Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1926, p. 12

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i Thursday, July 29, 19zb. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 11 The Whig's Clagsified Page Is a Public F Oram and a rue Market Place 4 ---------- BIRTHS. flip Wanted ____|OUT OUR WAY. = : ' BY WILLIAMS. Business Services - 3 2 : . ance : r l sage Whi | fis | YOUNG--iIn Ford Hospital, Detroit, The Bri h 8 | ' Mich on July 29th, 1926. to Mr. and KINGSTON, HE BING | Mrs. J. P. Young (nee Lila Spoon- ' daughter. CLASSIFIED ADVES wo their | er), a aughter proper classifiestion, and te tI5. | CARD OF THANKS. : rs ad a Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Keyes and fam- Dal TED ig nsecutive ily wish to thank the many friends and iy. rate DOL or Se 0 | relatives for the many lindnesses a tions; | shown during their recent sad bereave~ Minimum chATEe, 235 SRW. | bok "in ine lows of Uhlir son med Daily rates per line RATEo ©% | brother, Richard, also for the many das, " dMesan sunssess 5 4 | ioral and spiritual offerings. assnss sue «8 6 Beat Births, Engagements, Mar CARD OF THANKS. Tisges, one insertion charged, 31.50; Charles Keyes and family, Brewer's $1.00. | Mills, wish to thank the Sisters of the rd of Thanks, and Memoriam | Hotel Dieu, their neighbors and friends Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 |p, ioried kindness and sympathy each to them in their recent bereavement fn Advertising ordered for Irregsiar the Joss of a loving wife and muther, takes the one-time inser- Mrs. Mary Ann Keyes, also for the BY covssviv savvavanes in rate; no 84 taken for less Laan |... fioral and spiritual offering re- Of ot ines, words to the | salve a . JAMES REID Tr rR py fg aig id _The Old Firm of Undertakers {ish Wits Office within § days from | 254 and 256 PRINCESS STRE ! the firet date of insertion, cash rate "Phone 147 for Ambulance be allowed. Le ed ore axiiraiion wil ROBERT J. REID [a8 so tt hor ial Tot The Leading Undertaker H pre the ad. appeared and adjust- | 'Phone 577. 280 Princess Street ' nt made at the rate earned. 3 Rate per line for white space Ia mM. P. KEVES iho game sea nsof type. FUNERAL HOME: ! Se oui Jor yantly 490 COLBORNE STREET. ? Dlighers reserve the right to edit AMBULANCE 'PHONE 18390. or reject all classified advertising ---------------------- JOHN COXNELIUS Telephone 249; ask for a want ad. Undertuker aud Bp Cp L 2aker. Parlors: 274 Princess Street i Classified Display Ambuiance Phone 560 y H. J. KNIGHT W. KENT MACNEE || ens iiekn Ane susasuen INSURANCE BROKER and Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 35. , Automobil - Sion eloihuag "pitia Cine" 45 P. H. ROBERTS, Other lines of Insurance, Undertaker and Embalmer, ROCK BT, 'PHONE §865.w, AMBULANCE. n > Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. Male Help Wanted AGENTS OR~--Party with small capital to sell fas. -seliing household article; large profits. Cali after 6 pm. C. . Moyer, 208 King street Hast. BOYS-- Wanted to sell week-end papers. Apply to Harold J. Smith, cor. Barrack ang King streets. JUNIOR---Wanted for bank, must have had vwo years of collegiate, gentle- manly witah good appearance. Apply Box M-29, Winig Onice. LWE INSURANOE SALESMAN Wanted for this district. For -the man Who can produce ws will give a gouwd contract. Salary and commission. Ap- ply Box J-37, Whig Office. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--You can earn 31.v0 to $2.09 an nour in your Spare Lime writing showcards: No can- vassing or soliciting; we instruct you and supply you with work. . Write to- day. "Ine Menhenitc Company, Limit- ed, 21 Dominion Bullding, Toronto. POLISHER Wanted Apply to 265 Princess street, ERLE Female Help Wanted 8 COOK~References required. Apply to Mrs. Howard Folger, 1 Emily Street. BEXPERIENCED GENERAL "MAID Wanted. Phone 1507TW. EXPERIENCED COOK~--With refer- ences, wanted. Apply to 222 Johnson Street, between 7 and § p.m. or phone 430, GOOD GENERAL-For one month, at Summer oottage. Apply to 36 Barrle atreet, between 2 and 4 in afternoon. Wark at summer house, Collin's Bay. Phome-1048J. MAID--References required. Apply to Mrs. Howard Folger, 1 Emily street. -------------------- ees seme FANCY IRONER---Wanted. Apph to] Imperial Steam Laundry, Barrie St. i Sanne Ve CITI BL MAID--To assist with general houge- FiX ME UP, WILLYA MA? IM A FAT MAN 'N OUR SHOW. | US FELLERS CANT GT IT NATORUL., YOU KNOW HOW, TI MEAN MA~SOS PEEPUL WONT GIT SPISHUS. THERS SUMPN DONT LOOK RIGHT ABOUT IT, 'Wy ened) ------ ET eet TE Fawll WHY MOTHERS GET GRAN -- TFawirs f.. ovr SCULPTURE. fmm ae FT ©1008 oY mea seawce. me. - 'Real Estale For Rent Articles For Sale | - Business Services Houses 0 Miscellaneous 18]. Professivial an nace. rick SIX KOOMED HOUSE w-- To let on| HIGH OLASS TAILORING=--A few suits! yCy--=Geo. F. and Jeunle ~) qhire, Charles Sireet; eleotric light and gas.| lert at greatly reduced prices, with ractors, Registered Nu 302 Bagot 7 roomed house, all improvements, fur- usual easy terms of payment, some- E treet. 'Phone 951-w. ours 9-132, Apply te H. ¥. Norman, 69 Pat- thing really good for emall money. 1-5, 6-7.30. Consultation free. Street. Phone 2206W. J. G. Patterson, 160 | Sen : - Male and Femate Help Wanted 8b | refrigera WwW 4 Sh orators. cookers CUT FLO ERS MEN AxD BOYS WANTED --To pat-| ! WEDDING BOUQUETS ronize J. W. Curzon's Barbér Snop. i Also cheap congoleum ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS || Men's hair cuts, 26c. Shaves 106. Boob || ruse. KIRKPATRICK'S || ihewa Sirser "diet Se 31 Wel AE 1 Emme :| Turk's Store ART AND FLOWER STORE || y Free = i "PHONE 1706. 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. | < =| RELIABLE SALES AGENTS--Wanted ¥ cho | = fo ------===| now for every unrepresented district; i 1 largest and complete stock, six hundred Dail] Years. Our agency io soiisued forty { BIOYOLE--Found, Monday after ball F B ie. S Bl ricket Field. Owner may| UOW and secure territory. Pelham OROP EIS FARIO ame in C io applying to Toi Barrio| Nursery Ce., Toronto. OLD { treet. | Teachers Waated 3 2 | BLACK RUBBER BAG--Containing | | NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER-- For The road to Adolphustown. Finder please following exirasts are from notify Dr. Ashcroft, Kingston, phone weekly reports of Agricultural Re-| Fir rese; } D . » mtatives bi the On'ario Depari BOY SCOUT HAT--Found, on Princess ment of Agricultura, streét on July 22nd. .Owner may have ", Carleton--Haying has been the| same at 188 Johnson street, ) tact ------------------------ order of the day for the past week CLUB BAG---Found, between Kingston , Mos a alfalfa is| Mills and Joyceville on Thursday. oF ten days Som Bt ih vorag Owner please phone 2788-r-1-4 or com- cut and reporis indicate an average municate with W. Gordon, Kingston erop, The ganeril hay crop is un-| Mills gaven thers being a number of resl] og rrr SCARF PIN-- fields and on the other hand a | Lost. Finder please return to Whig good mumber of voor fields. Corn whish | Office. Reward. OF Ewe weeks sat stil has this week MOENSE PLATE--~Found, 268-372, be- te 3 right along. Dats on the whale ween an nd "Mohan rave POOF Crop in the country. They | at James E. Price, Mountain Grove, 5 seem to bs making the growty | Ont. "Phone No, Arden line 19-2. the other spring sown graina LADY'S GREY S1LK GLOVE--With are. On our haiv'er lands the oat| fancy cuff, picked u on the street. €rop is short, 4 Pasr colonr and very | APPly Ontario street fire station. uneven. LADIES HAT-Found, on Frincess Bt ¢ 0 p ne v Arch St. Dufferin wing to the apparent Owner may have same at 34 + disappointment® with ths early crops, PARCEL-Of men's collars found on there appears to Lave been a lareer incuss. street, yf hturday night moreage of turnips and rapo gown | gtreet. than usual. The weathe= of the past PURSES cae rn ES ¥ nvelope den days-has been ideal for the pota- purse. contuining sum of money and ; ey, lost. Fin will rded if reimarkable §rowth at present. | "oCiniR mis a Wik Oe on 3 - : Durham-----Alsike promised to give | PAIR oF GLASSES--Found, in Muse- " um at Macdonald Tower, Apply to & good yleld of seed. Many excel- caretaicen lent fields have been noted during ee the past two weeks. The acreage [SMALL Clothing Tegan ining _ arti. may wot be so high as usual. Yields gireet, [aime May be obtained from vers Lay : n BB mio cine ver, pat} Bs BEE Wa roe Clr eat that loo rather poor in ee : TWO . PARCELS--Containi 1 rt spring has developed remarks hly «towels and books, found. Over me well and will give a fair yield. There have same at Whig Office. is,: generally speaking, a good crop UMBRELLA Lads oT am . + A "LLA---Lady"s, with silve of hay, Many silos have bess filled in bandie. Jett in eh ars ' with sweet clover. Hg on July 17th. Owner may have same by phoning 647-r-2 Bgsex----Most of wheat is out. Oats oni 8 PRE aré ripening fast and a few fields are cut. Peas still coming in to the ean: | 40¢ 40 80c. Strawberries limited in * meries. but crop about over. Tobacco | IUANLILY at 25¢ito 350 per box. Rasp- crop shows indications of being Ronrics dtr. Tomatoes are selling at above the average. Corn borers are n . : making heir appearance, + Ff Okford--The outstanding features Frontenac---A few raspbenries | of the crop situation in the past have made their appearance, sking 30¢ for and | Provement which has taken place in| SHwets ate asking 30c as and the corn crop during the last ten § " k! 35 'for purples, Huckle days. Growth has been rapid with for 20 to 25¢ a quart ; philing Jor 20 fo 25 Ph harvest is | Plenty of moisture and extreme heat. | "completed. The season was never | Fail Wheat is turning fast and har- A nore favorable for making first-class | Vesting will be starting next week. _ sifalfa hay from the first cutting, | MO&t of the hay crop has gone under and as a result most farmers have | COVer without any damage from rain. ? naps 3 4 de) ed i uantide of uaity day op 'As'long as some men are able to i harvest is on and will be com- | ¢Ontract new debts they don't let the end of next week. their old ones worry them. ton--HRarmers have commen: |: i a Cain of fait wat it is cef< f) SALESMAN WANTED = ; wu fatnly an excellent crop in the coun- y 80d flelds have been plow- {| TELFER BISOUIT CO., LTD, TORONTO, have an opening for a in preparation for "fallow, and || Mve wire Balesman with car and ducer and reside on the territory. 1 : 'Wihat at first appeared {| producer id Abply. Siving age, experience @ very poor year with respect || and references to Sales " bathing suit, etc, lost, last Sunday on! and | Week are, Iirst, the wonderful im-; Bastview Park, § miles from King- | Union 5. 8. No. §, Uso and Olden. Sale Ary 330u per annum. Duties commence PE. 1st. 2 miles south of Sharbot Lake. Apply to Ja& Tryon, sec- trees, Sharbot Lake, P. O., Ont. Positions Wunted 6 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER -- Good at shorthand; has best reférences. Phone 2002M. et Sheets Real Estate For Rent SUMMER COTTAGE--S rooms, fully yh a equipped, on St. Lawrence River, four| x" NUMBKA--Of Boys and Girls" Bi-| . ce h treet. DRUGLEJS PRACTITIONER --. W. A. Johnsen styee Marcelis, corner of Rarvia na Prin 4 Streets. Chiropractic adjust. rated, barn and alge Joh North Al-| BRICK--Stock, pressed. Ru miles from Hingston; possession Aug. cycles, including some Cleveland and ehts, electric treatments and hand- ls. Apply J. a. Carroll Agency, bé Massey sport models. Also bioycle massage. X-ray service. - Player-Plane Adjusting, Brock street. tires at 18. phlpiy Muller's, 371-313 Bon a hy ans gl hn. Phone 1544. " in t. .» "Phone -w. ven 8 ce SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE---Newly deco. 8 phons 332-2. ence 'phone S51 C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED FIRE---Au bile and Casualty Impure nce. EM. Crumley, 420 Kar 'Phone re i 2 ifs INSURA NOE--Only the most reliable Strange, satabin puedo, St # Clarence Street, opposite 0, Oh: 2 Life, Fire, A Sipaosst, i rpiisbie Smplaiea® dae 503-w. Res 1131ome : ERNIE D. neuran ; all branches of insurance PY d ng. I King Guest, by ncial 35 (8-w, Res. 113). . Decorators A. ANDERSO NP. alnter and Decoration hop residence 'phone 1966. + 1 Kine Pres. P i GET YOUR PAINTING--AD fr A Ror ane 28 orsas 14s Wood Street. 'Phone 2084+. P. TING AND PA i NGI. Saplas, STR, MH Earl Street near Barrie 8 aw SIGN PAINTING, = Robinson, rear' 216 bagot Street FRUNTENACU LOAN AND MENT SOUVIETY -- lagorpora 1861. Sishident, A.D. we vice-president J. 3M. Farrell ony, loan on city and farm properties; ins Vestment. Bonds buught and wo Pomits received any interest pa Te lance. Re hist minimum monthly Cartwright, manager, §7 Claresce Storage STORAGK~--For furniture, clean, . airy rooms and spaces; your ows q and key. Frost's City Storage, 99 08 Queen SL 'Phone 526. ites. y3p-w. or 1%33-J. 3 BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUS furniture or any merchandise. Fires Proof bullding. 'IPhone 1000 or 117 Be Miscennancous =" ASMEN--Clesasd out of cellars and Ards, ciean done, A. MacGregor, J Russoss Bivoet Phoms Sacaregor, ASHES--Removed from yard and cols lars; general Sartings first class » wood for male. timate, Vi Buckley Transfer, 145 Yor ¢ 'Phone 2391 and 2516-M. wy CAVERLY TRANSFER 00, == Ui y Princess Street, mowing and ra hay; ai80 general team-work done. timates given 'Phone 1§07-J. i Expert Plano Tuning, & Rustic, Apply J. D. Boyd. 'Phone 2784] wire cut, building tile and drain tile. fred. SKIN BLEMISHES Hair, Moles, R 3. A. Neal, 624 Johuson St. 'Phone 3040. Searth. Birthmarks, anil Sancers, Scar ' rmanent- SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- Centrally lo-| CROSSLEY DE FORREST--3 tube ra- Xs tory G sft cated; all modern equipment. Apply dio set; full equipped with aerial hd rnished after others have falled. to H. B. Trotter, Trotier's Hardware, ear phones. Price only fo.00. Easy| Coitre cured without o ration. 346 Princess Street. erms. C. W. Lindsay, imited, 131 ye, » Nose, Throws Apartments and Pats 7 APARTMENT Sydenham Apartments, Brock Street, 4 rooms and bath room Eas range, retrigerator, . hardwood. lioors. Apply 69 Brock Street. RINGLAND APARTMENTS -- Four roomed apartment, 3, p. bath, Rudd Water heater, gas range. Only refined Louple considered. Apply 156 Queen Street or phone 1122. UNFURNISHED FLAT--Containing 3 rooms, kitchen and bathroom; at 358 Princess Street. Apply to James: Reid, 254 Princess Street. Business laces 8 OFFICES--VYor rent, large 'and small offices, la the Bibby Buliding. Terms to suit tenant upon application to R. D. Sloan, Bibby's Limited. App. light, STONE HOUSK---233 Brock Street, elec- tric light and gas, hardwood floors, hot FRENCH POODLE PUPPIES--Mother water heating. Immediate possession. won first and special at Kingston Ex- . ly to J Reid, 264 Princess St.| nibition. Wicker bab carriage in good Medicas. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS&--Suit- | HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Including of the an Able 3%. Heht housekeeping; electric| beds, springs and mattresses, dressers, throat, Hours: 10 to 12 id am, 138 PPO! ) onveniénces; rent $15. Apply 306 Bogor street (two blocks pid suite, leatner upholgiered; rugs, kit- Princess street). 38 oars' experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lak Princess Street. B Ear Ski t. a 2 &0t Street. Phono $01w. Mouse 113 condition. Apply td*§ Russell street Rooms 10 or phone 26798. DR. HOWARD PRICE FOLGER-- 338 Bagot Street, Kingston. Practice limit. ed to dis nose WW, ting a Student, kitchen and library tables, to 3:30 " 84s for ooking, h.w. heating and vietrola, quartered-oak dining -room| nieuis 'ph ne $051. chen range, hall mirror, ete. Apply § Aberdeen Street. Barristers ana Solicitors 31h --------e lL > NEW PRICES»New models Atwater rd Wanted To Rent 11 Kent Radio. Easy terms if you oon w. nu Rs Tr Solial- GENTLEMAN DESIRES -- Furnished C®h8da Radio Stores. ton Btrest. Phone fhis-n't Wellag Box L-27, Whig Offic trier eer Soa bea TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 ca Street, ng 50%. A..Shapiro, 45 Princess Street:=4 ton. A. E. Day, Adrien L Revelle. UPHOLSTERING--ADD general re 3 ing. leave orders at or drep a Fi to F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy 'Phone 1800-J. KINGTON AUTO TOP AND BODY | ers of Auto, Buggy, Boat i Sete boten, Catlicrnia Top and gE ul] helstering. Awnings an ; 37 ing street. ons 2945. 4 Auto Wrecking Co. Second Hand Tires. sll sine | room, céntral if possible' Apply to PROVIDE-For that one-third of your ITH Barristers Box K-27, Whig Office, . Bite, that ls spent in bed. "Invest in br rR th Clarence Sires ROSEN & POLLITT SMALL FLAT----Wanted, two in family, Se 311 King St. E T3s Go. Soh &h Ne Bin -uaniing KX, iI] "Prone 2475-w, 140 RIDEAU §Y, tue ere have all conveniences. Apply re. QUITTING BUSINESS--Selling out. All| DAY AN Vv) riste and stock must be sold at any price. Save Bolilton: os " Automobiles wor Sale Sled Helth verandah. Possession at Suse, 'Phone 2515 or Box k-14, Whig ce. FURNISHED SUMMER BUNGALOWS... § and 7 rooms, with fireplaces and screened verandahs; on casy terms; ston. Apply J. D. Boyd. Teléphone 2784-r-3 at pastview. Seventy-eight couples were mar- ried in the chapel of the New York marriage license bureau in one hour and a half recently by Deputy City Clerk McCormick. Fishing for first time in her lite Mrs. Charles Perce, Chicago, hook- ed a 3 1-2 pound pike from Bagle River, Wis., largest 'caught there this season. Phone WILL od, SOLID d Park; modern in every way and in goo er, 507 Princess Streel, successors to repair; ready to live inj; hardwood! Lesses Antique Shap, touring, fireplace. Cunningham, Agent, Clarence street, Auto Tops and Cushions 10a, FRENCH MARCEL Wwayina Cur r Bolan and Lax nson and Diviston Streets paired, Side Curtains, Slip Covers, a " dan upholstering and decki: wind rl Ste Advi. Pagel shield and budy g put in w hile you XCHANGE HOUSE -- In city | Wait, linoleum and edging for run- ett Steams tite her location on paved street Los ardnf truck Saepau- Ww AVING jor, small farm or garden praperty, Pn any hades 1s id ~Apply Box A-19, Whig Office 7 fooma. 2 s.oreys and attic, BRICK HOUSE--On stane foun-| Fool aa Foca 1 farm crops in this = county hae Wie tn sacopuan of co a1 cue BRINGING UP. FATHER « ,; y fully up to the average. Grdin ul 80! ments. Rents for §40 100-Fra oY TS Hire SEE touns sn Berhagaes i 47% 40d ind sxdetly' the fl he FuieIes. If nov, 10; 08 Delp you locate once. or Quick, Ro to Ts Fram our, YT Princess Shingles snd the foc 3 Anish dvd A. B. street, phone Joi or 072 W, : Resawing and planing, J. Pet : 209 Princess Street. 3015-3. alow; ner and 'Torduts 3 rooms, modern, n, Es de, .Improve-| Streets. 'Phone GO TO TALBOTS. LUMBER YARD-- he, § rooms, improvements, | 40 70 TA) street, for used lumber at > OF Noa an meds wants jo buy your home, 7 3k --t-- i 1 locality. Apply to , STORES--Centrally located on Princess Wanted 3 Septia Tigages are, od. 'Phone 305. Dane: he iad and with Fear ane( BOX UCil, Whig Ofte, wns Shs time to dase ur fow. | REYNOLDS, 3. C--Barrister and Sone! Wé ha umber of trances. Also rooms suitable for lod, 0 - or ul ve a nl or. club premises, Heated &porinaSe Real 'Estate Fof sale Eineacs. Three kinds to choose from.| 'tor, 81 Broek Btrect Mortgages are a AlSO for rent. Apply 1 Coben & Co. 2 minkston Cement Products, Pawick Ia on city and farm property. d T . one Sua a re 18! Bireel. 'Phone 780-w. Phone 2609. Used Cars an rucks Em FHDISH BURNLRS-- Garden Fences, | SHEA--Ambross, Boa. et Houses » '9 GASOLINE SERVICE STATION--In| Gates, Baskews for every purpose lie Law Office, corn, Step F or Sale. 3 . I" cay tor sale very cheap. Box N-29, hohe BY aries ire & on 4nd Brock, over Royal Bank. on. x : BRICK HOUSE -- 6 Victoria Terrace,| VV 0i§ Office, Copper, ete ng in Bllver, Nickie] to loan. 'Phone 1959. Prices yi ht Mon Street, near Queen Street, § Houses 14] --- ng . room 8, electrieity, hot water, $25 25 ACRES OF STANDING HAY----Apply Ladies' Hair farior 24 per h. Possession immediately. - = to 8. McBroom, Washburn, Ont. WE NEED THE MONEY ! Apply 139 Union Street WwW. 'Phone | A MEDIUM SI BRICK DWELLING] '© 8. Mcl 1RST WORK UEe-w. win Splendid dition and Deautitul- .. 74 Guu Transfor. } ly located; ready for imm © i. Turafture ; 15a sham. 4 Ine Pare nT Naat ha v near A Hud tract Cunningham, Bevin. singer Curling, jes ind BOYD'S GARAGE : 'ictoria Park, rooms, h.a. fur gent, C . PUR NIT URI A -- & 5 tio. - - i Dace, nardwood ftoors, 3 p, bath, gas, " ' FURNITURE Antique and madera ot na? § ot treet, Klein by Ari modern 1a every wey ing Clty] turaicure sold dnd bough M.Crame| Bingham. §¢ 'Bay 120 BROCK STREET "PHONE 1000 5 ANOTHER ALLO BW, Mu. Real, Estate and lusuranve Broker | I. G. PAUL--Specialist for new or be- sien an Sealp Ar Biting pois '201 ot. or Ford Touring, 1918 Ford Touring ing, 1922 2 Ford Touring, 1923 Ford Roadster, 1923 = With Starter, Ford Coupe, 1924 With § Balloons, Starter, Overland 4 Fordor Gray Dort Touring sre - You may these ent 16 will pay you fo Ea r

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