ON . FUR COATS FUR CHOKERS - Bee McRay Furs--note the quality, work. JOHN McKAY Limited ROC STRERT, KINGSTON, ONT. ---------- / GARDEN PARTY HELD OUT AT PORTSMOUTH By Church of Good Thief-- Those in Charge--W inners of Racing Prizes. On Wednesday afternoon the if | 8Tounds surrounding the Church of the Good Thief, Portmouth, present- & gay appearance. A great Union Jack showed the visitors where the {garden party was In progtess, and when they arrived at the entrance i they were delighted at the unusually beautiful décorations. Flags of the nations, the Union Jack predomina- ting, were strung across the wide - HUDNUT TOILET PREPARATIONS : SEE OUR DISPLAYS. Branigan's Drug 268 Princess Street ET] I Special Prices on Summer Furniture © 3 piece Suites, walnut finish, Sprin seat, backs upholstered in Tapestry. Worth $5 Or. Duy. onh | three-piece suite, large size, good qual- ity of Chintz, auto seats, upholstered backs, «worth $50.00 f&r ..;...... 7 | . $42.00 ER three-piece Fibre Suite, fumed finish, auto seats, worth $70.00, for .... $57.00 Odd Chairs and Rockers, worth $12.00 for... o $9.00 Porch and Verandah Chairs and Rock- ers from $2.00, $3.50, up. Camp Cots, Mattresses and Pillows. = ROBT. J. REID "it f ly im a LG SS CL © LIVE WIRES who should do your t Our da ress Corn Flakes ( ) tor 28¢ TVs e er yA ' nt at || Tames lawn and booths and stalls were de- corated with bunting and flowers. All sorts of delicious home cooking was for sale at the tables, and tea and ice cream, hot dogs and ple, were to be had as well as sandwiches and cakes - of every kind. The fancy work was extremely well done and shown at several tables. That done the nurses from Rockwood Hospi- tal was placed in a tastefully degora- ted booth and arranged to excellent advantage. During the afternoon, races were run by the boys and girls, and in the evening Shea's orchestrs § Played for dancing in the new re- creation hall. Rev. Father Kingsley was pre- sent with a kindly word for his par- ishioners and their guests, and Mr F. I. Doyle was ready to give assist- ance to all comers, as h . Was the ij secretary of the co ttees In charge of this Successful entertain- ment. Mr. RJ. Reid and Mr. James Reld had given chairs and a china cabinet. and Mr. 8, 8. Corbett dona- ted a handsome electric lamp to be drawn for, The following is a list of the dif- ferent committees, the chairman and members of each, together with the ladies in charge of the differsn' booths and their co-workers: Chairmen of Committees-- Rev Dr. Kingsley and M. J. Kennedy. Brecting Booths--John Doy.e, chairman, and Messrs, Phil. Kenne- dy, Joseph 8t. Pierre, T. Gtithrie, Jr. N. Henderson, T. Fowler, Jr., and J. R. Davis. Superivsors of Grounds and Lights --James Lawless, chairman. 'and Messrs, T. Tobin, John McGeeir, 17 Nagle, A. Beaupre, N. Wilson, A. Davis and B. Davis. Receiving Tickets at Gate -- R. Me¢Donald, chairman, and Messrs. P. M. Beaupre, T. MeGulrd and Frank Grainger. Orderlies--James Halpin, man, and Messrs Ww. Ryan. T. Doyle, T. Tobin, P, Kennedy, P Bird, Joseph Compean and D, Drigesil. Sports--George Sulllvan, chafre man, and Messrs. R. MeGeein, Sr, M. MeéGeein, A. Murphy, James Kenne- dy. T. F. Burke, J. D. Kennedy, R. eGeeln, Jr, Ww. Beauprs, J. pn. Beaupre, J. D. Doyle and ®. Burke. Soft" Prink Booth--Thomas Guth. rie, chairman, and Messrs. ¥. Ken- nedy and T Fowler, Jr. Danecing--Jimes Grainger. chair man, and J, J. Kennedy. Miss M. Sullivan, Miss C. Burke and Miss M. Kennedy. Printing--P. J. Doyls. sectratary of committees, - Home-made Booth and Refresh ments---Mrs. T. P. Burke. assisted by Mrs. George Sullivan, Mrs. T. Ralph, Mrs. R. McDonald, Mrs, W. Ryan, Mrs. Allane, Miss I. McDonald, Miss Ryan, Mrs. K. Paves, Miss Rose. and Margaret Kennedy, Mrs, H. Nagle, Miss Sullivan, Mrs. Pp. Bird, Mrs. L. Walsh, Miss M. Dean and Miss Be: dore. Ice Cream---Mrs, assisted by Mrs. T. Fowler, Mrs. ¢| P- M."Beaupre and Mrs ¥. Doyle. Fish Pond---Mrs. Coffee, assisted by Miss Mary McGuire, Miss Margar- et Doyle, Miss N6rah Lawless and James Grainger, I] Margaret Coffee. Candy Booth--Miss Dean ana Miss Kennedy. Fancy Table--Mrs. James Lawless assisted by Mrs. Gray and Mre, Da- vis. Home-made Tables--Mrs. . James Kennedy, Mrs. R. McGeein, Jr., Mrs. C. Gallamore. Hot Dogs 'and Sandwichias---Mrs. Lawless and Mrs. Compean, R. McGeeln, Sr. : : Fancy Work (Rockwood Hospital) Miss M. Deam, Miss Renaud and Miss Cullbaim. ' Judges -- M. J. Keaneiy. Chiet Constable -J, Donaghue. Sergesni EB Jenkins. Sates The races resulted as follows: "Girls, 7 years and under--Isabe; Ewart, { Sullivan, Jas. MeGarvey. 7, OIF. between 7 a __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON REBEKAHS » HELD FINE OUTING| Picnic at Lake Ontaflo Park Wednesday Afternoon Was : Much Enjoyed. Spa------ The pienic of the Kingston Rebe- kahs was held at Lake Ontario Park, Wednesday afternoon and evening, with fine weather and a good crowd In atténdance. Though there were quite a few picnickers in the park fn the afternoon, the actual events did not start till after the supper. One hundred and three persons sat down for supper, served by the ladies at the tables. Everyone cnjoyed that supper, too. The committees to whom a great deal of the credit should go for the success of the pic- nic are: Sports, Mrs. Arneil, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Childerhose; = dance, Ethel McCullagh; tables, Mrs. Stew- offered VOILES A art. Mrs, Stanley Hall, Grand Noble, also deserves a great deal bf praise for the way the picnic was handled. The results of the events were: Progressive euchre--Mrs. Strat- ford, Consolation, Mrs. Deline, Girls' race, 5 to 7 years-- Jean Marshall, Ada Roberts. GEORGETTE CREPES UNCRUSHABLE CREPES T N After a very busy season in our Wash Goods Depart- ment, we find many remnants on hand, and these will be at very attractive prices on Friday. In the lot are: "| PRINTED FOULARDS RAYON CREPES SILKS AND SATINS RAYON GINGHAMS PRINTS COTTONS PERCALES | REPPS re <Girls' race, 10 to 12 years--Kei- tha Davey, Elsie Kershaw. Adults' race, men--Mr, Childer- | hose. Balloon race--Mrs. Angrove. Peanut race--Miss McCullagh, Sewing on buttons--Mrs. McCrum- Miss MacLean. Good Samaritan--Miss Miss MeCullagh. Three-legged-race -- Miss S Burns, Miss Heaslip, Miss ttons. Davis, Davis and Mrs. Hall, a Soda biscuit race--Mrs, MeCart- Sq CREPE DE CHENE | A 2 IN THE STAPLE DEPARTMENT Towellings, Table Linens, Table Damask, Sheetings, A IN THE HOUSE FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT L Chintz, Cretonnes, Curtain settes, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Nets, Scrims and Marqui- etc. El ney, Mrs. MeCrum. Throwing the ball--Miss MecGofr. There were nine tables of progres- sive enchre in the afternoon. In the evening after the sports, an orches- tra supplied splendid music for the dancers in the pavilion, All enjoyed the plenie outing and will look for. ward to another of its kind next year. -- D. A. SHAW, Limited | THE ALWAYS BUSY; STORE pe 8 BETHEL AND BAPTIST = chair- Agnes Baker. ; Boys, 7 on and under--Justin. ing, Jack Armstrong. PICNICS WERE BELD| Clearing Sale Yesterday Proved Highly || I arisian Shop 822 FROCK STREET Successful, With the Weather Man smiling all day, the Sunday schools of the First CROP CONDITIONS Baptist and Bethel churches held their annual union picnic at Bro. Phy's Point yesterday. From the op- ening of the programme to the final sacred sing-song on the return boat, little and big hearts alike were lond In their praises of the success of tne piente, . The 1ist 'of prise-winners for the Baptists 1s as follows: Primary girls--Thelma Dong. Marchand. 2 = Primary boys--~-Honald Harold Pickering. Girls' race 6 to 8 years--Mar- garet Pickering, Boys-race 10 to 12 years--George Sts Frontenac--Haying is in full swing and although very little of the clover has been stored. about 60 per cent. of it has been cut. The old timothy meadows héve not been touched as yet. -The hay is turning out better than anticipated. Clovers should run from 1 ton to 1 1-2 tons per acre. A fair number of young pigs have been offered on the market at $15 per pair. Lennox and Addington--A con siderable amount of hay has been cut, some flelds are yielding well up to an.gverage, but generally speak- rn might he termed fair. Carmon, Isaacks, 10 years--Irens Nichol, Billy Blake. Girls' race, 8 to ing th Hurst, Agnes Oakes. 3 po" Boys' race, 8 to 10 years--sSydnéy'| . Benstead, John Marshall. TOURISTS ARE FLOCKING Girls' race 10 to 12 years--Vera INTO THE NORTH LANDS Man, Nenne Ryce. v ent » Boyer rage 10 to 12 years--George | And They Are Enjoying the chering, James Marshall. : Boys' and girls' race 12 to 15 Outing Notwithstanding years --Ethel Blake, Reta Turnbull the Weather. Married ladies' race -- Mrs. Bd- wards, Mrs. Johnston. Cloyne, July 12---Very rainy and Married men's race--James Mar- {cold weather is being experienced shall, N. Pickering. kere this week. Real cold for Juld, -- Nail driving contest -- J. Mar- [but we are looking forward to nicer shall's team. weather soon. Tourists are flocking Balloon race--Florence Salsbury [in spite of the wet weather. and Eva Black. ¢ seem to be enjoying it just the same Three-legged-race -- gm. Ellerton [as it it was nice. and E. Scruton, J. Marshall and N.| Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cofe and Pickering. ttle sister, May, are spending a Blind-fold horse race--AMrs. John. couple of wéeks here with Mrs. Cole's Ston and N. Pickering. brothers. They arrived Saturday Young. ladies' race--F. Salsbury, from their home in Buffalo, N.Y. B. Scrutton, > : Alexander and Finley Meeks and In the absence of the 'Buperinten- families spent Sunday at Mrs. Wil- dent. the assistant superintendent |jjam McCausland's, Norman Frost, was in charge of the Mrs. Roy and Muriel! Killingbeck, Baptist events, nS who have been visiting at Mrs. Roy's sc -- sister, have returned to their home ¥ A a i The Bethel § in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Levere are now Mi results of the Bethel Sunday residing at the M. Spencer place, Cradle roll racée--Bobby Harding, where Shey intend to live for the : ' er. ; Muriel MacGregor, % tats |" dames Mocks apd family have vitn, Vivian Metcalfe. moved from Cloyne to T. Meek's * race--8idn . | place, while Rev. Mr. Wickware and hors ay Bard family ,our new. minister, i moving girls' race--Edna Fow-|in the parsonage, where J. Meeks ler, Elsie 2 did reside. Everybody welcomes HIS FINGERS ORUSHED hn IN HORSE FORK PULLEY [| An Accident That Befel Frank | Hart at Adolphustown | Farm. ---- | Adolphustown, July 13.----The i damp weather is delaying the hay Il harvest but {s what other crops weed- i ed. The vicinity was visited by a} heavy down pour 'of rain accompan- |} ied by very brilliant «lightning on ||! Friday evening which rather inter- fered with the ander the aus- Pices; ot 'the United 'Ghifreh Sunday | school. The illustrated lecture given by J. MeCallum, Kingston, was a real treat. Miss Geneva Roblin, seridusly {Il last week, is convalescent. Ralph Harrison, who has been in the Prince Edward hospital for several months, Was able to return to his home last week. J. Prout, Jr, is in & very || serious condition in the Hotel Dieu, Kingston. Frank Hart had the mis- fortune to get his hand caught in a | pulley on the horse fork and had several fingers crushed. Miss Hattie Allison, who has been visiting in Kingston, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Ma. | Bee and Lewis Magee spent last week-end at Mountain Grove, Miss Couch, Ottawa, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. W. Duffet. Miss Vina |} Head, Picton, was a recent guest of | Mr. E. Foster. Mrs. H. John spent. last week with friends at Denbigh. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mogg, Galt, have re- turned to their home after visiting their daughter, Mrs, Russell Cous- ins. The stork left a wee boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galle- her on Sunday last. Mrs. Ww. D. Roblin will entertain the W.Y. op Wednesday next. The bareball 5 are delighted over the recent 'sue- cesses of the home team. ---------------- WONDERFUL WESTERN RE- No more thrilling holiday could be imagined than a vacation spent viewing the inimitable scenery of the wonderful resorts and special tours of the Canadian Rocky Moun- tains and Pacific Coast. Jasper National Park with its 4, 400 square miles of Alpine scenery, its golf course, tennis cou facill- ties "for riding, climbing, hiking, camping, bathing, boating and dane. ing and Jasper Park Lodge Beauvert the visitor all the comforts of home, is without an equal, € Ed I | |