/ Friday, July 23, 1926. THE DAILY BRMSSH WHIG 'T0 BRING CHAUTAUQUA BARN WAS DESTROYED | BACK T0 NAPANEE| AND HORSE BURNED | \Dominion Bank Renovating [In Severe Electric Storm | | Men's Outing Wear | Building Formerly Oc- | Which Passed Over. - | § { J i ...$7.50 ffi Cream Flannel Trousers, price .....$7.5 | ouplod PY Vom yene: | Clornes a) { | ff | if Striped Flannel . Grey Flannel ........... $4.50 to $6.50 Coffee Flannel ........ .$5.00 and $7.00 Outing Shirts, price $2.50 and $3.00 Summer Combination Underwear, price... ... ... $1.00 to $3.00 Wool Bathing Suits . .. . ..$3.00 to $5.00 | | George Van Horne | 213 Princess Street. "Phone 362-w. TRANSPORT KINGSTON-TORONTO Dally Express Service to and from Kingston. Truck stops any point on the highway. Furniture a specialty. Kingston 'phone Toronto 'phone Trinity 4424, 4425 tt Ate tPA AAA tse tg. FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Foeal and long distance, All Motor Tucks with Alr Tires. H. L. BRYANT 384 Division Street. 'Phone 1753 COMFORTABLY FITTED | FRAMES | are almost as essential as cor-' |i rect lenses, because if the frame Il does not fit you comfortably, fi you do not get the best results from the lenses. Let us fit you with one of our all shell or shell lined frames, and be sure of a com- fortable fit. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. W. D. GRAHAM Registered Optometrist. 140 Wellington Street Telephone 699. Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers SPECIALS IN Congoleum Mats three pretty shades. Full size, 18 x 36. Only 25c¢. In Genuine Red Seal Cedar w Fur Chests b Natural or Walnut finish, Copper [7 # trimmed" with lock and key. Only $18.00 JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER |SOWARDS COAL CO. It will pay you to consult us before placing your order for your winter eoal. Price and ii quality count, dv cast Tp gon | SOWARDS COAL CO. | "PHONE 147 FOR INVALID COACH. ELEPHONE 155 ? i UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORBR. 'Phone 811. |i RS LADIES!! LOOK!!! Just received a shipment of hand-painted Chrystaline Parchment Shades, in all colors. Priced at $2.50 and $2.75. Call in and see them. The Saunders El 167 PRINCESS SONNE ae eee Napanee, July 23 golf team went to Belleville on Wed- | | nesday to play the Belleville team | | who defeated them by the score of | 20-1, | 'The Napanee Chautauqua Commit- | tee decided on Thursday afternoon to bring the Chautauqua back to The Napanee | Cloyne, July 23.--A very heavy | electric storm occurred here Satur- | day night, A telephone post was | struck just north of Wheeler's store, | {and a barn owned by Mr. Aubrey | | Benn, who lives-a little South of | | here. Barn was burned and a very { valuable horse was also bdrned. Mr. | summer for mer- || lecture "The Inexcusable Lie" told It means a busy | town another year. The PrOETamMMe 'ponn. lost his house about a month {thus far have been excellent. The |, 0. | ay a Tlletnse™. as Phe | Cloyne is filled with tourists now. | | Sentec . on eCnesday. night. On h cottages at Loon Lake. | | Thursday night Private Peat in his | Some have cottag { nearly everyone | { his audience of about four hundred | Chants 24 i A to this! | that the reason of it was that | Rl | scHool texts told only of the glories | ' | C 4 of war and not of its horrors. On| A Dumber from Cloyne attende | ing at Perry Road | Friday evening Solis' Marimba band | the quarterly meet | Brige tos Stil to a close. school, Sunday, held by Rev. Bosko | Thomas Moffat left on Thursday | jand Rev. Lee. A large crowd stiends| [ for Galt, Stratford and other western | 1 and all enjoyed the service, | points. | Mr. Murton Cummings is now! | Mrs. Milsap left on Thursday to | working at Arden, where he is em-| visit in Galt. ployed driving for W. W. Pringle. | Miss Margaret Walters, daughter {A great improvement {s being made | of Mr. Charles Walters, the manager | on the Perry Road and a large gang | of the local H. E. P. C. office, was | Is employed under the management | 1 Mallorytown, || Sanday afternoon, July 25th. operated on in the Kingston General | Hospital on Thursday for appendici- tis. Miss Laughlin of the staff of the | Ottawa Collegiate is visiting Mrs. | Alpine Woods, Repairs are being made to one of | the towers on the public library. The Wilson store is occupying its new building ' opposite the Royal Hotel, and the Dominion Bank is starting to renovjte by the Wilson formerly occup'/1 by the Wilson store on the corner of John and Dun- das streets. Mr. Wilson intends op- ening his new store on Friday. -------- A BUGGY OVERTURNED | BY AN AUTOMOBILE Occupants of Latter Dashed Right Ahead -- Shocking Incident at Mallorytown. July 23.--A con- temptible act was witnessed by some residents on Sunday evening. As James McAvoy was taking a friend for an after-church drive in buggy, and he was rounding the cor- ner from the village on to the high- way, a large car driving west dashed into the buggy, overturning and smashing it and throwing the pas- sengers onto the road. Fortunately the passengers were not seriously hurt. The occupants of the car never stopped, but dashed on with their lights out. At the moment no car was at hand to follow and get the number of the owner of the guilty car. It is an unfortunate thing that we are helpless in a dast- ardly case like this, The buggy bassengers might both have been killed, but the unfeeling wretches in the car stopped to make no en- quiries. From where the buggy was struck and .thrown on to the side- walk, the car must have been in the middle of the road with no regard to the rights of others. A number from here have visited and enjoyed the splendid programme of the "Old Boys' Re-union" at || Brockville. At a meeting of the session of the Caintown United church on Sunday || immediately after the service, it was {| arranged to have the ordination and induction of elder at the service on Rev. Frederick W. Mahaffie, B.A, of St. John's United chureh, Brockville, is to. address-the congregation and as- sist in the ordination. Mrs. Fred Graham was taken ser- fously {il on returning from Brock- il | ville on Tuesday evening and had to "| be left at the house of her sister, Mrs. Carl Burnham. Mrs. Frank Blanchard is still in the General Hos- pital at Brockville, Mrs. Lee, of Stevensville, Is visit- ing at the home of her brother, Bu- gene Hagerman, and calling on her old neighbors. Mrs. Elizabeth Gib- £| son has moved into the house next to the Telephone Central, Miss Marian Mallory has returned home from visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton, of Brinston's, : 4 -------------------------- i REVISITING VERONA. ™ After an Absence of About Thirty Years, July 22.--The Verona, young ladies have organized a ball club. | R. Bertrim has installed a new gas tank. Reggle Helliwell 1s still very im There are many campers and the cottages are about all occupied. Mrs. Esther Brown and son, George, left on Wednesday for their home in Washington. Freeman and P. Aylen 'are working on Wolfe Island, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Perey have returned from visiting friends in Rochester and Watertown, N.Y. Pansy Percy, his | Manford Burleigh, B. h | of William Head. | Strawberries, both wild and tame, | {are red] plentiful these days, and are | [real cheap. Huckleberries are also | | getting real plentiful now, and we | | hope for a good crop of blackberries | too. | | Mr. Albert Spencer, who has been | femployed at Perth Road, has return- | [ed to his home here for a while. A | | wedding dance was held at Edward | Cummings', Friday night, for Mr. | {and Mrs. 'Percy Levere. A good | | crowd attended, and a pleasant even- | | ing was spent. The bride and groom | received many useful presents from | the friends who gathered ' to wish | them much joy. Mrs. J. Miller was a guest at Stan- ley Wheeler's over the week-end. Mrs. F. Wheeler, of New Ontario, is | visiting friends and relatives around | here for a short while. Mr. C. Rut- | land and family arrived at Loon. | Lake, Saturday, for the , summer. | Everyone was sorry to heatsof Mrs. | | J. Spencer's illness and hope that she | will soon recover, Friends of Mr. B. Wickware, of Toronto, visited at his place last | week and friends of Iner Wickware | were Buests at his place last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cole and May Levere are visiting at Harry Le- vere's, Very warm weather here after the rain. Gardens are making great pro- gress now. | GANANOQUE | Gananoque, July 23--A very ex- citing game of ladies softball was | played at the Park on Wednesday ! evening when the St. Paul's team of | Kingston and the Independents met. | The score resulted in a tie. It was | one of the best games seen here for a | tong time, and as these teams are | very evenly matched a future combat will be anticipated with interest. There was a large attendance. Miss Margaret Chapman, Miss Alma Sinclair and Miss Nellie Kidd | { were among those who motored to | Brockville for Wednesday's' Old | Home Week programme. . Mrs. Alex M. Brown, (formerly Nellie Bews) and little son who have been visitiing friends here, have re- turned home. The garden party and dance un- der the auspices of the AY.P.A., on Blinkbonnie grounds Wednesday af- terncon- and evening, attracted a large attendance, notwithstanding several counter attractions. The wea- ther was perfect, and the net pro- ceeds will add a nice little sum to the treasury. A. C. Hardy's splendid pleasure yacht, with a party of Brockville friends, was in port last night for the Canoe Club dance. Big growth of tourist trade is evi- dent these days in the large number of cars going east and west through the town. Cities and towns on the border particularly cannot overdo catering to this sort of trade. Going a bit out of one's way to proffer little courtesies may not appear to carry much weight to the individual who offers it; but 'these are the things which are remembered at the vanish. 'ng point where the signs extend the imvitation to 'call again!' F. P. Jones, president of Canada Cement Company, Montreal, Is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sampsan at TheMest.! JULY CLEARANCE White Flannel Coats, $19.95 The ideal Summer wrap----and practical. . ed away in the vacation for the dance or the more CHOOSING A FROCK AT McNABB'S This hot weather shopping is a thing, though you have to do it, you want to get it over with quickly and get back to the cooling restfulness of your club or own re™eshing porch. 'At this time a specialty Ready-to:Wear Shop such as McNabb's, with its quiet, cool atmosphere and compactness, is a boon of easy choosing, and at the same time of- fers VALUES UNEQUALLED to'the lady or missy seeking summery things for home or vacation wear. / Striped Fug Silk Dresses 0.95 The quality is splendid. The colorings and pat- terns attractive. Mostly short sleeve styles with kick pleats and tie backs. Good sizes. ~ Come early while the selection is best. a A Great Clearance of Summer Dresses 95 A clearance group consisting of Plain/ "and Striped Fugi Silks, Voiles, Rayon Crepes, Celanese £ 4 ! Crepes, Broadcloths and plain and Striped Flan- nels--attractive, striped patterns and smart color- ings--also some Polka Dots. A SELLING LEADER FOR SATURDAY l he Plain and Printed Silk Frocks Exceedingly smart Prints and Plain Silks in short and long sleeve styles, featuring the season's smartest colorings and patterns. One of these tuck- bag will be indispensable dressy occasion. ~ Eight Smart Suits Buy a Suit now that ordinarily sells-at $25.00, Splendid materials and exclusive patterns, ; \ ~SATURDAY_ ° 9.95 Lo Ze) AMSNABB » » & '3199 |