THE DAILY B RITISH WHIG Tuesday, July 20, 1926. ¥ 4 T ~ EWS FOR WOMEN READERS {Woman's Page Editor Phone 2618. Private Phone 857w. p . » . | Capt. Burns, Royal Military Col- legs, has returned to Ringnon, . i Major Willae Rosal Military College; is leaving today for Cal- gary. . ¢ . » - Miss Kiely, Toronto, is the guest jot Dr. and Mrs. Huyck, Wellington street, . . . Dr. Cooper of New York, is spend- {ing a week-end at the Chateau Belvidere. | . . . | Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, Toronto, are |visiting Mrs. Herbert - Roberson, | Wellington street. | * . . | Mrs. Richard Foley, . Graystone, IN. Y., is the guest of Mrs. W. Gibson, | William street. i - v » Mrs. J. P. Cartwright, Highwater, | Que., is the guest of Mrs. J. PF. {Hawkey, "Courtplace." | * * 0» | Miss Gertrude Dromgole, R.N., of | Watertown, N.Y., is visiting Mrs. W. | Gibson, William street. * - - | Mrs. 5. W. Dyde is leaving this {woek for Edmonton, where sho sill [ visit hor son and daughter. | - - - | Mrs. T. Snider and son, Donald, Rochester, N.Y., are visiting friends in Kingston and vicinity for a week. { * . . { The first round of the tourna- ment to be played at the Tennis {Club, will be finished on Tuesday. { . LJ . Mrs. R.-J. Reid, Union street, and her guest, Miss Pease, are leaving on Wednesday for Rochester and To- ronto, { [I Mr. Joe O'Brien, Oshawa, was in the city for the Yacht Club Regatta, and spent the week-end with his mother. . » - Mrs. Woodward, Chatham, the guest of Mrs. Bermingham, Ceitre street, returned to her home on Mon- day. : ee 0 a Mrs. Margafet Gordon and Miss Amanda Gordon, Kingston, are visittag Dr. 8. W. Gordon, Cape Vin- cent, N.Y. { . = | Mrs. John Nicolle, Barrie street, is iaxpecting Mr. and Mrs. John Tomp- 'kins, of Hawksbury, for the woek- end. { Sea | Miss Gertrude Mahood arrived home on Tuesday, from North Bay. where she has been spending some- fr LS Mr. and Mrs, J. BE. Wilmot, Ottawa, former Kingstonians, are at the { Abitibi Fish and Game Club for several weeks. | : * 8 | Mrs, Reebe, Ottawa, is expected in 'the elty this week, and will be the guest of Mrs. Herbert Robertson, Wellington Street; - Mr. and Ny " R. Howard, New | York, will arrive on Sunday to spesd 'a fortnight with General snd Mrs. Hill, Gore street. f "es 8 | Mrs. George Webster, Montreal, [and Miss Amy Lee, North Bay, are the guests of Mrs. G. W. Mahood, University avenue. . - . { Mr. and Mrs. G, A. Bateman, and their son, Mr. C. H. Rose, Toronto, have returned to Kingston from a © week's fishing ny. ! } . - 5 | Dr. and Mrs. Yo Mater, Toronto, stopped in Kingston while on a mo- | LIFE'S SOCIAL : SIDE tor trip, and were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Huyck. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Xoehler, Dutton, and thelr daughter, Cath- erine, are the guests of Mrs. W. Gibson, Willlam street. - . . Mrs. B. W. LaChance, Barrie street, left today for Brockville to bo the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goulet, King street West. * - . A party of Kingston young people will motor on Wednesday, to spend the day at Mrs. 1. G. Bogart's cot- tage, Loughboro Lake. - . » Miss Ella Markinsk!, Winnipeg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. F. Gei- ley, Royal Military College, and will be here for two or thres weeks, » * - Mrs, Philip Du Moulin asked a few friends in at the tea hour to bid farewell to Mrs. Victor Tremaine, who is leaving shortly for Halifax. - - ME William Huis. Toronto, has returned to his home. . Mrs. Irwin and her daughter, Margrace, will re- main for the summer with Mrs, John Weir, University avenue. . . . Mr. Charles Holland and Mr. Bd- ward Trimble, motored from To- ronto and are spending some time in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke, Alwington avenue, . * . Mrs. Edward Martin, Balaclava street, 'entertained at a miscel- laneous shower on Monday evening in honor of Miss Alma Merritt, a bride of Saturday. »- . » Mrs Louis Truedell and little daughter, Dorothy, York road, and Mrs. Percy Potter, Kingston, spent last week with friends in Belleville. Trenton and other points west. » * . Rev. Dr. Frederic Gill, after a week's visit with his sister. Mrs. W. H. Wormwith and Mr. Wormwith, Earl street, left on Monday for Alexandria Bay and then on to Bos- ton. - » . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Russell, Delta, announce the engagement of their daughter, Hstelle, to Mr. Charles Byron Willis, only son of Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Willis, Uxbridge, Ont., the marriage to take place early in August. * . ° . Mrs. Merrill Des Brisey, Toronto, arrived from Montreal, yesterday. where she was spending the week- end with Mrs. Dawson. Mrs. Des Brisay will be in Kingston with her mother, Mrs. Torrance, for tho re- mainder of the summer. . . . Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lockhart, Un- lon street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Leona Kathleen, to Vernon Chester Jones, B.Sc., of Montreal, son of Mrs. W. E. Jones, Jordon Station, and the late W. B. Jones, the marrimge is to take place the early phrt of August. . - . Some of the guests who have re- cently 'been at the Chateau Belvi- dore, are: Mr. and Mrs. BE. G. Bush, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Pierce, Akron, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Suell, Syracuse, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ludham, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Ashworth, Philadelphia; Lieut. and Mrs. James B. Carter, Lakehurst, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fish, Erre, Pa.; Mrs. A. B. Osborne, Erie, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Routhier, Buffalo, N.X.; Mr. and Mrs. A. Smotz, Indianapolis, Ind; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morgan, Syra- cuse, N.¥.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Watts, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mrs. Canton, Ohio; Miss Lydia H. Cor- nell, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mr. Hugh T. en J. H. Fiechel. teaspoonful ue GILLETTS PURE FLAKE LYE in the Garbage can every few days It prevents a GILLETT'S LYE Smith, N.Y.; Mr. J. T. Bear, Ro- chester, N.Y. - . . Mrs. Ryan, Rockwood House, entertained at thé tea hour on Mon- day afternoon in honor of Miss Kitty Walsh, Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Black received the ghests. At the tea table, prettily decorated with sweet peas, Mrs. "John Aird poured the tea. After tea, the guests enjoyed a delightful stroll in the beautiful gardens. Those present were: Miss Dutton, Miss Flo Cun- uningham, Miss Evelyn Ford, Miss Nevada Best, Miss Annella Minnes, Miss Anna Mahood, Miss Isabel Minnes, Miss Charity Primrose, Miss Margery Lamb, Miss Peggy Prim- rose, Miss Dorothy Rigney, Miss Helen Ireland and Miss Nina Elm sley. Lawn social, Woman's 'Missionary Society, school grounds, Glenburnfe, Thurs, July 22nd. Band, softball game. Raincoats of Gay Colour. The old-fashioned rain-coat is no longdf the drab, sensible garment of eravenette or rubberized cloth. Prov- ing that necessity is really and truly the mother of invention, the French couturiers, seeing the rain come down every day, got busy and de- signed some chic wet-weather togs. So now Madame may be smart even though "dull days .are the 'general summer menu. All sorts of*materials are being used for the raincoats 'de luxe," tal- feta, woollen crepe, satin and crepe de chine, They are all made 80 that the rainrops can't get in. A smart cuffs and collar piped with gold lea- ther and a little gold leather rosé adorns the lapel. When worn with a black woollen, one-piece frock with narrow belt in gold leather and black felt hat with gold bands and cocade. Bright blues, Nile greens, mauve and Alice blues, as well as white are the chosen colors, worn With felt hats to match. One charming pastel- blue raincoat seen at the Chantilly races was worn with a rose-pink scarf and felt hat of the same tone. The smartest raincoats of the season have little capes just reaching to the narrow belt about the hips. Oth- or than 'this there is nothing to break a straight line. Paron is showing some delightful rainy 'day tailleurs made of the rub- Derized crepe satin, taffeta or silk. little black taffeta raincoat has the | Naturally they aré extremely simple, in line 2 Fringed gown of pearls: with two heavily beaded tabs hanging from waistline. ------t Chicago now officially the world's fourth city, claims to have surpass-|| ed Paris in population, thus being entitled to rank as the third city. Lockjaw is appearance of the horse, chief host of the lockjaw germ. --~-- \ [intex TINTS AS YOU RINSE New _ Lingerie for Old Tints & Dyes LAWCA @ NEB THIS MOTHER GLAD DAUGHTER The New | Nestle Lanoil and Circuline Process FOR PERFECT PERMANENT WAVING Price $15.00 and up. Ask us about it, Miss Vyle Findlay in charge FRANK Private Entrance to Ladies' Parlor ROBBS 185 WELLINGTON ST. not as common ° as | formerly because of the rapid dis-| GALLAGHER' TAXI 'os SERVICE 960 IN CITY DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS Walter Cannem Tinsmith, Roofing and Furnace Work Jobbing a Specialty. Automobile Radiators repaired and recored. 69 BAGOT ST. 'Phone 18005. * Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by sppoeintment. 272 Princeas Street. 'Phone 108 For Mountain, Lake or River trips nothing like a Knitted Suit, CoatorDress We'aary the celebrated Knit-to-fit make in an immense variety of styles and colors. DRESSES from . COATS from . .. SUITS from . ... 0 ve... $10.00 each weees. $15.00 each vee... $12.00 each W.N. Linton & Co. THE' IRISH LINEN STORE HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEW SONORA CONCERT. "MODEL"