARDS COAL CoO. It will pay you to consult us be your order for your winter coal. quality count. SOWARDS COAL CO. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S AR STORE. NE 155 N TY ---- « WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR REST. T ~~ BEEN ENTIRELY RENOVATED AND REDECORATAA® done by Chinese Art Stud *, Bee our new paintings, LA Player Plano with ent. 6." : FIRST-CLASS MEALS OPEN 6 A.M.TO 2.30 AM. THE CROW PHILIP TOY, it ' i N CAFE 'PHONE 201. fore placing Price and 'Phone 811. Joy and- Gladness Experienced at a Wedding. At Milbaven in the old Wemp home, built over a century ago, a very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred- | erick G. Wemp, on June 30th, at high noon when their only daughter, Muriel Kathleen, wis united in mar- riage' to Charles Edward Gibson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson, Seeleys Bay. As the clock was striking the hour the bride entered the room on the arm of her father, to the strains of Lohengrin, played by her aunt, Mrs. Frederick Amey, and took her place under an arch of carnations and white bell. The house was very prettily decorated with roses, peo- nies, syringos, snow balls and ferns. The charming bride was gowned in white radiim lace over white silk trimmed with white chiffor and white flowers, and carried a bou- quet of pink roses, sweet peas and lilies-of-the-valley and maiden hair fern. Her little niece, Jean Wemp, precedéd her to the altar, looking very dainty in a dress of pink silk mistery cloth and carrying a basket of white, pink and mauve sweet peas. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. R. McQuade, Odessa. After the ceremony about thirty guests par- took of a édumptuous repast. Rev. Mr. McQuade proposed a toast to the bride; the groom responded fittingly. The groom's gift to bride was a Rus- slan leather suitcase and silk um- brella; to the flower girl a gold bracelet. = Fors The happy couple left on the three- sixteen train for Toronto and other western points. The brides travel- ling dress was of rust flat crepe with hat to match and coat of Bodora ve- lour. On their return they will re- side at Seeley's Bay where the groom is a prosperous farmer. ---------------- a min. WERE, QUIETLY MARRIED, rena McKeever, Verona. Verona, July 6.--A quiet wedding took place on Saturday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Meé- Keever when their daughter, Mar- garet Lorena, was united in mar. '| are frequently applied--not without the idea that they may carry some quiet implication as old fashionéd, stodgy and complacent. The Bank of Toronto, entering up- on its seventy-first year of 'banking servicer to the Canadian people broadcasts a virile stirring message to all Canadians. Age has conferred upon this institution broad exper- fence in national problem®--and a keen insight into the great future of this young country. The advértisement of the Bank of L Toronto in this issue, "Canada What of the Future" is one of a series be- ing published by the Bank of To- ronto in the conviction that our great need as a peopls is a healthy optimistic spirit of national well be- ing. Sow With Bweet Clover. At the Xemptville Agricultural School the authorities have discov- ered a means of lengthening the grasing season on these rough lands. "We had a Jot of this land here," stated B. KX. Hampton, "which we just sprinkled with unhulled sweet clover seed in the fall. The stuff came on finely, and now, In the place of two weeks or £0 of poor pas- ture, we have good grazing for al- most the entire season. If the work is. done in the spring I would use hulled seed, as it would germinate quicker. Some of it, In any event, because, it is not scaritied, will live over one year and germinaté, thus keeping up a continuous stand of this biennial clover. Despite close pasturing there is always enough of the seed ripened to keep up the catch after the first two years." tl semis. Band in Macdonald Park. By kind permission of Lt.-Col Goodwin and officers, the P.W.O.R. Band will play the following pro- gramme in Macdonald Park Thurs day evening, July Sth, at 8.16 o- clock (weather permitting). 1---~March, Our Nation's Pride. 2--Overture--American Triumph. 3--Fox Trot--Roll-'em, Girls. 4--March, Lynwood. - 5----Walts, Memory's Garden. ta Trot--Thanks for the Buggy e. I-Mate Emerald. 8--Fox -That Certain Party. 9eMareh--- 'Baird. ty evening. "Earle is shingling his sheds. Mrs. Oakley Brushey and baby, of Timmins, is visiting her sister, Mrs, John Myers. Nicholas Webers and the Misses Victoria and Nolla Weber also Rachael Jeannerett attended the ball in Flinton last week. George Brown, of Wensley," was at Gordon Winter's recently. Tourists from Buffalo, viz. James Venocker, Joe Dunn, Jesse Arnold and Fred Zil¥er spent a few days fishing in the surrounding waters and were guests at J. G. Fraser's. ------------ AT FAIRFIELD EAST. . Many Bibles Sold in the District This Ww eek, Fairfield Bast, July 7.--School having closed for the holidays Miss Mary Bell has returned to her home at Brinston's. Miss H. Andrews has returned after visiting relatives last week at Lansdowne. Hillard and Mrs. Earle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Earle were visitors Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green. B. P. Johns has pur- chased a new Ford sedan. Hilliard Miss H. Oxley, Athens, is visiting Mrs: Roy Earle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bissell and son, Dwight, North Augusta, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. E. Johns'. Joseph Laforty, Mallory- laneous shower and spend a social clety was through here on Tuesday selling many Bibles. He will speak in the local United Church, two weeks hence, in the interests of the Society. Mrs. Henry Barle and Miss Enid Manhard were visitors in Brockville recently, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pyke and family, Brockville, visited Mrs. Peter Pyke last week. Mrs. E. P. Johns and Mrs. Roy Greer attended the annual district conven- tion of the Women's Institutes, held at Lyn last wéek. THE LATE DAMON HARTWICK. Funeral Took Place From United Charch, Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, July 7.--The funeral of the late Damon Hartwick was held on Thursday afternoon at the United Church, Rev. Mr. Gall of- ficiated. The remains were conveyed to Arden and placed in the cemetery there. The floral offerings were num- erous. : J. D. Clark motored to Kingston on Saturday. Mrs. A. W. Thompson and family went to Godfrey on Mon- day to attend the funeral of her sis- ter, Mrs. H. Snyder, who was killed at Cataragui crossing on Saturday morning. The members of the L.0.L. march- ed to the United Church on Sunday morning and Rev. Mr. Gall addressed them. In the evening the Young People's League was held in the Brick and Farm Tile . PRICE QUOTATIONS GLADLY GIVEN SHIPPED ANYWHERE. GEORGE E. BAKER ARNPRIOR A. NEAL; AGENT, 624 Johnson St. 'Phone 3041. AAAs church and the members were enters tained by Mr. Horton, [who gave an fllustrated lecture on {the "Life of Christ." The pictures were very vivid and plain, and were much ens Jjoyed by all present. . Mrs. C. Lindsay and son, Robert, of Toronto, are at A. W. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Have. lock, spent the week-end with friends here. A number attended the camp meeting at Arden on Sunday. ------ : Star values at Tweddell's. Take fvantage of them before it's tuo late. Sale ends Saturday night. town, and Alfred Plckdrd, Maitland, 1 ve - == 3

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