Friday, July 23,1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ; ~The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place » = Y es BIRTHS. I : i " The Br itish Whig BENNETT--At Spencerville, Ont.. July Help Wanted __|OUT OUR WAY, ; : BY WILLIAMS. |__ Bue ness Services " 18 1926, mo Mr. and Mrs. James y - KINGSTON, ONT. Howard Bennett, a daughter, Wine] Male Help Wanted 2 . CLASSIFIED ADVERTASING. nifred Constance Gay. MA MONEY AT Ro o-- i peer TZ ' Fave re : oe All ads are seats sted | to 'the DEATHS. d earn $1.00 to $2.00 an hour in your ; S A 1 worl ang and all kinds of repair preper ¢ iBcatnon, style of type 0 t Jul spare time writing showcards. No can- : yor) done promptly. Kai Brou. it Alar Daily " a OTT --1In Londen, on "tormerly of| YSSIng or soliciting; we instruct you : Z 4 R rl. Street, near Barrie pay SIASTIED MATE | RR TERS Tul DE, Se SAG . She ™ y. he Menhenitt Company, mit- iy By Per he Funeral will take place from the resi- ed, 21 Dominion Bullding, Toronto. : Sa dence of his er, Mrs. Hodgson, RD - . Daly rater por Hoe" Barge Cass Outer Station, Saturday at 3.30 p.m. 2~2~2~ MUMBLE. . . 4 . to Cataraqui Cemetery. Femal elp Wanted . 3 RAs + 7 > 77 R : Fo KEYES 1a Joyceville on July 21nd, : Rely : 7 / CURLY HEADED \ \ Financial w " 3 88, | COOK--~References uired. Apply to é Dad FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV 304 Mrs. Fatrick Keyes, 'aged 23) 30g 'Howard Folger. 1 Billy buroct Rt p GUM =vomBLe, "222 \ NEAT society Incorporated a . ' % / 7: i x . en $1.00. Funeral will leave his father's residence | COMPETENT MAID-- Wanted for sum- A \RE AY \ BAM « HEAWY END |o I presides 2 Card of Thanks, and Mi Tian 8 fury moraing at 3.45 ag mer Sogiage, references required. ar ; 4 Zz F B \ loan oa city and ch inserticn. d, 1.50; ia Brewers Mills, where a solemn re: Ply $0 Mrs. Dyckman, 47 William St. Y ¥ H Oo O0T- 2~2~2~2~2 & } rdered trrepalar quiem mass w sung g GIRL--Wamnted for h keeping; fam- v ¢ A007 | Bros, od the 3 ie inser the repose of his soul lly of two; no NDStALr Th Apply ' \ Zl 4 BN CURLY HEADED 0 ju rate; no ad. taken for less taan | Friends and acquaintances respectfully « A. Burnett, Box 29, Odessa, Ont. ; ARNE AA BRE -- is of four lines. invited to attend. - § \ | \ HOMBRE. « MUMBLE --~ STOOK ISSUE WANTED IN. six average words to the , MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN-- Wanted to iH | Needing additions JAMES REID care for Invalid lady (two in family). : | ALL GONE ~2-2-2 [| notion. with ads. will be received by The Old Firm of Undertakers Apply 53 Markland Street, between 3 \ I \ Hes. Gi 8 fae Mow | 254 and 250 PRINCESS STREET e evening. 2-2 CURLY HEADED Wile Ofica hin $ are 'Phone 147 for Ambulance ST Ng Guy PAMI 2-2 ar 20a ' =| Male and Female Help Wanted y 8B / 1 A go " Svan (or more than one dy ROBERT J. REID ; } and stopped before expiration will ading rtak MEN AND BOYS WANTED To pat- 5 \ RN o - \ Re PearEea for 'the number of | py hele 3 Uden oY Sirvet ronize J. W. Curson"s Barber Shop. 7 NA | A q . STORAGE-~For furniture, es the ad. appesred and adjusts 8 . cess Men's hair cuts, 25c. Shaves 10c. Boys / \ ; Tn 1 Alry rooms and spaces; your own ; ment made at rate earned. a hair cuts, 16c. Ladies 25c. 201 Wel- 7 | A ) EEA aud key. Frost's Ci Sto ¥ lo Rate per line for Fre space Is M. P. KEYES lington Street. / \ ) Ry oll g v4 Queen St. 'Fhone 536. 'Hes. S36-w. | : ) RY J. same ss & line of type. FUNERAL HOME: ; WW Zl ig Sos al Iate for yearly advertising 49 COLBORNE STREET Agents Wanted 4 7) ) i 11 A i RN 2\ { Bi BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUS Publishers reserve the right edit AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1880. AGENTS---Get in a profitable, all-year a AN \ ih \ \ | v ; er Sieh Any, mare 1000 or TE or reject all classified advortising commission business of your own. Sopy. JOHN OORNELIUS Every property owner Is a customer : : B v Selephons 349; ask for a want ad. Undertaker and Embalmer or prospect. Nine hundred varieties . Mii A 1 0 Misceliancons | or. Parlors: ¥74 Princess Street of haray Red Tag Nursery products A . . & ad : nn a Cash "every week. omplete equip- " » N 3 \ See Ambulance Phone 560 ment and instruction roo. Write \ . ME 3 i I A31ES anad pr Rad I Classified Display H. J. KNIGHT Dominion Nurseries, Montreal. \ i 4 i 4 Kussell Sireet. Phone 3356 ToT I. » GH + oN t \ EMBALMER |RELIABLE SALPS AGENTS--Wanted : 4 yo ASHES--Removed from UNDERTAKER AND 2 . yard FARLORS--Sydeaham, Yarker, Veroma,| DOW for every unrepresented distriet; o_O \ \ "A lars; general carting; first o - el largest and complete stock, six hundred 4 ON TNR oi g 3 lass dry- ' Ww. KENT MACNEE and Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 35. actos. Nursery established Jorty 5 g 5 N : / Becki prams, 165 Yor Sot 3 v BROKER years, ur agency is.valuable. te S \ 2 \ bo \ ] 1 a RANE Automobile, Ac. P. H. ROBERTS, GoW &nd | secure territory, Pelham 4 : = 'V A NN { Phone 291 and 2316-M. agen: Sickness, Plate Glass and Undertaker and Embalmer, Nursery Co. Toronto. \ WN ; CAVERLY TRANSFER 00. = r lines of Insurance. AMBULANCE SALESMEN--Business is good. More 3 \ Sa Tincess Street, mowing a og be 5 ; 8 RQ at hay; also general team-work done. a= 23 BROCK ST. PHONE 585-w, Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. Banuts want to Ave the Jook of \ '9 timates given. 'Phone 1607-3. foros can posaitly each. Koad and B a our direct mail publicity me ese \ Expert Plano: Tuning, 3 refrigerators. CUT FLOWERS || fs sock otudovicist 3 vondort ; Pe Pa ans, 4 Perfection oil cookers WEDDING BOUQUETS Teal mitisiive. You never hear Book £ Tewlliave Phone 1544. . ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS of Knowledge salesmen complain of - HOW y Also cheap congoleum Rand Umes. If interested, write ua ADIOS AMIGOS! no C. W. LINDSAY, LOUTED |, KIRKPA S giving full pardeulars of your ability J S43 4v wes UPHOLSTERING--ADA general repairs and present work. Correspondence ing. Leave orderg at up drop a card rugs. Turk's Store . ART AND FLOWER STORE confidential. Sales Depa:cment, Grol- to F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street. 3 A SR TR |} SIGN PAINTING. 5 Robinson, rear $15 bagot Street 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. ler Society Limited, Toronto. 'hone 1800-J, "PHONE 108. Teachers Wanted 3 Real Estate For Rent Articles For Bale Business Services- S Lost and Founda 1 Automobdlies § PROTESTANT TBACHER--For 8. 5. Wanted To Rent 11 Miscellancous 15 Medical, BOYS AnouD COAT.Found dn Vie.) Xo. & Hiliohinbrovke, Dla Jott NOW Is the time to decorate your| DR. HOWARD PRIOB FOLGER -- 338 Auto Accessorie 88 oe c certificate, alar L ie lo THE FALL FAIRS toria Park. ADDIY 480 Albert Btreet. | $ecand stating qualifications, to Mrs | DOUBLE OR SINGLE GARAGE Wanted. | Jomns ary cemetery lots with our flow-| "Bagot Street, Kingston. Practice 1imit. 3 BOSTON BULL-- Terrier, lost, white| Charles E. Lee, sec.-treas., Cole Lake,| Write, stating location and rent, to] er vases. Three kinds to choose from. ed 10 diseases of the eye, ear, nose and | KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY With brown spot. Answers to mame| Ont. Box E-22, ig Office. Kingston Cement Products, Patrick| throat. Hours: 10 to 13.39 am. 1.30) --Makers of Auto, Bugsy, Boat 2 SheDuck-Bhot! Return to 3 Thamar dl mE Strat: Xuome Bo». ments 'Shoe 306; "5* 1% Appoint-| and Sodien Caltfornia 5 end . - - ANT TEACHER -- Qua % ¥ ments 'phone . oupe es, Almonte .. +e eo oo « Sept, 21-24 Sureet and recetve reward or telé eApetinaces waBACHER 9 eo. Real Estate For Sale RUBBISH BURNERS-- Garden Fences, = helstering. Awnings 2nd Tania Arnprior .. ew «o os «« Sept. 7-10 pha " Kaladar. Salary $700.00 per annum. Gates, Baskels for every purpose. 347 King street. 'Phone 3945. it Avonmore « ov oo ».8ept. 16-17 | BLACK LEATHER--Club Bag, between| Difties to commence Sept. ist. Apply : ® WY, arn go Wire & on , Barristers and Solicitors 31b - vi re. Sept. 22.23 | Kigston and Gananoque on either the| Mra R. E. Forbes, Kaladar, Ont. Houses | Forks Dating in or, ckle, = _ er ERR ATE ful CRT WII, TE Thome Techie Jy ove tat ir oe ae: hrs eae 10% ily: | Auto Wrecking Co. \ cw he ke Ae ieh . al 3 umm to Ra alker, 17 : ¢ : v. hy RADI 14.50, one tube WD12, mahog- ' - Beachburg.. . "oF "pliove 2470-1 and re-| 26cond class certificate for S. S. No. §, rooms, toflst, electricity, good celiar,| hny oy erm the Ss, Manog- ton Street. 'Phone 2548-w. ; . a - ' ton Ford Track. . Belleville .. .. ..Aug. 31-Sept. 3 tion ibrooke; very convenient 1oca-| verandah, fine. lot, on Albers Strect Supler, compact appearance. H. M.|GUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers Alse al) Einas of bg 5 1 SY tion. Apply, stating qualificatio ® E i cess Brighton .. .. «.. .. . Sept ny GOLD. > NSOARF PIN--| Derience and salary wanted. L. w 2,800. a eT iupous, 170 PHA Anderson, Mowat San. a and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Altomobile Parts tor an Brogkville .. .. .. ii " 16-13 return to Whig| Cameron, sec.-treas., Tichborne, Ont. 5 SALE OF BED SPRINGS AND MAT. an ston. A B Cunningham, K.C.; Second Hand. all gles w- «+ +. Sept. 30-Oc i ard. ' BE. W. sULLiN y . a sy "Sept. 10:11 | tt Tory No Te Tor TEACHER Real Estate and Lususanics Broker | liatiress Co. "471 King St, E Phons DAY AND REVELLE--Barrister "ROSEN & eu v9 sane KHAKI BAG-~Containing two bathing PR Salary $600.0: Johuson and Division Streets 1961-J, One-third of your life Is spent Solicitors, 69 Ciagence Street, oe POLLITT | Kingston om Sunday last. Finder ill, Ferm E. Day, 'Phone 2475-w, 140 RIDBAV: 87. Cobden .... .« .« +. ..Sept. 25-44 Suits and one cap, lost out of a car inf. FOrd™ | §.00. Poy to George | 'phone 539-w. Bee Adv. Page 2! in bed "Invest in rest. ston, Th Colborne .. .. .. .. ..Sept. 21- lease return to Whig Office and re- alow, § rooms, modern, Tone Mortgages arranged. 'Phons 205. : p-- CorBwall .. .. .. «x .. Oct, 1-3 Solve reward Real Estate For Rent #4.100--Double. 4oUth aids, :umprove- WB rei Tot gr " Delta os %e. ws Sept. 6-8 a pacats for $49 per nian FURNITURE Antique nd modara| (Or, 51 Brock Bireet Morisey ich: Automoblies yor Bale BY PAROEL--Containing dry goods, found Apartments and Flats 7 | 9.2 ne, § togmas improvements, | TU INIT URES ought. M. Cram-| ranged on city and farm property, - on ; 507 ¥ CHEVROLET CAR . {i015} & runn . Demoreatville.. .. .. «. ..Sept. 26 on counter in Mrs. A. Potters Fanoy ' . and = Johnson Stree er, noeas Street, successors io hone 2509. STPARKLOTE .. oo oo os Sept, j641 Jyork Store, 154 Johnadn St own APARTMENT 8ydenham Avartments ammrnce: Songs Jo. ot ] Lesses Antique Shad. SHEA Ambo BA Borin oma| Mining order. Chet for Waris..." Sy 0d Fam ow mimes wom Claw £85 AES UTEUAE RCT ot mes oe ons iis. | Avio Tom and Soren Ton | BO Le oh, eer a sh didi . case, also comb, ob on ro . - ' - i» +s sr es we oo ©.Bept. 29 | near golf course. Owner apply to C.| gree | WILL EXCHANGE HOUSE -- In city,| I. G. PAUL--Specialist for new or re-|. to 1088. 'Phone 199s. Mel AUGHLIN SIZ Sinden, Se: 14.18 | N. R. Freight Office. . R LAND APARTMENTS -. Four good, central location on paved street ired, 'Curtains, Slip Covers, Se- od cord tives. Appl: oe 204 Jo < 0 se $+ en uw pt. a 1 apartment, 3 p. bath, Rudd| For small farm .or rden property. n_ up tering and decking, wind- Ladies' Hair P R Kingston Service Stati Kemptville .. .. +. «. Spet. 23-24 | ROSARY--Found in Moran's Grove, also| Water heater, gia range. Only ref: Apply Box A-19, Wig Office. shield and body glass put in while you ; 'arlor 24 2557 Sept. 10 | child's purse with small amount of| SOUPle comeidered. Apply 1856 Queen wait, linoleum and edging for run- - TABLE .. «ov oo so beni, . chan Qwner can have same by| Street or phone 1122. ning boards, waterproof truck tarpau- FIRST OLASS HAIR WORK r "es 0s . 31-33 | ¢ . ns and awns \ Skog ORDER --Ladies' Tra: . Lansdowne .. .. .. +. Sept. 2 Phoning 11 3 UNFURNISHED FLAT--Containing 3 Articles For Sale. Princses Srrees "Banas 13 graer- "3 mations, bobbed curls, switches, Sham. We have a number of Lombardy .. «« %. +. .. Sept. 11 SMALL, BROWN, LEATHER PURSE--) [00ms, kitchen and bathroom, at 3581 | seme pot 8. singeing, curling, Ladies' and ¥. ¥ Peine Street. Appl J Miscellaneous hildren's hair - cutting. ri fe = 1 London .. <u we +» +. Sept. 11-18 | Containias smail sum of money, founa| £1 incon Bt eAPPIY to James Reid, w Fuel ana. Teed 18] pingham. 56 Bay Bisset ingens || Used Cars and Trucks For Sale," ,¢ » in Superior Ice Cream Parlor on Fri- 8 B86 Maberly «au vo oo +4 +o Sept 22 day aftecnoon. Owner mey have same BUTTI--$35. made to Your order of Tac. elephone 2094. Madoc .. vo ose he +...00t. 5-8] at'109 York Street. Indigo Serge, Botany Wool, regulat| GOOD HARDWOOD--$3.50 uarter cord M Sept. 24-25 Business laces 8| price being $45.00. .1 bought this cloth | ~--mixed wood 5 ATTIOTE «co oo se mo UMBRELLA--TFound in a store on Wed- ' &way below its value and cord--hard sla . . Mapnooth .. .. .. .. ..Sept. 29 | nesday. Owmer may have same by OFFIOBS--For rent, large and small you the benefit. Usual easy terms, Prices right. pS MeDonald's Corners .. .. Sept, 24 | phoning 2410-w and proving property. ioe in the Bibby Bul iding. Terms| 'Phone 2206-w. J. G. Ratterson, 160 amber sways, in sek. oe in saw. For the very latest in Ladies' upon application to R.| Jolmston street. H. Talbot, Cong 8 on Street. 18-d. W. hair dressing. WE NEED THE MONEY ! Merrickville .. ., .. ..Sept. 14-15 | 95.00 BILL-- Lost on Tuesday after.| Db. Sloan, Bibb, 3 artick he Wit, 7's Limitod, SAAT Bary al ChE, LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE Middleville . Oot. 1( Bilton "0 lease leave af the 'Wiig STORES--Centrally located ANE d| LUMBER--Rough and dressed, also te ss we ww ws * entrally loca 1 m 1a L an re a Mohawk, Deseronto .. ."..Sept. 22 Street. All heated and With, Aouneses oie, pct ng dome Chive and shin and lath, sata finish hard- ) ¥ sport mode 4 | $s trances. Also rooms suitable for | .76.. Apply Muller's, 371-378, W. ooring, kinds, stovewood A. B. KINGSBU BOYD'S Morrisburg .. .. .. .. Aug. 3-8 Declares Against Union. of club premises. Heated aparimeris| Bink mi pap, Mullers, Resawing and Jisaing. J. Peters &]309 Princess Street. YRY; 2015-3. Napanee .. .. .. «. +. Aug, 24-37 Burlington, July 23.~--By a vote of | AlSo for rent. Apply I. Cohen & Co fon, corner and Toroate Newington .. .. .. ....Sept. 21.22 10 137 K hu hh t 'Phone 3000. ALL THE NEW TUBES--Now in stock] Streets. "Phone $89. 120 BROCK STREBRT Odessa Sept. 23-24 | 103 to 137, Knox church here wen gt Canada Radio Stores. Open eéven- MARCEL WAVING 'PHONE 1000 e Uv o4 29.04 A . 10-18 anti-Union by a.majority of 35. fn ~ ° ings. Wanted To muy 10 | 'Water Waving, Hound and Bobbed Ottawa .. .. .. .. .. Aug. 10- In the previous vote in 1924, the BRICK Stock, pressed. Rug Rustic, ane Herp lung and Trimming Tr Al Pakenham .. ., .. «<q Sept. 20-21 . -- 1 t, building tile an tile. | SECOND HAND TRUCK--About 3 ton Scalp Treatment. Specisi > ---- ' $ majority was 19 for Union, the elac- | BRICK HOUSE -- 6 Victoria Terrace, A Neal 634 Jobu.due any ® 3040.] capacity; must be in Sood condition a DLO Miss FOR SALE, - Perth'.. .. o. .. +. vv. Sept. '1-3 tion was declared ille Montreal Street, near Queen Str $ gal as a signed o . Apply Card Parham. - Fletod .. +. ov oo ww oo Sept TB lpgnos was used to take the vote. Look SiS: sigcisioiy, hot watetriad CROSSLEY DE FORRESTS tubs ra. dor wl Smet Paoas is LIGHT TRUCK. Rusiow VAS Sot. Jen Voting has been in progress forthe | FRY 139 Union Street W. 'Phone io 'ae --- tice. only Hess Easy Business Services Auctioneers 24a. CANOPY TOP. Teen em oes DER OCC past two weeks concluding to-night --, i SMe. OC. W. Lindsay, ted. 1 AUCTIONEERS--Expert service, mode- ) Shannonville .. .. .. .. ..Sept. 18 at 9 o'clock, when the result was an- COTTAGE roving, a urtesn Island Princess Street. 7 Dressmaking B0n, | Fate charges. We. can sell anything, FORD TOURING. Stirliog .. ., .. .. .. Sept. 25-29 nounced at an adjourned congrega-| Verona, Ontario. | FISH AND OHIFS--The lanes Jon and Anywhere, bo Ag Wa LN WITH STARTER. Torento.. .. ,. .. Aug. 28-Sept. 11 th chip cafe In city. W. F. 360] DRESSMAKING-- And 're-Mning Fur ih uction ms, rke Tweed Sept. 30-Oct. 1 | tional meeting. FINE RESIDENCE. Weal end, near| MODreal Street. Hours § a.m. to 1.00] Coats. Work guaranteed Mrs E. E. FORD TOURING marth. " "oct. 7.3 | The continuing Presbyterians have Victoria Park. eight roomy, hi #. fur;| Sm. We deliver. Phone 3836-m. et navhly. fo 1 Lansdowne Street, * . Williamstown +. Sept. 14.18 pein wamhising 15 St. Luke's Mem. Slesiideliy." Yersndan onsonsion "a; | GIRLS BICYCLE (In good condition).| Ful" ne 100 t Peiween 1.00 bad Lov Inausance 3) eo WITH, STARTSR. we Sa ow " oria or the past eighteen | once. Phone 2515 or Box E-14, Whig y : . * 8 FIRE--Automobile and C it. - . Winchester .. .. .. ., Sept. 7-8| tO Office. Siectiic stove. ognos paddies, eto, A Professivna) Bo Cromisy: 420 pa] dnsur- F ORD COUPE, " 2 : ' " . 1 King Phone] : ance, Wolfe Island .. ,. .. .« Sept. 21 : FURNISHED sUNER BUNGALOW Blow Thor r---- BA Gre. Phone 1783-M. er i ---------- Dr. McKay Nominated. a fooms, With fireplaces and W SAIL BO ractors, 3 tered ar INSURANOCE--Only the most reliable PLAN A PILGRIMAGE At Pembroke. duly 3st tho Lih-| Essiyicy BE Fis fign Winer) "diate mile" 3 Neng Til a) Breer Pitan Shim lots "SUN | Fmratien ropttuentea. Sistas | MCLAUGHLIN TO . TO CARLETON ISLAND |cral Samtenition for North Rousrew en ADP ER yd. Telephone saving Ka ) x : 8. ORD OLE eC reesei Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. ian okie ay be vutcbisel on was a : e 70 ' Ma cornet of Darcie En J. B. COOKE--LAt Accident ent plans. : tween 6-3 p.m. cess Blreets. " Chttopractie adjoin Bickneas, In elable Somes da hs -- Ho a Ine n | delegates, Dr. M. McKay, ex-M.P.|"IX NOOMED HOUSE -- To let on i to inspect these before purchasing Historical Soolety Outing On was unanimously nominated to con- yori] ass, a's a ad MOTOROYCLE---Sarley Da and| ments, Saetrie 834 dang. She anger Tnperial ite Fhones' | where. ; July 31--Will Explore test the riding at the fortheoming | "80% APPLY to H. F. Norman, ¢9' Pat. Apmis: Bich phon j= is. Sicurs tment Ottley Bin: | ERNIE D. SLITER--inssrancs Brie: Old Fort. elections. . : 1942-3. oo : __| phone $37. "Roeidenen "Phone 957-3. | 4ll branches of lusurance in old linv SEVEN 0OMED HOUSE--Newiy Jeco- : ei fag. ating Brent ase Siand: and Jot -- 'Phones arts. MsuisEs Cancers 131. Tu | Se al On July 31st thé Jefferson County! James Harper, Brantford, an em- J. D. Boyd. "Phone #784] Stock m : 2578-w. Ree. Soclety, Watertown, N.Y., | ployee of the del, Railways, Cape Vincent and Carleton Is- dropped dead Muse result of heat aay Decorators 20a | missi by the French, Isle de Chev-|" myo pody of a female infant was fice 39 King Street. ng Angliced hie nto | round on a ¥indsof Doral: Jere. NE 23 ro ogiite Phone A changed |g child had been killed stufiing g . 3 You are missing the Dest opportuni. again and named in honor Of an fio mouth full of cotton batting. of Xacer he Inmediate poss on. | o 3 wilt a one | tes of Sy iss reading the Whig eral Carleton, the party wiles -- ba ronnie old Fort Haldimand, » revo fort of mazy historic ete., 93 the island which digging de ont and od without e island w was first tration while t holes. i 3 now : ration. 38 N---Pain 3 pros pos H. ter's Hardware, | se ile , lookin nce Be Elmer 3 A, ANDERSON Painter and Decorator. Strat 1w. House 11 f ; i i Wy aa