tised for many years carried out? | Was the Governor-General advised wisely before making his decisions? Were, these decisions based on con- stitutional practices? Did he follow customs prevailing in colonies? And were these forms such as a self-gov- FERS Good Through These are issues that mus: come This is a colloquial expression, but 'been at" is correct.. : before the electors for disenssicn and OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: legend. "Pronounce lej-end, and i; - 2 endorsation. The Conservative party, both o's as in "men" is preferred. " an ro u -f fully aware that they have no safe | . i .. ; > : grounds to stand upon, would be | OFTEN MISPELLED: abscess. Nota the se. Lai /, SYNONYMS: happiness, Joy, contentment, gladness, pleasure, . highly delighted to have the legal | a XY ®ajoyment, ecstasy, felicity. ~ bearings of the case shelved, oa the ground that things had happened and WORD STUDY: "Use a word three times and it is yours." abulary by mastering one word each day. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH | ' et Wk GORDON WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: Don't say "she has béen to school." dd BEN IEE i SH IFS OS TY : Dagny G tts rasan President RUPERT DAVIES .,.... TELEPHONES , seats R ana nnay 248 cesvsanses 3013 2013 elreulation of British 154 D7 he a ah WI THE MEIGHEN CABINET ---- At last Mr, Meighen has announec- od his new cabinet. There are not any surprises in it. R. B. Ben- nett is the new finance minister, and Sir Heury Drayton is simply a min. ister without portfolio. Sir George _ Perley and Mr. B. L. Patenaude con- stitute the Quebec contingent. It is not a strong cabinet compared bh the cabinet formed by Mac- le King in 1921; % is notably A number of the members wever, had 'previous experi- nce, and that experience will prove valuable. : 7 The Whig does not 'think if mat- lors great deal whether the cabi- Bt i8 strong or weak. If the reports are coming Tn to the Liberal arters are indication of what £0oIng to happen on election day; %. Meighen's new cabinet will only etion until the people have a to speak. that is all there is to it. Offences and crimes could on similar claims be overlooked and condoned, but does the justice department of our land do this? They enforce the laws and up- hold the dignity and honor of the country. In the same way when na- tional law 1s transgressed the honor | of the country must be upheld and Justice done. This "1s why the con- stitutionality of the governor-gener- al's acts are contested, and while the Conservative party "will waste its breath" on the Issues it will exhaust "its breath" in the exposure of minor grievances. ' The real reason the Conservative party will be silent i§ that it ean- not justify the advice given the gov. ernor-general by Mr. Metghen in the matter of dissolution. ; ---------- FRUITS OF WISE LEGISLATION I§ must come as a sad blow . to those who wera predicting chaos and ruin to the automobile industry a few months ago, to read the state- ment sent out from Oshawa yester- day by the Gemera! Motors Limited. When the MacKenzie King govern- ment decided to make motor ears cheaper in Canada by reducing the the duty on them, there was a tre- mendous cry raised and paid pro- Pagandists predicted the ruin of the automobile {industry in Canada. What has happened? Read the fol- lowing despatch and see for your- self: Oshawa, July 12.--J. H. Beaton, General Sales Manager of Geheral Motors of Canada, Limited, in a statement issued today, says that the company's ,domestic business for the first half of the present year exceeded the record of any previous year, While the exact number of cars manufactured in Oshawa has not been made public, it fs under- Stood that it 1s well in excess of the 35,000 mark. Although July is generally re- garded as a slack month dn the au- tomobile Industry, and the plant here is usually closed down for a period during July, such will not be the case this year, * Mr. Beaton states that there will be no complete shut | gh there caused by the due to tar- SE; excessive, copious, overflowing. "The profuse loss of blood had produced a state of unconsciousness." and not as a beam, as on present wood tie usage. The rail will rest on edges of two Steel plates imbedded in the com-. crete. And the plates in turn will be trussed together and to the foun- dation. Alred says the new design will cut greatly the cost of main- tenance on the present type of road- beds, which are little different from the roadbeds of a century ago, de- Spite the increased weight and speed of rolling stock. Under present wood tle construction, no matter how care- fully the track {is laid, there tends to be a slight wave in the track. With concrete construction, it is predict- ed, the track will be perfectly level and even at all times. The new design is expected to en- able trains to travel with less pull from the locomotive and the estimat- ed total saving each year will equal ten per cent. of the cost of the track. ri EDITORIAL NOTES, ' Hon, Mr. Patenaude is tied now. After a one-man government for fourteen days Canada once again has a regular cabinet, - -- In Elgin County they are using airplanes to hunt stills. Could this be called r(wh)isky work? The strawberry crop has been won- derfully improved. Everybody can have them at reasonable rates. ------ Mr. Meighen formed a new cabi- net before he went to the country in 1921. You know the rest. Left-outs:--Dr, Edwards, C. H. Cahan, Jos. Armstrong, Robt. Ro- gers, R. 8, White, G. R. Geary, C. Ww, Bell. iia------ It has been said that a voyage across the English Channel on a (Tough day calls up the best In a LOOKING AROUND It is a pleasure for former King- ston folks to.come home and once more have the privilege of a trip by steamboat among the Thousand Islands, which never lose their charm for those who knew them in their younger days. Many who take the trip of the steamer Brockville each Saturday and Sunday afternoon thoroughly enjoy the sail amid scenes that to them never change. Dr. John Stewart, who published the Kingston Argus in the late for- ties, and concerning whom a refer- ence was made in last Saturday's issue of The Whig, was of a pugnac- fous type. He was over six feet in height and of commanding appear ance, . A citizen who recalls him Says the last tinfe he saw (the old doctor was about 1890 down on Princess street. He had an argu- ment with some one and although well up in years he had challenged him to a fist fight in the driveway just below the Bibby store. The doc- tor was a scrapper from the feet up and believed in setting differences with vigorous blows. At this time, he wore am oid tartan shawl and car- ried a sturdy walking stick. The trouble with Queen's Univer- sity authorities, remarked a visiting college professor from across the border, is that they do not raise the tuition fees to what they should be. Queen's fees, he says, are far too low, and that is the chief reason why it is dificult to make ends meet. He sald that the college in which he taught had doubled its fees since he Joined its staff, They were now $200 and the last raise was $50. Inste: of there being a decrease of students by: the increase in fees, the number was augmented. Young men and Women must 'higher. tion, phir Y aed poi oh Sa Was very nominal he thought, Fifty dollars inere Dopse Br Details tell impressive stor oF quality standards sricely Unprecedented sales prove how well the public knows that Dodge Brothers Motor Car is sturdier and more dependable than ever before. Delivers more miles at $bwer cost-per-mile. Standsup under harder going. Calls for fewer repairs. Provides greater safety. Excels in every quality that has earned its good name. In fact, you have only to check any chassis part against its own past best--engine, axles, gears, bearings, frame, springs, shafts, elec- trical equipment--to prove how strictly and consistently Dodge Brothers have pre- served and improved the basic goodness of their product. M. OBERNDORFFER 124 CLARENCE STREET OTHERS MOTOR CARS IN CANADA ' a n busin in fees would yield 3 A changes. is rapidly being over-| ef -- . 'And Cataragui Electric | come, and some factories have been | Retail merchants everywhere or Tonga in the neighborhood 'Company being forced to | working overtime, and some two . ue. the operation of the | Shifts to make up far the delay, a oy hi Tvs owt 'o R ow n Shere oe It 1a going 16 be for the ene y y--nickel 'or ev. R. E. Knowles or Sir Joseph cars Is very rbing. Supe; i the M silver. The retailers favor silver, Pope's history of Sir Folin A. Mac- t Nickle Is right in saying | Mies of the MacKenzie King admin- dohald must be in error if My. KIA--OVA, LEMON SQUASH. ORANGE SQUASH. LIME JUICE CORDIAL. 88c¢. per bottle it it would be a blackeye to King- should the cars cease running, t is there to take their place? Were free power offered the ¥, there would be little, it BAY, Profit in the street railway ven- re, and the city would hardly care ertake to manage the line. The railways in small cities have driven to the wall by the auto. and the taxi, Should the owners feel that they must operations, it is hoped that Would, inaugurate a motor bus virtue of the car ser- ve given the city for so om must have 8 car service at a nomi. There might n tare should ii, gf istration to combat the effect of the above despatch. If it indicates any- thing at all, it indicates that the policy of the Liberal party is a policy that expands industry, builds up local and foreign 'trade, and benefits everybody. The popularity of the Robb Budget will be attested on pol- ling day. a -------- "A WORFUL MISTAKE The St. Thomas Times-Journal makes The British Whig sponsor £55 an overwhelming eulogy of Mr. Meighen. Just'think of us saying this on the eve of an election: "Mr. Meighen is today the ablest man in public life in ear. honest and brilliant, with a high sense of duty and devotion and with an abiding faith in t Dominion os hase aestinies now cal upon to aster of his own Soul there wi under him no Compromise or rrender, no Bargain or Sale, no vacillation or indecision in Government. Not alone that, but he will legislate not Or any class or group or section, but for the country as a whole." 'What grandiloguent propaganda is | Dut In the mouth of The Whig label led, as it is, Liberal thought. Our good friend, the editor of Yhe St. Thomas paper, has misquoted us. Such language. 5 v & gushing a An -- Tho Cabinet of Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighed is remarkable for the men not included in it as for those there are. ! A widower in Renfrew with eight young children married a widow who also had eight children. Now they have sweet sixteen, ive Roy Bird, M.P.. in British parlia. ment smashed a fellow member and the blow reverberated around the world. Bird put himself on the map 4s a rare bird! 3 ---- General Gomez Da Costa, forme; dictator of Portugal, has been ousted from power and sent into exile. It seems that Canadian politicians only do the job by half. Toronto Conservatives were wrathy over the rumor that the province of Quebec is to get four portfolios in the Meighen cabinet. Hvidently Knowles' statement that Sir John stayed at the Nickle home on Earl street on the night of the general election of March 5th, 1891, is cor- rect. According to the Pope biogra- phy, Bir John left Kingston on the morning of the election and arrived at Ottawa in the afternoon in 'time to vote. Sir John stayed in King- ston with his brother-in-law, Rev. Dr. James Williamson, lived just two houses above the Nickle home on Earl street. He was ill just before the election ang was attended by his physician here for re being allowed to return to the Capital. However, as that is thirty-five years ago. In Toronto will likely dispute Mr. Knowles' statement, unless it be the Hon, Ww. p, Nickle, who was then a student at Queen's University. It is to be Ontario Gov, Mowat Hospital they believed that talk of Mr. Meig- days, ben's about fio barter or sale. ---- A American tourists. who while nations travelling in Canada, and Stripes on their automo- r do "not display the Union Jas. REDDEN & CO, PHONES 20 and 990,