Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1926, p. 13

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG i ERD 08 SOT ThE FAR Local Briefs Gathered by Re- | o Good Haying Weather--Veal Dairy Calves--Better Farm | AMUSEMENTS SE ------------ - What the Press Agents Say Abomt Coming Attractions LAST TIME, TO-NIGHT ED MOON, MON., JULY 26 SID FOX AND HIS SERENADERS COMING HERE, THESE SNAPPY, MERRY-MAKERS DANCE EVERY MONDAY; WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY $1.00 PER COUPLE. NO TABLE CHARGE. CLARK & PHILLIPS, 'Phone 1102 r 4-3. NER 7 i "The Rainmaker" AT THE CAPITOL. f { ee it ene | W. C. Fields Starred in It's the OM | . Snappy suits--Star value prices, | Army Game. { i ; > v.C. y } oon destined to | 8t Tweddell's. > §: Aa old phrage soon destine the | C- F. Fawcett, Tweed, is in King-| & ; wr ar anne 15 tun denerst Hospital for treatment. | wpe oMeisl forecast of 327,000,- | that to ratse a dairy heifer properly I-kgewn gaping "It's the . William Swaine, piano tuner. | 400 bushels for the 1926 wheat crop | te the beginning of her first lacta- {Army Game Why? : That's the {Orders received at 100 Clergy street {of Canada is unduly conservative, de- [tion period costs about $90. s of W. CC. Fields Yrs starring west, phone 564w. an WL Smith, formter stiior of | pictre for Parampyut, v BH 1 ar The Court of Revision held a 8e8- | rhe Farmers' Sun, who is now liv-| Better Buildings, * Fives af the: Capitgl6n Monday, sion on Friday and dealt with a num- | ing in Alberta. If hail and drought! U.S. tourists in this country often rs will testify that the fr of cases. { Ee are escaped. "I shall be sur- remark upon the solidity and per ly os rh Nand: Mrs. Charles Scott, of De-| ww if the aggregate wheat crop | manence of Ontario farm buildings Ids himself says it means. | trot "Mich . are visiting relatives and | PF ge prairie Provinces. falls below as compared with thelr own: tog ive a sufker an even break." | friends tn Kingston, {400,000]000 bushels, and it will not here is a report in a Montana And that just about explains it. | Tweddell's star value suits are |} y Him a id 300.000,000 | Faber on builds en if narrats Hntans Remember the old circus and | real money savers. Act aqflickly, be Arline ry --_--ry h Dei "Hreopt for tn or ane ecdawaa medicine "side-ghows t used toy sale closes Saturday, July 31st. | ge from Calgary "uAnd the dan- | structed farm buildings it is dificult in town". There was always! Mrs. Schuyler Loucks, Napanee, is| . R Saigus a E110 tell Wha we hones It 1s difteult a red-faced chap mounted on a plat- {a patient at ¥he General Hospital, | $5 po 1s 11 head pietty well over) ternational boundary line - These form who called out: "Step up, 1a- | suffering with blood poisoning in Bee] Woot a the barley "Uarvest has | bigger houses and huge barns are a-adles and gents! See If Jou can arms. a . I'significant, however, for they are un- {35 under Which shell is the peal" | Albert College, Belleville, win be Ct many old dents cleared off, mistakable signs of an older and Then he moves the shells around | opened on Sept. 21st. The new build- | ad the live stock Buticak brighter. | better established agricultural' secs iy xa youq gum, Vuslly | nes AY Yory substantial ane pa ey good crop at good prices will | tion than Montana now pretends to wrong. | clous, { 4 | 5 This humorous of American| Mrs. Howell, Montreal," was the | Pring the most genuinely prosperous be. rc . { ret rienced on the prairies, | the basis of W. C. Fields first guest of Mrs. A. R. Laidlay, Fron-|Year yet expe 2 | ud Cin ee ih . pleture, a characterization he has | tenac Street, and.' is now visiting |33¥s Mr. Smith, "Taking it all in| rossing reeds made famous on the musical comedy | friends in Peterboro. | all, the West is in infinitely better | ing ure brevis. of poultsy, ' f 3 . A delightful moonlight excursion | Position than at amy time since post- | althoug y Lawige Brapes Ww: itive h | war deflation set in." in Britain, is almost unknown in ate was held last night to Clayton. The | Bx be Canada, There ats sor a. Closing the Mowat have ay ras Fo he arse of Good Haying Weather. | ages claimed for this plan, one of al. Suthitiies lod sstul, Ri ying, now Imost completed | Which is increased production and Maked the Ji%aith A meciatiog - Give oy ftoatal, heard three | EE rn Bd iain another easy identification of pullets them an Hea 5 2 ee fhe , o- | cases at Sharbot Lake Friday all of | Ontario, and well advanced in the and cockerels at an early age. wa NaH poral | ud : ay Don | which were breaches -of the '0.TA {east, has been done this year under| Where two pure breeds are cross- {1 i as Tes than iv Won as te ; | The men were charged with being | unusvally favorable conditions. Many | ed, tests show that the progeny are (| would Waceed 10 Make wg tansters. | intoxicated in a public place, and all [farmers have got thelr whole crop|likely to be thrifty and often even | Ne, LN Campbell iy Intarma. | pleaded guilty and paid their fines. | under cover without any rain,"and | better layers than the parent stock | How ftom 1he Proviqesl Govarn- The last add f th fl bthers have had only a few | On either side. If the breeds are | {ment as to when they wanted pos-| address of the series of | many c § p nly porters--What the Merch- Are Offering: | Buildings in Ontario Than U. 8.--OCrossing Pure Breeds of Poultry. y | | | " Masquerade Dance Palmetto Pavillion, Beaver Lake, Erinsville, Ont., Wednesday Evening, July 28th. Prizes will be given for the best masked lady and gentleman. Comedian Step Dances. Prizes will also be given for the best masked . lady and gentleman representing foreigners. Masks may be worn until £1 o'clock. All contestants will be in their places at 9.80 p.m, Tickets, $1.00 per couple. Walters Orchestra in attendance. CHAS. O'NEILL, Manager. MID-SUMMER Furniture Sale th arrive side ------ stage. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY iS the Old d Testament, as |loads caught. The crop as a whole | distinetly different in feather color- Game' ---------- CHECKER Taxicabs Phone 800 'Amy place in city hd ; ; | lectures on the OI session Mr. Nickle, in an inter- | Sons Tat 4 | view yesterday, said the Govern-| Queen's University, will be tonight-at Te ai X vg | Convocation Hall, at 8.30. The ad- ment would await the Association's d : 3 : ress will be giv Vv. . W | convenience. The {AStitaLioh, sone | given by Rev. Dr. w. quently, will not close unfl . ed very interesting, time in September. Is cordially invited. ------------------ SPORT _| and the public Kiwanis Club Activities. | The speaker at {he meeting of the | -- Kingston Kiwanis Club on Monday | | {at noan will be Hon, Dr. A. E. Ross, { Conservative member for Kingston {in the House of Parliament. Dr. | Ross will speak on "Canada's Oppor- some | &: Taylor. These lectures have prov- | "has been heavy from about Belle- | ville west, and even in the eastern 'end of the province, where in some sections it looked quite poor only' a | few weeks ago it is turning out fair- ly well. Wheat harvest has commenced in the southwest. Spring grains are generally promising, except in the | east. Corn is two to three weeks be- f hind time, and unless there is con- | tinued hot weather with showers much will not mature, -- {ing, and the color is sex-linked in in- {heritance, the males and females (can be separated almost as soon as hatched. The cockerels ean be then | forced for the table, and the pullets | developed more normally for the lay- ing pen. On the other hand, the | progeny cannot be retained as breed- ing stock without breaking up into | | mixed types, and the pure bred | breeding pens must be renewed. | ri The T. B, Problem. "Producers of milk may as well EVERYTHING REDUCED 15 to 25%. -- Dinghy Races. The results of the fifth race of the | | tunity.". The booster for the day | § will be Sherman Albertson, manager | Sc DAY OR NIGHT The ead that rorced the prices face the situation first as last and get rid of T. B, animals," declares H. A New Fraud. Ontario farmers, after experience | of the Coca Cofa plant, and a special | musical programme will be enjoyed at this meeting. The circus results down. 1 All new § and 7 passenger Sedans Special rates for Dances. x soma ee ~sowerwer LWA be announced at this meeting, TO CONTRACTORS mere Pembroke is to have fast races on | August 2nd, civie holiday It prom- ises to be the biggest event of its | kind held In the Upper Ottawa Valley | in recent years. Several hundred dissident tribes- men have been killed by French and more than 300 persons taken in fight- ing around oasis of Ghouta, Syria. Four deaths occu rred¥yesterday and to-day from alcohelie poisoning in Hamilton and Oakville. CTION SALE -- 56 DIVISION STREET (Below Earl) MONDAY, 1.80, 3 Bed Rooms, Antigue Dressers, Adams Square Piano, (medium size), Parlor and Dining Furniture, Heater, Range with Reservoir, contents Kit- chen. BS TR tenders will be received at the the Shdersigned {where plahs 0 ay be seen) up Sati 4 RP riday, July 30th; 1926, for the several trades works re- quired in making certain alterations . rovements to the residence of R. G. H. Travers, Bath Road, Town- ship of Kingston, County of Frontenac, . Ontario, Jo wast or any tender not necessarily accept © WM. NEWLANDS & SON. oF Wolo Gaara Cenetery daly ~~ except Mon: and Sat. at 2 p.m. Godkins' Livery Phone 816, Queen Strest. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN . DENTIST - ©4 Princess Street. These 1350 SE ROEES Séa office a and Specin 5 o'cloe TWIGG, Auctioneer. House Wiring Electric Repairs Of All Kinds Let me quote you om your house wiring, "rll save you See me first, All work guaranteed. p a p } money. > | holds series number three dinghy races was {as follows: Class A, Hopkins 5; Class | With fakes exceeding in numb 5. B, Rees, 5; Class C, C -- FIGHT HELD UP, Tex Rickard's plans to stage a Dempsey-Tunney fight in Chicago in September have been halted owing to the fact that his attorneys have ad- vised him that B. E. Dempsey to a contract to fight Harry Wills, negro challenger, has a good claim on Dempsey's ser- vices. unningham, ---- PATRICK IN MONTREAL. Frank Patrick, Western Canada professional hockey mogul, is in Montreal conferring with Frank Cal- der, président of the N. H. L. It is thought that the disposal of Western players to eastern clubs is the rea- son for Patrick's trip to Montreal. HAS RAISED A STIR. The action of the 0.B.A.A. in sus- pending Jamieson and Arnfel, local Junior players, has created consider- able stir throughout the city. Just how long the players will stand sus- pended is causiing considerable con- cern to local fans, who are sorry to See the boys out of action, There is no one to blame for what has hap- pened but the players themselves or, even more, the people who secured them to go tp Cape Vincent. How- ever, what will follow, will be await. ed with interest by local fandom, Certainly, neither player will figure in Monday's game unless some un- looked for action is taken by the 0. B. A A ---------- Good Time st Lavant Picale, C to July 19.--Picking straw- PAPER HANGING, PAINT. ING AND GQRAINING Walnut aud Mahognuy Granting First class work, ble. t YOUNG, a BORNE STREET bérries is the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. W, J, Chatham and family Spent Sunday at James Ellfott's. Mr. and Mfs. L. Hannah returned - to Perth on Sunday, after spending a few days with the former's Darents, Samuel Shanks, Mrs. Henry Shanks has bought a Ford car. Mrs. George Warner and son, G + Are spend. N. Stewart. g B15 it i er the famous 57 varieties, might be par- doned for thinking that they had {seen them all; but a new brand has just come to light in Oxford. Un- scrupulous poultry dealers, taking |advantage of the department of agri- ae poultry culling campaign, Clements, who | have been touring several townships | is offering to cull flocks free of charge jon condition that they be allowed to buy the culls. After the flodk has been "culled" and the euller depart- od, the farmer finds that his best hens have gone. G. 'R."@Green, agricultural repre- sentative for the county, warns Ox- ford farmers not to allow cullers to handle their flocks unless they pro- {duce official credentials, -- Veal Dairy Calves. The quicker surplus dairy calves are marketed, the better, states Prof, Wade Toole of the 0.A.C. depart- {ment of animal husbandry, as a re- sult of expériments conducted there. "Of course they are not fit for veal until three weeks old, but it will not pay to keep them much longer than that," he says. Other 0.A.C. experiments show | H. Dean, for many years professor of | dairying at the Ontario Agricultural { College. The recent test in the Ham- | iiton district, he points out, showed | that over 30 per cent. of the milk {cows were infected, and in - some | cases whole herds were lost {| "The man who keeps T.B. cattle working on a money losing pro- | Position, "states Prof. Dean, "to say | nothing of the danger of spreading | the white plague among milk con- sumers, especially children." -- A Record Make, "Ontario's June make of butter {was the best ever produced in this province," claims J. A. McFeeters of the Toronto Creamery. This excep- tionally high quality he credits to cream grading and favorable weather, "I would like to see a good quan- tity of our June make exported to Britain,"" says. Mr. McFeeters. would do both Ontario and Canada credit, and would help considerabl in raisihg the reputation of our hut. ter overseas. The impression would be quite different from that resulting from exporting butter made during the hot months of July and August." MEXICAN RELIGIOUS SITUATION IS TENSE New Government Regulations to Go into Effect on _ August 1. Mexico City, July 24.--Reaffirma- tion by the Mexican governmeft of its determination to put new ' re- ligious regulations into effect at midnight pet Saturday, has result- ed in the Teligious situation becom- ing more tense daily, and in a burst of religious fervor by Roman Ca- tholics. Enormous crowds continue daily to invade the churches to wor- ship or to have children confirmed or baptiked. | ~ Denial has been given by govern- ment officials that all federal troops have been instfucted to the ready for instant action in case there are disorders on August 1st, but it was added that such an order might be issued 1f it should be regarded ngces- ¢ [and was ome of the | Women of the commumity. | OBITUARY Late Mrs. Thomas Bain, Bath. Mrs. Thomas Bain, & Highly res- Dected resident of Bath, died Tues- day, after an iliness of some dura- tion. The funeral was held Thurs. day at Bath Roman Catholic Church, where her nephew, Rev. E. B. Simp- son; Rochester, N.Y., said solemn requiem mass, Father Lacey, parish priest of Bath, was in the sanctuary, The obsequies were very largely at- tended. The floral designs were beautiful and numerous, with a wealth of spiritual offerings. "Mrs. Bain is survived by her hus- band two sons, John Bain, Kingston, William Bain, Kitchener, ong daugh- ter, Mrs. Jory, Toronto, two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Simpson, Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs, O'Horo, Belleville, Her sister, Mrs Simpson, was unable te attend owing to illness, but besides Mrs. Simpson's son, Father Simpson, another son, Lfeut. Alex. Lorenzo Simpson was present, Mrs. Bain whose maiden Margaret Anne O'Heron, of Erinsville, and was a daughter of the late Michael O'Heron, Bhe was for many years a resident of Bath, most name was Was a native "It | Chesterfield Suites, Den Suites, Living and" Bedroom Furniture--every piece of Furni- % ture has been reduced. All odd pieces from | broken Suites go at cost to make room for new goods, ROBT. J. REID Owning and Operating Finest . . Ambulance in the city, P hone 5 77. : Out Our Way Picture pe 7 5 L\€ Wl pe couple of the characters in the fa Gel out your crayons and olor. ea

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