* x Saturday, July 24, 1926. © hy THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG The Whic's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place en, BY WILLIAMS. | ----_ Business Services : Decorators Ba The British Whig |__ Help Wanted Help Wanted |OUT OUR WAY. KINGSTON, ONT Malo Help Wanted ) Teachers Waated 3 v CLASSIFIED ADVERT:SING MREMEN---.Brakemen, beginners $159, NORMAL" TRAINED TEACHER -- For \ | A: ANDERSON--_Painter and y All sds. sre restrigted to thelr | ater i%0 "monthly; also Cloris: per] Linton 8 8. No. 5, Uso and iden. Sal-| Ge 7 YoU LL STAND . { Sop and residence phone Toeerator. proper oan and of type. | Mmaneft (which position?) Write Kail] Brod per annum. Duties commence Z Z RGHT IN THOSE | ce 283 King Street Te LASSFIED RATES: juNer.¥ en vil SORA £5 +r "Appiy Yo or Tryon, sec- ) 2 bs 4 | GET YOUR PAINTING --And oa Daily rate per line or consecutive AN--W3 rk f t-1 reas, Sharbot Lake, P. 0, Ont. { F 7 CORNERS TiLL You # Sone Gov. irices ressonani "Wall tions: p ire. J one or i r 16. e . ings. two ve oats Apply G. A. Bate-| PROTESTANT TBACHER--For 8 5. FEEL. MOU CAN GET | Wood Street. 'Phone 3984-J. lag ir he Minimum charge, 25 cents. C { y A ~ Z Cash I an ck Btree., Kingston No. 4, Hinolanb. ke, holding at least] / (4 ---- Pally rater por ling Charge Cash | mac. 111% Brock Stree g | 86ound Class aeingits iam, St least Z 7 | ALONG TOGETHER! 5 z | FAINTING AND FAPER HANGING= . / : n nds o Earl Street, near | measure in the latest style, will you! Caaries E. Loe, sec.-treas., Cole Lake, ere # i » y 3 x + _ ra | 7 v ; a : : 3 |1¥F 1 SEXD YOU A SUIT--Made to your{ Appiy, siating qualifications, to Mrs. | 7 = + THE VERY IDEA! . 2 | works dos, Prampily. Rasy Brot Pie Deaths, Birte, Dughgoments, Mar wear it, show # to yous triends, and| Ont. { Hh ? \ A BROWER AWD ; . | rrie St. { { insert! 9; take orders for my super-value tail- | tage, one on charged, $1.80 oring ? nr uae ag an hour for | PROTESTANT TEACHER -- Quanifed | R 2 8 a Ta " : , $1.00. Memoriam your spare time * Write to-day for| experienced, wanted, for 8. 5. No 3 ra BPG. | _2e6 bagor St YF. & Robinsen, rear Card of Thenks, and hy $1.00 Free Suit Offer and Free Selling Out-| Kaladar. - Salary $00.00 per annum. | 2 oT 2801 : bots, SY rest No harged, $1.60; cash, §1. | at. Wilson Bradshaw, Dept. §0-¢, Box| Duties to commence Sept. lst APPLY REE 2 3 AT. i for irregeuiar 1015, Montreal, Quebec. { Mra, i. E. Forbes, Kaiada | 4 : 8 EACH IY Ming 3 insertions takes the one-time fiser- | Trin rn Ter HOME--You can| PROTESTANT TEACHIR -- Holding | : ] < tion rate; no ad. taken for less taan earn $1.00 to $5.00 an hour in your} Second class certificate for 8. 8. No. §, 9 .¥ \ 5 | FRUNTENAG LUAN [AND of four ilnes. the &pare Lime writing showcards. No can-{ Hinchinbrooke; very convenient loca- ' z k 4 Fron} 1 Asvrpora Six average words to Yassing or soliciung; we instruet you|»tion. Apply, stating qualifications, ex. | Nc prer ent. A i: w xs b ARd- supply you with work. . Write to-| beriefice and salary wanted. L. A | Tag Di ident hy ifarrel Mong, Oia, ed ads. Jehad be received by dsy. The Menhenitc Company, Limit-| Cameron, sec.-treas., Tichborne, Qnt. | ! joan Sn e Hod 38ri, prone one an - ed, Jominion Butlding, Toronto. i re retention § E \ : tar hig Stine Within § days fron od, 21 Domi ay Toran QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER | G A } Pious Iecelved and interost * the first date of inseriion, cash rate | YOUNG MEN--Seamship positions --| --For 8 8. No. 16, Township of Bed- : Syd J \ Ripe Sinmun monthi a Will be allowed. B day 4 Burove, Orient, good (pay. experience, fora Salary Je00.40. GI ply to George | : \ ; An + IAger, 37 Clarence St. ordered for more than one da. unnecessary. Send self-addressed en- rill, Fermoy ¥. Ont. A f i iz - - : and stopped before expiration will velope or Hst of posiuons. Bex 30-X,| === SETI Eo m-- : R \ : | neoing eam) Tn IY COMP only be charged for the number of t. Vernon, N.Y. Real Estate For Rent | y : | NY 4 "| Gest Viih real merit and possi Ee ee 3 WA NY 3 1 Hes. Give complete details first { th the ad. appeared and adjust. = i re. funieation. Artaur Langley Rose & _Lo., 86 Wall § New York City, nt made at the rate earned. Apartm Rate per line for white space 1s | Female Help Wanted 8 ents and Plats 7 APARTMENT -- Sydenham Apartments, Bs dame Sa b Une 4 HR eertising f : ---- oo or yearly adv | nd sired. ' Te A A \ 9 5 Eon toracar : ' I En alerehess requ ny Beret" Brock Street, 4 rovms and bath room, | k ¢ 20a. Publishers reserve the right to edit bd §&s range, refrigerator, hardwood | : PX j : 1 : Loors. Apply 69 Brock Street. N rt Wiha STORAGE-~For furniture, clean, 2% or reject all classified advorUsing | COMPETENT MAID--Wanied for, #um- \ copy. mer ocotiage; references required. Ap- x ~ b. BE - i % = Cw Airy rooms and spaces; ur o Telephone 243; ask for & want 8d. | piy to Mrs. Dyckman, 47 William St Rg YD (AFANTHENTS Four === ¢ \ 3 x 2 ; aud key. Frosts City Sores taker. - v p. . u : = pS ; f $05 Queen SL. "Phone 526. Kew: Ssiw. . 0% Wiiter heater, gas range. Only refined 4 P ' J 4 | COMPETENT MAID--One who oan cook 04 . A J or 1%32-J, fork : Ple considered. Apply 156 Queen A h { 4 : 4 MARRIAGES. | no washing or ironing; family of uple Al J Bireet or phone 1132. ' BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE---For WLBR RITT -- In St. James| two. Apply to Mrs. Laidlaw, 149] bh 2 LR \ ¥ i : -. 4 = " Char ch, Jingo, OBL, on July | Kari Street or telephone 838. NFURNISHED FLAT--Containing 3 ONZE 2¢ \ ' 48 = root pee ur any mercasndise. Ae onagac damier of Mew: | GIRLWanted Tor househoening: Toms) IoomE MppED Fl bathroom. at 15414 1 c . \ NR SSL (i0E, Phone 1000 or 317 Alma P., youngest daughter of Mrs. | 1 ri ed for Hu 106 p 8; fam Princess Street. Apply to James Reid, | 4 p ] : Alice Merritt, vo James A. Fowler. lly of two; no upstair work. 254 Prigcess Street. : PEK X 7 . oungest son of Mr. James Fowler,| W. A. Burnett, Box 29, Odessa, Ont. |_2%4 P Arbok SA SX 2 : Miscellancous diount Cheanes. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN-- Wanted to 1 7 ASHES--Clodted out of ; IN MEMORIAM. " care for invalid lady (two in family), Business aces s . yards, ciead job hg a and Apply 59 Markland Street, between 3 | . \ 7 5 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 235 Dunn In aver loving memory Shy TSmoe | and ¥ in the evening OFEIOES For Sou Jaige and small a 4 e, who sudd Ee offices, in the Bibby Buliding. Terms i 4 1 ESR emov ard cel~ 7 tn} to suit tenant upon application to R. Z % ! ASHE Peneral od aim Yar Land aver Jemembered by bis loving| Male and Female Help:Wanted 8b| 1. Sioan. Bibby's Limited. ; : ; 4 wood for sale. ius ven. v wife and daughters | - : jh Buckley Transfer, P-- | nm~ AND BOYS WANTED ~--To pat- STORES--Centrally located on Princess : rg 7 "Phone 291 and 2816-0. | oye . Street. All heated and wit a - . i - CARD OF THANKS. | Boone iy 2: Cursons Harber 'Snop.| Pifeet. All heated suitable for oars - WHM MOTHERS GeT GRAM ~~ Lu CAVERLY TRANSFER CO. -- Upper - Men's halr cuts, 2§c. Shaves lie, Boys' Rev, James Cumberland and Mr. Rob- | hair © 15 d ibe. / Ww or club premises. Heated apartments TRW LL AM Pri Street, i ert Willlam Cumberland wish to thank | ton 5; 16C. Ladies ibe.' 201 Wel- also for tL 7-1. 0 0 ' tL A ' : 2: Ae Hoh) howing and.» Jington street. =] Phate 1g ely 1 Coben's: 'Cn ik ee. THE SILENT BATTLE f 2 Uh aion g ven: Phone Toy 5 one: Has the neighbors and friends wid S¥enqed tn a teat es es el sk 8 : poly | == re ite ti tia > kindness and sympathy to them in Agents Wanted | eee + Pecent bereavement; they also wish to Saxpress their appreciation of the many Ho 3 bi AE beautiful floral tributes. DISTRIBUTORS--Quickly develop own independent business handling Scot- BRICK HOUSE -- 6 Victoria Terrace Real Estate For Sale Articles For Sale Business Services PlafupFisan Adjusting. 4 a mm Sm ee one 1544. : onan - ES WH D mints Yeast Candy; new Ford Auto- : BE mt aad 4' The adam El mobile free; exciusive territory. Seot.| Montreal Street, near Queen Stree, § Farms and Land 12 Miscellaneous is Medica) C. 'W. LINDSAY, LIMITED y . i. d Firm of Undertakers mints Co. er jonve.territop 59| Tooms, gas, electricity, hot water, $26 PRI , lure. y City, N. J, 859 > : STREET . per month, Possession immediately, z Re i Gre A 'Pho 47 oy Re Houtminis Bide. Apply 139 'Union Street W. (Phone| 1056 ACRE FARM--Good butldings; alll Now --Is the time to decorate Jor DR. HOWARD PRICE FOLGE 238 | UPHOLSTERING--ANA general repairs H ne 1 MAN OR WOMAN--To travel and a 8045-w. good land; lot 9. Retiring because of lawns and cemetery lots with our flow- Bagot Street, Kingston. Practice limit. | 108. Leave orders at or drop a card point agents. Yemri ° uarant $1003 ill-health. Will sell cheap or rent. Ap-| er vases. Three kinds to choose from. od Lo diseases of the eye. ¢ r, nose and| © F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street, ROBERT J. REID (being $21 weekly Eras se Hiv COTTAGE roams, at Kourteen Islana| Piy H. Eves, Simcoe Island. Kingston Cement Products, Patrick! throat. Hours: 10 to 12.30 a.m. 139] 'Phone 1600-J. : > SeaLary I Lake shore. PPly to Secord Storms, | =----=csmrmom--ememme treet. 'Phone 730-w. to 3.30 p.m. Evenings dh ii The Leading Undertaker penses. kxperience unnecessary. For Verona, Oniarie ms, Hous 18 Ihonie 'Minne ays cHnEs 7 ppoint 'Phone 577. 280 Princess Street | particulars write Winston Co., Toronto. RUBBISH BURNERS Garden Fences, o Automobiles en FINE RESIDENCE--- West end, 3 Stuc ' Gates, Baskews for every purpose. ps i -- a M. P. KEYES Tow for every arson ES Wanted Nictoria Pack, eight roums, CY Re EC Wotke Plating Wire 4 iron Barristers and Solicitors 21p Auto Accessories FUNERAL HOME: largest and complete stock, six hundred / ° dan" pl bath. gas, | verandah, fine lot, on Aloert Stree h . - : 49 OOLBORNE STREET acres. Nursery established ares bos. | Fhons Fos or pas acsion af $2,500. M. B. Trumpour, 270 Princess Copper, ete. W. H. HERRINGTON--Barrister, Solio). KINGSTON AUTO TOF AND BODY AMBULANCE 'PHONE 18390. years. Our agency is valuable. W. Office. 4 €| Street. 'Phone 704 or 1396-J. SPAN OF HORSES--4 years old, weight yor ang Nous aablie, 152 Welling: | --Makers of Auto, Buggy, Boat roy ---- pow and secure territory, Pelham MULLIN 5.700 lbs, well matched, sound. Apply ton Street. 'Phone 2548-w. | and Cushions, Commercial, daa, le. Nursery Co., Toronto. FURNISHED SUMMER BUN B. Ww. . John E. Ha 3 - GW, : Call ll 3 NGALOWS-- n wiley, Mountain Grove, On CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Coupe bodies, California To d JOHN COSNELIUS Scand 1 rooms, with fireplaces ana) Rosi Estate and rurahos Broker '| lario. AS rr aaAl & a) Clarence. Baers holstering. Awnings and Tents Undertaker and Embalmer SALESMEN--We offer steady employ-| serotanen verandahs; on easy terme: Rao a ingston. A. B. Cunbnningham, K.C..| 347 King street. -'Fhone 3948. Parlors: '274 Princess Strecs Piers 40d pay weckly to seil our com-| astview Paorots miles from Aing-| FRone 838-w. See Advi Page | SALE OF BED SPRINGS ABD MAT. CyrilM. Emin & 8 { perp blete and exclusive Hnes of guaran. ston. Apply J. D. Boyd. T 1 8 rn. | TRESSKS---See them Frontenac Ambulance Phone 560 toed Quality, whole root, fresh-dug-| gis.r. AB Vies + Telephone | g4,200--Bungalow, § rooms, modern. Mattress Co, 377 King St. E. 'Phone BLE : : to-order trees and plants. Attractive, | _- >i 1-3 At Eastview. $4,100---Doubie. south side, .improve-1 156.7 One third of your life Is spent BAY ARD Yr, ras Sud Auto Wrecking Co. H. J. KN dllustrated samples and full co-opera- SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on|g thts Rents for §40 per monin, ts, | in Ded. - "Invest in rest." ton. A. E. Day, Adrian L Revels Ome ton Ford Truck. TAKER AND EMBALMER | fof A moneymaking Montreal | Charles Street; oI paras lhe and gas. Yorn, une, § rooms, unprovements,| tt Mortgages arranged. 'Phons 205, Also ail kinds of Second Hang f i Yarker, Verona, pm od 7 roome house, all im, rovements, fur. . aR I rte e---- | obi and Battersea. dmbulames 'phone 38. | = ------ nase. ghpply to H. F. orman, 69 Pat- se orets Fits 30. Jet. eT ---- REYNOLDS, 3 C~--Barrister and Soliol. |] Autom le Parts for sll makes rick Street. 3 T. O'CONNOF. FURNITURE--. Antique and modern] tor, 51 Brock Stréet.. Mortgages ar. Second Hand Tires, all sises P.H. Classified Display X P WP 1189-3, | furniture sold and bought. M. Crame-[ ranged on city and farm Toperty. [| price $4.00 to $6.00, i Ene : SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE-- Newly deco. | 351 Princess street, Rone 1189-1. | or, 807 Princess Directs heal Crs to} 'Phone 2509. » . Undertaker and Embalmer, |: ----y rated, Ram, Spd arse Tor, Novel a. | WILL EXCHANGE HOUSE -- In oity,| Leases Antique Shas: RBA--Ambrose Boke Barrier rma ROSEN & PO Ra 8s or AMBULANCE, 20. KENT MACNEE R 3 good, central location on paved street A Tops and Cushions 16a, | Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King || "Phone 2478-w, 140 RIDBAY J % Phone Ww. ; for small farm or garden property. and Brock; over Royal Bank. AM > To Apply Box A-19, Whig Office. AE Iver i Oney | fama mS ---- INSURANCE BROKER SOLID I oan YE -~ Centrally 10-1 x 1 G PAUL--Specialist for new or re-| to 1080. 'Phone 1999. Automobiles Tor Sale Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Ae. to H. B. Trotter Trotter's Hard Pply Articles For Sale. aired, Side Curtains, Slip Covers, Se- CuT FLOWERS {] cident, Sickness, Plate Glass ang 345 Princess Street. = irdware, An upholstering and decking, wind- Ladies' Hair Pari . WEDDING BOUQUETS othe Una of 1gauzan te; . MisceDlancous 20] Wait. linolesm and Mining Fone Jou | CHEVROLET CAR is0--isie . ! " 3 oleu a ng for run- ° 5 ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS 33 BROCK ST. "PHONE 585. STONE Hous) i" a Daa thier, else. ning boards, waterproof truck arpa. ALL Fins BarSiAss HAL Wom Arbly To Torrie Sheap, for ATRICK'S ===! water heating. Immediate possessing |s 35, made to your order of fine, | ins and Biroets bande to order. 392 mations, bobbed curls, switches, Shan. | C°58 Street. A be Apply to James Reid, 254 Princess St | INGE Serge, Botany Wool, regular : pooing, siugeing, curling, Ladies and HUDSON TOURING CAR~Prfect ART AND FLOWER STORE 3 refrigerators, 7 Rooms 3g] 20s hpi 46, 1 vougic mle loth phiiacsa iti Lodtine't, i+ chat | MURSO TOURING CRC iest wal " n X 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. '| 4 Perfection oll cookers you "the, bene. Usual easy terms Fuel ana weed A8| Telephone ees Street, Kingston. 300i. 976 princess Bens! Phone { TWO BEDROOT ere | YO 08-w. J. G. Patterson, 160 " w---- TWO BEDROOMS--Or bed-sitting roo Phone y Def 4 1 round 1 Also cheap congoleum on first floor; all conveniences: In ood Johnston street. ue EARN Wes: el nor Surd We have a number of : rug. art Dicer ChE water, 'Apply'330 Btu] Fema em----r Beayy Clinker, oord--hard. slabs $3.50--soft | BOY'S TWEED COAT--Found dn Vic- T kk'. St speagct S0ONS 710m. Repecially sulted for road work| $2.18 quarter cord. Rough and-dressed toria Park. Apply #50 Albert Street. ur 8 ore To be a had for drawing, Apply Lumber ran sige. oe S080 Saw For the very latest in Ladies' | Used Cars and T » EA t Angrove', Foundry, ing and oe W. dres DOOR BU Forte To one PHONE 706. Wanted To Rent 11]: io. Angroves , H. Talbot, Concession Street. sing. For Sale. with brown spot. Anew ors fo name rey, rr RET TOT LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE . " OR SINGLE GARAGE Wanted, NU Of Boys' d Girls' Bi- Ree an ry also PARLOR. of "Buck-Shot." Return to 3 Thomas 2 Writ tat} 1 He . A NUMBE y8' an 8 shingles and jath, sata finish hard. . a Strest and receive reward or For bargains in household goods and| Box ¥-25- iis Salon 8nd rent, 1 goles. tacluding some Cleveland aud Suny flooring, all kinds, stovewood A. B. KINGSBURY, Prices right. phone 1609, furniture refer to the Classified Sece|----er 18 © ee. tires a $1.75. Apply Muller's, 371373 Sesawing and laning. 5 Peters & 209 Princess Street. 'Phoun 2015-7. tion. T oad 81. Pon, ' curner roc an 'oronto BLACK LEATHER--Club Bag, between You are missing the Dest opportuni-| You are missing the best opportuni.| 10€ St. E. 'Phone 1961-w. Streets. 'Phohe §89. - WE NEED THE MONEY ! Kingston and Gananoque on either the [ You | you miss. reading -the Whigl ties if you miss reading the Whig Clas FRENCH A ; " -| BRICK--Stock, pressed, Rug Rustic, E RCEL WAVIN Bighway or Woodburn road. Finder Classified Page. «. sified Page. wire cut, Dutid ng the and Srain tile. Wanted To ouy 19 & Water Va Hound and ying BOYD'S GARA trilng, ro d lease return to R. 8. Walker, 174 Lo. oo. . i ' 70-J and A. Neal, B24 Joluson St. 'Phone 3040. r Boblung and Trimming. Street or 'phone 2470-3 os NA ox TUG---About 75 feet long with good | Faciar and Scalp Treatment. Special ceive reward, 8 CROSSLEY DE FORREST--3 tube ra- ower, wanted. Write, stat specl- fattefition given to Halr Dyeing. Mise y DING CROP 4 dio set; full equipped with aerial and cations. Box D-21, Whi Fico Switcer, 267 Queen Street For ap- 1290 BROCK GOLD BI sar pines. Price only $60.00. Easy tomes | pointment 'phone 2016. 'PHONE 1000 imited, EERIE i Wh | Finder please return to \ €. W. Lin s 121 dada Office. Reward, ' - Princess Street. . Busin ices Auctioneers 24a. : KHAKI] BAG--Containing two bathing - ess Serv : : a in FISH AND CHIPS--The oldest fish and | uMts and one "ast. "Finder! > chip cafe in city, W. F. Redden, 360 Dressmaking 20a. | LvoTION Expert service, mode- FOR SALE cap, lost © fn om Sunday last. Finder return to Whig Office and re- Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. to 1.00 rate charf¥s. We can sell anything, elve reward, : Ever since the inception of this business; which has' been am. We deliver. 'Phone 2625-m. Dats Work rusind, re-Nning ee Mere Aly Mme Phone wid LIGHT TRUCK. : - - established sixty years, i Ss gain confid, IRLS' BICYCLE (In good oondition).] Hart. Apply to 2 Lansdowne Street, . CANOPY * , NSE FuATE=-Found, 345.378, be. Yor » ha Bed he nce of the 4 chairs, wringer, pug. stove, 2 plate] or phone 1485-5 between 7.00 and 5.00 Square I ANOPY Tor : Owhat may have the same. by caning public solely on integrity and service. = Slectric stove. catos paddise.'ste Ap: pom. 25 FORD TOURING i: Oa 8 A Neyice, Mountain 'Grove, We Jive jee Seavried to high-pressure xjestnmabip ute Ew. Paar Insurance 25 WITH STARTER. + made any extravagant claims about our coal being ous LD FU Tneludi FIRBE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- PARCEL--~Containing dry goods, found the world. We endeavor at all times to procure the best the "beds Springs and mattresses resses, ro, "praciors, Boginter fered Wurse, Phone TIRgAL ley. 430 tas] suse FORD TOURING. i student, © tree $$ counter in Mrs. A. Potters Fanoy Fh » ork Store, 154 Johuson Street. Own- mines produce and we have never at any time bought an inferior i + TES sa hone Je ikw, PATO grea WITH STARTER. room| 1.5 . Consultation free URANOE~Only = er may have same at store, » . grade of coal In order to offer the public something cheaper. suite, 2 represented. Strange & A ROSARY---Found in M 's Grove, a " : hal Apply PRACTITIONER ow. W, bd i D 's Purse with mail ®emount os #1 at all possible we ill apr your making an inspec. een et. tr 8 ean: SStrect: Opposite Post ORI FORD SOUP. E. a te Shange. Owner can have same by ¢ We will show you the coal, you may VALUBS--A, 8 ractic . 'phoning 1100 r 18. itis and then t Qanada| , trea J. B. COOKE---LIf , Accident and} see how carefully screened step into the office and Radio Ne deliver anywhere. hg service. Coneul Sickness, in relia McLA UGHLIN TO J UMBRELLA Found In ators on Wed. . 8ee it weighed, or if you wish you may have it weighed on the ! Flianies, noaday. (Owner mar Maes ay city scales. - Ofiies 200. 'Boerial Life, Phones : phoning 3410-w and property. Lo Cousistent with Quality and P i » aio Daca = a ogg mere em Sh mey be purchased prices as attractive as any in the city. May we have your en- Bidecar; siootrioally equipped. $130. : ah branches of lne: in oid ling . Se Bo : £APRly at ge et. "Phone| W Cancers, | of nighoos' iy" acl) sand' 2 and] 25 Ew Ren fae see | AMES SWIFT & 00, LM) | FEESSRS STE ET Wanne r, the little dang a a v square In 'good 'condition. ome, M: ois mig Kady a Jaugiter of OFFICE ON : FHAZP. ne PHONE 135. gel} LLL : (Have you read the number of posi Bi Sati 243, aad bats Ad pick: Mr. Ss. A 1 : Et Bing hse 3 | ET ee A b A « * at wa, on Sunday morning. J : a pa R out ion, tions appearing in, the Bec-| all ubles By missing od. at Cuiaw, on Sunday moraine : 4, : I youl ton' hat sre" Spent 107 {ass who ace sien Bab "i" Ih os, gue, Cia: ' her ters Thelma and Geneva, - yr : rr ------ a : ! beCtiol employed. . a hy also Mrs. Wilfrid Munro | oy » F : an : : 3: $5.00 WILL Lost sday after- aan Finder a Teaead the Whig 'to