Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jul 1926, p. 3

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8 Scott, Toronto, Friday, July 23, 1926. [¥he Bob Most Amazing Stunts Witnessed--<Clean Wholesome Show All the Way Through--~Plenty of Fun by Clever Clowns ----Under Auspices of Kiwanis Club. Clever, clean, wholesome, i entertaining and thrilling is © performance of the Bob Morton Cir- ¢ cus Company troupe which opened three days engagement at the Be Field on Thursday night, nder the auspices of the Kiwanis Club of Kingston. It is not the . least bit exaggerating to say that, for a show of its size, the Bob Mor- ton circus has anything beaten that local people have had the privilege | of witnessing in Kingston before True, they have seen larger circuses, but not better at the prices asked he Bob Morton circus in its first 0 made itself solid with the the be ople. One could not help but like | {mention in some cases, as much company comedy the show given by the ®% There are thrills, clever stunts, marvellous trapeze minute, and in every detail show is a great success. . The Bob Morton troupe presented [thing worth while, a i a programme last night that really [that will give should call for mention of every act, | pleasure, something that will make #0 good were they all. Thete wasn't | them wonder and gasp. They will 866 | nt salary. $50: a single act that failed to please the |acts by clowns that will make them Mire ' , audience, {f their applause is to be |laugh freely. This circus carries Con. % ; f they | collection of clowns that is hard to 3%; Bennett & Son, fuse, etc., $4.88; counted for the appreciation a -- ; Morton Circus Scored a Big | Hit With Kingston People Last Night - highly and Mr. Sheppard has certainly not |AWard ditch crossing work, not novelty features that are up to the [the the (suffice to say, those who 'attend the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | . Pore | Township Councils | Pe ' FLAPPER FANNY SAYS }| PITTSBURGH. i Barriefleld, July 5.--Council met at 1.30 p.m.; members all present Minutes of last meciing adopted. Communicatibns from J. A. Jack- ison, solicitor, applying for a refund for ,Thomas Cummings of costs of lot 31, 5th been over-rated in advance notices. |C90-; from Clark & Phillips, apply~ Madame Tyana, the world's strong- st woman in feats of Herculean I? and gasoline station on Mrs est i 2at rculean | strength, did some of the most amaz- | Weir's farm, Front Road; permis- ing strong act things that local peo- (sion granted; from W. J. Moore, re | ple have éver had the opportunity of | grant for road purposes, grant auth- witnessing. In one trick she raised [9rized; from H. G. Graves five men on a board and in other [number of residents protesting s{unts she showed the great strength against the opening of a public dance sh® possesses hall on the highway; from Allan Mc- Mr. Allie Johnston "Tarzan of the | Laren, asking council to pass a re: Wire" was indeed clever, and the solution protesting against the em- wi walking stunts that were ex-/ploying of American guides when hibited in this act were sensational | fishing in Canadian waters; resolu- This is one of the features of the tion passed and copy forwarded to circus acts and it {s a real good one ! There are other acts that deserve |A. Sutherland, complaining 2% (bad state of road from McKenna's {tifose that have been, but space does || Corner to Maxwell Hill Proposed permit specializing in each off eighteen numbers. However, | No. 1, 3500; No. 6, $2,000; Bob Morton circus will see some- |g, $400; No performance | 7a, $75: thrills and | $300: No 14. Accounts passed: | Whig, advertising, al36 Mitchell & Wilson, lumber, $3.- No. 4, $100; No. 5, them {called this down. i The steamer Jeska is in at the | Grove Inn uploading coal from Fair- | haven. { felt. This was particularly true in |beat. They have the latest stunts to|LercY Millious, timber, $40; Thomas the case of Large and Morgner, the |offer actors. [should be It is amazing indeed how these two | instance, Berry. 25 | re, do. | with a light on his tail, serving as a | oe'TY. 25 cords stone, $75; work, much-heralded one-legged men perform the things they heir act drew perhaps the most ap- [tail light, drew the "w... of the evening's entertain- : ent and it was well deserved. One "would have to see thém in action to appreciate how really good they are The Flying Franklyns lived up to "hdvance notices and they are as .; reat as they are advertised. They . gave one of the most astounding aerial displays that has been seen | with any circus ever shown here. : Flying through the alr, they ex- hibit leaps and catches that have the A uiionce in amazement watching them. High up in the air, they go through their tricks, causing the audience td gasp at every turn they make. It is really 4 marvellous dis- play. . . The Baldwin Girls in "The Acme of Dental Equilibrium" contribute one of the best acts in the circus, and it is a most difficult one. The Baldwin Girls performed last night in highly approved. style, and won the hearty applause of the entire audience. The Luckey Sisters, on the high trapeze im daring _ stunts, also displayed marvellous skill in their beautiful act. Mr: Frank Sheppard, demohstrat- ,ing toe and heel drops and catches on the trapeze, displayed somé of "the 'most daring trapeze work that has ever been shown here with any cus. His work is indeed wonderful 4 { and they are what clowns | Payne, drawing tile, $2.50; Anglin In one |& Co. lumber, $50.10; * Harvey originally funny. A a clown leading a tiny dog | Payne, repairing culvert, $4; George mirth of the | $11; J. F. Donaldson, work with audience. | team, $2.50; John McKendry, work, None should miss this circus. It $5; John Thompson, drawing 58 Is everything that can be desired and | loads gravel, $58; William Colqu- then some, and it would be a loss to | houn, royalty on 123 loads gravel, pass it up. With féner weather to-| $18.45; Lorne Thompson, drawing day and to-morrow, it is expected |38 loads gravel, $38; Fred Root, | that all attendance records for the [drawing 32 loads gravel, $32: J § Morton circus for a city this size | Gillespie, drawing 5 loads gravel, $5; | will be broken. See the circus. It's |R. Ballantyne, work, $12 50; James | well worth twice the admission Turcott, work, $7.50; Harvey Payne, | price. | work, $4; Gordon Gates. work, with | The Kiwanians are stepping out team, $3.25; David McClymont, roy- | to be real circus men. Last night alty on 25 cords stone, $6.25: Wil-| they were in charge of the conces- | fred Berry, 25 éords stone, $75; sions in the annex tent, and the | Jagper Case, work, $43.40; James! Beano booth in particular had all | McAllister, work with team. $6: | the aspects of a big circus side 21- | Harry Davis, royalty on stone, $42. | traction of skill. All these booths are | 25: Wilson Franklin, grading, $187.-| Rates 3% the 10) Napians and fey 50; Thomas McCarey, grading, $16; | tent. Although ome of the Ki. | John Hughes, repaiting culvert, $3; | | McC k wi | wanians last night were right on Joie ale, Work ith team, | thelr toes as barkers, a little more |, m. $5:Th 2 " Works With talk from some of them in charge of | on 1omas McCarey, grading, the booths might help business out | $12: William Gordon, work, $6.25; a great deal. However, now that | 7anklin Cowan, work with team, | they are warmed up to the idea, it| $10.50; Anglin & Co., lumber, $2.10; Is expected that they will be able to | Henry MacRow, crushing stone, §2.- | gather in the crowds 'to-day and to-| 173-10; B. Moran, sheep and lambs | morrow. : killed and damaged, $257 George | The side show attraction with the | Patterson, drawing tile, $11: | Morton circus is rel] good and |Thomas McCarey, grading, $18; Wil- those who visit the '¢ircus grounds| liam Berry, works $2.50. should not fail to see it. It is well The treasurer was given a cheque worth the time and the money. for $1,200 to pay current expenses. | School trustees required to submit | SPENT WEEK AT CAMP At Hudson's Point With the Ontario Tuxis Leaders. Junetown, July 20 -- Taylor K. Franklin spent last week, at Hud-| son's Point, in camp with Ontario Tuxis Leaders, Miss Evelyn Earl, has returned to New York: to continue purse-instraining. Mrs. Eliza Mac- * Crimmon, Alexandria, is {sviting her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Purvis. Several from here are attending the re-union in Brockville this week, Mrs, M. Kelly and two daughters, also her son, John Kelly, and bride, Utlea, N.Y., were week-end visitors at Mr. Malcolm Hall's. Miss Marion is holidaying with her parents' here. Misses Muriel and Joyce Purvis are visiting thelr grandmother, Mrs. Foley, Lansdowne. George P. Scott Temperature PALM LEAF FANS Free at Best's Drug Store. L. T. BEST - PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST * 'Phone 59. We deliver J $8.500--Brick, 10 rooms, electric light, 3 piece bath, h:w. floors, hot| water heating, garage - and garden. . Nice loca- tion. Lh requisitions for school grants with- | spent Sunday at Escott with his dau- | ont delay. ghter, Mrs. Charles Glenn. Adjourned until Monday, August Recent visitors at W. H. Frank-: 2nd, at 10 a.m. lin's were Mr. and Mrs. L. D. War-| ren and children, Rockfield; Miss | Evelyn Bradford, North Augusta: 3 3 Mrs. Robert Franklin and daughter BASPEERRIES SCARSE, | Mildred, Rhinelander, Mich., also Out Around Outlet -- Huckleberries | McGhie and children, Are Ripening. i Outlet, July 22.--Farmers are busy at their hay, which is not as| |8ood a crop as they would like. Raspberries are scarce. Huckleber- rigs are beginning to ripen. . M. J. O'Grady underwent an sper- ation for appendicitis last week at | St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brock- ville, Several are attending OId Home Week in Brockville. . Two parties of campers have arrived from Montreal to spend some time a: the lake, Mark Fodey, Detroit, Mich., is visiting at his home here. L. O'Grady spent a day recently in Brockville. Nelson Fodey has purchased a Chev- rolet sedan. Mrs. Lawgence, King- ston, is visiting her sister, Mrs, M, Fodey. : rs. (Dr.) London, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ferguson spent Monday in Athens. Thomas Williams Kingston, and Mrs. J. Darling, Lans- downe, are visitors at E. Avery's. Charleston Contest at the Circus To-night. There will be a unique contest at the Kiwanis "Circus to-night--a charleston dancing contest. These events have proven of great interest in Toronto and other cities, and local talent in this line is sure to bring some surprises. Tweddell's star value 'sulfs are real money savers. Act quickly. Sale closes Baturday, July 31st. NG ------ eens FORMER SLAVE IS 121 YEARS OLD years before Abraham Lincoln was bors, a colored girl was born in the slave quarters .on an eto plantation. She was more than 60 years old when the Civil War ended and she given her freedom. And she is still liv- was ing, 61 years after the death of her emacipa In 1804, five ing for permission to conduct a Road | and a| | Minister of Fisheries; from Mrs. J. | about | expenditure on roads for 1926: Road | No, 3.| 18500; No. 4, $50; No. 9a, $100; No. | . 15, $50; No. 10, $200; | , $400. Clerk, account- (EW ANY y | The monotony of setting a table | is what makes it upsetting. MARINE | | The freighter City of Kingston | morning and cleared The steamer Patdoris is expected | to clear to-day with the barge Davie. The freighter Maplebrook called and cleared west this morning. The freighter City of Hamilton was in port on her way down this morning. The steamer Rapids King called in port this morning on her way to | Belleville and Rochester. Pilot records: Thursday--Ram- macher, down 10.30 a.m.; Friday-- Maplehill, up, 2.35 a.m.; Kamloops, down, 3.50 a.m. Snappy suits--Star value prices, | Tweddell's. SHOE at AND BAG ) Lace straw in natural color and | green lizard calf compose this charm- | ing shoe and bag combination. Special Offer to Rheumatics | Local Druggist Guarantee -- Money | Back If Cld Time Remedy Does | Not Bring Quick Relief. | What chance does any sufferer take | when Rheuma is guaranteed to ban- | ish 3 torturing Rheumatic pains and swollen joints or money back ? Why not investigate this offer? Talk to James B. McLeod, of King- | ston, and Wallace's Drug Store, of | Napanee, about it. Rheuma must! drive the Rheumatic poison from the | system, bring swollen joints back to normal and relieve all agony or it costs nothing. People so crippled that they could not walk have been freed from the iron grasp of the demon, Rheuma- | | ! + tism, with the Rhéuma treatment. No matter how skeptical you may be, nor how many'remedies you have | taken to relieve your suffering, you | owe it to yourself to try Rheuma on | this money back offer, drug- gists sell it. Everybody ca Rheuma. It's not expensive and al- SE mA nA AAR rir Sr nt} FHRND. Saturday Specials "Vaile h---- ay ¥ ole. i ; Winnie," and she lives alone in a hut pear Natchitoches, La., . 2 rounding out her 122nd year of life. #2 ipator. She is Jn : afford | | solutely harmless. i | Large Bottles Catsup 160 each || Fine and warm on Saturday. 4 PROBS: / STEACY'S - Limited Great $150,000 Merchandise Adjustment SALE NOW GOING ON AN APOLOGY 2 Long before the opening hour of this our greatest sale Thursday morning, scores of people waited outside our store. From the minute the doors opened, crowds of people jammed every nook and corner of our great store all day long. Hun- -dreds came and were not promptly and properly waited upon. While we made extra preparations and had greatly augmented our sales staff, it was a physical impossibility to give every one attention. To those who came and were kept waiting we offer our sincerest apology. . We have made extra preparations for Saturday and the balance of the sale, and we assure you, regardless of the crowds, prompt and efficient service, Our Adv. on Page 9 of this Paper will give you further details of the oney saving bargains that will go on sale in | every department of our store Saturday.

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