+ I THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Hiding {| GANANOQUE PUPILS [A CANNING FACTORY [y igi Summer EMPLOYEE INJURED Clie A-MSN ABB Co. : Business Section of Napanee . : . , Decorated With Flags-- $ i a Good Sum. Ladies' Team Loses. ' by | ------------ : -------- it Gananoque, July .14.--Out of Napanee, July 14--Mrs. A. 8. Hugh- . thirty-five pupils writing on the en- ! S0n gave a tea at "The Hill" on Tues- : , : 1 trance from Gananogue schools | day afternoon in honor of Mrs. and . fl| there were mo. failures, 100g | Miss Dorothy Hooper, of Los An- Flannel Trousers--price + ata $4.50 to $7.50 li] honor list. Katherine Hilder was the | geles, Calif. The house was beaut! winner of the Johnston medal from | tu1ly decorated with roses. Mrs. ~ ii Miss Carpenter's room with Helen |p 7 Corkill poured tea and Miss Summer Underwear--price $1.00 to $2.50 fi Dempster "of St. 'Jona's Separate | moc, COE the Toon Epa, Mist ; : iii School and Eleanor Bracken of Miss Harshaw and Miss Hooper assisted Bathing Suits in wool--price $3.00 to $5.00 ff| Carpenter's room tied for second at the tea table. 3 place. Out of all who wrote on the Mr. Schultz, an employee of the Cotton Bathing Suits--price $1. and $1.25 trance in Gananoque, there were canning factory, had the misfortune George Van Horne four failures and Miss Agnes to get his hand caught in a con. 213 Princess Street. "Phone 362-w. re Robinson of Legge"s school passed ve yer and have it badly lacerated. hive 34s out of the four : who | Mrs. I. Hutchison; of Sudbury, is Mrs. E, K. Lund and children will jung her sister, Mrs. Henry leave within the next few days to : ; joi Mr. Lund In Philadelphia, Pa, | Miss Marion Walusley 18 visiting AS J ; sa and take up residence there. They | friends Moy 5p 0 ; SaaS =a will be much missed in Gananoque Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Paul went Camden East on Toesdayw to visit irel f Misses they have a large circle o her mother. who was 'celebrating her Now comes a remarkable July Clearance Mr, and Mrs. Bannister, Bvans-|olghty-sixth birthday. Sale. An event during which the vacationer ville, India}; arrived here a couple | Rev. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tanton of days ago by motor and are with |Teturned on Tuesday from Thousand and the woman desirous of replenishing her Sununer wardrobe may de so at the LOWEST ; Mrs. O'Neill. They will remain for|Island Park to spend the day in Summer has come toy, balance of the summer season. _|town. ~ . POSSIBLE COST. Mrs. Mullin and daughter, Rome, | The Misses Gandler, of Newburgh, stay. Are you ready to N.Y, are the guests of the former's | are visiting Mr. and Mrs, James e 3 sister, Mrs. Frank Keyes. 'Thompson. enjoy the great out-of- The LO.DY. who served meals in| Mrs. Amos Kimmerley, Miss My . the basem of Grace Church on |patia Fox and Vise Alma Wood left the 12th were well patronized and fon Tuesday on a trip to England and -- served in the neighborhood: of five Continent, " ' " hundred people. The net proceeds The business section of Dundas will mean a tidy little addition to (street has been decorated by flags AY FRIDAY ' ' their treasury. Gross proceeds | floating from poles placed in tha amounted to $375. sidewalk. " . Among those who attended the The Napanee Leafs went to De- SATURDAY funeral of the late Mrs. Arthur | seronto to play an important game Bishop, Howe Island from hire in the Bay of Quinte Ladies' 8olt- Monday last were Mr. en TS. { ball league on Tuesday evening. Al. . Sak A Frank Keyes, Robert McArthur, though they played well they were BEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS DAILY ! Mrs. Driscoll 8r., Miss Lena Dris- defeated by the score of 13:8. coll, Mrs. Stephen Dorey, Miss Car- New styles, including two piece and two piece men Cliffe, Miss Margaret Bolger. effects, slip-over and straight line -- sleeves Miss Alice Pelow who has been in J ---- ! aud short sleev I are ull the meg : Cleveland, Ohio, for the past sev- | 08a. here erials ' : eral months arrived homes at the NAPANEE and quality are of the best. NO EXCHANGES week-snd and will be with her par- ; 3 No' RETURNS ents Mr, and Mrs. P. 0. Pelow at |= STRIPED FUGIS, PLAIN FUGIS, WHITE Tremont Lodge for the summer. Mr .and Mrs. McMillan, of Evan FUGIS, BROADCLOTHS, VOILES, COTTON AND : NO APPROVALS Mr. and Mrs, Steele, Detroit, ston, IIl, are the guests of M. C. Bp. SILK CREPES, RAYON CRE CELANESE M; 9 Mich., who were the guests of Mrs. gart, ; i. CREPES, PLAIN SILKS, PRINTED SILKS, SPORT W. Belfle Sr., and Mrs. Round for| Miss Flo Williams, of New York, | FLANNELS, CANTON CREPES, SATIN FACED | a few days last week returned home [is the guest of Mrs. L. D. Williams, CANTONS, AMES REID on Sdturday last, Camden Bast. and Mrs, A. B. Paul, - . W. T. Sanmipson is negotiating | Napanee. ? with G. W. Webb for a 1927 Me- Mr. and Mrs. Hagerman and child- % b A GREAT LEADER, BUT A LIMITED SUPPLY | THE LEADING FUNERAL SERVICE. 'Phone 147 for Service. [Laughlin Car as soon 8s the mew fren, of Rochester, N.Y. are the "= imodel is put on the market. guests of her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. ® ® ® . ° ° Mrs. Walker has returned from Silas Woodcock. in i ® '| Buffalo, N.Y., after a month's ab- Mrs. Jas. B. Miller is spending a 2 9 ese i Brick and sence and is with Mr. and Mrs. W. [few weeks in Kitchener, the guest B. Mudie at their summer home of Mr. and Mrs. C. V, Biehl. : 4 "Kitsymenie." Miss Marguerite Creighton, of' arm I ile Frederick and Mids Kathleen Eleryia, Olio, is spending her holi- X -- | | Laughton are spending the holidays days in Napanee with her parents, E aT off - 4 with their mother at Paisley, On-| pp. and Mrs. Henry Creighton. tario. Beatrice McMullen gry{ Mrs. ved y Fi ; ; Garfield Hood leaves to-day for Saturday from Northern Min Ae PB Montreal to be gone a few days 'to visit her father, Mr. V. pring : . : pu Ea ¥ Miss Janet Scott is visiting Mr. She will also visit friends in Mon. and Mrs: Robert Johnston, Brewer's treal before retarning, ; 3 Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Bradley, of © PRICE QuoTATIONS GrapLy | (Mb Cummings and Mrs, | ¥ > GIVEN, « | Brighton, spent Saturday in town N M. McGinnis, Napanee, were the with friends. SHIPPED ANYWHERE. guests of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Lake Mrs. Laughland and family left over the week-end. Y GEORGE I BAKER on Friday to spend their holidays in i : ple, Windsor, : ARNP] Gananoque's former residents to RIOR wo for the 12th's celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steacy and ! A. NEAL, AGENT, Miss Mabel Keating, Kingston, | P20 Mary are occupying J. m, Robin- 624 Johnson Sc. + z Mr. Mts, son's cottage at Sans Souci. : : HH = Phone 3041 gas the Fuset of Mr. anf Mrs, George | ous cottage eh A great assortment of styles, smart striped and figured Gordon Lake and wife, Walker. [the guest of Mrs. W. §, Exley. patterns. Long and short sleeves, two piece and two piece ef- ville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, ww okra Albert B. Root and' fects, along with straight-line, slip-over styles. / enry Lake. are on a motor trip! } ' id h KINGSTON ICE CO. Ltd. Mrs. Grant and daughter, Clayton, ¥ Sorouts and Brampton. Come early while the selection is best. The values will N.Y. are the guests of the former's and two child- \ brother, Robert Keys. ren, of Sudbury, spent last week the amaze you. . guest of her sister, Mrs.' H. Creigh- : ---------------- ton, and are now visiting her 'father, city from "C. Huffman, Bath, cut with gasoline power saw. This does News From the Reserve. 3 : horses. ; Tyendinage Reserve, July 13. a Mrs. James B. Miler ig visiting : rinte \ roast The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. = Biehl in Kitchener. i roa 0 nl ; { Basie Leween was baptized at All r. and Mrs. Glyn Vandewater, of NIGHT 1160, Miss Lena Bell is attending Summer | MT. and Mrs. Vandewater, Palace <a BY BNR ov Model school at Sharbot Lake. Alex. | Road. ! st -- ander Winter, Napanee, was a busi- | Mr. Fred Blewiit 1; improving his \ | ---- : -- s Rs nes caller at "The Pines" on Mon. | ProDerty on Dundas street with a S WwW S day. -Master Robert Bell, Napanee, | 6W roof. : John Wilson COAL CO. J suru irm | om vie FoR TE cobLER FvENINGS hrs =). . 4 Hill Yeturned home, on Sunday, after for ocen > It will pay you to consult us before plac Jhenting a few dure with Mra. H. ©. ». » hy 0! e your order for your winter coal. Price g attended the Romal Templars pienio uali ! : Sy on Irwin's of Wednesday, 9 ty count . Prof. Alexander and sons, Peter and | Douglas, Kingston, are visiting on the Reserve. Prof. Alexandbr is gath-| ber, sting information - for a lecturing Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beck, But. falo, N.Y., spent a few days with her uncle, William 'Bell, while motoring through Ontario. Mrs. W. Bell, Lena Saints church on Sunday, July 4th. [TOronto, are visiting his parents of Women's and Misses' | Silk Dresses ,