THE DAILY Featuring NORMAN KERRY, LIONEL BARRYMORE, HENRY B. WALTHALL the pulse HOTEL Raoree | = TRY OUR SUNDAY DINNER thall. "CHECKER E "1 0 DAY OR NIGHT The cab that goreed the prices ew § and 7 passenger Sedans R Lind 'Special rates for Dances. oo ow rw dl Auction Sale | FRIDAY, JULY 16th, 12 O'CLOCK, i AT POLK'S SERVICE STATION, EL HEAD PRINCESS STREET EF International Truck, in good run. : at €. G. CLARK, Baflifr. : on fous TWIGG, Auctioneer, BARBER SHOP" Replete photography and splendid acting by & notable cast of principals, "The Barrier," the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer phiotoplay of Rex Beach's novel, open- ed yesterday at the Capitol theatre. Beach's stirring novel of the Alas- kan frontier, where the veneer civilization dropped through their lust for gold, has been transferred to the screen with praise- worthy fidelity by Director | Hill. The work of the director is ably seconded by such popular sereen stars as Norman Kerry, Lionel Barrymore, Henry B. Walthall, Marcelife Day, Pat Harmon, Bert Woodruff Bo well do these players ac- "| quit themselves .that they ably de- || serve the title of the season's best others. sis -- -- with hb "The Barrier" is a should not be missed. ship's AMUSEMENTS _ |THE QUEEN'S RE-UNION What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions "The Barrier' Has Been Dramatically Filmed. : thrills, beautiful of from" men George and Norman Kefry and Marceline Day are the focus of romantic interest in pthe 'picture. As Lieutenant Meade Burrell, the haughty scion of a proud Virginia family, Kerry is sent to an || Alaskan army post, where he meets and loves Necis, played by Marceline Day, a haif-breed girl, whom he be- lieves white, as does the girl herself, having been raised as the daughter of Gale, the kindly old trader, por- trayed convincingly by Henry B. Wal- Complications arise when Burrell learns the girl is not white. willing to overlook the barrier, the feelings of his aristocratic family must be considered. His decision is made when the girl falls into the clutches of Stark Bennett, the bru- tal skipper of a whaling ship. The picture is packed with high- power dramatic thrills. of the girl from the whaling ship jammed in the ice floes, the wreck of the ship in the ice, the furious battle between the young lieutenant Bennett in the struggle between the first mate, es- sayed by Pat Harmon and Burrell's orderly, Sergeant Murphy, combine to keep the spectator on the edge of his seat throughout fhe film, The picture contains nons of the monotonous heroics commonly as- sociated with the stories He is but The rescue and cabin, the ot Ra frontier and a well defined vein of i comedy, interpreted by George E. R 0 B B S Cooper and Bert Woodruff, permeates throughout. picture that = \- Ne New Beauty Parlor with MARINE MARCEL WAVING. SHAMPOOING,. 3 AIR BOBBING Pllo am, DENTIST Welton 8. Phone so PAPER HANGING, PAINT- NG AND GRAINING and Gratning £4 3H "EE g THEE i 2 5 is The freighter cleared for the west at 1.50 a.m. t The steamer from the Richardson elevator midnight. Thc orders tor the Sinmae barges Kingston to play a three-day engage- were changed before they were to| ment, clear from here yesterday, The tug | 22nd, under the auspices of the Sinmac cleared for Port Colborne to Pick up barges' there barges in port here will await fur- ther orders. The govornment canal boat Lor- ¢tta is in at Crawford's slip. to 1 mile, {National Defence. Each this map covers an area of in aay east and west 5; 17 miles | ©f the sawdust and tinsel world and north and south, or square miles, ¥ The mapped ares extends Winder to Whitby, Ontario, inclgd- | 8da. Jing Niagara Peninsula; Ontario, 'to Quebec, in-|them being between the in. {cluding the country i 1 {J 2 3 5 Ss Ta » Records: City of ez, up, Arlington Ottawa Pleasing is ity. w a. + rane aha 8. Raids King wari port Pa gins (Mowat Hospital) * contributed i ie a ville Moruing ig oy Sale. W. Barmand, of Jeanette, Ont. |® lovely tray. . The 88. Toronto was In port on {has been appointed C. P. R. agent Steamer Tn Tecars Tn Trouble. her two trips to-day. The steamer Corrunna of British Empire Steel Co., which has | Moffat. been in the Collingwood Dry Dock having plates chan ing the night. the Thursday --ILI 105, down, 5.30 pm; Lethbridge, up, 10.65 p.m.; Friday--Gehm, up, 12.45 am.; Jolly In 12.30 cleared at and the TN ------------ A MAP OF CANADA, ---- That Will Be of Great in % and civic organizations in all Canady Auto Drivers. A map of Canada of which the o- sive tour in the provinces with great istence 'is not known to blige, i ' sl Bublle. > She. ory of 1 ingh don where it has been play'ng under by the Department of [the auspices of the Community Wal- the gen- excellent sheet: of about about 435 from from and the Ot- St. Lawrence rivers; about Halifax, N.S., and in the viciity the OBITUARY FRON Nov. 6 10 13 Assurances 'That 1,500 Grad- The death occurred at the Hotel Dieu Hospital last evening of Rich- uates Former Students | ard Franklin Fielding, Loudon, Ont., will be Here. aged sixty years. Deceased was on | his way by motor Son Montreal to w'® a | London but on arrival here at tur- Plans for the Queen's Re-Union | which is to be held in connection | day, he suffered a stroke and was with the Queen's Endowment Cam-| FémOved to the Hotel Dieu Hospital. paign 9 been altered so that the| I De Temains were sent to London to. big event will take place from No-| 93Y for burial. . vember 6th to 13th. This has been done so that .the many graduates Infant Daughter Dead. who will wish to spend Thanksgiv-| Baby Whitmore, infant daughter ing Day at the re-union may be able to do so. Already the Re-union Committee has received assurances from fir. teen hundred graduates and form- or students that they will be on hand. All the details of the enter. tainment for the re-unfom have not been worked out yet, but the com- mittee is bending every energy to- ward providing a novel programme and .when all thé "old boys" and "young girls" get back to Queen'y for a few days they will doubtless stage some impromptu features that will fill in what is not taken care of in the twenty-four hours of each ay, | Richard Franklin Fie ! at the Hotel Djeu Hospital. funeral took place from James eral service wa sconducted by Ad- jutant Falle of the Salvation Army. ) / ODLAND RELEASED. By the Donnelly Company at Cross. over Light. . The Odland No. 1; that weht ashore at Crossover Light Thurs- day, has been released by the Don- nelly Wrecking and Salvage Co. It was reported that, the stéamer Hor- ton was ashore, but the name was wrong. The Odland was loaded with rye, and it was necessary to lighter ten thousand bushels. When the rye was lightered the tug Fros- tenac had very little difficulty in pulling her off. She was released at 8 p.m. Thursday, the cargo was reloaded and she proceeded on to Montreal at 6.00 a.m. to-day. The tug Frontenac and lighter Cobourg returned to the city this afternoon. DANDELIONS GROWING THROUGH PAVEMENT A Sight to Behold at the En- trance to the Fair Grounds. While dandelions are known to be very hardy weeds, it is difficult to credit the assertion that they will | grow up through the pavement, yet this is what is actually taking place at the main entrance to the Fair Grounds. Evidently part of the asphalt pave- ment 'was laid over dandelion roots, and these plants have pushed up. the bayement in several places and the flgwers have come right through and are In plain sight. If this phenomena continues till fall some enterprising showman at fair time can put a tent over the spot and. charge admission to see "The Gr-r-reatest Wonder-r of the Twentieth Centur-r-y." ---------- HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gathered by Re- porters--What the Merch~ ants Are Offering. # General Hospital Buildings. A meeting of the building com- mittee of the General Hospital met on Thusday afternoon and discussed several matters regarding the build. ing operations which are under way. The architect was instructed to prepare sketches showing the remo- delled main building and the propos- ed nurses' home although it is mot anticipated that any immediate ac tion will be taken with regard to these two units. They are included, remodelling plan as it was originally laid out, but, until finances can be with. ----eear---- Names Omitted. The following names were omitt- ed from the list of workers at the Church of the Good Thiet picnic, Portsmouth: Candy table, Miss Daugherty (Rockwood); fish pond, You'll save gas when you use a Moffat. - +» C.. Donnelly, C.P.R. road-master, left to-day with his family for a visit to New York. . The best Fas stove in the world is Miss Lena Ebey; refreshment booth, Mrs. Frank Bbey, Mrs. T. McGuire, Mrs. T, Guthrie Sr. Mr. N. Hexder- son contributed a beautiful hand- painted cushion cover, and My. Hod- at Renfrew. Ask your neighbor. The Donnelly tug, Mary P. Hall and the lighter Mamie, stationed &t Morrisburg, were this morning sent She owns a William Swaine. plano tuner. ged, cleared dur- [Orders received at 100 Clergy streot | [0 the assistance of the steamer "oy - {west, 'phone 564w. William C. Warren. The Warren was. leaking near Farran's Point. Two air compressers were put the No. 1 tank and a syphon in the fore peak. She was then able to con- tinue on to Montreal, though still leaking a little water. -------------------- St. John's Pitts . The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Presbyterian Chureh, Pittsburgh, met at Mrs. John MecAllister's on Thursday, July 15th. All the mem- bers were present, and three new members joined. Several visitors al- So attended. All enjoyed a pleasant | and" profitable afternoon, whieh ended in a dainty lunch being served by the hostess. Aged Lady Dislocates Mre. Paul, an elderly at 106 Clergy street, downstairs Thursday afternoon and dislocated her shoulder. She was taken-to the General Hospital where the injury was given medical atten- tion by Dr. R. J. Gardiner and on Prides morning she returned to her ome. ¥ BOB MORTON CIRCUS. Coming to Kingston for Three Days, July 22nd-24th. ' Circus day will soon be here. The Bob Morton Circus is commg to July Ki wanis Club who are staging the show to raise funds for their Welfare Fund. The big show, by special per. mission from the city officials, wil) pitch its big tents on the Cricket Field opposite the Court Houss. The Bob Morton Circus is without & doubt the largest traverng circus that plays exclusively for fratarnal beginning Thursday, Shoulder. lady living and has been making quite an exten- success. The show is coming here direct from its engagement in Lon- fare Fund a The show consists of over 50 stars comes to Kingston highly recom. mended by the various organisations under Which it has played In Can- Theres are some real feature Scts on the programme--among the Famous Luckey Sis- ters, Three Dainty Queens of the Alr, presenting ons of the greatest ds- Mmanstrations of Iron Jaw work that Cherry Sale If unsold at seven o'clock you can get a basket of red or white for 4Be, at sight for 40c, at nine 35c, at. ten for 30c. Black" will go at double above prices ovaky's. BRITISH WHIG | SPORT KINGSTON LADIES On Thursday the ladies of the Ca-| of Mn and Mrs. Charles Whitmors, | (2r8qul Golf club entertained twelve 214 Rideau street, died on Thursday Brackvills jadies at Juseh, and af- The | terwards playe a friendly game, Which resulted in a 26-6 win Reid's undertaking parlors to Catar- Kingston, aqui cemetery for burial. The fun.) Were: DEFEAT BROCKVILLE Scored 26-8 Victory in a Frieridly Qolf Match on Thursday. The individual along with a' wilder you, $28 for scores | Clearance Sale Just at the height of the summer fe waiting for your new dress at a reduced 3 startling announcement of prices which will be. | g All Dresses have been Re-marked for Saturday As everyone knows a sale at the Classic is a REAL Oome early to get the best bargains, cloth in rayon alk, ---------------------- large sizes| Ladies' silk and 'wool $3.95 Saturiay aly $9.95 t $1295 and whem you price, we come some large sizes coats Saturday, 98¢ KINGSTON BROCKVILLE Miss Mitchell ..2 Mrs. Arnold ...1 Mrs. Brook ....3 Mrs, Cossitt ...0 rp -- Mrs, Taylor ...0 Miss H. Bright.2 and broad Mrs. Coverdals.0 Mrs, Duncan . 2 olok and white . Mrs, Welch ..,2 Miss Davies .. 1 up to & Mrs. Robertson 2 Mrs. Russell ,.0] ; Mrs, Miller ....3 Migs. Curran ..0 Mrs. Givens ..3 Miss Whalley .0 Mrs, Waddell ..2 Miss Ward ...9 Miss Rodden 3 Mrs. Gordon ..0 Children's dresses up to Mrs. MaeCallum 5 Mrs. Bwitt ....0 14 years on sale Mrs. Mitchgll . 2 Miss Bresnan . 0 regular value up to $1.95, 2¢ 6 went down to at two o'clock | gay afternoon with a team of the Brockville club, The result was 8 victory for the Brockville team, and below are the players and their scores: however, in the general building and ' W. 0. Jones . arranged they will not be proceeded | T- E- Sharp ... GANANOQUE BROCKVILLE L. 8. Barr ...0.J. G. Gardner 3 Ted Taylor ...3F. I. Ritchie ..0 TOURING ...... H. Galkins ....0L. C. Ostivie ..3/ll coacm .. | F.W,. Bell ....0ow. A, White...3 F. Bradley ....0 BE. B. White ...1 W. T. Sampson.0 C. 8. Cossitt. ..3 J. 8. Hargraft..3 B: C, Cossitt . 0 \ G. G. Hood ...0 A.G.Mainwaring0 Ted Byers ....3 8. Johnston ...0 e Nn «0 L. V.'Fitspatricks Dr. J.T. Rogers 8 J. A. Bresnan . 0 BROCK AND MONTREAL Dr. Barker ....0 D. C. Grant ...1 D. R. Laing*.. 1 T. D. O'Connor.0 J. E, Chrysler 3 W. HB. Rees ....1G. I. Murray ..0 EN Paul Sampson .0 J, L. Freeman .2 half twice around. The judges are' H. W. Cooper. .0 B. B. Retlly 3|T. G. Bishop, J. A. Dalton. The J. K. Taylor ...0 A. G. Code. 1 ltime-keepers: J. E. Cunningham, J. Sampson ... 0G. B McGlade. 0 Hugh Ryan. Starter: William Geo. Little ....1 H, N, McDowell 0 | Casey. << E. McDougall ..2 H, Rosenthal ..0 The commodore, Mr. Henry Rich E. B. Rogers ..3 R. Zeigler ....0 ardson, has kindly allowed the tom- Ross Richardsond Alan Gilmour 3 'mittee the use of his motor yacht ville The here King was second and Lord H, York Sandown Park, Eng. Lord Woolavington's Coro ner of the derby, cap ninth renewal of the Eclipse -- GOLF AT BRROCKVILLE A Gananoque Team Played There on Wednesday Gananoque, July 15---~A team from the Ganaoque Golf and Country Club Brockville on eWdnes- and played a Dr. E. Bird ....0 Albert Gilmour 2 0 AF. Macpherson 3 -- 16 The Gananoque players speak in the highest terms of the sportsman- ship and hospitality of the Brock- club. CORONACH WINNER OF ECLIPSE 'STAKES Derby Victor Adds 000 to Its Winnings the Season. today. FP. Curzon's Cross 'Bow third. Eight ran. The Eclipse Stakes are the most valuable of the year, being worth £12,000. The victory brought Coro- nach's winning for the season, in- cluding the Derby stakes, £37,000. Coronach won six lengths, at odds to 6 on. Four lengths separated rossbow, against odds were 100 to 8 and § to 1 respectively. The race is of 2 Comedy King and C whic at 1 A Sade Supervision ip unfortunate aceident occurred at the Soh Cadets Camp during the week. h betting 1-4 miles. While piling up logs g fy 23 July 18--- nach, win- tured the thirty Comedy Astor's to over ssf 50; +] _OHILDREN'S 80X The (Cl match CHEV a HARRISON BUILDING ROLET NEW ssic Sho ++ -- 4 PAIRS FOR $1.00 ST. ee ___ ~ | races. 35 the Frontenac club for the STOP MOTOR LAW Is £12,-| Defeated In Oouncil o Provincial Law, The attention of motorists of ston is drawn Stakes Act, which says as follows: tering or crossing a through (a) "Through highway shall above is drawn ia that known as the stop law is ex come into effect here In this way it is hoped to do with many accidents thet through cars going into the way without stopping. for a by the police but it eame to the counell, the etiforce this was defeated. f shortly. of and local members, followed * dance in the evening. For those who are not Yacht club members and wish ¢ to see the events a splendid view can be had from Macdonald Park. COMES TO QUEEN'S AS ~ OLASSIOS PROFESSOR Delivered Kingston, including' license, front bumper and spare tire for the purpose of Judges' boat. Uusal social events. will follow the The club ladies are giving a tea after the events, a dinmer at crews by a TO COME INTO EFFECT Once---Has Now Become King- to section 36 part (1a) of the Ontario Motor Vehicle "The operator of every motor ve- hicle shall immediately before en- bigh- way, bring the vehicle to a stop." any highway designated as such by the Minister or by by-law of any municipality approved of by the De- partment and every such highway shall be marked to comply with the regulations of the Department.' The reason that attention to the hat is to very shortly. This law will require that every mo- tor vehicle, before entering the high- way shall stop first and them go on. away La: ocenr | high- This matter has long ocenpled the attention of the local police. and ft wag vigorously taken up at one time when by-law to However, it is a provincial law now, and loca! motorists will feel the effect of it ® # STREETS, "PHONE 600, CHEVROLET, PONTIAC AND McLAUGHLIN-BUICK ' BALES AND SERVICE | arage, Limited STOCK MARKETS | (Reported by Jonnston & Ward, corner King and Clarence members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Bxchavges). New York, July 16th, 1.30 p.m. Amar. Cap...) 0 oo 5e% Baldwin Loco. ...... coven 118% B&O ...... 0 no s6y California Pete. ....., . 33 PR 164% Onrysler ........ ........5. 35% General Motors ,...,... . . 168 Inter. Nickel ...,.... .....: 9 Inter. Comb. Eng. ,...,..... Bey. Mack Truck ti Marland O11 N. Plercea Arrow | Sou. Pacific Studebaker Texas Of] Westinghouse A. B. White Motors Woolworth Montréal. = July 16th, 1.30-p.m. - Abitibi Power ... ..,.. Asbestos Com. .... As Pd... & Bell Telephone ,.. ... Can. Cement Pfd. .. Dom. Bridge Dom, Textile .......,. ... Ind. Alcohol ...,. Chitin wes Fevaas 4 OKAY ur. ns a8 Montreal Power ...,. .., fic 14-0 National Breweries Com. .... 81% National Breweries Pra. cone 307 "arene 184 Chases Spanish River Prd, Shawinigan aod DOT IMR sevens wu BATS V py